
Monday, April 21, 2008

Lots of Things

Without going into great detail, there are a lot of things to do and organize over the next 48 hours, including home medical care, new meds, new equipment, new insulin schedule, clinic appointments, etc.

We'll be at the hotel for the next several weeks as Tricia continues to recover and completes her rehab schedule, and while we wait for Gwyneth to be discharged.

We appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we reorganize our lives again.




  1. I am so happy for you guys!! This is an answered prayer for sure!!!


  2. Will definitely be praying for a smooth transition for you all. It won't be long now and the three of you will be home together as family. I imagine this will be the best summer ever - a LOT sure has changed since last summer! Actually, your lives have dramatically changed just since Christmas.

    Praise God!

  3. I'm still giddy from all of the exciting news! You guys do what you need to do to get your lives in order surrounding this huge adjustment.. you know us... we'll all be here praying for you and rooting you on whenever you have time to check in.

    We are just so happy for your family that we could burst!

    Yay God! Yay Tricia! Yay Nate! Yay Gwyneth!! Yay's all around!

    Keep on truckin' you guys!

    Much Love,
    The Vande Castles.

  4. I can see the end of the road! I'm so happy for you guys. GOD IS GOOD! Tricia's progress is awesome and Gwyneth will soon follow! Before you know it you will be back at home all together and the Nate the WORK will really begin! :) Start resting now! Maybe if you rest now you will be able to keep up with the girls!! hahaha I continue to pray for you all daily and cant wait for your "New Kinf of Normal" to begin.

  5. How exciting for the two of you! What an answer to a lot of prayer.

  6. wow, wow, wow! i can't comprehend the way you are feeling! amazing! we'll keep praying, as always.

  7. Praying for you has you get accustomed to this new welcomed change in your schedule and your lives. May God's sunshine continue to warm you. Enjoy this time together and don't worry about the rest of us!

    Tammy/Saskatoon, SK

  8. Of course we will continue praying for a smooth transition. As well as many blessings along the way.

  9. Congratulations on being discharged! Praying for peace for both of you as you transition to the hotel and as you wait for Gwyneth to be able to come home.

  10. We will continue praying. It is just so awesome to be reading a post about all of you LEAVING the hospital after so many of weeks of asking God for this miracle. Praise Him! :)

  11. Lots of prayers and hugs coming your way. I hope things go smoothly although they are sure to be busy. Enjoy your time together!

  12. YEAH! I'm so happy for you guys! WOW! How nice it will be to snuggle on the couch, fall asleep together and not have someone walking in and out all of the time! PRAISE BE TO GOD!

    God Bless,
    Michelle in MO

  13. Awesome! God is so beyond cool!
    We will be praying for a smooth transition!

  14. Wow! Wonderful news! No words can describe how very excited I am for you. I will continue to pray for recovery and a smooth transition into your new life as a family at HOME!

    Just completely delighted.

  15. What a blessing, Nate! We are so happy for you!! What a long journey this has been. Still praying!!

  16. This is so GREAT Nate and Tricia. I hope all the details go as smoothly as possible. Just think you two, tomorrow night you actually get to be together alone, outside the hospital. How great is that. Will be prayin hard for things to continue to get better and better. Gwyneth will be ready by the time Tricia has finished her rehab, I'll bet!!SOOOO HAPPY for y'all!!!
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  17. My mouth is hanging open! I'm so glad that Tricia is doing so well and can even leave the hospital. And, that you guys can hold hands without gloves! And, that the timing of all of this will probably be perfect as Gwyneth appears to be doing her best to get ready for discharge, too!

  18. This is happening according to God's Perfect Plan. I am so excited for you three. Gwyneth will be discharged next, but perhaps first you both will have a little time to adjust to Tricia's being out to the hospital and get just a wee bit stronger.

    God is good.

  19. Happy re-organizing!

    This is great news, and I'll pray that the transition goes smoothly! Enjoy these precious new moments together!

  20. Praying for a smooth transition and that Gwyneth will join you in no time.

  21. Just cannot express enough the joy I feel for you. I know it's been such a long and exhausting process for you all. It's just so great to hear things are going so well, and soon you will be home!
    Great Great Great News!!!

  22. How exciting! I'll be hoping for a smooth transition for you guys! I bet Meka's going to be excited!

  23. Nate and Tricia! I am so glad for you! I'm praying for a smooth transition and that everything goes well.

  24. Amazing news !!

    How incredible.

    Lots of luck to you all.

    Best wishes

    Jayne x :0)

  25. oh wow! another set of tear inducing posts! So happy for you guys!!

    My wish for you Tricia...wrinkles! May your new lungs keep you going so long you have deep wrinkles!

  26. Amen.... What fantastic News..

  27. Here - there - wherever! I just know that you are so happy to finally be able to have your WIFE WITH YOU somewhere other than her hospital room as you wait for Gwyneth to join you! Much love - Bamagirl!!

  28. YAY! I am sure this is a "happy busy" for you two. I am so pleased to hear Tricia is being released! Praise God!

  29. What great news. I am so happy for all of you. Good luck and I am sending happy thoughts as you get organized. Also thougths and prayers for a discharge for Gwenyth, so that you can all be together.

  30. Thrilled beyond words for you and Tricia. Did she T get her trach out?

  31. I am so excited for you guys! What a great answer to prayer :-) I'll continue praying for you all!

  32. What wonderful news! Next it will be Gwyneth!

  33. GOD IS GOOD! How wonderful that you are finally getting to the end of the road! I know that it's been an incredible journey that none of us are sure to forget! I know this is going to be a big change so I will pray that everything goes OK. Know that you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers.

  34. Lifting you up in prayer for a smooth transition and for Gwyneth to join you soon. Placed your names in the chapel at church yesterday (and lit a candle for you) so that more people will be praying for you everyday. Oh how Christ and all His angels and saints must be smiling down on you right now. Praise God!

  35. So happy for you and Tricia for her upcoming discharge tomorrow! Will be thinking of the both of you as you reorganize your lives and continue to make the transition home (and then as a family of 3 back to your real home on the coast!)



  36. Wow - Wow. Vaya con Dios guys!

  37. this is amazing. praying for you all, in this time of adjustment.

  38. Best wishes for a smooth transition to you all. Thanks be to God and the donor family for bringing you to this wonderful point in time. Not to mention the faith you and Tricia have shown through every single day!

    Praying faithfully for continued health and well-being for the three of you.

  39. How fantastic! Congratulations Tricia! I am so happy for you all. Enjoy each other and get some much needed rest and quiet time. You'll all be going home before you know it, and we're praising God for his love and kindness towards you.


  40. This is AWESOME!!!

  41. Wow how awesome that Tricia is getting released awesome!!

  42. Praise God! This is a moment many of us have prayed for. Continuing prayers as Tricia recovers and goes through rehab and prayers for sweet Gwyneth as she grows and you all get ready to go home together!

  43. WOW!!! hope you both have new running shoes, cause keeping up with her will be tough now that she is on a roll!

    PRAISE GOD!!!!

    still praying!

  44. Woohoo!!! We are so happy for you. So glad that God has been continually blessing all of you. Good luck with the move and the transition into the next phase. Blessings.

  45. Praying for the discharge, adjusting to your new life at the hotel for a while, new meds, new routine. Praying for sweet visits and continued weight growth for sweet little G. And for you, Nate, continued strength, peace and God's grace for each new day. You are a good daddy and good husband. Enjoying the journey with you all...J, A, & Em in CO

  46. Just reading your posts brings tears of happiness to my eyes. I continue to pray for your beautiful wife, daughter, and you. There is so much love being sent to the three of you that I can feel it through the computer.

    And on a side note, my 4 year old daughter and niece are participating in a CF fundraiser at their preschool. Between the two of them, they raised $100, just from walking door-to-door asking the neighbors to help.

  47. I am so happy for your family. Praying that Tricia transitions home well and that Gyneth continues to be stronger with each day and will soon be home too!!!

  48. God is good :) WOW!!! What an amazing surprise!!!

  49. I'm so excited for you guys! I'm praying that everything goes smoothly during this transition and that Gwyneth will be joining you before long!

  50. I have been reading your blog and praying for you for a few months now. I praise God that Tricia will soon be leaving Duke and that God willing, your beatitful daughter will not be far behind her!

    I will continue to pray for your family!

  51. Awesome news! Keep us posted when you can:) Good Luck to Tricia, I am sure she'll be happy not to sleep in a hospital bed tomorrow:)

  52. Praise the lord!!! We have a awesome God!! I am so thrilled for you guys!!!

  53. YEAH!!!

    Talk about answered prayers, eh? I'm so happy for you & Tricia I could just jump, cry & shout!


  54. I love your blog! I'm praying for Tricia & Gwyneth!

    For a long term "hotel" stay - check out Duke Towers.

    They are one bedroom condos that reasonable, and very close to Duke.

    We stayed there while my son was in Duke PICU for 2.5 weeks

  55. I have been keeping track of your family since I heard about Tricia's first call for transplant. I am so happy for you all. Things seem to be coming along smoothly. I say a little prayer for each of you every day. My daughter had her double lung tx last July. It's not as difficult to adjust to the new meds. as I thought it would be. Can't wait to see your updates when you get the chance. You are such a beautiful family, I love your pictures.

  56. Nate and Tricia, I am SO happy for you! Your comment about being able to hold hands with Tricia, Nate, brought tears to my eyes. Thank God for all He has restored in the last few weeks. I will continue to pray. Can´t wait to hear that the three of you are able to go home and be a family, in the privacy of your own home.

  57. Great, great news! Praise the Lord!!

    Praying for your family as you transition to this new phase of your lives. God is good!!

  58. In my prayers as you prepare for the brand new life ahead of you!

  59. This is great news! Imagine holding hands without gloves for the first time, just makes my heart smile!
    Will be watching for further updates as your time permits!
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  60. HALLELUJAH! So happy for you guys. I'll be praying. :)

  61. I am beyond thrilled to read the news-discharged! I have followed your family's journey over the last 3months-I continue to see-it has been such a blessing to see the miracles in all that has happened. Thank you for letting us witness it all through your blog.
    Praying for an easy transition for Tricia and for your baby girl to join you soon!
    Keep Imagining!

  62. I hope that you will still keep us update every now and then on how things are. Will still be in my prayers. Gwyneth will be out of there before you know it.

  63. Good luck with EVERYTHING!
    -Katie L

  64. Great News!! Congrats. What an answered prayer. We will be praying that Gwyneth gets to come home with you soon.

  65. Just read your posts from today and all I can say is;


    Our prayers are with you as you learn to live outside the hospital again. What wonderful wonderful news!

  66. I have been away from my computer all weekend and I am SO happy to come back and see that Tricia can be discharged!! That is such wonderful news! Come on Gwen, you're turn now!!!

  67. Wow! It's amazing how beautifully everything is coming together. I will continue to pray for your family during this transition.

  68. YAY!!! That's so exciting, way to go Tricia! I hope you guys enjoy your quiet time together while you await the home arrival of your little miracle baby.

  69. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you guys!!!!!

    Soon you'll all be home:)

    Hugs and Love

  70. Wow - great news!!! The next few weeks are going to be quite hectic - you will all be in my prayers.

  71. This is such AMAZING news. What a beautiful blessing!!! I am sure it will be a major transition but, oh how wonderful to be 'home' again with your wife by your side and awaiting the discharge of your miracle daughter!!! YEAH!!!

  72. I am so happy for you guys and can't imagine the freedom you will feel in being able to leave the hospital -- especially when Gwyneth can leave, too. I know your time together will be very special. May God bless your transition and give you peace and good health!

  73. Will be praying for the whole discharge process and reorganization of life and trips to see Gwyneth in between all the other stuff! Congratulations!!

  74. I type with amazement at Tricia's progress and recovery. What a determined woman she is and what a wonderful blessing and inspiration her story continues to be for so many. Praise God!

  75. Yeah!! So glad you and your girls are finally going to all be together, and get to go HOME!

  76. What an amazing blessing! It's a treasure to watch as God guides you down this path (past, present and future) and see not 1 but 2 living miracles! Praying for this transition for Tricia and for the day when Gwyneth can join you at home!

  77. It's amazing, and unbelievable!

    Praise God, over and over again!
    Devin in Illinois

  78. Wonderful, wonderful news!! Bet Tricia's hospital caregivers will miss her like crazy. Prayers continuing, I imagine your heads are spinning w/the adjustments!

  79. I'm so happy for u guys!! God is good! I'll be praying for you guys that all goes well, and that it goes smoothly. :)

  80. I am so happy for you all and am praying for continued growth and strength, as well as good health!

  81. OM-GOSH! What amazing news! I'm tearing up as I type and mis-typing words at the same time! Thank goodness for the delete button!!

    So excited for you all and we will be praying for easy transitioning!!!!!


  82. Yay! We'll be praying for you during this exciting transition time. Yay for holding hands skin to skin!

  83. WOW! What an amazing turn around in just the last few weeks. I can't fathom how excited you must be. Has anyone had to pinch you yet? It is still so incredible to see how God is able to use doctors to save lives which in turn changes lives - through your testimony of faithfulness. God bless you all as you start this newest leg of your journey!

  84. I'll be praying for ya'll that the transition goes smooth!

    Love from Decatur, AL

  85. Continuing to pray for you. It seems like there is a lot to do to get ready, but I'm sure you'll be thrilled to get back to "normal" once you're there!

  86. We are SO excited that Tricia is going to be leaving the hospital!! This is just the first step to your new life together as a family of 3. We are praising God and praying for a smooth transition and continued recovery for Tricia! Also sending prayers that Gwyneth will continue to grow bigger and stronger so that very soon you all can go HOME (OBX) TOGETHER!! To God be the Glory!!

  87. YAY! This is such awesome news! I praise the Lord with you for all He has done for your girls!!! And, for all He will do for your family in the future!

  88. PRAISE GOD!!!!

    Praying for this new life ahead of you!

  89. very happy for you guys...and i LOVE that you got to hold her hand :) such a sweet moment, thanks for sharing!

    and i think you should consider writing a book about this whole adventure. maybe that's already been suggested, but you are a great writer and your story is incredible.

  90. Oh I am so thrilled for you guys! I pray the transition is a smooth one.

  91. Super cool news! I can imagine that Tricia is just thrilled to not have to be attached to a million tubes and wires and things!!!

  92. Tricia
    YEAH! We are all so proud of you for managing to live in the hospital for four months and doing so well with your lung transplant. Praying that you do well in PT and that Gwyneth is soon ready to join you all at home. Praise God you got your lung transplant and your miracle baby. I couldn't be more excited if it was my baby. PS I have two miracle babies of my own:)
    HUGS and good luck to you Nathan as you schedule and plan out all of her appointments meds. etc.
    Praying in PA

  93. I am filled with joy for you! I will continue to pray for smooth sailing!!!

  94. This is the best news all day! I am so over joyed for you that I have tears in my eyes. God is so good and so very faithful! I will continue to pray for your family as so many new changes will be taking place. Can't wait to hear that Gwyneth will hopefully soon be discharged too!

  95. I am happy to hear that Tricia will get to be discharged. Wow! I will be praying as always. Love to you all. Shari

  96. That's awesome news! Congratulations Tricia!

  97. I am so happy for you both! I know there's a lot of transitioning left but you've come so far. Yay! God is so good.

  98. Wow! It is great that she is able to be discharge, is it normal for a patient to be discharged so quickly after such a major surgery? It hasn't even been three weeks. Amazing!!!!

  99. How exciting!!!
    I will be praying for Gwyneth to get to the point of being discharged.
    Along with praying for complete recovery for Tricia over the next several weeks.
    My thoughts will be with both of you as you reorganize.
    Take care and God Bless.

  100. So exciting! Praying for you all as you enter this new stage of the journey! Praise the Lord!

  101. Will be praying for you. Nate, make sure you don't run yourself down - for many reasons!

  102. WOW NATE!!! This is just so freakin wonderful, i so so so hope that everything will go fine but im sure it will and OMG im so happy for you!

  103. Some of the most incredible news I have heard! PRAISE GOD! May the Lord help you with all you need to accomplish in the coming hours!

  104. Nate,
    I pray that everything goes as planned but above all I pray that you bring both of your girls home with great joy. Every family that gets to bring home a baby should have so much joy! Peace to you all and as of course we pray that you choose not to end your blog YOU do need time to focus on your family and know what its like to be woke up in the mid. of the night with pooped through jammies (the baby's of course:) Blessings and prayer surround you! U R faithfull and are an awesome vessel that the Lord IS using mighitly!

    With great love IN HIM!
    M Dovel
    The Dovel House

  105. Praying for all the details to fall into place...

  106. Typing through HAPPY for you guys! God is awesome!!

  107. Great News! I am praying for you ALL! I can not imagine what all you have to go through, but I do know that God Is Awesome and I can pray!

  108. I am sure that all will go well... take care

  109. WoW!!!! So happy for you guys. I will be praying for a smooth transition as you reorganize you lives :)

  110. great news!!!! i'm so happy for you guys..i'll be praying..

  111. I am so happy for your family. It has been a long haul. Enjoy! God is good!

    Kristy Haney

  112. Now this is one of the best news ever...

  113. So happy for y'all and praying for all that goes along with this big and amazing transition! With love, Jenna

  114. Quite an incredible 20 days for you guys. I am so happy to hear that Tricia is going home. She is beyond amazing. May your stay in the hotel be short and your little Rose be healthy enough to come home soon too.

  115. This is great news! I'll pray that the transition goes smoothly. Enjoy these precious new moments together.

  116. we are so excited for you guys!!! Our prayers are with you as you work through this next phase in your life!!

    Danielle Davis

  117. What absolutely fantastic news! I pray that her leave from the hospital will be smooth. Soon Gywneth will leave and you'll have your sweet family all together, just like it should be!!

    God Bless~


  118. So glad things are going well! I will continue to pray!

  119. This is fabulous news. I am so excited that you are one more step towards a normal day. :-) Won't that be the best when a day is just a day. Nothing dramatic but just a normal day. You are so close. Keep fighting hard and stay strong.

  120. Wow. How amazing. Best wishes and I will continue to pray for you here in Michigan.

  121. that is great news, I hope all the details work out smoothly.

  122. how wonderful! i'm praying for a smoothe transition for you all!

  123. God is so awesome. We are very happy for you and will continue to pray for you.

  124. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you all. I wish you all the best. My prayers continue to be with your family.

    Kelly Brown

  125. This is such wonderful news! I am so happy for your little family!
    Prayers are definitely sent your way!

  126. WOW! I am so happy Tricia is doing well enough to go home. I am thinking of you and praying Gwyneth will join you soon. God is so good and you all are examples of His amazing grace.


  127. praying and rejoicing with you! Sunshine

  128. What exciting news! God answers prayers! I pray for all of you daily.

    Keep us updated on both your girls.

    Betty in Oklahoma

  129. Oh, Nate and Tricia, I am just so, so happy for you! Been away from my computer most of the day today, so am just seeing this wonderful news for the first time at 11:15 PM. My prayers will certainly continue for you in the days and weeks ahead, as you do all of the many things that lie ahead...and as you watch Gwyneth just growing and growing, getting ready to join you at home!

  130. I haven't read your blog for two days because I was taking care of kids with the flu. Imagine my surprise when I read the blog posts you've added since then! What JOY! I'm really happy for you, Tricia and Gwyneth. Life is moving right along.

    I thought it was neat that you posted that Tricia was waiting for her transplant for 40 days. God seems to work in 40 day increments at times. I'm sure you know which Bible stories I'm referring to. :0)

    Hugs from El Paso,

  131. we'll keep 'em coming, you just concentrate on getting the girls home safe and sound.

  132. how fantastic. does this mean you guys get to share a bed and really snuggle for the first time in months? that must be exciting. hope it all goes smoothly.

  133. Good Luck you guys...I hope the next few weeks bring you nothing but hope and good health while transitioning from the hospital to the outside world. I hope Gwyneth grows stronger each and every day. The best to your whole family!

    20 yro w/cf

  134. Tricia won't know what to do with herself sleeping in a real bed, without all that hospital noise... pity it won't be her own bed yet, but it's another step closer...

  135. Wonderful news! What a testament to God's faithfulness. He is good!

    Praying that all goes smoothly in the coming days and that sweet Gwyneth gets the ok to head home too.

    hope everything goes well with your transition. This praying lark is pretty good eh! LOL


  137. THiS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tricia will heal so much faster away from the hosp! My first week at home I improved SOOO MUCH!!! The sleep is better,the food is better, everything is BETTER!!!

  138. this is soooooo fantastic. PRAISE THE LORD!

  139. I am crying with tears of joy for you Tricia and Nate. The next bubble of tears will be when Gwenyth is released as well. God Truly Loves You All and his Angels have their wings protecting you from any harm. Bless you All and the hospital staff, nurses, doctors, physio's, candygirls, cleaners, you name them, Bless them. Your faith in Our Father is amazing and my prayer for you guys is that it strengthens day by day. Sorry, but I have to say this or I will burst I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR YOUR UNSELFISHNESS TO SHARE WHAT WE MIGHT HAVE TO GO THROUGH SOME DAY. Thank you thank you thank you.
    God Bless. mwah mwah mwah

  140. We are excited for you! My wife sent me a text message in the middle of the day yesterday to tell me Trisha was being discharged! We are excited for you!

  141. What a time you'll have to look back on! Sometimes 4 months can pass like nothing, and sometimes it can make you famous! May God bless you as your life gradually returns uneventful days full of joy (of the LORD, your strength). What a story of trust!

  142. Yippee! So happy for everyone!
    Gwyneth will not be too far behind Mommy. Best wishes!

  143. i am so excited for you all. I am praying for a smooth transfer home for the 3 of you. Can wait to see pictures of the family at home :)

  144. We are so happy for you all!! We will pray that everything goes smoothly, while transitioning out of the hospital. As always, you all are in our constant thoughts and prayers. God bless!!

    Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  145. The good news just keeps on coming. Awesome!! I am praying and rejoicing at all the miracles in your lives. God has His hand on your family and it is glorious!

    Heidi Reed

  146. Praise the Lord!!! We are so happy for you guys!!!

    Paul and Marla and the kids

  147. Yeah! Praise God, that's an answered prayer!

  148. I am so happy for you guys.. I have been following your story since my mom told me about it... hopefully gwenyth will be sleeping right beside you two soon and all will be well for yous... I will continue to pray for yous and I hope all is well with the girls....


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