
Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Tricia is scheduled for discharge at 10:30 this morning! We're stoked!!!



  1. I think "stoked" probably doesn't even begin to describe how you are both feeling!

  2. yeah! Such a HUGE step. Congrats Tricia, (and Nate) you are amazing!!

  3. Woooooooooohoooooooo!!! :) I am joining you in your stokedness!!! :) (If that is a real word). :)

    Amy in Oregon

  4. It brings tears to my eyes to think about how excited you all must be. I wish you all the best of luck!!

  5. It brings tears to my eyes to think about how excited you all must be. I wish you all the best of luck!!

  6. Hallelujah!!!! You brought Meka back from OBX, didn't you? Tricia will finally get to love her up!

  7. Yea!! Tricia and Nate! So excited for you guys! I can't wait till your next visit to NJ! I think we're gonna have to come down again and come see you guys at home now!!! Yea!!!!

    ~ Lisa (in NJ)

  8. Awesome!! I have been following your family's story since Gwyneth was born and am so excited for you and Tricia!!!! Your faithfulness to Christ is so evident in your lives that it encourages me daily. Your family is always in my prayers. Isn't He awesome to those who follow Him?! You guys totally rock! Keep up the great work! I was so happy for you and Tricia when I read you got to walk hand-in-hand for the first time in months! Just no time it will be Daddy, Mommy and Gwenyth walking hand-in-hand!!! Just imagine....CONGRATULATIONS on your discharge today! I know Gwyneth isn't too far behind! You all are awesome!!

  9. YEA!!!!! :o)
    What an exciting day for you two!


    I mean, Praise Him like Kirk Franklin and the whole Stomp song, "GP are you with me?"

    So So So very excited for you all.

  11. How Awesome. Way to go Tricia. Nate, I bet you cant wait to just hold your wife.Congrats to you both.

  12. That is SO awesome!

  13. I'm so happy for you all:)

    I've already said a prayer for Trica and you Nate this morning. Can't wait for the updates.

  14. I bed you guys can't wait! I'm so excited for you. Still praying...

  15. Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you guys.

    Praying in Ohio for a smooth, easy transition.

  16. That's fantabulous!!!!! When I was discharged we had to buy shelving for all the medical stuff. You'll be Dr. Nate before this is all said and done. Looking forward to meeting you and seeing Tricia at the CFL.

  17. OH MY GOSH!!
    Thats so awesome! :)

  18. Thanks so mucxh for allowing our family to "observe" and pray for your family as you have walked out this miracle. My entire Crew is so happy for you guys:)
    Your story has been great breakfast and dinner conversation for us with the kids - well - the older kids:)
    It has been such a cool experience for us - from the outside -to be able to celebreate God's faithfulness in your lives as a family. My kids are going to school tlaking about this miracle. It also opened to doors to talk about organ donation and living wills. I have a dear friend that gave her hubby kidney - and I would do that in a minute - but there were tough questions of, "what if" and "how would we", that my husband and best friend and I needed to talk about.

    Your story is a life changing story.

    I have been so encouraged by God's hand in all of this.

    No matter how anyone takes anything you have posted at any stage of this miracle -

    the main thing all of us should get from this is that our God,
    that came and lived among us here on earth.

    Our God -

    he is still answering prayers, he is STILL healing the sick, He is still here with us - and mirales really do still happen:)Life is precious and we should all faight for life:)

    He will never leave us or forsake us -

    He is
    the same yesterday, today and forever:)

    I celebrate your release from prison - oops - I mean the hospital Tricia;)

    We are all so proud of how brave and strong you have been:) You are a fighter girly:)

    Nate - you have the heart of a lion:)
    You have stood by your girls like a warrior:)
    fighting the good fight of faith for both of them_ we salute your faithfulnees to your family:)

    Precious Baby girl - Gwyneth -
    You are a beautiful tribute to your heavenly father and his love for you and for all of us:)

    You are a miracle that will and has already changed this world we live in:)

    Love and hugs

    The Crew:)

  19. I am so excited for you. How awesome after so long in the hospital. We will keep praying for continued health and for Gwyneth to quickly join you.

  20. Praying for a smooth discharge and perfect day.

  21. Whooooo weeeeeeeeee!!!
    How exciting!
    We'll pray that Gwyneth is able to join you soon!

  22. YAY!!!

    Enjoy your time together!

  23. What a great day! I'm so glad you are at this point. We are sending much love and prayers to you all.

  24. That's Amazing!
    Happy Homecoming!
    We are thrilled for you!!

  25. Praise God!! Praying for each of you as you make this transition.

    May sound silly but I'm praying for Tricia ans she moves into a 'normal' bed. After being in a hospital bed that moves and adjusts, this can be a challenge. Praying her body adjusts quickly.

    Praising God for answered prayers!! Next step, sweet Gwyneth Rose heading out with you!

  26. Beyond words! Praying for His grace over all adjustments and continued improvement in physical strength!


    WOW! God has brought you a looooooong way!

  28. I'm soooooo happy for you!!!! This is the day that you have been waiting for. The warm sun shining on Tricia's face, smell of fresh spring air, walking-just walking with your new lungs. Beautiful.

  29. Praying for you guys through this transition and I can't WAIT to hear Gwyneth will be going home as well! So now, I have a question, and I am sorry if you posted this and I didn't understand. Will Tricia now do a outpatient program or will she have to stay in another care center?

  30. I'm so happy for all of you.....
    God is so gracious and true in his promises.

  31. Congratulations!! I am happy that you are making some forward progress!! I have been following your story since before Gwyneth was born, but this is my first post.

  32. WAHOO! What an amazing day today is! Enjoy every second.

  33. Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!
    :-) :-) :-) :-)

  34. Cant even imagine how the two of you are feeling right now... so happy for you guys!! :) Good Luck with everything, praying for an easy discharge! Cant wait to hear more.

    God Bless!

  35. YAY!! Prayer is powerful and the Lord works with us for fullfillment.

    I have been reading about this journey for quite some time, just as thousands of people are.

    We all weep tears of joy for you Nathan, you Tricia and you baby Gwyneth up here in Wisconsin as we continue to pray for your recovery.

  36. That is just wonderful news! It must feel absolutely wonderful. The next best thing will be when Gwyneth gets to join you. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Continued health and happiness.

  37. So awesome!! So happy for you both.
    Continued prayers for Trisha and Gwyneth to join you both soon!

  38. Stoked -- great word but probably doesn't come close to expressing the emotions associated with this day. Way to go Tricia!! I'm so happy for all of you, and look forward to seeing pictures of you all on the beach real soon!

    In a few days it will have been one year since my husband and children visited the Outer Banks for the first time on our first family vacation. My children still ask why we can't move there! It's a truly beautiful area.


  39. I am so happy for you all..Gwynneth will be out b4 you know it. God Bless You...

  40. God be with you on your next adventure... getting HOME!!!!

    I'm from Australia and you have been in my prayers all day

    All the best and rest well

  41. That is so awesome! I know you two can't wait to spend some time together without nurses interrupting! :) And hopefully Gwyneth will be soon to follow!

    -Lisa Collinsworth

  42. How wonderful!!!
    My husband's aunt was declared brain dead last night and they are keeping her alive until a transplant team can arrive. I am so thankful to have been apart of your journey and know that even though we are losing a family member, we know that she is bring life to so many people!

  43. Congratulations...It's a new beginning, I hope and pray for the best for your family!

    Love from MI

  44. Hi to all of you- Tricia, Nate and Little Gwyneth, from Moonta, South Australia,
    I've been following your blog since Christmas. This is the first time I am writing a comment.
    Your tenacity, determination and faith have inspired me to be a better and more appreciative person. Most of all your story that you have so willingly shared with all of us has restored my faith in our amazing God. Your 'To God be the Glory!' praise brings me to tears. You are such faithful and trusting people who deserve such happiness.
    Today the next phase begins. You are all in my regular prayers, and then some, which I have resumed during this last few months that I have been priviledged to share in your lives.
    I know what it's like to spenbd days in hospitals through my own situation with my children when they were younger. It is like being caught in another space and time. The hospital 'genre' is world-wide I'm sure! They are essential and supportive places with necessarily strict time schedules and rules.
    It is soooo great that you can 'escape' a little now and can go out there into 'everyday' life together. Wow! Isn't it great that you get to do that today?!
    I pray that the new arrangements fall into place and that little Gwyneth joins you both very soon.

    To God be the Glory! Whohoo!
    Julie in Moonta

  45. Nate and Tricia-

    Simply AMAZING!!! GOD is so GOOD!

    Love, The Hagers in Michigan

  46. Congrats! There's no place like home! :) Hope the transition goes smoothly :)

  47. WOW!!!! I am so excited!!!! I pray for a smooth transition back to "home life". Much love and prayers to both of you! SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!


  48. Congrats!!!!And soon You'll have your rose to take home as well!!!!!!!!!

  49. That is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. How exciting!!!!!
    I'm praying for the transition & for Gwyneth to join you soon!

  51. What a long wait for you and her! I was so excited when I was released after only being in for 20 days (8 days before the transplant and 12 days after). I can just imagine how you and your family feel. Congratulations and good luck!!!!

  52. Such great news! Have a wonderful day... with love and prayers from the heartland!

  53. Drum roll, please...

    May whatever the weather is there, your day be filled with sunshine.

    Cries of joy from the Turtlemama.

  54. Wow! What a journey this has been so far, and God just continues to amaze me through it all. Tricia, you must be so excited. I pray that you are healing up perfectly. Before you know it, Gwyneth will be joining you guys. This is such a blessing to have walked this journey with you and pray you through. Be blessed today!!

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  55. How wonderful! I'm so excited for you all!

  56. Stoked-haven't heard that in awhile.Now when Tricia is discharged I am curious to see how close to 10:30 she is really let go!!

    I was discharged at 11:30PM-leaving a hospital that late makes you feel like you are in the witmess protection program.Morning is a good time-just before lunch.

  57. God is good!!!
    Enjoy your freedom! :)
    We love you!

  58. Well done, you deserve it!!!!!!!!

  59. congratulations tricia you are such a insperation to us all xx have a lovley evening and i bet meka will be pleased to see her mummy xxx (((( huge hugs to you both and gwyneth ))))
    love from sunny england

    inga and family xx

  60. Wow, I have this mental image of how GREAT that is going to be - keeping you guys in my prayers. Doing a little jig for you.

  61. CONGRATS!!! That is amazing news! We'll continue to pray for a quick and thorough recovery so you can get back to the beautiful OBX.

  62. yay!!! What a great day! Next it's Gwyneth's turn!!

  63. What a beautiful day this is going to be! Congratulations to both of you!

  64. Words can not even say how awesome this is- shooked!! God is so AWESOME I will continue the prayers for You all, Prayers that Gwyneth is released soon so you all can begin your new plans God has for you.


  65. Awesome!

    Now to get that baby home too!

  66. Oh, happy happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love to all.

  67. Amazing! This is a great day. I hope that all goes smoothly with the discharge, and that you are home (well, at your temporary home) before noon!

    Hospitals have been known to have delays with discharges. I hope they don't in your case. (smiles)


    I can't even imagine how excited you all must be. You are being sprung! WOOOHOOO!

    I can't help but think about sweet Meka he is probably going to be beside himself excited to see his momma.

    How exciting!

  69. Totally amazing, exciting, overwhelming, and wonderful!

  70. WOOOHOOOOO!!!!! I´m so, so happy for you!!!


  71. Awesome for you both! Way to go Tricia! :) Still praying for this new step in your journey together and for baby Gwyneth - that she will follow you both soon. Take it easy while you adjust and just enjoy the freedom of being together.. Sure I don't need to be telling you that. Prayers, hope and blessings, Tricia, Micaela and Brian (N.VA) xoxoox

  72. I'm so excited for you guys! Praying that everything goes smoothly and well! :)

  73. AMEN!
    Yeah for the whole family. May she continue to get stronger and be home soon.
    -Shannon in Austin

  74. Praise be to God!!!!


    God has certainly poured his blessings upon you all.

    Here's to a speedy recovery and that your family will truly go home soon.

    (Holly in MD)

  75. Wow! Congrats to both of you! :)

  76. First time commenting though I've been reading for months. Congratulations, I'm so happy for you!

  77. Yippee that is so awesome! I am so happy for you! It has to be the best feeling :)

  78. WHOO HOO!! That's completely AWESOME! Praying that it goes smoothly.

  79. I have chills just thinking about Tricia walking out of that hospital and breathing fresh air on her own with her husband's hand in hers. I'm so happy for the two of you! Keep up the good work!


  80. AMAZING!!!!! WONDERFUL!!!! Now you just need your little rose!

  81. Yay!! I can imagine you are both beyond excited!! Wow--I can't imagine being in the hospital for pretty much four months! I can hardly wait to hear that sweet Gywneth is being discharged, too!

  82. YAY! That's WONDERFUL news! I'm so happy for you guys!

  83. I am so happy for you three. I will continue to pray for your precious family.

  84. How cool! I'm so excited for you all. Happy day, and there's more where that came from. Yaaaay!


  85. Wish I could be there to carry a bag or something.


    How wonderful that Tricia will be able to be with you away from the hospital and really get some sleep without all the noise, lights and check ups that come from being a patient in the hospital.

    Praising God for the care she has received at the hospital and for this incredible step today to be able to a patient that will visit for check ups and see your precious daughter, but no longer be there 24 hours per day!

  87. AMAZING AND AWESOME! Take care and keep us updated!

  88. Woohoo!! It's been a long time coming! I'm stoked for you. Continued blessings!

  89. Nate and Tricia you are both in my prayers, along with that little one that will join you soon!! Congratulations on everything!! I am happy for all of you!
    Teressa, NC

  90. Praise God for your rapid recovery, and quick release, from the hospital! Gywenth is going to be right behind you! Hope the nursery is ready.

  91. I would be stoked, too! How exciting!! What a wonderful day for you and Tricia.

  92. Oh my goodness! I haven't been able to read in the past day as I have been sick in bed. You can not imagine the excitement and awe and wonder at how awesome our GOD is when I just read the news. We will all be praying for a smooth transition home and that Gwyneth is not far behind her mommy! Praise God for the miracles He has allowed us to witness through you all! YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

  93. We are so happy for both of you . We have been praying for this day for you for a long time. We will continue to pray as you adjust to all the new things you have to do. We will also continue to pray for Gwyneth to get to the birth weight needed for her to go home with you. How exciting!!!

  94. YAHOOOOO!! I know youare so excited. Praying for all of you in this time of adjustment.
    Keeping positive thoughts coming your way!

  95. AWESOME!!!! Congratulations to you both and prayers for an uneventful transition to life outside the hospital. I know you'll be thrilled when you can return to OBX as a family of THREE!

  96. Wow! Have a great day together. I know that you all must be overjoyed. Simply amazing!

  97. Enjoy your day! Praying that your day is an easy one and everything falls into place for you and Tricia!

  98. Wooo hooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  99. whoa!!!! That's the understatement of the year, being stoked! Congratulations and I'll keep praying for no rejection and no infection. I know this isn't the end, just the beginning. What a wonderful day for all of you.
    Kathy (mom to princesses in disguise)

  100. AWWWWWWWESOME!!!!!! Enjoy! Our God is Good.

  101. Wow...she's amazing....i'm so happy for you guys!!!

  102. Well its now 10:08 and I am praying that Tricia and you are both sprung fast and things go smoothly.
    *Stoked!* I bet both of you are but I am sure that doesn't cover the feelings.
    God is great is all I know!!Your story is living proof of His greatness.
    Praying for a smooth transition.


  104. HOORAY!!!!! I'm so excited for both of you!! What a wonderful God we serve!!!!

  105. Congratulations! We'll be praying for this new chapter in your lives!

  106. How exciting for you guys!! What a HUGE answer to prayer. and i bet Gwyeneth will be ready to go about when tricia is done w/ her therapy and all, too. God's timing is perfect--i see His hand everyday too, but in different ways!


    I'm so happy for you guys:)

  108. Praise the Lord!!!! that is sooooooo wonderful! i am trying to picture what i would want to do hard to say but i think an awesome meal would be close to the top of the list! praying you have a wonderful time together and that the "wheels of discharge" move smoothly! praying,,,jen in al

  109. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  110. Congrats Nate and Tricia, So Happy for you both , Next it will be your BEAUTIFUL Daughter coming home:) All the love sent from BC, Canada:))

  111. Praise the Lord! How wonderful!

  112. How amazing - I'm so excited and happy for you guys. Your first non-hospital night together in a very long time...awesome. Will Meka get to hang around and see her mom?

  113. Yay Tricia-
    This is the best news! You get to get of the hospital! Gwyneth is right behind you! I cant wait for you guys get back to the OBX then the fun will really start! Enjoy your life with your new baby girl! :) Still praying for you all. Way to go TRICIA!!!

  114. 5 minutes until Discharge! God bless all of you during this BIG day & all the days that follow!!

  115. That is the best news I have heard all day...heck, all week!! Congrats!

  116. As I type this, you are preparing to leave! I would say something profound like, GOD IS GOOD!! But somehow, that just doesn't seem to cover it!!! Praise the Lord for what he's doing for your family!! Much love - Bamagirl!!

  117. Any minute now!!! Did you need a moving truck? Getting discharged - It's the BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD..I'm so so so happy for you Tricia

  118. How wonderful! We will all be praying for peace and an easy adjustment back into the "real world". How wonderful for Tricia to be out of the hospital. I just cannot believe how fast everything is moving
    !!! God is good!

    Love from WV,

  119. What an amazing step! I am so happy for you guys!

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. I am so pumped for you all! I'm just way excited!! Praise God!! Now I'm just cheering "Eat Gwyneth Eat!"
    Praying for continued recovery. Enjoy sleeping next to Tricia tonight! YAY!

  122. Woo Hoo! Congratulations, Tricia! And know that prayers will continue on behalf of your very special family of 3!

  123. Hey Nathan? How do you-or how can I block anonymous posters? I cannot even imagine the frustration you must have received on your blog from insensitive or hurtful remarks, but I've received one, and I thought you may be the guy to advise how to block it. I'm a little "blog settings" challenged. Thanks-

    You are INCREDIBLE TRICIA and an AWESOME Husband and Father Nate!
    BEST wishes!

  125. Wow! Amazing! Praise the Lord! That is so awesome!

  126. Amazing! She has come so far! Praise God!
    Stacy :-)

  127. Yea! I am so excited for you all! The two of you are going to be so busy with all the pt, visiting Gwenyth and just plain old living life that you won't have time for your 3 million people following! I feel like we've just completed a huge marathon together and are gathered at the finish line. I will continue to pray for you and the rest of the family that you all continue to do well! Singing praises to our wonderful Lord!

  128. Congratulations! What a huge accomplishment and blessing for all of you!

  129. Wow, I have tears in my eyes! I am so excited for you guys and will continue to be praying!

  130. Nate & Tricia,
    Good luck with the move & getting everything set up! I will be praying for all of you as you get settled.

  131. Yippeee!!!! We are so excited for you all! According to our clocks, Tricia should have been discharged about 30-minutes ago. Rejoicing with you on the wonderful news. We look forward to seeing pictures.

    Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  132. Amazing! Simply amazing!! Congratulations to you all. What a wonderful blessing :)

  133. It's AMAZING to me that just 20 days after a double lung transplant she'll be able to leave the hospital! WAY TO GO! God is AWESOME! We'll keep you in our prayers... I bet it will feel good to go and visit with Gwyneth and although you'll be sad to leave, you'll be happy because you can actually LEAVE the hospital! Can't wait to see pictures of that!

    Love and prayers from FL,

  134. Wow. I cannot even imagine how exciting that is for you both! What is the first thing Tricia wants to do?


  136. YEAH, Congrats to you both!!!!!

  137. Wow, can you believe it? What will you do first?

  138. Congratulations I am so excited for you!! I cant imagine what it must feel like to be home after being away for so long!!!

  139. Great news! Welcome 'home' Tricia!

  140. Congrats!! Way to go, Tricia, for working hard on your recovery! One step closer to home :)

    Praying blessings on you all--


  142. Here's to you Tricia and Nate....

    Here's to the many sunsets you'll get to watch together...

    Here's to the moments you'll be sharing together with your new little Gwyneth Rose.....

    Here's to the family of the organ donor (and the organ donor themself) who humbly, and successfully, gave all three of you more days together....

    Here's to Duke, you rock........

    Here's to your families, who support you so well....

    And lastly, here's to our Heavenly Father, who loves us all, and is watching over us.

    Thanks for the ride you guys. Thanks for the memories. Now go and create some great ones again for yourselves, and we, in cyberspace, will know you're out there somewhere, living, loving, and thankfully enjoying every moment, as we (having learned not to take life for granted) will too.

  143. WOW! What a blessing! Praise the Lord! :)

  144. praising the LORD for you guys this morning!~Nate and Tricia this is awesome! CONGRATS TO THE LAWRENSONS~~gO gwenyth~~gO~~~~

  145. praising the LORD for you guys this morning!~Nate and Tricia this is awesome! CONGRATS TO THE LAWRENSONS~~gO gwenyth~~gO~~~~

  146. I just found your blog today. Wow. What a story. I did CF research in a lab for years, so I feel somehow close to your story. Every now and then CF patients who were at the hospital for tests would come up to the lab to chat with us. It was great to get to know them, and they all had great outlooks on life. Such happy people - not a bitter one in the bunch. The worst part was when we heard that one of them wouldn't be coming around anymore.

    I hope that in some way my research has helped extend the lives of those with CF. And I've been an organ donor for years.

    Best of luck to you, your wife, and little flower.

  147. SO AMAZING!!
    Praying this morning for you guys :)

  148. YAY!!!! We love you guys so much and can't wait til you're all home on the OBX!

  149. Great news!!!I am so happy for you all. PRAISE GOD!

    I've already said a prayer for you guys. Can't wait for the updates.

  150. I don't even know you personally, and I am stoked too!!!!

    I will be praying for everything to go smooth as you all make the transitions!!.com

  151. GOD is GOOD!! I am so incredibly happy for you both. I am still praying for both your girls. I cannot wait to see the post saying you are all home!! It is coming soon I know it. And I am just so excited for you all.

  152. It's 11:37 now!!! I bet you are out of the hospital! Wow! Congratulations and all my hopes for smooth sailing are with you!

    Apryl in NC

  153. Yeah!!! Excited to know ya'll are starting another chapter together! Praying for all the details to fall into place. Eph 3:20-21. Praying with a grateful heart for your family today especially:)

  154. Huntsville, AL is praising Him along with you!

  155. YAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!! Life is good and will even be better when Gwyneth can join you both!!!! Tricia - you are one courageous lady!!!!!!!
    Christina in Virginia

  156. wow!! congrats on such a big step!! i can imagine the excitement y'all must be feeling, compounded by realizing that you are so so so CLOSE to being a family on the OUTSIDE of a hospital!! soon!! very, very soon!!
    rejoicing with you,

  157. Praise God!!!! I'm praying the next few weeks will go smoothly and Gweneth will be joining you guys very soon!

  158. Amazing and wonderful and joyus!! It is truly lovely to see an answered prayer (or one of many!).

    Jill in WA

  159. SOOOO Excited for you! Your faithfulness is being rewarded...

    We will continue in prayer just as if it were one of the rough days!

    My daughter is concerned that we won't get to "read the story" anymore...PLEASE don't cut us off!!

    Happy Release Day!

  160. Congratulations!!! That is awesome news!!!!! I am so happy for your family!!!

  161. Wonderful news!!! I hope your day is not terribly tightly scheduled and you can just have some quiet "couple time" together. Prayers continuing of course.

  162. It's past 10:30, so I am hoping that you are enjoying some quality time together back at "home". Congrats Tricia for breakin' out!!

  163. What a miracle, so many prayers answered. Enjoy your new life together!

  164. I started reading your blog about a week ago when I found it on my friend's page. I'm so excited for you and Tricia! Congrats! Can't wait 'til I see the same blog about baby Gwyneth.

  165. Congratulations! I am so happy for both of you. We'll all keep pulling for Gwyneth, too!!!

    Steph in FL


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