
Wednesday, March 26, 2008


We feel so incredibly blessed and humbled to be given the two opportunities this past week with The News & Observer and ABC 11 to share our story. It has been one of my biggest prayers throughout this journey with Tricia and Gwyneth that God would use us (our joy and our pain) for anything He chooses. I've been specifically asking that God would give us the the grace and wisdom to step through any door that He opens for us to share our story, no matter how large or small.

Having (myself and other family) been in the newspaper and on TV before, I know that it's very common to be easily (whether purposely or not) misquoted or misrepresented. Fortunately, we were very confident that both Yonat (of the N&O) and Barbara (of ABC) would portray our story accurately and beautifully, and we were not disappointed.

Both women (and respective employers) displayed a sincere interest in personally investing, not only in our story, but in our lives, and this made for very enjoyable experiences. And, we were especially impressed that both women (and especially employers) not only respected, but even focused on what we consider the true center of our story...the God Who has proven our faith to be real. That is, unfortunately, all to uncommon in today's PC media.

I have already heard from hundreds of "new" people, via email, comments and even a few conversations in the halls at Duke that the recent media coverage of our story is impressing many things upon their hearts, not the least of which is a willingness to consider the ordinary miracles of every day life.

Again, thank you so much to all of you who, through your willingness to spend even just a few minutes with us and your compassion to share our story with others have helped to open these doors for us. Each one of you are now a part of our story, and we are now a part of yours.

Please, take a few minutes in the next few days to consider that your own story has the potential to change lives, perhaps even more than ours has. No matter your place and position, your successes and failures, your loves and your losses, you can share the ordinary miracles of your own life (and, I promise you have some) and be a blessing to those around you.

("Ordinary Miracle" by Sara McLachlan)




  1. This is the great thing about blogs! You never know who you will touch! Your family is doing a stellar job touching others!
    (April in AZ)

  2. Nate, do you ever go to bed? The special on TV was awesome! Thank you for sharing your family for God's kingdom! Praying in Rome, GA

  3. I had a severe battle with self cutting, and I dont know how I can help others that have it. But you inspire me to find a way.

  4. Nate, I am so glad the girls are doing ok, that your experience with the press turned out well. You are absolutely right-all have stories to tell that can touch and help others. I do know that you do have a talent for telling y'all's story with humor, grace, occasional frustration(huh-you must be human :)and your family's love is apparent. That is what keeps all these gazillion folks coming here to read about you and your girls. Hang in there. Will keep all of you in my prayrs. God Bless You.

  5. You are absolutely right ... we all have a story to tell and the capacity to make a difference. I learned that with my son, Jack.

    Our story:

    Thank you for sharing your story.


  6. Amen Nate!
    Note to Tracy, you can share your story on how to overcome self cutting. With a best friend that cuts, she has overcame it and I know you can go, through God's help and faith!

  7. Thank you Ginger. I tried to go on some boards and offer some encouragement just now, and realized that I am not done fighting :-) becuase just reading the words made me want it. So I still have some healing to do. Thats the last Im gonna say about that cause this is Nates blog :-) But Nate I wanted to tell you that I linked to your blog on my myspace (myspace,com/traeford) It wasnt mostly about you, but I did put up a link :-)

  8. Hi Nate and Tricia, I would really love to email you my story, but I can't find your email address on your blog. Can you please tell me where to find it?
    Andrea, from the bottom of New Zealand.

  9. Morning Nate,
    I have a little thingie standing on my desk with inspiring words on. This one made me think of you:
    Lord, take my tongue, my hands, my heart and use it towards Your will.
    May you have a wonderful day.
    Sunshine from SA

  10. Hi Nate,
    I've been told by many people that I have a great testimony and I do ask God to show me how best to use my experience to help others, but at the moment something is keeping my focus on my hubby and son because thats where I seem to be needed the most for now.

    When the time is right I hope I can share my story and help others as you are doing.

    Love to all.

  11. Hi Nathan and tricia,

    Both stories were excellent. Those reporters deserve kudos for a fine job of reporting. Barbara's video was put together well with pictures too. I loved the way they began it!!! Very romantic. And you both looked really good in the video. Tricia looks good in the dark pink color. She has nice hair.
    I am thinking of signing up for the walk in Nags Head. We rent from a FCPS teacher named Mike Wells and I hope I can stay in his rental on Colony.
    Thank you again for sharing all the news.
    Cheryl from Fairfax

  12. You have touched so many lives with your story. I found your story and started reading your blog from a missionary's blog who had a preemie back in November. Our niece has a link on her blog. Not sure where she found out about you, but not from me.

    My husband has passed out a letter with a simple outline for every church member to write out "their story" of how they came to know God as more than just a name. People who have never shared before are seeing how easy it is to just tell their story. That's authentic. Nobody can deny what happened to you. You are so right—everyone has a story of ordinary miracles. Thanks for that word this morning. My prayer is that God will allow me to share my story with someone every day.

  13. I finally posted your blog on mine and wanted to let you know.
    praying for you in Roxboro, NC

  14. Beautiful!! It is amazing what God can do through you when you completely obey Him! I obeyed God when I went back to college (I'm now 33) to get a 2nd degree in Education. I really couldn't believe that I was doing it, but I know I was obeying God. It has been such a blessing to watch God work through me. I not only impact students that I encounter, but college students as well. I have made a friend that is 13 years younger than me and I have been able to share the gospel with her. Nate and Tricia thank you for sharing your story and most of all for obeying God's command for your life. It will be much fuller because of it!!! God Bless!

  15. Hey Nate & Trisha,
    I am daily in amazement by God's words inspired to this blog. I know how real He is!! I am reminded by you, my 10 year old son who is a cancer survivor, friendships old and new, & opening my eyes every day to life.
    I do pray the Lord is working in a supernatural way to help others out there to share. I am a talker so reaching out has always been easy for me. I am hopeful for those who don't know Him, and the gift He has given you to inspire, and share your family's journey.
    We continue to pray, and know God has used you both already to His glory!!!
    (from hh)

  16. I have what might be a silly question. I understand why Tricia has to wear gloves and a mask to see Gwyneth, but why do you have to wear them around Tricia? I found it sad that you only get to touch her with your hands while you are washing her hair. (BTW that is so sweet for the romantic in me!) Just curious.
    Thanks for sharing your story. Thanks for challenging us to look at our own lives to find our miracles!

  17. Just got to see the newscast... it was beautiful.

    Everyday I log on hoping I will see a post that Tricia has been whisked away for her transplant... Just like always, I'm praying today will be the day.

  18. I just watched the news coverage and I must say that I am speechless. Your story touched my heart from the first time I heard it but seeing that video made it that much more personal for me. I was in tears watching it. You are both so strong and your baby girl is such an amazing miracle. The Lord does work in mysterious ways and he wanted you both to have a baby to love and share. God bless.

  19. Awesome coverage! We wre praying for you from PA and keeping up with the blog with my blackberry!!

  20. Thank you for the reminder that we all have stories - we all can reach others with HIS life and love, no matter our circumstances. Thankfully, God isn't picky about who HE uses to reach others!!


  21. What a gift you have of storytelling. I am so thankful for the opportunity to share in your story. Thank YOU for being so vulnerable in such a public way. Our love and prayers are with you, Tricia, & Gweneth

    The Kidd Family
    Elizabeth Kidd

  22. I don't know you, but your story blesses me. I am praying for you and your family. You photos are beautiful. Your wife is beautiful. Your daughter is beautiful. You have blessed my life, thank you.

  23. Yes! Right on the money! Spectacular...It's about being willing to put yourself out of the comfort zone to make relationships! Something I need to work on, a lot!

  24. Way to go, Nate & Tricia! You are a true testimony to God's love and how you are Blessed by doing HIS Will!

    Praying that God will continue to Bless you with yet another miracle!

    God Bless,
    Michelle in MO

  25. That was well said/well written. God has truly blessed your family.

  26. I always picture our lives like the pebble dropped in water and ripples go out and out and out. We can never know the reach of God in our lives to others. Any given moment could be life giving moments in others lives. Giving Him the glory must always be the center of our stories.

  27. Nate, First I'd like to say that your story has touched so many, even in my area. I have friends that check your site everyday for updates and are inspired by Tricia's and your faith.

    CF awareness is spreading... I just found this on my local Yahoo news this morning...

    Thinking of you often.. and continuing to pray


  28. Your story inspires me to look beyound the everyday irritations of life and find a way to reach out and bless others.

    You are helping me take my eyes off of me, and put them back on the savor, where they belong.

    Thank you.

  29. Nathan and Tricia -
    I have shared your story with my husband and have been touched by your reliance on our Great God.
    My husband and I lost our first baby last june and are now expecting our second in June, when I first came across your story I was 25 weeks pregnant and seeing your baby girl just took my breath away, knowing that is what our son looked like inside me.
    As he squirms in my tummy, I am constantly reminded to pray for your family and many others that are going through the trials of life. We all have them, it is how we respond and trust God through them that makes all the difference.
    Tricia you are a trooper and I am praying for your lungs. :)

  30. i suspect you're going to get 2 million today.

    praying for you!!

  31. I cried when I saw the photo of you washing your wife's hair. It reminded me of how unselfishly my husband served me while I was in the hospital with our quintuplet pregnancy. No one is perfect, but I thank the Lord for faithful men like you and my husband. All glory to Him.

  32. Thank you SO much for allowing me and so many others to be part of your story. It's a privilege to "know" you and read your updates. God has definitely used your family to inspire many people.

    Lots of Love..

  33. Beautifully eloquent, Nate. I am blessed.

  34. I am sharing this blog with my Aunt and Uncle. They had 2 sons with CF. Your precious miracle is adorable. May God continue to touch your lives with His miracles every day!!

  35. i cannot stop crying...she is so beautiful and God is so good.

  36. Thanks Nate...for reminding me of the miracles that have occurred in my families lives in the last 21 months. When my husband was wounded in Iraq it was a miracle he survived but there was a reason..we just need to remember to look for the positive in all the craziness of life. Thanks again!
    Tracy from Kansas

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. A blogger friend directed me to your blog this weekend. Since then I have found myself coming back here many many times to read more about your precious family. I still can't find the right words to write what I want to say, but one thing is for sure: the journey you are on, the strength you demonstrate and the faith you have in our Lord Jesus is astounding.

    May Jesus continue to hold all 3 of you in his arms and give you everything you need to face each day. I will be praying from Manitoba Canada. Blessings to you today!

  39. I just realized Gwyneth's initials sound like 'girl!' How cute.. and clever!!! .. and loved the news pieces.. they did a great job telling you guys' story!

  40. PS - incredibly thankful you guys are getting so much 'coverage' to potentially touch that many more souls. What a blessing! Praise to our awesome God!

  41. Oh you all! I loved the way ABC11 told your story. Very touching. God is really getting some GLORY here! Praise Him!!!

    Blessings and hugs from El Paso,

  42. This was one of the most beautiful videos I have ever seen. Thank you for sharing your journey. I pray daily for continued good health for Gwyneth and new lungs for Tricia and the Lord to continue to bless you all with the strength you need to see you thru what ever his plan is for you.
    God Bless,
    Stephanie/StL Mo

  43. I too have added you to my inspire me to be a better person every day.

    The love in your eyes when you hold your little dolly is overwhelming...I can almost FEEL it through my screen.

    Thank you for sharing your life with us.


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