
Thursday, April 17, 2008

CF Walk This Saturday!!!

Gwyneth will be appearing for one day only, this Saturday, at the CF Great Strides Walk at Duke to sign autographs and kiss other babies heads...

OK...not really. But, I will be there at the Duke University East Campus and would love to see you there as well. Registration begins at 9am, but feel free to swing by anytime up until about 1pm.

I'm told there will be lots of food and fun and games for the whole family as well as a big raffle, so don't forget to bring your wallet.

Even if you haven't raised any money, and even if you can't "walk", you are still welcome to come.

Click Here for more info!

I'll see you there!!!



  1. Sounds like a lot of fun. Wish I could be there. One day Gwyneth will be leading the parade:)

  2. Oh..I got so excited reading that first sentence, thinking that Gwyneth would be appearing at the walk. When my 25 weeker was in the NICU, that were allowed to go on "Fun in the Sun" field trips to the hospital gardens.

    I'll be praying for a very successful walk!

  3. Good luck with the walk, I hope a lot money is raised for finding a cure. I know how important these walks are as my mom MS and we participate in the walk every year if we can.
    How fun next year will be when you can all do it as a family!!

  4. I just found your blog and am totally humbled and touched by your faith and the miracles of your family. You have such stunningly beautiful girls as well!

    My friend has a 2 year old with CF and we donate every year now to Great Strides. Thank you for raising awareness and for giving hope to so many!

  5. Hey Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth :) We will be thinking of you all especially on Saturday and continue to pray for you every day. You feel like part of our family now...:) Today I had what I thought was a really tough day - but all I have to do daily is read your wonderful blog and it humbles me immediately. And when my children frustrate or drive me nuts, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have them to love so freely. I will donate to your walk and hopefully we can all participate in one one of these days - thanks to your education on CF, it has been added to my list of worthy causes. I am actually walking the Avon Breast Cancer in two weeks here in DC, but will walk with Tricia in mind. I will also spread the word about CF and your blog. You have blessed so many people and are truely an awesome family and awesome people. Hang in there for the next stretch - we are cheering you on Tricia and Gwyneth and Nate cheering you on as the main support person. We hope for a successful experience on Saturday.
    Prayers, hope and love, Tricia, Micaela and Brian (N.VA) xoxox :)

  6. Wish I could come! A lttle too far for me right now! Hope y'all have alot of fun and raise alot of money. (If you had been able to bring Gwyneth, there would probly be a mob riot or sumpthin!! heh. You know how the fans and paparazzi can be about celebs! :)
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  7. I would love to come but I am on the other coast!! We'll find one out here!!

  8. I wish we could be there, but we will be praying for a huge turn out and a lot of money raised.

  9. Good luck with the walk, you are doing a great job already!! Wish I could join you, but your a little too far. I do have a team taking part in Great Strides here in NY next month though. Hope you have a great turn out and some fun! I will thinking about you guys!

    God Bless!

  10. Good luck and have fun! I'm volunteering at the VA Beach walk on Sunday and walking in Houston next month. I'm really hoping to be able to come to the OBX walk on Sept. 13 as well, but my husband will be getting deployed sometime around there. I'll have to make a game time decision for that walk. Still praying for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth!

  11. Sadly, (and I TRULY mean that, my heart belongs in OBX), I cannot make the walk in N.C.. BUT, I just registered for one in my home town on 5/10!!! I'm so excited! We should make support Tricia shirts!

  12. I am particpating in a cf walk I walk for my sister and my niece who are no longer with us but also for my brother Richard in Alabama who has CF at 45 years old. You have an amazing family and not to mention your a great husband and father. Renee From Anderson California

  13. So if the March for Babies walk ends in time, we can come up there anytime until 1pm? I might just have to do that. Two "walks" in one day.

  14. We have an upcoming CF fund raising opportunity in Virginia with NASCAR racer Denny Hamlin. See article at

    Good luck to you on Saturday.

  15. You are such a teaser!

    Hopefully next year the family will all be there and having fun.

  16. As a contribitor on your birthday fundraising surge, I wish I could attend and walk along with you and all the other people supporting you. I'm so glad you are at a point where you are able to be there with the transplant behind you, Gwyneth doing so well and you can just enjoy the day. Still praying for no infection and no rejection.
    (mom to princesses in disguise)

  17. Our walk isn't until May 17th, but I'll be praying for all of you and yours! :) I have a organ donor appreciation walk on April 27th. I'll be sure to mention your story and have the donors and recipients lift Tricia up in prayer!

    SO proud of you guys!


  18. I am hoping that the March for Babies ends in time so that I may be able to come to do the CF walk too. My 2 cousins have CF and honestly I didn't think it was anything bad until your story. Wow has my perspective changed.

    Hope to be there tomorrow!


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