
Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Lots of sweets. Here I am (still here if you come by!)



  1. Yum, wish we could be there and buy those goodies! I hope you sell a lot.

  2. Very nice pictures, good blog!

  3. I, too, wish I could be there! I LOVE to bake and I would've been more than happy to bake my little fanny off to help you guys out. Of course, I would also be willing to buy them :-p

    Michelle in MO

  4. What an amazing story and I hope you know that I pray for your family everyday. I consider myself a woman of strong faith, but after my much prayed for twins arrived 17 weeks early, I couldn't help but question God's reasoning. Then, when my son was taken from me after 1 month and 1 day. . .I've wondered about the reasons for prayer. If God already has a plan for your life. . .should we just be praying for God's will instead of our own desires? I have come to realize, with your help, that God made all of us exactly the way that we need to be. That includes me not being able to carry my twins past 23 weeks, my son who was only here for a short time and my daughter whose life is an inspiration to many. Many prayers being sent your way.

  5. ah-ah-ah!!!!!!!!!lol...I would be first in line if we lived near. :-()

  6. Hey, Dude...are you licking your fingers? Now don't you be eating all the profits!!!

  7. oh looks so good. Can you send one to us? pretty please with a cherry on top...hahaha:) looks like you are having to much fun.

  8. Too far for me to drive, but if I was closer I'd TOTALLY be there!

    I hope it's going well! Thanks for the pictures!

  9. Olivia (Jodi's daughter--from a few comments up) and now baby Gwyneth are definitely a HUGE inspiration for me. I'm super excited to be able to watch Olivia grow up and if you stop blogging someday (please no!) I will always think of little Gwyneth when I give hugs and kisses to Olivia.


  10. You crazy nut. It isn't right to brag about eating good stuff when we can't be there. Hubby just wouldn't understand the long drive. LOL
    Christy in KY

  11. Hmmm. An internet bake sale? Maybe for the recipes?

  12. I am praying for your sweet girly and you beautiful wife. I pray that tricia will get her new lungs soon and you guys can enjoy life as a wonderful family. Praying for you guys.

    Moriah from PA

  13. uumm...I think the point of a bake sale it to sell the goodies...not eat them :)

  14. Not related to baked goods at all ... look at you all clean shaven and looking 10 years younger!!!! Schnazzzzzyyyy!!!

  15. just wanted to let you know that I just signed up for my first ever great strides walk this spring. I'll be walking in much honor of Trica and another bloggy friend of mine! Much love to you all!!!!

  16. Nate,

    In Florida on the 26th of April my daughter and her work (Kohls) will be participating in the Step Forward for CF. Good Luck With Everything.

  17. I like to look in on the little people!

  18. Just wondering how Gwyneth's eyes are doing -- wasn't the next exam or surgery today? Still praying for her eyes along with everything else -- you, Tricia, strength,... My daughter and I sat on the sofa praying aloud for you all the other night.... I couldn't help but think how strange that we've never met, yet feel like we know you all that we can pray. I pray you are encouraged today.
    Blessings to you all.

  19. WOW! Steve Ballmer commenting on your blog! You are getting some serious recognition! That is awesome...... see if he has figured out how you can email some sweets to all of us out of towners! Looks good, wish I could have some right now. Praying for Tricia tonight and for a good nights sleep. Blessings, Meredith


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