
Friday, October 3, 2008

Tricia's Sick

Tricia's throat is sore, her sinuses are dripping, she's coughing up stuff, and she has a fever. Not good.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.



  1. No, not good. I will be praying for you, Tricia!

  2. Praying for Tricia right now. Asking the Lord to keep her safe until she can kick this.

    Laurie in Ca.

  3. Praying for you from Dallas, Tricia!!! Pray this is nothing serious and you are able to get rest and heal are such an amazing strong woman and such an encouragement to all of us!!!! Hang in there and get well!!!!!

  4. Praying for your sweet wife and for you as you care for her! jen in al

  5. Thinkin of you all and prayin for Tricia's health. Hope she kicks this bug ASAP so she can continue to fight the cancer!


  6. Jesus... be near to Tricia... to the whole family! Send her healing quickly... be near to her right now. Meet her right where she is and restore!

    With prayers and admiration from TN...

  7. Saying lots of prayers that she gets better quickly.

    We just were at the doctor and found out three of our seven kids have a viral bronchitis and that it is going around.

    I hope whatever she has is easily treated.

  8. AW, I'll be saying my prayers for her.

  9. praying as I type and alerting all the prayer-peeps by phone that never check the blog over the weekend!

  10. Asking God to keep Tricia close in his care.
    Prayers from Michigan1

  11. Praying for Tricia and hoping she can kick this bug quickly.

  12. Keeping you all in my heart...~Heather

  13. praying too!
    for all of you esp. Tricia.
    ToOdLeS.ShEiLA (Nevada)

  14. Praying for Tricia to heal very quickly...and for you to take good care of her...and for Gwyneth to have extra "baby" patience while you take care of mommy!

  15. Praying for you right now Tricia & for you Nate that God will keep you strong as you try to meet your girl's needs.
    Praying in Missouri

  16. You are all in my thoughts and prayers!

  17. :-( Oh no! Lots of prayers for you Tricia! I hope you feel better soon!

  18. Good thoughts and prayers for Tricia!
    Cari in Chicago

  19. In my prayers tonight. I hope you feel better fast!

  20. In the name of Jesus we ask for healing for Trisha tonight. In Jesus name amen.

  21. Lots of prayers for you and your family tonight.

    Take care....

  22. Nate,
    I have been following you and your beautiful family for a long time. I don't comment, you have so many. I am so sorry Tricia is not feeling well. I will continue to pray even harder. I hope she feels better very soon. Know God has his loving arms wrapped around all of you.
    Peace and blessings,

  23. Ughh... so sorry to hear Tricia is not feeling well again. Will pray extra tonight for her!!


  24. Praying Nate!

    Love and blessings,

  25. I have been following your blog for about 6 months now. What a wonderful, beautiful, family you have!

    Prayers from KY for Tricia.

  26. Praying for Tricia from California!

  27. Sending lots of prayers for Tricia to feel better soon and that Gwyneth (and you!) don't get sick too.

  28. Hope it's just a silly cold and that you feel better in no time!!!!

  29. Praying for Tricia, and for you Nate. You are a continual reminder and inspiration as I pray for Bekah's future husband if that be his will. You are such a perfect fit for Tricia, and have taken on her battle of CF. I can't imagine passing the baton on with Bekah one day. I'll never stop the battle against her CF, but it will take on new forms as she grows up.... but I know the Lord will provide perfectly for Bekah, as he has for Tricia through you, as you exemplify the love of Christ to her. We pray every night that our girls would marry men that will love them as Christ loves His church, and though Nate, I know you aren't perfect and are a very humble man, I see an amazing picture of that as you love and take care of your girls. May you be strengthened inwardly by the power of the Holy Spirit, and may the peace that passes all understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Loving you up to the Lord....

    Karen Weigner and all the princesses....

  30. I hope you're feeling wonderful soon Tricia.

  31. Sinusinfections are awful
    Flushing, flushing and even more flushing?

    I hope you'll feel better soon Tricia.
    Thinking of you!

    Hugs, Marjolein
    24/CF/post double lungtx

  32. Still been praying for you, even though, i am not able to check in as much as i did b4, still lovin ya, still thinking of ya, still praying for you here in New Zealand,
    God bless you Tricia!

  33. I am praying for you dear little sister,

    Big hugs,

  34. I pray this is just a short lived cold and it does not affect her too much. Praying here in CT!

  35. Dear Lord, please pour your grace and healing over Tricia today. Thank you God for this couple and the miracles you have provided for them thus far. Thank you for your power and healing today for Tricia. In His Name

  36. Prayers are flowing for Tricia's speedy recovery....

    Kerry in Guilford, CT

  37. We're praying for Tricia's health & for you as you continue to care for her. Love you guys!

  38. Praying for a speedy recovery...we pray to God for healing.

  39. Praying that her body will regain the strength it needs to fight this. Hope she gets plenty of rest and that our prayers will get her through this. Prayers and hope to you all,
    Tricia and Family

  40. Oh Nate, I am certainly praying. Praying that it is just something minor really. But I do know that even something minor is not a good thing.

  41. Praying that a quiet weekend with some TLC will help Tricia feel beter. I know things like this can be extremely scarry for her and you. Thanks for sharing your story and allowing us to pray for Tricia during these times, and good ones too! BTW, the Lemon Meringue Pie looked DELICIOUS!

  42. More prayers coming at you....:(

  43. Praying for Tricia! Rest, rest, rest- and let your body fight. It has certainly shown its strength on more than one occassion. I'll be praying.

  44. Woke up in the middle of the night last night with an urge to pray for you all... consider it done...

  45. Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers!!

  46. Praying the Lord's protection over Tricia right now!

    Blessings to you all - praying that Gwyneth doesn't get sick either...

    Southern CA

  47. I'm praying here, too, as always!

  48. I hope you are feeling better soon Tricia. We're all praying for you.

  49. You've got prayers coming from over here. We're hovering on the brink of Ricky going into the hospital himself, but thus far the old standby antibiotics + prednisone seem to be helping.

    Hoping Tricia is soon on the mend.


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