
Friday, October 3, 2008

(Bump) We've Been NomiNATEd!

This was originally posted on 3.10.08. It appears that voting ends sometime within the next several days...the winners will be announced on October 16. Thanks to those who have voted for only hope with this opportunity is that it will put the things we're passionate about in front of more people.

Like Alice, we've been nominated for a few blog awards at! I have no idea what this means, but I'll assume that a win would mean more people would find out about CF and the other things we're passionate about, which would be really sweet!

So, if you have a few minutes...

...and vote for us for "Best Blog Of All Time"...we were nominated for 3 other categories as well (and you can also vote in those categories), but I figure if you all vote for the same category, we might actually win! It looks like you have to join to vote, but if you have the time, please do so!

And, don't forget to vote for Alice!!!

Thanks (especially to whomever nominated us)!



  1. Mine, all categories:)

  2. you have my vote in all categories

  3. You've got my votes in all 3 categories!!

  4. Oh, goodness! This will be fun and interesting to watch. Just like we all watched your blog counter hit the "million" mark, we can all now watch your "votes" sky rocket! You're gonna "smoke" the competition! I venture to say you will be the front runner in this competition by this time tomorrow night. Or, maybe even by morning! Let the voting begin...

  5. Okay I voted in 4 categories. It says you were nominated by Justforme - Way to go whoever that is!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I voted for all 4 categories!!!

    Nate, it's the most awesome thing to literally watch you move from 7th place to 6th and soon in the 5th place spot for "Blog of all time." Fun watching the votes pour in. (Evidence that I have no life tonight! :)

  8. So I messed up and thought that I had to create one of these Google/Blogger identities in order to vote. So I did...and then I needed to sign up for something separate to vote! haha. I am not quite as good with computers as you are, clearly! Anyway, I voted, and now I can leave comments too!

    Your loyal reader,
    (the contest winner!)

  9. Okay, I guess I have to force myself to go to bed now. It is almost midnight. But, it is so fun to sit back and watch the votes roll in! When I wake up tomorrow morning at 6 AM and check the site, I bet you'll be the front runner! Just in the past hour, the votes jumped from in the 30s to now almost 90 votes! So COOL.

    P.S. - Mike and Jenn, you're not the only one sitting at your computer at this late hour "watching" the votes roll in. I'm right there with you! Ha! Husband and kids in bed. This is "my" down time.

    Good Night!

  10. Well, you have my vote!! I have been reading this blog for months now and have wanted to comment many times and now I finally am (I hope this works)! I believe this blog should win because we can all read this blog for inspiration. Thank you!

  11. You got me hook, line and sinker in all categories!! I bet you guys win by a LANDSLIDE!!!
    Many prayers going out to the 3 of you!

  12. You got me hook, line and sinker in all categories!! I bet you guys win by a LANDSLIDE!!!
    Many prayers going out to the 3 of you!

  13. woo-hoo!! I was number 101! ;)

  14. "my2girls"~ Thanks for the laugh!

    Nate's sliding into fourth place...probably in the next few minutes!!

  15. I loved the fatherhood post and the pic, man that is one sweet little girl! I voted for the best blog after jumping through their registration hoops! Good luck on the vote. Hope you all have a great day, you are in our prayers!

  16. Second place by only one vote at this time! I'm sure once folks wake up and check the blog...

    Other categories are "STUFF", "HEALTH", and "PHOTOGRAPHY" if anyone is interested. You can search for "CFHUSBAND" to see all the areas that are nominated.

  17. Yeaa...Nate's blog just slid into first place for "Best blog of all time!!"

  18. You got my votes for all 4 categories!

  19. I didn't get to vote. :-( So sad!

    But I did just see that you won two categories- Best Blog of All Times and Best Health Blog. wooohooo! Yea, Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth!!! Congrats!

  20. I voted in all catagories. It would be awesome to reach out to more. The Lord is so good to open doors.
    Christy in KY

  21. Nate...did you see where you can click and "claim" the blog and then your header will show up there and a blog summary?

  22. Congrats Nate! Your Blog is #1 in all but the photography where you are now #3!! Woo-Hoo!!!

    Don't forget to CLAIM your blog from the site to have it posted to your site.

    Yes, I created a blog instead of just signing up too, but my first note I posted was about CF Husband!

    Keep up the wonderful job you are doing for your girls & our God!


  23. Hah you're totally winning in everything except for photography in which you are 2nd place. CONGRATS!

  24. Voting! How awesome for you guys...TOTALLY deserved!


    Jen-William's Mom

  25. You are currently in FIRST place for all categories except for PHOTOGRAPHY! And, you are only about 10 votes away from taking FIRST place in that category, as well.

    OH yeah, Nate ..... it looks like you need to "claim" the blog.

  26. I can't believe how late I stayed up just to watch votes roll in! :)

    Anyone know when the voting closes?


  27. I just voted and you are currently winning all catagories!

  28. I'm still waiting for confirmation of my account setup - I'll be voting as soon as I get it. I guess Tricia doesn't know about this since you haven't been nominated for the "Hottest Daddy Blogger" category yet...

  29. Nate,
    Please check out this blog if you have time. They are another couple going through a tough time with a little one, but trusting God all along. I know you would appreciate their story.

  30. LOL NomiNATEd. Love the 'NATE' in there. Yes I caught that!

    I voted for you!

    And in the post after this one, I LOOOOVE that picture of Gwyneth. That's my favorite one!!


  31. For all the wonderful pics of your girls, you got my vote!

  32. for some reason it won't accept my username and password. I asked it to send me my password and it still hasn't

  33. I voted. And then I thought Only four? Let's throw some more categories in the mix. But I got shot down fast, as four is the maximum number of categories that one blog can be nominated for. Are we surprised you are willing all 4? Not a bit! WTG Team Gwenyth!!!

  34. Oops. I meant to say WINNING I'll four - not willing.

  35. Hey, Congratulations....I'm headed there right now to vote for the three of you!!

    Devin in Illinois

  36. Mike and Jenn - Ha! I'm foggy-eyed myself today. I stayed up WAY TOO LATE doing the same thing!

    Oh, and I was wondering the same exact thing. When will the voting period end? I tried to find out by searching site, but I never did see any mention of it.

  37. When you go here

    do you see that Nate's blog is in FIRST PLACE out of 20,325 blogs for "Most Popular Nominations?"

    Am I reading that correctly? WOW!

    If that's true, look below Nate's blog and you'll see that Rosie O'Donnell's blog is in SECOND PLACE.

    WOW! Nate, you are now surpassing the celebs. See, you guys really ARE true celebrities! (smile)

    Va Beach, VA

  38. Now you are in the lead, by A BUNCH 438 to 181!!!

  39. Michelle - It did the same thing to me. I had to click Log In, then click the Forgot Password button and have them email me a new password. I never got the initial confirmation email, but I got the forgot password email. In that message, there was a link to confirm my account before I could log in using the new password. It worked when I did that. Hope this helps!


  41. Just voted, all categories, but listen up.. its not over. Last year the the Best of all time category won with 1151 votes (double the current tally for CFHUSBAND as of right now). Lets get this thing out of the park. Lets shoot for 2k votes.


  42. O wow, thanks Nate!!! Wish I could vote for you again!!! Tried that, but they wouldnt let me. Stupid people :-)


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