
Saturday, March 8, 2008

White Rose Blooming (2 Months)

A full month of pictures, in chronological order, beginning at 2.8.08 and ending at 3.7.08. I especially like watching Gwyneth move from the vent, to the CPAP to the nasal cannula.

("Ordinary Miracle" by Sara McLachlan)

Although several people suggested this song, congratulations to jen-in-ct for being the first, un-anonymous commenter to make this suggestion and winning The Contest!!!

Be sure to watch the White Rose Blooming (1 Month) video to gain some perspective on how far we've come!

And, Click Here if you want to watch a full screen version of this video!



  1. Beautiful song to accompany your beautiful family! What a miracle it all is. Praising God with you for these two months!

  2. Great video!! I loved the photos of catching her smile!!

  3. I love the Fraggle hat!! She is just precious and it is such an honor to be able to watch her growing! Thanks for sharing your girls with us all. :)

  4. She is so beautiful. You guys are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh, couldn't be more beautiful, Nathan and Tricia!!! Happy 2-month birthday, Gwyneth Rose!!

  6. Nate and Tricia,

    What can I say???? It's beautiful!!!! Little Gwyneth is a star shining bright right before our eyes. Her smile is amazing. Thank you for sharing such a warm and wonderful moment with us. This makes me ever mindful of God's love and grace and how HE can do ANYTHING... Your all in my prayers. Happy 2 Months Gwyneth...

  7. You have such a beautiful family!! What an amazing God He is!

  8. Thanks for sharing...perfect song for the video! No doubt her mommy and daddy know how to make her smile.

  9. Oh Nathan and Tricia, I can't believe that it has been 2 full months since Gwyneth came into our lives. Thank you for keeping this grandmommy posted with pictures, even when we cannot be there with you in person. I cannot wait to hold her myself, and better yet, I cannot wait until you are all home safe and sound. Love to you all!

  10. BEATUTIFUL! Especially the last photo of the whole family - Aaaaah! :o) Lots of love xxxxxx

  11. Perfect song choice and beautiful video. I love the family shots.
    Are you having another contest?

    Trish is beautiful!!!!!!

  12. Prefect song choice! (Way to go Jen in CT). I love the pictures, amazing what a difference a month makes. Thank you agian for sharing!

  13. I love it! Great video, Nate! I love the song, too! Tricia and Gwyneth look fabulous!

  14. That was the perfect song! You did an amazing job on the video!
    Your family is lovely!!!!
    love, beth

  15. AMAZING!!!!

    I have a quick little question. As a mother of five boys, 2 in NICU and one in the step down unit, just wondering why it is okay to put NICU or preemie babys on their tummy. They did it with my boys and all of them ended up sleeping on their tummys, never on their backs. However, all peciatricians will tell you, to reduce SIDS they need to sleep on their back. THought you with all your infinite wisdom would know the answer. I just realized watching the videos that Gwyneht is often on her tummy, which I lLOVE. Reminds me af my little babies!! Can't wait to hear!!!

  16. Thanks for making me smile, beautiful photos, beautiful song, beautiful family.

  17. Beautiful song! I've never heard it before. Gwyneth is so beautiful and you both are truly blessed. Tricia, you look amazing!

  18. boy time is just flying past!!! 2 months! and I've been hanging with you since the Leino's posted the beginning of's been a pleasure to pray for your family, the medical team and the donor family.

  19. words just cannot describe it......amazing.....

    I LOVE the picture with her little hands up at her face...beautiful.

    Still praying for you all.

  20. I don't think there could've been a better song for her two month video. And like you--loving the fraggle rock hat. Keeping you guys lifted up!!!

  21. Just wanted to let you know that I mentioned you on my blog w/ a link. A couple of weeks ago you asked if anyone did to please let you know. I find you extremely inspiring! Stumbled on your blog a couple of weeks ago and haven't been the same since. Thank you for your honesty and your willingness to share this journey w/ total strangers. If you ever wonder whether or not you are touching people's lives w/ your story, rest assured that you are.

  22. Wow, this is Great, I am so happy for you, she is such an amazing baby. Happy Birthday and thank you for sharing the pictures.I added you as a link on my site, so others can hear about your amazing story. I am praying for all three of you,
    God Bless,

  23. Perfect song for your video!
    Never signed you guestbook before, but have been wishing you all the best always!

  24. Wow, the smile, the Fraggle Rock hat, everything is just so wonderful! What an inspiration your family is!

  25. Oh, my!!! That was just beyond precious!!! Happy 2 Month Birthday, Gwyneth Rose - you are a treasure.

  26. I am so glad our God is a God of Miracles! Your family is a treasure and I just wish I could put my arms around all three of you in a (((big hug!)))

    My favorite photo is the one of Gwyneth looking right into her mommy's eyes. My second favorite is the last one where you're all looking into the camera. It's your first family photo! :0) And may you have many more family photo ops to come.

    Hugs from El Paso, TX

  27. Beautiful pictures and the song you picked is perfect.

  28. That was a beautiful video. I just love following Gwyneth's progress. She is such a gorgeous little girl. And that picture of you holding her in your hands gave me perspective on how small she really is. I pray for you everyday. Thank you for sharing this precious little girl with the world!

  29. I was doing tears...and then BAM! Those last few pictures of you guys and the one of Tricia and Gwyneth...once again I am a puddle. Nate, you do such a great job of putting the videos together. Thank you for sharing...beautiful...and the perfect song.

    -Lisa Collinsworth

  30. What amazing and beautiful photos of your miracle girls! So happy for all of you - and am in love with your little doll's smile!

    I've now watched the video at least 5 times b/c you picked her very favorite song, ever!

    Continued prayers are with you & yours!

  31. Perfect song choice for your perfect miracle. I love the picture of Gwynweth's smile and the last picture of the 3 of you. I can see Tricia's smile in her eyes! Continually lifting you up...

  32. Such great photos! But I have to say one of my favorite is the pic of the toy dog looming over Gwyneth's bed, with a look that clearly says "Don't you dare mess with my girl."

    Great video!

  33. As a mother, I've always been completely amazed and in awe at how much my babies grew from month to month in their first year, thriving in God's light. This video reminds me of that feeling. God has brought you three such a long way, in such a short amount of time. Praises be to Him. Beautiful video...beautiful song. Thanks for sharing your miracle.

  34. Awesome song! I love the way you did the frames with the smile. It made it that more "real" on the video. It gave me chills just watching it so I can only imagine what it feels like to be there when it happens. Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose! I can only imagine what it will feel like seeing this when you are 22. You are truly amazing like your mom and dad.

  35. That was absolutely beautiful, Nate. A favorite was hard to pick - but either the family picture or the three photos in quick progression showing Gwyneth smile rank right up there.

    May God continue to bless you three!

  36. Oh, thank you, thank you so much for sharing your life with us. I love the new video of pictures, and, only after I finished did I see that I can have a whole screen version. I hope I love my own grandchild (when I have one one day) as much as I do your precious Gwyneth. And, I do believe she may be winning a contest on having the very most knitted caps of any baby I've ever seen! But, the pictures that stole my heart were the ones of the three of you together. How wonderful.

  37. How precious. I watch for updates several times a day and it just keeps getting better and better! You all should buy some stock in the "Kleenex" company, because we sure do use a lot of it watching baby Gwyneth grow and the miracles God continues to perform in her, and Tricia. God love all of you!!!

  38. Just beautiful! This is my first time posting to all of you, and I just want all of you to know that you are always in my prayers. Tricia looks wonderful and I pray those new lungs come very, very soon. And Gwyneth? What can I say, she is gorgeous and such an obvious gift from God :)

  39. Yes, she's getting so big! How much does she weigh now?

  40. Beautiful, just beautiful! She is such a miracle and I have enjoyed following your journey! The Fraggle hat is cute! I know I haven't posted a comment lately, but I check your site every day! I pray for you every day. You guys are so amazing and I am honored to share in your journey. I am praising God for leading me to your blog. It has been very inspirational!

  41. Happy Birthday, precious Gwyneth! Once again, Nate, you have created a tear-jerker in this video. I LOVE the smiles!

  42. Nate, you make the most beautiful vidoes. Your work is absolutely amazing and you always manage to find the most fitting songs. Let us know when you go into business as I know I have some footage that you could probably to magic with.
    Oh and before I forget-Happy 2nd month Birthday Gwyneth, you and your mommy continue to inspire me with your determination.
    Thanks Nate and Tricia for sharing your story with us all!

  43. Found this today - for when Gwyneth gets to come home

  44. Happy Birthday little one!
    My son watched it with me and keeps calling her Baby Goodness. "Aww Baby Goodness again!"
    What a sweet little miracle baby you have.

  45. For daughter was in the NICU too, and I asked the nurses that very same question about the tummy sleeping! They told me that the reason it's okay to place them on their tummies in the NICU, is because for one thing they need to rotate them often since they spend most of their time just laying there growing, and they cant just be in one position the whole time. Also, they have round the clock nurses watching them, as well as monitors hooked up to them so that it's not the same risk of leaving a baby at home alone on her tummy in a crib where you cant always watch them in case of choking or stopping breathing. hope that answers your question! HAPPY 2 MONTH birthday to GWYNETH!! HOpe you get to go home soon!!!!

  46. and i just LOVE LOVE ..

  47. I love that song...great choice! I've said this before, but your family and your faith are beautiful. Thanks again for sharing your life with all of us!

  48. Happy 2 month day to a sweet girl! I love that she is getting some chubby cheeks.

  49. I just found your blog just the other day and I have already read each and every post! You, Tricia and Gwyneth will be in my prayers. Thanks so much for sharing!

    P.S. I blogged about it as you guys need all the prayers that you can get!

  50. HAPPY 2 MONTHS, GWYNETH ROSE!! It's been truly inspiring to witness your lives as they unfold before us. Though you were strangers to me and so many others, I cried out to God on your behalves the day that you were born. I have been blessed just to have the honor to pray for your family.

    I love, love the pic of Tricia and Gwyneth, where you can really see Tricia's eyes/lashes looking at precious Gwyneth. Wonderful love. So glad that God blessed you with these wonderful moments together.

  51. LOVE the video. And, I love your new family pictures. I also suggested "Ordinary Miracle". It's one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. I didn't get to say it early enough cuz I can't check your blog from work :o(!! I love how Gwyneth is smiling now. She's sooo precious. God is amazing; as you already know.

    Brianne from VA

    P.S. That frame will be coming to you in a couple of weeks. If you remember me emailing you about it.

  52. Beautiful her smiling at you...PRECIOUS...the song is good...but dont give up on Cinderella by SCC.;o)
    My husband and I loved the Fragle rock pics & video. We were caught up in childhood again and started singing along. Thanks for helping us remember our childhood and laugh!

  53. Wow, what an amazing video! So happy to see how well Gwyneth is progressing.

    I promise you, one day the NICU will seem like a distant memory. I can't wait to read the post about all of you going home to OBX, what a great post that will be!

  54. Awesome! I love that little smile.

    Gwenyth's Great Uncle Andy

  55. Love that last photo -- the entire family, smiling, with eyes open, all at the same time. God has great plans for your family, and the whole world can see Him working to make you and Tricia more like Christ everyday. The decisions you and Tricia make each day -- in faith -- are tangible evidence of a "long obedience in the same direction." Thank you for your testimony!


  56. Just beautiful, thank you for sharing your sweet baby girl with us. You are all in our prayers, and we pray more each day to lift you higher!

  57. So beautiful... It is so great to see the happy family pictures. I pray God gives you three many happy years together...

  58. You always seem to bring a tear to my eye!! That was a beautiful video and I especially loved the way you showed her smiling. The song was perfect!

    Thank God for his blessings, you have a beautiful family.

    Thank you so much for sharing...I can't wait to see the next miracle that will be coming your way.

    Hugs and prayers.

  59. Beautiful song, pictures and video!

  60. What an awesome God we serve! My favorite picture was the very last one where you could see all three of your faces. We continue to pray for your family and are praising God with you for His great love in caring for your girls. We continue to pray for Tricia's new lungs as well.

  61. That was so lovely. My daughter and I cuddled close and watched. I told her how much I love your family. She said, "I love them too, mommy". She asks a lot of questions about baby Gwyneth. She loves her pink hats. Thank you for sharing so much of your lives with us. God bless you!

    Heidi Reed (and Brianna too)

  62. Beautiful. Intense. Wonderful. What a gift. Thank you.

  63. That was absolutely beautiful! Praise the Lord for your healthy little girl! :)

  64. Perfect song. I especially love the family pictures. :-)

  65. Nathan and Tricia,

    Don't really know how to express what I am feeling right now. That music was PERFECT!! Sooooo perfect, and sooo beautiful. I don't know what to say, moving, beautiful, heart warming, lovely. Emotions sometimes are hard for me to express, but I am completely over joyed, and speachless (although not competelty as you can tell). Just a feeling, such a warm beautiful feeling. You are truely blessed, and a true testament to God's will and blessings. Praying and thinking of you everyday.


    (I am going to watch this again)

    Thank you both for sharing. I have been an organ donor since I was 16 and got my first drivers licence, but now it really seems to take on another sence of responsibility as a human, and a child of God.
    I had previously thought that it was the right thing to do. Now I believe that it is the ONLY thing to do.
    Sending love to you all!!

  66. I just realized something...Gwyneth looks just like you, Nate. She has your eyes, no doubt.

  67. Very beautiful, the first family photo was such a joy to see.

  68. Nathan, you need to have a warning on your videos "please watch with a tissue, and ladies, don't bother with eye make up because it will be hopeless smeared down your face."

    Thank you for sharing. Your family is beautiful.

  69. Simply precious!!!
    I just posted my 8 yr olds comments on the post after this one!! "God is God Mommy!!" He surely is!!

  70. What an amazing little baby she is!!! God is very good.

  71. Nate-
    Beautiful video. I love the progression with the photos of Gwyneth smiling. A-mazing. And I love the one of Gwyneth with her hands beside her face. She is growing and getting stronger. And I am thrilled she is gaining weight!! She looks great in the picture you just posted!! I just blogged about you and your family and linked to your blog. And have been telling people to pray for you, Tricia, Gwyneth and the transplant, donor, etc. Much love. Grace and Peace.

  72. I've been following your story for about a month and a week now, and I think your family is absolutely beautiful, and your stories ARE truely miraculous! This video was just awesome, and that song is perfect!! I haven't cried like this in a long time - This video and your story really touched me~ Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us!

  73. What a great video and a perfect song! :) The Lord is so good and it is amazing to see all the blessings He has given to you guys this month! I am thankful and blessed by your story. Praying for you!

    Blessings from Arizona

  74. You've done it again - gone and made me cry. Your family is beautiful - I love seeing all of your and Tricia's faces glowing with love for your precious little girl.

    And I loved the pictures of Gwyneth smiling!

  75. Shoot! I got you confused with the many other premie blogs I follow. I thought you'd already used that song! Oops. LOVE the video! And so impressed that she is off cannula. Just a teensy bit jealous since my sweet little primary at UNC is over two months old and has yet to be off the vent. Sadly, he is older too. Great job to the team at Duke and great job to you and Tricia for creating such a wonderful miracle!

    Much love, UNC NICU RN

  76. Nate,
    You are so awesome at capturing the most beautiful pictures of your girls. Every morning I can't wait to see what you've posted. Its amazing at the precious miracles that God gives us. Always praying for the three of you.

  77. I love the video.. that was so cool how you made the pictures of Gwyenth smiling move like she was actually being video taped.

    Your videos always brings tears to my eyes. She is so amazing. She has come a long way.

    Happy Two months baby girl. My son has just turned 3 today (March 9th)


  78. Great video. Congrats to Jen in Ct for the song choice. I love Gwyneth's little pink bow. Her hair is thick. What a captivating smile. Soon I hope she will be sleeping right beside her mommy in a little basket. I will continue to pray for all of you.

  79. Simply beautiful. I especially like the last picture. A family complete.

  80. nate,

    that was beautiful. God bless you and your sweet girls.

    With love,
    alison in TN

  81. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! Thanks again for sharing your story! Praying for more miracles to add to your story. God has been so faithful!

  82. Perfect song - thanks for sharing. Your love and faith brings tears to my eyes!

  83. Oh wow! You need to give a Kleenex alert before those videos! What a perfect song. She truly is a miracle. The ones of her smiling are beyond precious. Thank you for sharing her and your story with us. It's been a huge blessing to me over the last few months. My husband and I pray daily for your family and will continue to. God is good!

  84. Absolutely Perfect!!! I could watch it over and over again. Thanks for using your God given talent to bless all of us in your writing, photography and are awesome! Imagine what a blessing these will be years from now. Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose!

  85. Simply "Beautiful" Thank you so much for sharing.
    Our God is truley an AWSOME GOD!


    My little one says type and tell the baby I Love Her !

  87. What a PERFECT song!! I have goose bumps and tears of joy as I watch in amazement of how far the 3 of you have come in 2 months!! I'm sure we all look forward to many more birthday videos!! God Bless!

  88. PERFECT! What a beautiful family you have!!! Prayers still going up to Jesus for you all! Much love from Nashville.


  89. Beautiful!!! thank you for sharing such precious memories with us in blogland! Praying...jen in al

  90. So hard to hold back the tears, watching that video. I think that the last picture is the most precious, with the three of you. A friend of mine gave me your blog and I instantly fell in love with your family. You are in our prayers.

  91. I love it! Great pics, great song, beautiful family!
    I'm a new blogger here and have posted your story on my blog.

  92. She's so precious! Thank you for sharing your story! God Bless.

  93. My God she is beautful. I loved the close up! All that hair....She's just so precious!

  94. What a beautiful family photo Nate!

    So is Gwyneth pretty much out of the woods at this point?

    Kayla in Fort Worth, TX

  95. That was beautiful....thanks so much for allowing us to share in these special moments in your life!

    ~ Tanisha in VA

  96. Your family is beautiful! My prayers and wishes for wonderful things for your family.


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