
Sunday, March 30, 2008

TX Update (7:43pm)

We've learned that the transplant team is flying out of state to examine the lungs and donor. We may not find out for sure if it's a go for a few hours, and the surgery would not take place until at least early tomorrow morning.

They are getting Tricia ready. She has already given about 15 vials of blood and has had an EKG.

Please, also be thinking about and praying for the donor's family. Even if this isn't Tricia's match, somebody has died today willing to give the gift of life, for which we are always thankful.

I'll update again when I learn more.



  1. Wow, this is such an incredible journey, praying always.

  2. Posted on my blog about you guys to help spread your cause & send you guys more prayers.

  3. Praying hard for both Tricia and the donor!

    ...and now I'll go back to studying, after refreshing this page every couple of minutes hoping to hear something. ;-) Thanks for updating us.

  4. Oh my goodness... Many Prayers!

  5. Thinking of you all and will be praying for everyone...Thank you so much for the updates. Love to you ALL!!!!!!!

  6. I'm so excited! I know you must be on pins and needles with anticipation! I do pray you have a match and that Tricia gets her new lungs tomorrow. What a blessing that will be! Praying for peace in the waiting tonight. Try to get some sleep....if that's even possible!

  7. Definitely will pray for the donor's family as well.


  8. Thank you for keeping us updated! Am prayin' and prayin' hard!

    Marissa :-)

  9. praying and waiting for more news.. thanks for keeping us up-to-date!

  10. What an amazing journey. Trusting that God is going before all--He knows intimately what all involved need. What a gift!

  11. I was just about ready to hit "publish" on an entry for my blog, but now I'll update that.

    We'll keep praying.

  12. After a crummy day I am now getting ready to go to sleep with happiness and peace! I'll be praying in honour of the deceased and for the convalescence of the grief stricken family- for new life shall be made! Praise God!

  13. Updated all of my prayer warriors again and will continue to do so. Love and praying for all of you!


    Amber from Ohio

  14. thank you so much for the update! continuing to pray...jen in al

  15. Praying very hard for all of you and for the donor family.

    I posted a prayer request on my blog as always, for both you and the donor/donor's family, and linked it back both here and to your dad's post about how to pray for them.

  16. prayers from Austin coming your way.

  17. Praying! God's will be done.

  18. Just for fun between 7:53 and 7:54 I watched how many hits you had. It was 59. This is going to be a long evening for everyone. You are in my thoughts and prayers. As someone who lost a loved one suddenly in a car accident my thoughts are with the donor family. Obviously we don't know the circumstances of the donor's death but none the less it is a loss for this family. Do what you can to relax for the next few hours and rest in the fact that people all over the world are praying for you.

  19. every time I enter your url I pray to see a post saying she has a match for new lungs. I'm praying for the donor lungs to be Tricia's. God bless the donor's family.

  20. I'll be praying for you guys as well as the possible donor's family. Thanks for keeping us updated! Much love and prayers,

  21. I am so VERY excited for you!!! And praying that this really is a "Go!"! Easter was way too early this year....really should have been no earlier than today! :) Am also lifting up the family of the possible donor, however this turns out and whatever their situation may be.

  22. INCREDIBLE!! As always....PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING! Believing God for this miracle! Can't wait for another update!! God Bless,

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Oh, Nate! You have me in puddles of tears as once again you have the faith and love to be thinking of others during one of your most trying times. Yes, we are praying for the donors family as well...

  26. Wow. Praying that all goes well and for the donor's family.


  27. I really hope this is it for Tricia. All good thoughts going to you and the donor family.

  28. Wow! I know that you must be so excited to say the least. I hope everything goes smoothly and that these are your new lungs. Prayers to your family and the donor family. Good Luck!

  29. Nate, thank you so much for keeping us all informed. I am not willing to leave my home so I can keep checking on your frequent and very appreciated updates.
    Praying for donor family and of course Tricia.

  30. Amazing!! Praying for the perfect match! Your journey is a true inspiration!

  31. i'm in tears ..praying for that family and praying hard for you guys ..."god is good" Claudia from Florida

  32. May they fly on wings of eagles!

    Praying for the hands of all those who will minister to the donor, the recipient(prayerfully Tricia) and all of the families. Hands to heal, hands to comfort, and hands just to hold! Praying for all of you tonight knowing that God holds you in the hollow of His hands!

  33. I just screeched and did a little dance for ya'll!! PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING and I've asked all of my friends to pray for you too!

  34. I just got goosebumps! I'm praying for the donor family and your family!

    I am a middle school teacher in Georgia and this past week, we had a fundraiser for the March of Dimes. We raised $1307! I'm so proud of our students and teachers!

    Keeping my fingers crossed tonight....
    Sarah :)

  35. Praying for the donors family as well.

  36. Fingers crossed and blessed thoughts!!

  37. Praying very, very hard!!!!!!!!!

  38. Oooh, sending lots of prayers your way! After following along with Alice's amazing journey, I cannot wait to see Tricia flourish with a new set of lungs!!

  39. Tears are in my eyes ... Prayers from Northern VA for Tricia and the donor's family.

  40. What an emotional, exciting and uncertain few hours ahead. We are praying for you and your emotions during these coming hours and for the family that lost a loved one today...thank you for that reminder and praise God that the person opted to be a donor.



  41. Praying this is truly the match and for a succesful surgery. I am also certainly praying for the wonderful family who in the midst of their own grief has opened their hearts to helping others. What a tremendous gift.

    For Prayer Support:

    My two little miracle nephews:

  42. Praying for the donors family as well! They do have to be so proud that they are giving hope to someone else!

  43. Oh wow. Prayers for all involved.

  44. Mish and I just prayed for the donor family and you guys.

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  45. Mish and I just prayed for the donor family and you guys.

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  46. so exciting! I'm glued to this website now and am refreshing it often!

    praying so much!

  47. My husband and I are praying for you all! I'm so excited that you've even been given that call! Thank you for the update and please keep us posted as you have time.

  48. praying for tricia and the donor's family xxx hugs to you all xx

  49. Praying!!! And praying some more!!

  50. Thinking of all of you, Good Luck!

  51. YAYYYYYYY! So happy for you all!

  52. I am praying for you and your family! You have such an amazing story and you have touched me dearly.

  53. Praying for all involved...donor's family and all who will be given the gift of life through this death. I so hope that this is Tricia's day!


    PS...I know this doesn't really matter right now, but I found some cute fabric and will be making your sling tomorrow! Hope to get it in the mail soon.

  54. PRAYING!!!! (for you guys and for the donor's family)

  55. Praying for you in Australia... we Aussies have your nights covered! So you really are getting 24 hour prayer *grin*

  56. So excited to see the last two posts. Will be praying for everyone involved. But I am also crossing my fingers, because that can't hurt either.

  57. Wow! I just got home and checked your blog and saw the past 2 posts! My heart is racing! I am so excited for you and will pray that the lungs match Tricia perfectly. Also, like you said,someone died today who was willing to donate. What an awesome thing. I will pray for the family as well. May they be blessed.

    Here's to new lungs and new life!!

  58. I have been following your story for some time, but have never posted. I will say a prayer for everyone involved. Good luck!!!

  59. praying for the grieving family that just lost their loved one and so generously donated their loved one's organs at such a difficult and painful time in their lives....and praying for Tricia to make it thru the surgery okay. Keep us posted! Rest up Tricia..

  60. Praying really hard. God bless!

  61. Praying - for you and for the family that is experiencing the loss of a loved one!!!!!!!!! Sunshine

  62. God is Good.. Praying, praying, praying!!

    Hope this does not freak you out BUT...the following is something I do and today has been no exception. I have just been on edge. This is so weird...I get "feelings". Several folks in my family do this...but all weekend and especially today, I have thought her lungs were coming. I have signed on innumerable times today just to check...WOW...I have called all the family and they are praying too!! Love the pics..

    Lots of extra love, prayers and blessings for all!!

    Shari NC

  63. This is my first time here. Found you by way of Ginny at R & V Homestead.

    Your video touched my heart and I will be praying for all of you.


  64. Praying for you fervently as you anxiously wait. Will also be praying for the donor family. Blessings to you all!

  65. Please Lord Jesus, let this be the call we have all been praying for. You are an Awesome God! Pelase be with the family of the donor, bring them some sort of peace and comfort knowing that their loss has brought life to someone. If they are not believers Lord, use this experience to draw them into a relationship with you. Be with Tricia as she prepares, bring her peace, let her know you are by her side through the whole process. Be with her family as they wait for news. Oh Lord let this be an ansered prayer PLEASE! In Jesus' Glorious Name, we all pray AMEN!

    Continuing to pray,

  66. You and the potential donor's family have my prayers - so much going on right now for all, God be with each of you through it all.

  67. praying hard in columbia, south carolina - with love and hope - a mother of 4 - staci

  68. long time lurker but first time commenter - just wanting to say that I'm praying i'm sure along with thousands of others - what a beautiful thing to know, that so many people from all walks of life are calling out to God in prayer on Tricia's behalf.

  69. Shari are you in my family? there are two of us that have this esp dreams. I had dreams last night. I couldn't leave my computer today. I checked so many times.

  70. I hope this is it! I just celebrated my 24 anniversary of my kidney transplant on March 27. It is a crazy roller coaster, I will be thinking of you and hope someday you will celebrate 24 years too! Medicine can be a miracle! I'm married, adopted a wonderful little girl from Russia, and know what it is like to grow up "sick." Take care.

  71. Prayers coming your way! God is Good!

  72. Oh My Goodness, I am praying for these to be the lungs ment for Tricia and for the family of the donor

  73. Lifting up prayers for you and for the donar family in Okinawa, Japan.

  74. Praying for the donor family.
    Praying for Tricia, you & both of your families & friends.

    Peace be with all no matter the outcome...


  75. Praying this is a match and you get the great news you are looking for. Huge hugs being sent your way my friends.

  76. Fantastic news. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Char

  77. Fantastic news. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Char

  78. Wow! Praying for your family, the donors family and the medical team involved in the transplant process. May you be blessed today with a new breath of life. Wearing my knees out for your guys! God Bless. XO

  79. Praying for good lungs, strength to your family and the donor's family, wisdom for all those involved, and most of all for Tricia's health and well-being. What a blessing!

  80. I am praying for Tricia and you and for the donor's family. I am so excited. I hope it is the real thing and not a dry run, but if it is a dry run hopefully it will better prepare you all for the next call. This brings back memories from my "call" almost 8 years ago for lungs. My first call was the real thing, I also got called about 8 at night but it was the next morning before the transplant actually began. It is a time of excitement and new beginnings and I hope and pray that by tomorrow night this time you will be telling us that all went well and Tricia is resting comfortably. My prayers also go out to the doctors involved in the operation, that God guides them and gives them the wisdom to do the surgery skillfully and perfectly.

    Irene in Elizabeth City

  81. Praying!
    Praying so hard!!!

    I have goose bumps and chills and tears...

  82. Great smiles, below! I love how upbeat and positive you all are-in ALL circumstances! "Be still before the Lord and wait PATIENTLY on Him..." (Ps. 37:7)---you are both the most beautiful examples of this verse! I'll be praying for you, as I fall asleep now....may God continue to have His hand upon you!

  83. Great news!! Prayers for you guys and the donor's family going up now...

  84. Prayers for both families!

  85. Wow~ Our God is so good!! How excited and nervous you both must be. Praying the lungs are a perfect match, the surgery goes well, and your sweet family is together at home soon!!! And praying for the donor's family as well!

  86. all of you are in my thoughts and prayers!

  87. I am praying and SO excited to hear! Praise God! This is so amazing! Nate, praying for you as you have to wait if she does go in for surgery. Don't worry about updating the blog, obviously, but when you can share we will be here praising Jesus with you!

  88. Oh my Gosh...I'm praying for you guys!!!

  89. Praying for new lungs for Tricia, continued strength for Nate, growth and health for Gwyneth and for the family of the donor this evening.

    ... And refreshing often!

  90. Praying...

    Can't wait to hear the next update. Will wait patiently and prayerfully for all of you and especially for the donor and their family, of course!

    refreshing in ohio

  91. So happy for you guys and praying for ALL involved

  92. i have been reading your blog now for a couple of months... just lurking i guess :-)

    just wanted to let you know that i am praying for you guys!!!

    in Him

  93. Hopes and prayers that this is IT!

    I'll be thinking about all of you in this happy, scary, and exciting time. Many hugs!

  94. Thoughts and prayers are going up for you guys and the donors family. WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!


    Pastor Matt just posted a blog, calling the church to join in pray for you all.

  96. I'm so happy for you! What an amazing night this is. God bless the person that made the decision to give the gift of life.

  97. Thanks for taking the time to update all of us bloggers!
    Tricia, specific prayers for you, the donor's family and all of your family are being sent up tonight.

  98. Prayers 'round the world & back for you and the possible donor family, who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Hoping for more good news in the coming hours!

    As an aside, it's amazing to think of how many people around the world are hanging on your every post, praying for the best for you & your family, isn't it?

  99. I've been reading your blog for a week or two, and I'm so glad to hear this good news. Praise God! :)

    Praying that God's will is done, and for peace for the donor's family.

    Keep the faith -- it is an inspiration to all of us!


  100. I was just winding down for bed, and now I'm ALL EXCITED! I just had a special feeling about today! I hope everything works out and she gets her new lungs today, and if not it is in His plan and there will be another day. I'll check again in the AM :)


  101. We are praising God and praying!! We had a sweet family prayer time just before the kids went to bed- they were so excited for Mrs. Tricia!! :) And they all remembered to pray for the donor's family, too. Nothing like the innocent prayers of children to melt a parent's heart! I'm sure that must be how God feels every time we talk to Him!!

    Praying fervently,
    The Edwards

  102. I was just listening to our local news and they were telling of a young man who died in a skateboard accident. His mother had donated his organs to 8 different people so that some of her son may live on. Then I checked you blog. Praying that Tricia's lungs arrive blessed by God's own hand. I pray for strength for you and her mother. rita from georgia

  103. We are praying and holding you in our hearts for the next hours and days. God has been working so many miracles in you and through you all. My little ones were so earnest tonight that Tricia would get her lungs soon and I came down and got this news! I know that it will be nerve-wracking for you all, so we prayer for peace and calm while you wait. With love, hope and prayers, Tricia, Patrick, Micaela and Brian (N. Virginia) :) :)

  104. Praise the Lord! Praying for everyone involved, and realllly praying that these lungs will be a PERFECT match for Tricia in every way!!!

  105. I just prayed for you.

  106. WOW! I have chills. Praying for you all this evening.

  107. Prayers said for lungs Tricia and also even more prayers said for the donor family. May everything be done according to God's will.

  108. praying for all those involved. can't wait to hear the final news!

  109. again Nate, you sure do know how to make us cry!

    I am praying my heart out! Now how am I supposed to sleep with this news!?!?!

    I'm praying for the donor family... even if Tricia does not match to the donor, there is still a family that is hurting like I can not imagine! I pray that they know our Jesus so that we can say thank you some day face to face in Heaven.

    hugs and prayers!

  110. Wow! Praying here in Raleigh...for you all and the donor family...

  111. Praying for everyone tonight! God is good! I sure hope this is it!

  112. I am praying for all of you and all of them. God bless you. May this be the one!

    Much Love,
    Heidi Reed & family

  113. Praying that this wonderful, selfless gift is the perfect match you have been waiting for.


  114. How lovely to get THE CALL today on Sunday ..... the Lord's Day!

    Just hours ago you posted the words to that beautiful song, "The Blessing."

    Tricia, I am hoping that you indeed get your "Blessing" that we've all been praying for!

    Praying for this to be the perfect pair of lungs for you, Tricia!

    Also, how interesting the first few lines of that song, Nate.

    Think about those song words from the donor's point of view.

    Let it be said of us while we walked among the living
    Let it be said of us by the ones we leave behind
    Let it be said of us that we lived to be a blessing for life

    And, let it be said of us that we gave to reach the dying
    Let it be said of us by the fruit we leave behind
    Let it be said of us that our legacy is blessing for life

    Your donor "LIVED to be a BLESSING for LIFE....."

    SO AMAZING that the Lord prompted you to post those beautiful song lyrics this morning!

    Va Beach, VA

  115. Many many prayers being said for everyone involved. Praying this is the perfect match for Tricia! Praying praying praying!


  116. I will be praying.....for you, and for the donor's family, the doctors and your friends and families, and Gwyneth as you deal with so much at once. My niece was transplated a little more than a year ago and I remember the feelings well from the viewpoint of the family members. It's somber, and exciting, and a memorial to him or her who perished and shared. Thanks for updating, Nate.

  117. praying, praying, praying...and will probably be getting up during the night to check on you guys and do more praying. good luck!

  118. Nate and Tricia:
    Praying that these are the lungs that Tricia needs! Praying that the donor's family will receive comfort during this difficult time! Praying for your miracle!!!

  119. OMG I just got chills reading this. Please Lord let this be. I'm so happy and will be praying!!!!

  120. I've been praying for this day to it is a dry run or not. You are so deserving of this blessed gift.

    Also praying for the family who has lost a loved one. What a generous gift.

    Gwyneth is such a lucky little girl to have such loving parents. And I pray that she gets to enjoy her Mommy for many more years to come.

    Good luck, if this is it! Praying and Beleiving.

    Blessings, Brandi

  121. I just posted about you guys on my blog...many prayers being said and many more on the way.


  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. I'm praying that the lungs are a perfect match... and for the donors family.

  124. Wow-2 friends of mine each know 1 of Tricia's sisters and both let me know (independent of each other) 1 week ago about how God is working- I have been and am praying-thank you for your updates.

  125. For the past three days every time I've clicked refresh on the window I keep open for your site - I've been asking the Lord - "Could you give Tricia her lungs today?" I really felt like the Lord was prompting me to ask fervently and often.

    Praise Jesus for the person who choose to give the precious gift of organs - no matter who gets them.

  126. WOW! for now! wishing your family & the donors family strength.

  127. I prayed for Tricia to get new lungs today in church...and for the family of the potential donor. What a whirlwind of emotions you must be experiencing right now. I know that blogging is not your priority right now, and may not be for a few days if this is the right match, but I will be praying and waiting. Love and prayers from Pennsylvania.

  128. Many Prayers for Tricia and the donors family tonight going up from Indiana.
    Amy (a former lurker)

  129. I prayed for Tricia to get new lungs today in church...and for the family of the potential donor. What a whirlwind of emotions you must be experiencing right now. I know that blogging is not your priority right now, and may not be for a few days if this is the right match, but I will be praying and waiting. Love and prayers from Pennsylvania.

  130. I prayed for Tricia to get new lungs today in church...and for the family of the potential donor. What a whirlwind of emotions you must be experiencing right now. I know that blogging is not your priority right now, and may not be for a few days if this is the right match, but I will be praying and waiting. Love and prayers from Pennsylvania.

  131. Wow! As I pray for you I will also pray for the donor's family. Wishing you the best!


  132. We are praying for all involved!

  133. So very excited to hear the news!! I'm praying for your family and the family of the potential donor. I've been following your story since I learned about it through the Baby Leino website. Jordan and Patience were our neighbors at the Chapel Hill Ronald McDonald House for 3 months last year (our 3 year old, Brendon, spent 3 months in Chapel Hill with SJS/TENS -

    Prayers are with you all!!

    Kelly Brown

  134. I've been lurking around your blog for the past few days and praying for you. God is truly faithful to your family! I will continue to pray for you, Tricia, and baby Gwyneth. Many prayers!

  135. I hope it is a match and that Tricia has a remarkably successful surgery.

    In either case, I am keeping the donor's family in my prayers

  136. We will spend the night praying for Tricia and the donor hoping that this is the match that she has been waiting for.

    Colleen and Family

  137. Praying for the donor's family, in the ways you suggested earlier, with sympathy and thanksgiving. Praying hard that this will be Tricia's match, praying for her and for Gwyneth and for you - my heart goes out to all of you tonight.

  138. Praying that these lungs are a PERFECT match!!


  140. Prayers being sent for your family and the donor's family for sure!

  141. need to apoligize for any insensitivity in the previous comment...I mean no disrespect for the loss of life..I am simply beside myself in joy for you...

  142. Wow!!...I just got back from vacation and came over to check up on you guys...what an awesome bit of news!! I'm praying for you all!! I'm also praying for the donor family...may God hold them closely right now.

    Angela in central Ohio

  143. I've been following your blog for a long time, but have never commented. This is enough to make me de-lurk.

    I'm praying that this is it for Tricia! And if it's not, then for the person that will receive the lungs as well as for the family that has lost a precious loved one. May God be with you all as you wait to hear the news and during and after the surgery.


  144. We're praying for you guys and the donor family.

    Eric, Andrea and the kids

  145. All things work together for good for those who love God.

  146. WOW !! INCREDIBLE NEWS !! We are praying !!

  147. WOW!!! I am soo happy for y'all! I will be praying for your families as well as the donor's!

  148. Awesome news! Praying for you in Michigan!

  149. I am so excited and happy for you all! Praying that it is not a dry run, and Tricia does AMAZING!

    Also praying for the donor and their family/friends.

    What does TX stand for??

  150. I have never commented before, but I check your blog several times a day. I will be praying for you, Tricia, Gwyneth, and the donor. Thank you for keeping us updated. I feel like I know you even though I have never met you. Love and prayers.

  151. Praying for the donor's family and for yours...

  152. I was planning on shutting my computer down for the night, but won't now. When I get up to nurse my little one throughout the night, I'll be checking your site and praying.
    Hugs to all!

  153. I had premonitions today!!! You have millions of people praying for of luck!

  154. praying for you and the donor family tonight

  155. Today is my birthday and my greatest present would be for tricia to get her lungs. I have been praying for you all for a long time and will continue to pray for you over the next hours.
    Julie from Annapolis

  156. The community of Christ at the First United Methodist Church in Troy, MI send bold prayers for God's healing mercies for Tricia and the donor; and for God's peace to surround the donor's family. Faith will take the day.

  157. WOW WOW WOW!!! I am praying!!! Much love - Bamagirl!!!

  158. WOOHOO praying praying praying and I love the HairCut!!

  159. I will be praying for your family and the donor's family.
    Still praying in ND

  160. I have been following your blog for about 2 weeks now. Your family has been in my prayers and I was just coming to check to see if by chance you got the call and WHOAA a post saying a possibility. I will be praying this is a match. God bless I am praying here in Maryland for you!

  161. What wonderful news!!! Thank you for letting us share this journey with you. It's truly amazing. Praying that the lungs are a perfect match!


  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. What wonderful news!!! Thank you for letting us share this journey with you. It's truly amazing. Praying that the lungs are a perfect match!


  164. Praying that this is the perfect gift for Tricia. Also praying hard for the donor family and their angel who is surely making the beautiful journey to Heaven.

  165. We are praying hard here is South Carolina! I have been silently praying for you guys since I found your blog a few weeks ago. This morning, I felt moved to share your story with my congregation and ask them to pray for y'all as well. WOW, is all I can say. God is GREAT...

  166. Praying for Tricia and the donor's family. I hope these are the right lungs and Tricia will be in surgery soon. God Bless your family. Can't wait for updates!!! Kiss Tricia for all her followers!!


  167. I am praying for Tricia, You, your family and the donor's family. God be with you (and the doctors).

    Off to pray some more...

  168. Praise God!! Praying that the lungs will be a perfect match for Tricia. Also praying for the donor's family.

    Will check back as soon as I wake up to see how things are.

    Praying for Tricia, the doctors, nurses, anastesiologists (sp??), you and always Gwyneth Rose too.

  169. Praying also for the transplant team and their wisdom and expertise, their safety during their travels and the many others who will be involved in the entire process as it happens (with, hopefully, Tricia...or another person in desperate need)

    refreshing in ohio

  170. Praying for you guys and for the donor's family.

  171. Hey this your birthday gift? Celebrate early!!! No april fools' going on here I can see!

    (don't freak, we follow the same blog)

    refreshing in ohio

  172. Tell tricia to wash her hair really well tonight since she wont be able to do that for a while after surgery. My cousin had same surgery and that was her advice! Bless the donor's family during this heartwrenching time for them. May they be comforted knowing their gift of organs will be helping many people, and hopefully if its a match, Tricia too! Blessings!

  173. Praying hard for you and the family of the donor!

  174. Aww that's great news! I'll keep your family in my prayers tonight! Jess


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