
Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I've received thousands of emails over the past few months, and have responded to every single one (except to those few people who email me a lot...I just respond to you every now and then to let you know I'm listening), even if it was just with a simple, "Thank you."

If you sent me an email and did not received a response from me, it's because of one of the following reasons:

1) Your email got lost in space and I never received it.

2) My response to you got lost in space and you never received it.

3) My response to you got sent to your "junk" folder (I check my junk folder a few times every day and always find an email or two that shouldn't be there).

So, if you sent me an email, especially recently, and you never received a reply, check your junk folder and/or send it again.




  1. I bet you receive a bunch of emails now. :)

  2. Hi I'm the emailer that emails a lot. :-) They just did a show on preemies on wral. I thought about Gwyneth. They were at Duke (or at least they talked to a Duke doctor) and showed another beautiful preemie with her mother.

  3. I just got to watch the video segment and WOW - what a testimony - you know I read along here every day sometimes multiple times a day I check in to see how things are going - and still to hear you all and see you tell your story first hand and to see little Gywneth picked up in the video - WOW what an amazing thing God has done here. We are praying and so thankful for you sharing this with us! May God continue to pour Himself into you and through you all! Sunshine
    PS Tricia - you are so beautiful! You all make a precious family!

  4. I really don't know how to email you but i have been wanting to email this link to you for awhile but since i can't find where to email it to you i will post it here :) ..

    You may have already read this, for that i don't know, but if not, i thought it would be a helpful link to add to your site! Take care!


  5. A friend posted a link to the ABC news video of you and Trisha. I have read bits and pieces of your blogs on occasion. I'm in awe of the miracles that have taken place in your life. Nothing before has ever affected me like this. Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for believing and having faith in a miraculous God. Thank you for touching my heart and helping me to find strength in my personal faith again. It means a lot to me. I'll be praying for all three of you. God's work is never finished, especially not here on earth.

  6. have you been over to Sheri's blog... she has a pic of Dameron, the baby boy with CF in TX... he is sooo adorable! Thought you would want to see a current picture for your prayers.

  7. Nate
    WOW!!! You Tricia and Gwyneth have quite the AMAZING story!I am 28 years old and also have CF. I am a CF advocate and find that it is so very important to get involved and raise awareness. I was in the Cf calendar this year that Novartis makers of TOBI put out I am Ms May if you have it then you can put a face with this e mail. If you do not have it then you should ask the CF team to give you one, There are a lot of inspiring stories in there. I check your blog a couple times a day and your news story last night was incredible. I wonder how many hits you had after that aired :) Well I am keeping the 3 of you in my thoughts and prayers and I can't wait til Tricia receives her call for her miracle. I have just recently had 2 friends go thru transplant and it truly is a miracle.

    Somer Love

  8. Nathan and Trisha...I have followed your blog quietly since you started. I pray for all three of you and the witness you have presented. God can use amazing things to reach the lost. I just had to write and say with tear-filled eyes how beautiful the ABC segment was. Thank you for relaying the link to those of us outside your area. God's blessings on all of you.

  9. I am amazing by you all! I don't know your email address, but a special thank you on my blog -

    God Bless you!

  10. p.s. that should say "amazed" not amazing...whoops! :)

  11. My family prayed for you at dinner. I have a son named Nate and I praise the Lord for your strong witness and faith. The Lord is using your little, mighty family, bless you all.

  12. Tricia and Nate,
    Such a beautiful story you shared with your local news. Our family continues to pray for you guys throughout each day. God is good as He lays you on the hearts of many to pray. God has truly blessed you guys with a beautiful life, one with treasures here, but with so many more already stored up in Heaven. Praying for some healthy, whole lungs to come quickly to Tricia...

  13. Hi there,
    I have been following your blog for about 2 months now. I have never left a comment. I look forward to reading your updates each day and love that you have such a positive outlook on everything. Your faith is so strong and a great example for others. I'm sure this blog has touched many people out there that may not have been believers and I am so proud of your strength and faith. I wish that I knew you and Tricia personally! I am praying for sweet little Gwyneth and also for Tricia's lung transplant. Thanks for the link to the ABC was so touching.
    Praying for you in Tuscaloosa, AL.......

  14. Hi there,
    I have been following your blog for about 2 months now. I have never left a comment. I look forward to reading your updates each day and love that you have such a positive outlook on everything. Your faith is so strong and a great example for others. I'm sure this blog has touched many people out there that may not have been believers and I am so proud of your strength and faith. I wish that I knew you and Tricia personally! I am praying for sweet little Gwyneth and also for Tricia's lung transplant. Thanks for the link to the ABC was so touching.
    Praying for you in Tuscaloosa, AL.......

  15. can you tell I've never left a comment before........I think I just sent it 3 times before seeing it may take a moment for my comment to appear. Sorry :)

  16. I've sent two emails asking for an address I can use for sending a gift. I haven't gotten a response so I have come to the conclusion that perhaps you don't want gifts from strangers. Which is perfectly understandable. :)

    Apryl in NC

  17. Wow!!! Gwyneth reallly has her mother's smile. I've been following this blog for the past few months and have been praying for you and your family. My son just hit five years since his brain tumor diagnosis. It's amazing how the Lord works.
    God bless,
    Loriann Zello


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