
Sunday, March 30, 2008


We just got a call from the transplant coordinator at 6:26pm. They have a pair of lungs that could be a match. They're checking them out now to be sure, and the nurses are getting Tricia ready. It could be a dry run, but we're hoping that Tricia will be in surgery within the next few hours.

Tricia is very excited and anxious. We've contacted our family (or left messages).

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers right now. I'll update as soon as I hear more.



  1. Our prayers are with you! I found your blog through a friend, and have been following your story with excitement and so much joy through this journey, and am so excited to log on and see this post tonight. Praying without ceasing,
    Laura, Charlottesville VA

  2. oh my gosh!!!! I was praying for this exact thing this morning,oohhh
    Sending BIG Love,

  3. Praying in Wilmington NC! Never posted, inspired by your journey! SOOO excited for you three!!!

  4. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have my prayers and I'll be thinking of you guys constantly...

  5. Such terrific news! My thoughts and prayers are with you all, and the also with the family who has been so generous to give Tricia this gift of life.

  6. We will be praying that it is a match! Passing the word around to keep praying continuously....
    Erica and Josh NC

  7. this is my first comment ever-how could i not?! there are tears in my eyes and prayers in my heart...Lord, let this be it!!


  8. Praying for you and your family during this anxious time and also for the family of the donor. I have been following your story via blog world. You inspired me to double check that I am in fact a registered organ donor here in British Columbia, I am! Looking forward to updates as they come in.

  9. PRAYING! Oh my. . . .this is very exciting. Lord let it be the PERFECT match!

  10. Praying without ceasing!!!
    WooHoo! God is so good! I have believed all along that the three of you would go home together!

  11. Praying NOW! Please, Father, let this be what we've all been praying for and place Your mighty hand on Tricia. AMEN!

  12. Praying. Praying. Praying!!!!!!!!!

  13. Dh and I are praying daily and will continue to each morning and night together....for your strength, for their healings, for smooth transplants and acceptance of the new lungs, for strength for all of you, comfort for the girls and tremendous energy for you Nate.
    Sweetie & Les Berry

  14. Praying from Dallas!!!!! Praying for peace for your family, wisdom for the doctors and peace as well for the donor family. Thank for keeping us updated...

  15. i have never posted, but have been following your inspiring story for some time now. i could not resist posting after reading this post!! i will continue to pray for you and your family and hope that this is the call you have been waiting for!

  16. Oh my gosh Nate!! I pray this is it, she will get her new lungs that would be so wonderful. Here's hoping to Tricia's new set of lungs. :)

  17. Praying for a perfect match and for God to guide the hands of the surgery team, and to comfort the family donating Tricia's (hopefully) new lungs.

    Amanda in San Antonio

  18. Aaahh!!! Swim down, everybody! Swim down!!! Let's all pray very hard for that donor's family. too, wherever they are.

    God is GREAT.

  19. I am so hoping this is it!! I have been waiting to see this post!!! So excited. :)

  20. Prayers for you, Tricia and Gwyneth. Your post seem so surreal - I hope this is the real deal! :)

  21. Praying for you guys here in Los Angeles. I pray these are the lungs God has chosen for Tricia.

  22. Congrats! I hope this is the real thing! My best wishes for your family.

  23. I am in tears! Praise the Lord I am so happy for you guys!

  24. Praise GOD ALMIGHTY Prayers are being said right now.

  25. Ahhhhh! I'm so excited for you two! We've been waiting on pins and needles for this moment! Praying in Newark De that these lungs are the right ones!!

    Sarah and Nathan Tillman

  26. Telling all my people right now!! Praying for you, Tricia!! :D

    Amber from Ohio

  27. Praying hard! My heart gave a small skip as I read your words... as it always does when I read about THE CALL!!!

  28. Praying that those are Trici's new CF-free lungs! Hugs and prayers from Nashville!

  29. WOW...we are so excited for you guys, you will be in our prayers Tricia. Please let this be the one!

    Love from MI

  30. Praying that the lungs will be a perfect match for Tricia! Natalie

  31. We are praying for you in CA!

  32. Oh I am so excited. This whole weekend I have had a feeling that you were going to get lungs this weekend. I can't explain it I just had this feeling. So strange.
    Dear heavenly Father we just come to you with thanksgiving. Please prepare the way and if these lungs are the perfect lungs for Tricia then allow things to proceed. You are all knowing and see the big picture. Prepare Tricia's body to except these lungs, prepare the doctors hands that will working on the transplant. Help all the family to be patient as they wait for reports from the O.R. You are an amazing God. Please bring a shield around this entire family.

  33. oh my gosh I hope today is the day!!!


  34. I'm praying for you!
    I want this to happen for you, I want this little girl to grow up with a mother, I really really hope and pray that this is it!

  35. Omigosh - that is awesome!! We are praying for you guys that these lungs are a match! We love you guys!

    ~ Lisa and Mike (in NJ)

  36. I am so excited -- this is such a blessing - I can't wait to here more..... I will keep Tricia, Nate, the doctors, the nurses and the donor family in my prayers.... God is soooooo good!!!!!

  37. Just checked in after my trip away! What an exciting message. My wife and I just came back from a walk 80* here in Florida and prayed for you guys!! I hope it is the real deal!!!!

  38. Praise God!!!

  39. I am praying as I pen you this email.

    Caroline in AZ

  40. Wohoo! I really hope this works out! I was just sitting here, procrastinating from my homework, checking the blog for the, oh, 20th time today, when I saw this. The enormous grin on my face made my boyfriend ask, and he got all teary eyed at the beautiful pictures of G. :)

  41. My prayers are with you and with your donor and family. I can't imagine how emotional this moment is in so many ways for you. May god keep his hand on you three during the next few hours and give you strength and peace and hold you tight as he takes you through this next journey.

  42. Hi, I have never commented before, but I keep your blog on my favorites to pray. My husband and I do church work here in Germany. We send you greetings from Deutschland and big time prayers!!! May God keep you safe in surgery, Tricia. We pray these are the lungs for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Shannon M

  43. I am praying that this is the pair of lungs for Tricia. That they are healthy and completely compatible. I was telling a friend that I couldn't wait to hear this post! God bless you!

  44. Nate and Tricia our prayers are definitely with you. I cry tears of joy and pray this is the real thing and not a dry run. I also pray for the family of the donor of the person who gives this very special gift.

    Robin and the Family

  45. we will definitely be praying!

  46. ahhhhh!!! I am so excited- but praying fervently- can't wait to hear how God is working all things out for His glory! He is so good to us!

  47. Good Luck!!

    -Christina (funtigger)

    I'm trying to hang on at least until I know everything works out for Tricia....

  48. definitely praying
    johnson city, tn

  49. Holy moly! Saying lots of prayers!

  50. Keeping our figers crossed, here in Thomasville, GA

  51. i hope its a match
    thinking of you in NJ

  52. What wonderful news!!! We will pray without ceasing that these lungs will be a match for beautiful Tricia!! God bless you all!

    Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  53. Praying for you all. I hope this is your wish come true.

  54. Fingers and toes crossed. Saying lots of prayers that this is it!

  55. Still praying.....posted the news at my blog


    Marissa :-)

  57. I was just thinking that maybe your prayer for Easter Sunday might be delayed a week. Praying for you right now that Tricia will be on her way to surgery this evening. Praying for a successful, smooth surgery without complications and for the donors family as well.
    marietta, GA

  58. Funny - along with other readers, I too was specifically praying for some new breathing machines for Tricia - internal ones this time! ;)

    Will praying endlessly that this is the real thing...:)

  59. Praying that the lungs are a good match for Tricia! May the surgeons' hands be guided by his knowledge and expertise...prayers for Tricia! Please keep us posted! Praying for a good outcome!~

  60. YIPEE! I am praying . I really am. I am about to grab my kiddos and pray. I have checked your blog a thousand times today -because it was like I was waiting for it today.

  61. We are praying this is it!

    Gwyneths Great Uncle Andy

  62. Amazing, been praying all week for this specifically!
    Be praying tonight can't wait for an update!!!!!!!!!!
    God bless you Trish and may he guide the hands of the surgeons. My husband and I will be praying for you tonight.

  63. Prayers are also being said for the donor's family as well as the donor is now in the hands of our Lord. Please dear Lord provide comfort to the family of the donor. Please provide them with peace knowing that their precious family member is giving the precious gift of "rebirth" to others.

    Prayers are being said for no dry runs for anyone on the recipient list and that the donor will be able to give life to up to 8 people.

  64. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! I am so thrilled and will pray and pray and pray that all goes well and she can finally breath easy again :)

    God bless you!!!!!!!

  65. OMG! OMG! For some reason I had a feeling you might get the call this weekend and have been checking your blog more than normal. I will be thinking good thoughts, saying a prayer, and hoping these lungs are a very healthy, perfect match for Tricia. I will also keep the family of the donor in my thoughts and prayers. The gift they have given is amazing.

  66. I checked your site at least three times today, thinking, "it's gotta happen soon!" I pray the lungs are a match, and the surgery goes perfectly.

  67. I hope and pray that Tricia gets her new lungs today... Praying for your family and the donor family... what a great gift.

  68. This is also my first post....but I just couldn't stop myself! I am so excited for you, and pray that these are indeed Tricia's new lungs, that the surgery will go smoothly, and that she will recover quickly so she can spend lots of time holding precious little Gwyneth Rose!
    I love the picture, by the way. looking at Tricia's eyes - you can see her excitement!!!

  69. Praying praying praying in Vancouver, BC

  70. Also, forget to that there are donor lungs available, that means someone just suffered the loss of a loved one....I pray for that family.may they find the strength to go on..and know that their precious gift of life to another is sooo appreciated..Let us not forget this grieving family and pray for their loss as well as Tricia's gain...God bless all involved...xoxo

  71. WOO HOO!!!! We are praying that this is it!

  72. Hoping this is it for you guys! Will be thinking of you and hoping all goes well.

  73. Praying right now! I so hope that these are thr right lungs for Tricia!

  74. I am praying they are a perfect match. Praise God.

  75. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! I so pray this is it!! Hope to hear Tricia is in surgery soon!


    Jen-William's Mom

  76. PRAISE GOD!! I will be praying that this is the real deal and that everything goes great!! My prayers are also with the family that is giving the gift of life to others in their time of grief..

  77. Tears & goosebumps.... all my prayers are coming your way right now!

  78. My heart is racing!!!! I am praying for you! It is my birthday and for my birthday wish I prayed for you and for all the others waiting to experience the miracle that I experienced this year!!


  79. Praying in Williamsburg, VA!!!!

  80. Lifting all of you in prayer.
    Sending positive thoughts.

  81. Praying devoutly that this is not a false alarm.

  82. That's exciting news!! We are all praying here.

  83. Praise the Lord!!

    Praying without ceasing for an accurate match, smooth surgery, and road to recovery.


  84. I pray they are a perfect match. We have church in a bit and I will ask prayer specifically for this. I am so excited! Praying hard over here in Oregon!

  85. We are on our knees in Manteo!!!

  86. My sister just called me and said "Have you checked Nate's blog today?" I said "Yes, a few hours ago." She told me the good news. I am emotional and teary eyed but praying, praying, praying! My husband said "Are you going to be able to sleep tonight?" I don't know, Nate, if any of us will sleep. We are all pulling for Tricia. Prayers from Chris and Leigh Ann Osteen in Nashville, TN

  87. Praying for you and your family, and also the family of the donor.

  88. May the Lord be comforting the donor's loved ones... and may this bring years of added life to Tricia for her loved ones, and for the Kingdom.

  89. I have been keeping up with your story from the beginning (I have a preemie also) I pray for your family all the time, you are an inspiration to me and mine!!!

    A praying friend~~~~~~

  90. Great news. Our prayers are with you and also for the donor family.


  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. I have been following you and your family's struggles and triumphs for a couple of months - hoping and praying for this message. Please know that I (and many others) have you all in our hearts and prayers.

  93. praying, praying, praying from frisco, tx. we have never met, but your story inspires me daily!

    thank you for sharing your lives. can't wait to hear the good news!

    with love,
    ~sarah larkin

  94. You all are in our thoughts and prayers in Cincinnati, Ohio!

  95. Praying for you... hopefully the lungs will be a match for Tricia and the surgery will proceed smoothly!!

  96. Praying without ceasing for you all. And thanking Him for giving the donor family the strength needed in their time of grief

  97. PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING!!!!! thank you for choosing to be a blessing for life! whooooo!!!!!!!! jen in al

  98. Praise the Lord. My prayers are with you.
    May God Bless!
    Bonnie Meyer
    Washington, Missouri

  99. Fingers crossed and praying for Tricia


  100. Praying for you, either way!! Also praying for the donor family.

    Bethany in NY

  101. I'm praying so hard for you all right now!!!



  103. OMG!!!! Praying, praying, praying....Praying for Tricia's new lungs, praying for your nerves, praying for the donor and his family who are dealing with a sad time in their lives. And praying for Miss Gwyneth!!!

  104. PRAYING...we're all praying Nate and Tricia!!!!!!!!!!! GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!

    -Lisa Collinsworth

  105. Good week for changes -- hair, lungs, seasons! Praying for the doctors, donor and family, and all of your family and friends. I'm so excited for you to take that first breath sans ventilator!

  106. sending double, triple, quadruple prayers!!!!!!!!!!

  107. Praying extra hard for you all in KS this evening and always. Hallelujah!

  108. I praying that this the match
    Malette in ND

  109. I'm lighting my prayer candle now. I have called my prayer warrior friends. We bow down before him in praise and thanksgiving, knowing that whatever the outcome it will be his pefect answer! (((hugs)))

  110. Praying in K.C. that they are a match!

  111. YAY!!! we will be in prayer for all of you well as for the doctors and for the family of the person whose lungs are now available! blessings to you three tonight!!!!

  112. Praying that your medical team, your families, the donor's family, Tricia, and you, Nate, feel God's presence giving you strength and comfort and most of all HOPE at this most exciting time! Praise the Lord!

  113. Praying, praying, praying!

    I hope this is the one.

    Either way, we'll be praying for you, for Tricia, and for the person whose family is suffering a loss that is allowing someone to get a shiny new pair of lungs.

  114. you's so weird because i have checked your blog about 100000 times today because i just had this feeling. PRAISE GOD!!! i will be praying for all of you!!!
    God Bless

  115. God is always on the move doing amazing things...true to His character, may He reveal his splendor and MIGHT as He uses the hands of Doctors and medical professionals to bring healing to Tricia. We are praying for His special grace and mercy to Tricia at this time, His strength and peace to you Nate (and your families), his continued care and protection over all of you (especially your two girls), for wisdom and excellence on the part of all of the medical team ...and most of all that HE will demonstrate His MIGHTY work on this day! Praise be to our Almighty Father!!

  116. i'm so happy for you guys..praying for be the right ones...i'll be praying....

  117. I have checked in several times this weekend looking for this very post...for some reason I have had a 'feeling' all weekend!

    Prayers going up right now that this is not a dry run and Tricia will have some new lungs soon! Prayers for the donor and family, as well.

  118. I just got down on my knees and thanked God for answering this prayer. Please know that I will continue to pray for Tricia. (and you Nate) Here's to a perfect match, no infection, no rejection, just healthy happy lungs!


  119. I so hope these are the perfect new lungs for Tricia.

  120. Sending prayers of gratitude for
    this great gift. Praying also for
    Tricia's strength, for the dedicated medical
    staff, and for allfriends and reltives who wait with
    you. May you know new hope and
    new joy.


  121. P.S.
    I phoned Yonat at the News and
    Observer to give her your happy
    news. I know she is praying too.


  122. Hi Nathan and Tricia,
    I am a longtime reader, but this is the first time I have posted. I have been praying for you every day, and I have felt in the past few days as I prayed that it was going to be soon. I have been looking at the blog for news every time I can, and now I see this! I am so excited for you! I will be praying constantly through the evening and late into the night for you after putting kids to bed.
    Praying for MANY BLESSINGS and MIRACLES for you tonight!

  123. Praise God! We are thinking and praying for you here too!

  124. I may have never met you, but I am crying tears of joy right now! Praise God!

  125. I have never commented on your blog before, but have been reading it for weeks now. I just made a account so i could post a reply to this entry. I am so excited for you, i hope this is not a dry run. I have been hoping everyday that Tricia would recieve new lungs soon. You are all in our thoughts and prayers at this time.


  126. Praise God! Will be praying that these are Tricia's new lungs.

  127. Praise the Lord! As soon as I saw this post, I called everyone I could think of who knows about you guys! We're all praying like crazy that these are the perfect lungs for Tricia!

  128. I posted a prayer request on myspace (for my friends) for you guys....God bless you!

  129. This is the very first time I've left a comment, but I've been lurking for a while! I just could not sign off tonight without saying how absolutely overjoyed I am that this may be THE call! I'll be praying for all involved!

  130. Wow, wow, wow! I can't wait to hear the update. I hope it's the real thing!

  131. Wow, thank you Jesus for being our provider. Will continue to check back. Praying for a perfect match.


  132. Praying for you that this is THE match! May God give you peace and comfort. This is such great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We pray Tricia will be breathing with CF-free lungs tomorrow.

  133. Wow. That must be an amazing feeling. You and your families are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I found your blog a while ago, and have followed it a little for the past couple of weeks. This will definitely make me follow more closely.

    I hope it works out for everyone involved.


  134. I'm praying for you!! This is my first comment, but i've been following your story for a few months now. I pray this is the real thing and that He will comfort you. Also praying for the donor's family during this difficult time. Praise Jesus for new lungs!
    Jennifer in Creedmoor, NC

  135. How lovely to get THE CALL today on Sunday ..... the Lord's Day!

    Just hours ago you posted the words to that beautiful song, "The Blessing."

    I am hoping that you indeed get the your Blessing that we've all been praying for!

    Praying for this to be the perfect pair of lungs for you, Tricia!

    Also, how interesting the first few lines of that song, Nate.

    Let it be said of us while we walked among the living
    Let it be said of us by the ones we leave behind
    Let it be said of us that we lived to be a blessing for life

    And, let it be said of us that we gave to reach the dying
    Let it be said of us by the fruit we leave behind
    Let it be said of us that our legacy is blessing for life

    Think about those words from the donor's point of view.

    Your donor "lived to be a BLESSING for LIFE....."

    SO AMAZING that the Lord prompted you to post the lyrics to that beautiful song this morning!

    Va Beach, VA

  136. oh my gosh!! In so happy for u. I'll be praying and I hope everything goes well
    love your friend
    skye robertson

  137. our familys prayers are with you as well!BC Canada!

  138. Oh my goodness! I checked in later then usual and look what I have missed! Many prayers being said right now for everyone involved. Praying praying praying for the perfect match!


  139. Wow! I am so excited for you all! I will be praying that all goes well for Tricia!

  140. This is fantastic news. I was seriously just sitting here thinking I wonder if they have found Trish's lungs yet. My prayers are with you that this is the perfect match and that God guides the hands of the surgeons as they perform this miracle. Kiss your sweet baby for me.

  141. Another first time poster who's been praying with you since I started following and will continue to pray...and pray...and pray...and pray!

  142. Fingers crossed for you guys!!! Can't wait to hear good news really, really soon!

  143. Praying for the donor family and for you guys! May God grant you all peace. Many prayers to the King of Kings!

  144. Praying for the donor family and for you guys! May God grant you all peace. Many prayers to the King of Kings!

  145. Incredible!!! You guys are such a testimony to GOD's awesome provision for His people.

  146. Wow! I just checked in for the first time today. Praise the LORD. We are praying for the other family as well. Hoping this is REALLY it!

  147. tears just came to my eyes! Praying for your family!

  148. Praying for all that love the donor -- for comfort and reassurance. Thanking God for unselfish hearts and for all in the medical teams on both ends. Praising God for His goodness and mercy. And, of course, praying for Sweet Tricia. "Be still, and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10 - this is one of my very favorite pieces of scripture. Sending love and prayers from Nashville,

  149. Praying praying praying for you. I got to this late but I am just so excited to see this post -you have been on my heart all day long, maybe this is why??

  150. We're praying it's the perfect match that you've all been patiently waiting for! Praise the LORD!!! Tracey, in Seattle, WA

  151. This is my first comment but what a great time for it. I have been following the blog for quite some time now. And while I do usually check in daily, today was the first time that I had an extremely strong urge to do so while I was making puff pastry. When I checked the blog later I realized that I felt that pull just around the time that you heard.

    All three of you are in my prayers as well as my families. I hope that every thing goes as well as it should. I know that God has you all in his capable hands and I thank you for reminding me of the relationship with him that I have let lapse in recent years.

    Alexandra, Memphis

  152. She is in my prayers!!! I am praying for the donor family & for you all that this isn't a dry run!!!

  153. That is such wonderful news! I've been on vacation and unable to keep up on the blog while I was away. That is such wonderful news to come back to!!! I have prayed that the transplant actually does take place. :)

  154. I read your blog every night before going to bed just hoping this news. I will say an extra prayer for Tricia tonight.

  155. FREAKING OUT!! And praying for your precious & beautiful wife. Oh, Lord - you are so good, please give the doctors the knowledge & wisdom to heal Tricia!

  156. I was on my way to bed and had this feeling I needed to check in here first. I'm so glad I did!! I'm saying a prayer before heading to bed!! Hoping for wonderful news when I awake!!

  157. As with everything in my life i am late ... i am just reading your blog for the first time in a few days .. thi is exciting news ...


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