
Thursday, April 17, 2008

21 Laps!

Tricia walked well over a mile (approximately 6300 feet) today for the first time in a very long time. And, we spent a good hour rolling around outside, and another 45 minutes holding and feeding Gwyneth.

All said, a good day!



  1. Hooray for little (and big) victories!

    I had to laugh at the first visual that popped into my head when you said you spent an hour 'rolling around outside'... somehow I don't think Tricia's up for somersaults in the grass quite yet!!!! But soon, real soon!

    Praying, praying, praying!

  2. How Great! Bet being outside You're in my thoughts and prayers!!
    God Bless you all, and thanks for the happy updates today!!
    Jamie in Texs

  3. You're in better shape than I am, Tricia. You'll be chasing after Gwyneth before you know it.

  4. Whoa-don't know what happened to that post! I was trying to say bet being outside together was great.
    What happened to the rest, I dunno...
    God Bless
    Jamie in texas

  5. That just sounds wonderful =) Im so so so happy for you guys, there seems to be only great news lately and you deserve that so much!!! Im sure it will proceed with going this good. Your love for eachother is making you all so strong :)

  6. Oh, I'll bet you both just loved hanging around outside on a beautiful Spring day! Sleep well tonight, Tricia! :)

  7. That's so great Tricia!! Praise the Lord! Soon you'll be running around 3 times that much chasing after and trying to keep up with your sweet little girl.
    We thank the Lord for his wonderous answers to our prayers! Our children will be to hear all the news you posted today! Gotta go tell them :) Then we'll all pray again.
    The 13 Lockwoods :)

  8. Oh, I'm so happy to hear that! I know you both are so ready to go home with your precious baby girl....I am praying for all of you & I am so excited that both of your girls are doing great!

  9. well done!!! you got a goal sister, and you are running to it. Nate, have you bought her running shoes yet!?! (again, no need to answer, just enjoying your good day with you!)

  10. Awesome!!! Great job Tricia. Now your own step closer to going home!

  11. By rolling around I'm assuming Tricia was in the wheelchair. For some reason, I got a picture in my head of you and Tricia rolling down a grassy hill, laughing your heads off. Then I remembered tubes and staples and such and thought different! ha! Glad it was such an awesome day! Hopefully, things will get back to "normal" within weeks. Still praying...

  12. that is great news...I'm so happy that everything is going great for you and your family...

    Keep it up Tricia...

  13. Way To Go! Breathing fresh air with new lungs, that had to be a great feeling!
    Karen etal
    Vancouver, BC

  14. That is all awesome news! God is amazing and so are the two of you. Thanks for continuing to allow us all to share in your lives. It's been a blessing.

  15. Awesome! I'm glad you guys had a great day. Praying there are many more to come!

  16. wonderful news! You guys are going home soon! I bet you can hardly stand it to wait!

  17. Sounds like she is getting used to her new lungs!! Praise God!

  18. Good days are always a blessing!

    Thank you Lord! :)

  19. Holy macaroni, I don't think I could do it and I'm non-post-transplant. Yeah Tricia. Heather

  20. Wow---she is superwomen, I mean really she has to be one of the strongest women in the world...I am so happy for her to be able to do these things!!!

  21. Yeaaa Tricia!!! Glad to hear all of the latest news :)

  22. God Bless you all! I am so happy to hear that you are having such positive days. I hope they continue. Your story is truely inspiring. Thank you for sharing it with the world.

    praying for you in Pennsylvania

  23. Now thats the kind of news that makes for happiness
    I bet you guys will sleep well tonight (hope so)
    Tricia you totally rock,
    keep on showin' them what
    YOU got girl!!!!! =) =)
    Praying For You & Yours As Always
    Patricia N.
    I bet you are soooo happy Nathan !!!
    ((((((Hugs for Qwyneth Rose))))))))

  24. Way to go Tricia!!!
    Gail in KS

  25. So glad Tricia is getting to spend time with Gwyneth...that is the best medicine of all, I'm sure...Glad ya'll had a great day...continuing to pray for all 3 of you from Dallas

  26. Yippee! Sounds like a wonderful day. Good for Tricia! She's a real trooper.

  27. Glad to hear it was such a great day! :)

  28. That's fantastic!!! Glad to hear that things are going so well! :o)

  29. wow, I am happy you guys had such a good day. It sounds like Tricia is feeling really good.

  30. That's such awesome news! We will keep praying!

  31. Feeling a little guilty that Tricia (who just a few days ago had a LUNG TRANSPLANT) walked further today than I (a fully able bodied adult) did. Soooooooo going to put on some Nikes and take a few laps around the block. Thanks for the inspiration Tricia! : )

  32. Praise God!! We love to see the small steps!!

  33. Wow, Tricia, you're a track star! And I can't believe Nate posted about you being discharged from hospital as early as next week. That's just awesome. How far you have come in such a short time!
    Gwyneth is doing wonderfully well too. Our God is so Great!

  34. Way to go Tricia!! Keep up the fantastic recovery!! So glad you got some momma love with Gwyneth!

    Much love, Jen

  35. I kind of pictured you guys doing donuts in the wheelchair in the parking lot! Over a mile... that is just fantastic! More exercise than I get, I'll tell you that. Way to go!

  36. Way to go Tricia - I so do not have any excuses not the go walking now. If you can do it just having a double lung transplant then so can I.

    I am so happy to see how much progress you are making in such a short time.

  37. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!
    Before you know it a new pair of sneakers will be in order:)

  38. that's awesome Nate!!! GO TRICIA!!!!

  39. That is an excellent day for sure.

  40. That song keeps comming to mind. Its the thrid song on my site. Go check it out Nathan. It's incorrectly titled "I Ador".

    Till next Friday then!

  41. HURRAY!
    rolling around made me snicker, though. Can't imagine "rolling around " with a newly transplanted patient.
    Hope you guys have an awesome friday!

  42. Praise the Lord!!!

    ~Leah in Alaska~

  43. Wow. Can't TELL you how many folks I know who consider themselves in fine health but could not walk a mile. Tricia's tough!! Prayers continuing.

  44. Sounds like she is getting the hang of those new lungs! That is awesome!! We are praying each day for continued improvment. Lord bless you guys.

  45. That had to be invigorating (sp?)! Nothin like a little roll in the grass to lift the spirits! :) She is doing so great! Keep up the great progress!
    I'll keep praying for you!

  46. Congrats on the 21 laps! Sounds like you had a good day!

  47. Thanks for the continual updates! Glad she is continuing to improve, will keep you all in my prayers.

  48. That is wonderful. Way to go Tricia!!

  49. Wow, it's just crazy where you guys are at right now. It's so encouraging to see a modern day miracle. Our family has been caught in the downward spiral of the economy, and humanly speaking we could lose our home and go into bankruptcy very soon, which would end our direction of going the mission field with the organization we are with.
    But I know what God's word says, and he reminds me that He is a
    God that defies human logic through your story.
    Thanks for sharing your story with millions of complete strangers. It gives many of us hope in our own situations.

  50. I very rarely comment on here,even though I check several times a day for updates, But I had to comment today. I am just sitting here in awe of you all. What an amazing day you all had. You have inspired me to start walking more, and hug my kids just a little tighter at night. Wishing you continued blessings and more rolls in the grass!

  51. we have been following your story (blog) for some time now and have kept you, tricia, gwyneth and all your family in my constant prayers. it is exciting to read that you are starting to "make plans" on a "homecoming". our son was born at 29 weeks and spent 72 days in the NICU and we remember our excitement when we started planning his "homecoming". you will continue to be in our prayers as your "journey" continues.

  52. That is great.. a step closer to going home! So happy to hear :)

    Praying Always

  53. That is awesome! God is truly an awesome God! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading you blog, watching the videos and testifying to HIS greatness. Glory be. And many prayers...

  54. Wonderful day - walking, visiting with your child and ah fresh air! {We live in NE OH and spring has (finally) come full force to the area so are current huge fans of being outdoors.}

  55. Way to go girl! Sounds like a wonderful day to me. Hope today is even better.


  56. That is wonderful news!
    Praying today is better than yesterday!

  57. Way to go! What an inspiration.

  58. Tears of joy!
    I am so happy for both of you and baby Gwyneth.
    Praying for another great day.

  59. That is wonderful, Tricia you are walking more than me, and I havent had a major surgery.
    Keep it up.

  60. Dear Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth,

    I have seen so many heartbroken families in the past few months, due to medical problems, possible divorce, etc.... I am so heartened to see your little family continue to do well. We're praying for you all.

    Patty in Chicago

  61. I must admit that like the first Karen I, too, had a picture at first of you two rolling around on the ground playing around because that seems so much like your playful personalities (LOL!) but then I thought better of that and realized you meant in a wheelchair! I'm so glad you got some fresh air together and that you also got to spend a lot of time with Gwyneth together. I would think that both of those things would be great for Tricia's recovery... =o) Such great news!! Praying for you all...
    Karen in FL

  62. so funny--i had the same thought as karen about the "rolling around outside!" soon enough on the somersaults i suppose!

    great news!

  63. GO Tricia GO! You may be the star writer Nate but Tricia (and Gywneth of course) are the STARS =)

    Congrats Tricia and way to motivate those of us who SHOULD be walking that far each day as well!!

  64. Great job! Keep it up! I bet it was lovely being outside! Prayers continue for you!

  65. Wow! That is amazing.

    On a side note, Eva, who you've mentioned on your blog before (last time the middle of March), was on the news again! She's going to be participating in the Vancouver Sun Run - a 10 km run through the streets of Vancouver. She's running in honour of her organ donor. It floors me that she's going to be doing that only 6months after a double lung transplant. I am just as amazed that Tricia is able to walk over a mile (2.2 km for us Canadians!) already.

    Continued prayers,

  66. Wonderful!! As tough as Tricia is, she should become a personal trainer for all of us "weaklings" out here!!


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