
Saturday, March 8, 2008

That's My Girl!

1lb 15.5 oz (1/2oz shy of 2lbs!) and breathing COMPLETELY on her own!!!

My God is Great.



  1. Gwyneth fascinates me! She's absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing her.

    Katie in Dallas

  2. I'm the first comment!
    She looks beautiful! It's great to see her whole face.. and her eyes are amazing!
    And yes- Good is SO GOOD!

  3. That is amazing! She looks fantastic without the breathing tubes. Way to go Gwyneth!

  4. Just got done posting about your last blog.
    What a little miracle y'all have. Breathing on her own!!! Such a gift. She is beautiful, a true miracle and gift.
    She is making huge steps in progress.
    Thinking and praying everyday for the 3 of you!!


  5. ...and GREATLY to be praised!

    We rejoice with you tonight for all that God has brought your family through!

  6. Wow --- what a precious little miracle Miss Gwyneth Rose is, and so strong! She definitely takes after her parents. This definitely warmed our hearts to come here tonight and see that your sweet baby is breathing completely on her own. God is so good! Thank you for sharing this journey with the world. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.

    Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  7. Way to go Gwyneth!!!!! She is so precious. Praise God!

  8. What a Doll!!

    I feel so blessed to have come across your blog a few weeks ago.

    Over the last week I have truly felt so much peace and love that has been portrayed threw the many posts I've read. I"ve went backk quite aways.

    This evening, while I was reading your previous post w/the slide show of your sweet Gwenth my children were eating dinner. Both were so stunned and a rare thing happened...they were speechless!!

    My 8 yr replied with "WOW...God is Good Mommy!!!"

    God is Good!! He is VERY VERY GOOD and he is shinning threw in your lives so abundantly!!

    :) Love in Him

  9. How wonderfully amazing our God is! She is even more beautiful without her face being partially covered, or there being any extra tubes! She is so alert! God never ceases to amaze us, does He? Wow!

  10. Wow!!! That is amazing! What a miracle :) Still keeping y'all in my prayers!

  11. Oh my goodness, WOW! What an amazing little baby you are, Gwyneth!!

  12. She is so adorable.God really does amazing things.

  13. So sweet Nathan!

    I am glad I checked in one more time before bed. It's wonderful to see more of her beautiful facial features.

    How Great He IS!!!!

  14. she is absolutely amazing. and of course beautiful as always.

  15. Wooohooo! Way to go baby Gwyneth!!

    What an AMAZING GOD we serve!

  16. Wow! Way to go, Gwyneth! She's adorable! I loved the family pictures in your last post.

  17. What AWESOME news!!! She is beautiful! :)

  18. Absolutely amazing...a miracle....God is GOOD! She's a beauty. We continue to pray for Gwyneth & Tricia in Houston!

  19. Yeah for Gwyneth!! She's so precious and beautiful with just her feeding tube. I remember when my little girl Reese was taken off nasal canula! We were so proud.
    I'm so happy for her..what a big girl she is. Thank the Lord for your "ordinary miracle".
    Dana J

  20. Wow, God is good! That is truly amazing! I was in the hospital with twin preemies for 85 days and I know what an accomplishment it is to see your baby with no breathing apparatus covering their beautiful faces! Praise God! She's beautiful!

  21. What a gorgeous pic! You keep out-doing yourself with those photos! Look at those eyes! And no nasal nothing! Nate as I looked at that picture and read your words, my mind kept flipping back and forth between Chris Tomlin's "How Great is Our God"....and Dr. Suess "Oh, the Places You Will Go!" I think I need some sleep!:):) Hope you all get some tonight, too! Continuing in prayer!

  22. Beautiful!!

    Rejoicing with you all tonight!

  23. That is awesome! Gwyneth is so amazing.... God is listening to all our prayers and answering them. What a beautiful picture. Soon our prayers for Tricia will be answered too.

  24. I am amazed by how strong your little girl is!!! She truely is a gift from God!
    On a funny note...she now weighs only 9 pounds less then my first born weighed at birth!

  25. Ahhhh, that's SO amazing and wonderful! Christ is King!!

  26. What a beautiful picture. One of my favorites... I think that it might be a tie with the picture of her looking at tricia from the corner of her eye, smiling. God's goodness is seen in every little piece of her. ..."His works are wonderful, I know that full well"!!

  27. Isn't she beautiful!
    I think she's gonna look like Tricia.
    Congratulations, all! Good breathing. Yep, He is amazing.

  28. She is beautiful! I am amazed at her strength!

  29. Yay!!! I'm so proud of Gwyneth. She is doing so wonderfully! Thank God! :-) Also, she's beautiful, especially her captivating eyes. :-)

    Marissa :-)

  30. Beautiful, just beautiful. God IS SO good!

  31. I have loved following this journey. I am so in awe of God's creation--tiny Gwyneth, so perfectly complete in Him.

  32. What wonderful phenomenal news!! Gwyneth's smiles are priceless! Praying for you, Tricia and Gwyneth.

  33. Glory Hallelujah!!!! She is so cute and so alert in this new picture! God is great. And Gwyneth's forward progress is such a blessing.

  34. Checking in daily, and wanted you to know (as if you didn't) how precious I find that child. Oh, those eyes with the love and wonder.

    God's Peace to you and yours, and our prayers continue.

  35. WooHoo! Keep the good news coming! Our family prayed for yours tonight in our Rosary and will continue to do so. Gwyneth is beautiful!

    Have a great night!

    Michelle in MO

  36. Oh yes He is!

    She gets more beautiful with every picture you post!

  37. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation! :) :) :)

    Celebrating, giving thanks and singing to our Father with you from Ohio...Deborah! :)

    Psalm 100!

  38. What a blessing!!!
    I have been keeping up with your posts daily and have left comments a few times... but mostly I have been praying for all of you! and watching the miracles taking place in your lives. What an AWESOME GOD we SERVE!!!!

    How exciting for Gwyneth to be breathing on her own, and the pictures of Trisha holding the baby!!! I could not stop crying and praising the Lord!

    You guys are such a testimony to all of us to never give up hope!!
    Thanks so much for sharing your story and your life with all of us.

  39. Such a big girl now!!

    Enjoy being the proud parents.

  40. as a NICU nurse i can tell you that gwyneth is AMAZING!!!!! i don't know if they have told you the significane of her being off the vent and off of CPAP by now, and how wonderful that is for her development and progress forward. for her to be on room air at this point is the most wonderful thing that could happen for all of you :)

    you all look gorgeous!

    i would love to knit some hats for gwyneth, or pants for when she is bigger and wearing clothes in a crib.

    God Bless you all,

  41. WOW~sitting here in quiet praise! And this song we sing in toddler church and around our home keeps echoing through my heart and mind:

    My God is so big
    So strong and so mighty
    There's nothing my God cannot do!

    The mountains are His
    The valleys are His
    The stars are His handiwork too!

    My God is so big
    So strong and so mighty
    There's nothing my God cannot do!

    Sitting in awe of our Creator (yet again thanks to your family),


  42. What a great picture of her! Congrats Gwyneth!

  43. God IS good!

    What a beauty! She looks so much like Tricia in this picture!

    I think she has your mouth, Nate.

    :-) Mia


    She is absolutely adorable...such a sweet picture :D

  45. Amen! God is good! I've been following along and am truly amazed at your faithfulness. I love seeing pictures of you beautiful daughter.

  46. SOOOOO awesome! God is so good! My stars at your little beauty

  47. That's amazing she's on room air and still so tiny. She hasn't even joined the kilo club yet and look at her go!

  48. What a sweetie! A miracle of God's Design!!!!!!!! Seeing all of her face and her eyes wide open-WOW!
    Keep Imagining

  49. What a beautiful beautiful beautiful girl. It brought tears to my eyes to see her and to be reminded yet again how good God is!

  50. Dear Jesus,
    Please continue to bless Gwyneth, and her little perfect tiny body:) Please keep her lungs strong and free of illness, and give her mommy new healthy lungs soon. Please contiue to keep her daddy well so he can be with his girls.
    We love you Jesus and thank you for all you've done so far and the amazing things You know You are going to do!!!! You are awesome!!!!

  51. I just cruised by before I went to bed...and OH MY GOSH!!! To see that beautiful child with nothing on her face...all not quite 2lbs of unbelievably incredible. I just can't put into words my thankfulness, my awe, oh heck...I'm cryin' here.
    As always, prayers and thoughts for your family...

  52. Our God is an awesome God!!
    Praise God for his mighty work in your little miracle :) She is beautiful!!

    -Emily Haager (CA)

  53. Oh she is so beautiful!!! What a big girl! Breathing all on her own! I remember how exciting it was when our trio all came off of their breathing apparatus, I was so proud!

    Oh she is just so beautiful. What an awesome God!!!

  54. This picture by far is my favorite!

  55. Amen! Hallelujah! Our God is absolutely great!

    She is stunning!

  56. This picture is beautiful! You can really tell how strong she is getting.

    Thank you for sharing your story and bringing the CF and organ donation causes so much attention. I lost my uncle to CF and I am a carrier of the CF gene and would like nothing more than to see a cure for CF.

    I will always keep you, Tricia, and Gwyneth in my prayers.


  57. You know, when I first started to read your blog, I wasn't sure I agreed with your decision to have the baby at the risk of both lives. Since it wasn't my choice, my body, or my life, I kept my mouth shut.

    I was so wrong to doubt the validity of your babys right to live. She is a gorgeous miracle of a child and you two are the luckiest parents alive.

  58. Praise the Lord. She is beautiful. That is an awesome pic.

  59. Simply amazing... His work on earth is simply amazing.

  60. I have grown addicted to your ongoing story and the past two nights i have just cried out of awe! you are such a blessed man to have such an amazing wife and mother and the most strong and beautiful child i have ever known of. I cannot get over God's faithfulness and how beautiful Gwyneth is and how she is now independently breathing! Your child has encouraged me more than you could know in her few months of life. God is already using such a small little lady in my life and many lives. She is such a blessing.
    You and your wife are truly blessed by her!

    Im praying for your beautiful amazing loving family. Hang in there with not being able to be their main care taker...!

  61. There was a double rainbow in the sky in Baltimore today after a thundershower, and I thought of your family and prayed for you. And then to come home and read your blog update for today . . . . God is so AMAZING!!!!!

  62. She is truly a miracle! It looks like she has her Mommy's big brown eyes.

  63. YAY Gwyneth!
    What a lovely way to begin or end the week depending on how you look at sats and sunday mornings :-)

  64. Our God is an AWESOME God.....

    Gwyneth is growing so fast.... Congrats on the weight. You go girl.

    Sonja in Florida

  65. That is such wonderful news! My nephew was also a preemie (weight 1 lb and 1 oz)He too was off O2 before hitting two pounds. I just find that amazing.

    I know you must be doing a happy dance!

  66. Awesome! Go Gwyneth!

    And she has more hair than my 22 month old. Not cool. :)

  67. WOW!!! AMAZING!

    And beautiful, too!


    Smiling with you from Alaska!

  68. OH my goodness!!! That's awesome!!! Congratulations.

  69. Praise Jesus!!! That is GREAT news. Thanks for posting the picture.

  70. Amazing! She is so beautiful.

  71. To see her face without tubes or anything like that, is just so amazing. She's so tiny, yet she is just... such a miracle!! God be praised!!

    She truly is a beautiful, beautiful princess, and I say that from the depths of my heart. She is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen, and the story of her life only adds to her charm and sweetness.

    You are blessed, friend.

  72. Oh, WOW! Praise God!! It is so neat to see her whole adorable face with nothing covering her!! She is so alert too! God is AMAZING!

  73. Rejoicing with you all. God is good.

  74. Awesome news!!! Yay Gwyneth! I am so glad she is breathing on her own. She is so beautiful.

    Jenn in Sudbury Ontario

  75. I just love her and I for pray her (and Tricia, of course!) all the time.

  76. Awesome!!! I just love the new family pics too! It's so amazing how far she has come (and Tricia too)Thinking of your family often.

  77. Oh amazing God! Gwyneth is a true miracle of God. She is a beautiful girl. She is already a testimony to our Heavenly Father. Congrats on such a wonderful family. God is GREAT!!!!

  78. Gorgeous, thanks God! Soon her mama will be breathing on her own too :)

  79. How exciting is that! Praise the Lord and pass the milk! Sounds like she is growing and progressing exceptionally well. Thanks for sharing the video was amazing too, you could do that for a living!! I loved the shot with one eye partially open and the other closed. Have a great Sunday! You guys are in our prayers.

  80. That is just terrific! Gwyneth is doing so brilliantly. Keep it up little darling - you'll be having bottles before you know it and be rid of your feeding tube too!

  81. Amazing is too small a word for what God is doing here. Rejoicing with you and praying for the day when we see this pic of Gwyneth's mama also breathing on her own.

  82. WAY TO GO, GWYN!!!!!

    She's absolutely beautiful!

  83. What incredibly wonderful news! I'm so excited to have read it first thing this morning! She's quite a beauty and a true example of God's awesome power. God is good - all the time! :)

  84. Yea Gwenyth!!!!! She's so beautiful!

  85. The stuff of miracles, for sure! Under 2 lbs & breathing on her own -- truly incredible!! (we rejoiced when our 3 pounder learned to breath on his own!).

    If ever a series of events demonstrated the power of prayer and faith - your story does!

    Go, Gwyneth, Go!

  86. She is absolutely beautiful!! Look at those eyes ~ how precious! Praising God with you for her ability to breathe on her own! How remarkable!!!

    Prayers from Okinawa, Japan

  87. "I stand, I stand in awe of You. I stand, I stand in awe of You. Holy God to Whom all praise is due. I stand in awe of You."

  88. I'm in AWE of our GREAT GOD!

    She is gorgeous, Nate!

    YAY for 2lbs!!!!

  89. Go Gwyneth!!! Go God!!!
    I can't believe how much hair she has!!! If she'd gone full term she would have been cousin it lol! But seriously that's more hair than i had at 2 yrs old let alone 2 months!
    She's just clever!

  90. No way. No way! NO WAY!
    Hallelujah and Amen.

  91. Woohoo! What an amazing God we serve! He is too good to us! Her eyes are gorgeous! Continuing to praise God with you!

  92. There is nothing our God cannot do...Amazing! Thank You for sharing her with all of us. You made my morning!

  93. wow!!! She is truly a miracle baby. I can't believe the progression. To see here when she was born, till now is breathtaking. Her skin didn't even look thick enough when she first got here. She is also so much more alert in the last couple of days even. I am so glad you are all getting to spend more time together and getting to know each other. These are moments you will treasure forever.
    Christy in KY

  94. Our God is an Awesome God! She is Beautiful!

  95. Amazing! She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Every picture you post of her is more gorgeous and wonderful than the last!

  96. You Go Girl!! (pass that along for me?) Everything these last few days, incredible! Just Incredible. And your family picture?! WOW.

  97. What a miracle. She's adorable!

  98. She is beautiful. There are angels watching over her and in this picture she looks like such an angel.

  99. One down, one to go. Okay, now Tricia needs her new lungs so she can compete with the little girl! Praying praying praying.

  100. This has to be the best picture of her yet! Look at those eyes! It's so nice to see her sweet face without tape-I'm sure you're glad to have more face to kiss all over!

  101. Yay Gwyneth! Way to go big girl!

    She's got ginormous eyes!

    I know she's got a long way to go to get to go home, but I know you all are so proud of her and are so thankful for how she's doing so far!

  102. What a wonderful picture and news to wake up too. Continued prayers. Thank you so much for sharing her and your story.

    So daddy, how are you doing? I am sure in all of this, you tend to be overlooked a little bit. Your strength and love for your family is amazing. Hugs to you.


  103. How amazing she is. Way to go Gwyneth. I found you through a posting on Babycenter

  104. Gwyneth is a MIRACLE!!Praise God for her and the fact that she is a fighter like her Mommy. GOD is AWESOME!!

  105. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow! :) She's beautiful!

  106. Our God is an awesome God and your Gwyneth is an awesome Gwyneth.

  107. Congrats!!!
    I've been reading your blog for more than a month now. My husband and I have 2 boys...Zachary born at 23w 4d in June '02 that unfortunately was only with us a week and a half...and our living, breathing miracle Ryan was born at 23w 5d in Aug. '03. He spent 6 months in the NICU and had quite a struggle. It was the most amazing feeling to finally (at 4 months old) see him off all breathing apparatus! I'm sooo happy for you guys and I hope and pray Gwyneth continues to grow and thrive : ).
    P.S. She's beautiful!

  108. She is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous. She is doing so well. I receive a blessing daily by finding out what accomplishments your family has made. You are a very strong family and I praise God for you. Thank you again for sharing your lives with the rest of the world.

    Leslie Bartlett
    Helena Alabama

  109. Look at that!!!!!!!!!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!

  110. That really is amazing! She still looks so tiny but is doing so well...being in that field, I can say that she is AMAZING!

  111. Oh Woweee! thats awesome news.
    Praise our God, He is so GREAT.

  112. Praise God. It's neet to see her entire face. Her eyes are so beautiful.

  113. Nate, that´s one of the most spectacular pictures I´ve ever seen! I´m so happy for you guys!!! What a beautiful, amazing little girl. Our God is indeed GREAT. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  114. Amazing! Truly amazing! Good is so good! Happy Sunday to you! Continued prayers always!

  115. Grow, Gwyneth, grow! How wonderful to read this post. Praising God with you, and still praying.

  116. WOW! GO GOD!! That is an amazing picture. I love being able to see her face. My son was on the nasal cannula for almost as long as Gwyn was and the day they took the cannula off was one of the best. It just goes to show what a fighter she is! God is SO GOOD! Keep growing strong Baby Gwyn.

    ps. my 2 yr old saw a picture of himself in the NICU and when I asked him who the baby was, he told me with enthusiasm "Baby Gwyn!" Well - not really kid!!

  117. I just found your site yesterday (I don't even recall from where) and I can say I was hooked! What an amazing story! I wish the most heathy wishes for all three of you!
    Congratulations on the HUGE milestone of Gwyneth breathing on her own!
    *and I have to say - I have two favorite pictures - one is Tricia holding Gwyneth for the first time...and the other is you holding Gwyneth with both hands, up close to your face. It's the first picture where I could get a good perspective of just how tiny and precious she is.
    Thanks for sharing your journey!

  118. That is absolutely amazing. She is so gorgeous! Congratulations! :)

    I saw in some photos in her 2-month video a pacifier... I guess "we're" working on the old suck reflex... soon to be followed by suck swallow? Cool...

  119. What a wonderful sight! Way to go, Gwyneth!!! She's strong, like her Mom and Dad!

    God is GREAT!!!

  120. Absolutelyamazing! What a tremendous milestone in the NICU journey. Congratulations!

  121. Every time I see pictures of Gwyneth it truly amazes me. She is amazing! There is a chorus to a song by Mandy Moore that says "Now I'm ready to be extraordinary" and every time I hear it I think of Gwyneth! What a fighter she has been and with God's help and yours and Tricia's she is going to be an extraordinary person!!

  122. AMAZING!! To God be the glory!!

    My daughters and I are just admiring Gwyneths adorable photo! AWWWWWW!

  123. GOD IS GOOD!

    Yay Gwyneth! You keep fighting the good fight!

  124. OH MY GOODNESS!! GOD IS GREAT!! What an absolute miracle!!! AND....she is beautiful!!!!

    Way to go Gwyneth!

    lindsay bowling

  125. Praise God from whom all blessings flow...
    She truly is amazing! What a blessing you have.
    God bless your family,

  126. God is definitely GREAT!! Gwyneth is absolutely beautiful. She looks just a teeeeeny bit like her daddy ;) I'm so happy to hear the wonderful news. She is amazing! Praise the Lord for everything He has done for your family.

  127. Go Gwyneth, It's your birthday. God is SO GREAT!!!

  128. wow! she is just beautiful! i think she's looking more and more like her mommy! you're amazing, gwyneth!

  129. Way to go Gwenyth!

    Thank you God!

  130. Thats so wonderful! It's amazing.


  131. I have to say how much you have touched my heart everytime I read your updates. It is a true testament to how powerful and awesome God is. What a blessing it was today to open your blog and see sweet Gwenyth breathing on her own! Celebrate small successes! Have a wonderful day.

  132. She looks like a porcelain doll!


  133. There is a song by the Dixie Chicks on there last album called Lullabye that would be very fitting for your family. Have a great weekend.

  134. What a happy day! I remember when Matthew was extubated and we could see his entire face!

    She is so beautiful! I'm sure you'll be getting lots of smiles now. Take lots of pictures, because you know all of us will be anxious to see them. :0)

    Hugs and prayers from El Paso!

  135. That is amazing! Having had two preemies myself, I understand the miracle.
    I ran across your blog late last year, and have been blessed and encouraged b/c of it.

  136. That is so great! She is beautiful and looks so alert :-)

  137. Awesome news Gwyneth!

    Rejoicing with you all and thanking our God for his amazing power :)

  138. That is absolutely amazing!!!!! It is wonderful to see her entire beautiful face (especially her nose!)!!! Way to go God and way to way sweet Gwyneth! Hope you make to 2 lb. today!

  139. I meant way to go sweet Gwyneth! Ha!

  140. Oh my goodness! That's wonderful, congratulations!

  141. I am a "lurker" but had to comment about this!! I had my own little preemie. Born ten weeks early he came home on oxygen and was tied to a tank for the first ten months of his life. For her to reach this milestone.........WOW.....that is all I can say!God is trustworthy!

    By the way, my one and only sibling lost his first born to complications from CF at seven months of age. He and his wife now have three living children and another on the way. Two of the three have CF and since my brother is in the Army and stationed at Fort Bragg they are treated and have all of of their hospital stays at Duke.

  142. This is the BEST PICTURE EVER! She looks absolutely amazing. GOD IS GOOD!


  143. God is VERY GOOD !! Still praying in California.

  144. Wow--she is absolutely adorable & I am so proud of her for every milestone that she has met so far....she is doing fabulous!!!!

  145. Yay! You go, girl :) And You go, God!

  146. Gwyneth is absolutely precious!!!!

  147. God is good! What wonderful news about Gwyneth! Keeping you in our prayers in Maryland.

  148. It has been so amazing to watch Gwyneth grow over that last two months. She is just beautiful and looks a lot like her Daddy. I know you are so proud of her and Trish too.

    Thinking of you and checking here daily.


  149. Your God is great. When my kids were babies (they will turn 2 on tax day), I used to look at their skin, eyes, hair and think "Those are all brand new!" What a wonderful gift from the Lord.
    Hi to Tricia! :):)
    -Shannon in sunny Austin

  150. Miracles do happen and yes, God is good. She is a beautiful baby. I think she looks a lot like her Daddy. Am I correct? Still praying and watching from Michigan.

  151. My sis called me last night and practically yelled "GO LOOK AT NATE'S SITE!" (because you ARE a household word around here now!) WOW! Go Gwyneth Go! I think that's my favortie picture of her so far...what a sweetie!

  152. Amen to that. Our God IS great...and your daughter is beautiful! I love seeing her precious face without all that "stuff."
    Praising God with you.
    Hugs, Pam

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. God is VERY Great!!!

    She is beautiful.

  155. that is just to cool! way to go gwyneth!

  156. Amazing...what a huge milestone for her!

  157. Praise God!!! What a fighter she truly is!

  158. Wow ... wow ... wow ... Yes, our God is so good!!

  159. So awesome! Such fantastic news.

  160. Your Girl is Beautiful - all two pounds of her!! I'm very sincere when I say "Thank You" for letting us share all these special days of your life. January 8 is a very good day to be born on - I've been waiting to tell you that. In our family it is so special because my grandmother was born on January 8, and my younger sister was also born on January 8. My grandson's due date was also January 8, but we wanted his OWN birthday, and was lifted into the world (C-section) on January 9. Even though my dear grandmother has passed away, January 8 is a very special day and even more so because your precious Gwyneth is also a January 8 baby.
    Oh, and do I need to remind you that ELVIS was born on January 8!
    January 8th Rocks!

    Life is Good - enjoy this beautiful day.

  161. ok....that is just amazing!!!! she is proof that God still gives us miracles!

  162. Wow, wow, WOW!!!! next up breath on her own is Tricia!

  163. What an awesome God indeed! She is beautiful!

  164. I can see God in your baby's eyes. He breathes through her, for her, and from her...A true testament of His miracles in this world.
    This baby radiates the light of Christ.
    Thanks for sharing her.

    Nurse Candice & Co. in Nebraska

  165. I can see God in your baby's eyes. He breathes through her, for her, and from her...A true testament of His miracles in this world.
    This baby radiates the light of Christ.
    Thanks for sharing her.

    Nurse Candice & Co. in Nebraska

  166. Way to go Gwyneth! You are such a strong your Momma! Still praying for you sweet baby! Celebrating every ounce of you...almost 2 lbs of ounces! :) Praise God!
    Angie in Bristol

  167. She is so beautiful!! God is SO good. :-)

    Angela, snowed under in central Ohio

  168. That is just amazing! I know you don't need to be told this, but she is an absolute miracle!

  169. No other words necessary...PRAISE GOD!!! :)

  170. you go girl!!!! You are going to need some clippies for all that blonde hair she is growing!!! As always praying for you entire family!
    Kirsten - Bloomington, IL

  171. LOve those big eyes, God is great. Gwyneth is proof of just how great he is.

  172. We do indeed serve an AWESOME God!! What a little sweetheart. My premie, now 2 years old, and I were looking at your latest Gwyneth Rose video and she kept on pointing and saying, "Baby," so I got her to say, "Baby Gwen." She loves babies and so does her mommy!
    Still keeping you in my prayers.

  173. Amazing!! I'm totally addicted to your family. SO excited for you!!!!!

  174. I love her wrinkly forehead. That was my favorite part of all three of my newborns!


  175. Wow...Gwyneth is beautiful. PTL!

  176. I can only imagine how exciting it is to see her breathing without help. God truly is awesome! Enjoy these milestones.

  177. I keep coming back to this page...Gwyneth is absolutely beautiful.

  178. Miraculous. God is good.

    And just look at that little face! Teeny little beauty queen. :)

  179. Such an amazing little girl - so many prayers answered. She is incredibly precious - such has delicate beauty and yet is so very strong. How can you even take her all in?

  180. God is great and Gwyneth is lovely!!!


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