
Friday, April 25, 2008

ABC Video Up! (Edit)

The video of Tricia leaving the hospital is up! The two guys shown several times in the second half of the video (and who I shake hands with at the very end) are the two surgeons who performed the surgery.

Check It Out Now!


PS. The web director for ABC11 says that our "story is unbelievable online.. people can't get enough." I think you're partly responsible for that... :)


  1. For some reason it wasn't on their list any more, but if you search for "tricia lawrenson" it pulls up.

    I'm so happy for you guys! And best wishes for the coming weeks and months!

  2. Tricia looks fantastic! I will continue sending prayers your way. I'm so happy to have shared this fantastic journey with you all!

  3. awww that is so beautiful to see! thank you for sharing it with us!

  4. Hello there, Tricia looks Great , So happy for you and Her and for sweet Gweneth:)I look forward to several times a day checking for updates:)) love sent from BC, Canada! Looks like im #3 commenter....think thats the closest i have ever been:)

  5. I have a silly question. Maybe you've answered it already, but...How do you pronounce Gwyneth's name? Is it "Gwen-eth" or "Gwin-eth?" My sister and I were arguing about it the other day!

    Bethany in NY

  6. WOW. Tricia you look marvelous, fantabulous!! I just had to bawl. See, everyone knows there are miracles all around y'all! And of course, your "miracle baby" as the newscaster called Gwyneth. (Tricia, I know you felt alittle self conscious, but guess you'll just have to gt used to the paparazzi. It's not everyday that folks can so obviously see Miracles)!
    I don't imagine that TV stati
    on has ever gotten the traffic it gets from your blog, Nate! ;)
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  7. You two are so cute and fun to see!! Praise God!

  8. I am beyond excited for you as you take this next step closer to being all home together in OBX. We will be praying still for more exciting changes and your strength to carry on.

    Tricia :)

  9. Tricia looks wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us.

  10. Can I saw WOW!!!!
    To actually see her myself walking and hugging people brought tears to my eyes..How we have prayed for miracles to be given to your family...Just last night my husband and I were talking about you guys...How we feel we know just don't know us..
    We keep praying for miraculous things to continue...
    I also want to say Nate, That to us this is not only a story of a journey with cf and all that it comes with...but of Faith....Your faith transcends everything and gives us hope and faith ...
    In Christ all is possible!!!
    Your living proof of that...
    Much Love to your family from ours.
    God Bless

  11. Tears again. Tricia, you look MARVELOUS!

  12. Tears again. Tricia, you look MARVELOUS!

  13. Tricia looks great and I am just so happy for your family. I can't wait to see Gwyneth leave the hospital.

  14. The smiles on your faces are so beautiful to see.

    Tricia looks wonderful!

  15. The first thing that kinda hit me was that she was HUGGING multiple people!!! No gowns, gloves, masks, etc. YEAH!!!! God is good. All the time. What an amazing God we serve who would choose to reveal Himself in such a mighty way. I'm so happy for your family.


  16. The first thing that kinda hit me was that she was HUGGING multiple people!!! No gowns, gloves, masks, etc. YEAH!!!! God is good. All the time. What an amazing God we serve who would choose to reveal Himself in such a mighty way. I'm so happy for your family.


  17. I can't imagine what you mean about our being responsible. :)

  18. We were so happy to see how great Tricia looks! This is a REAL miracle; not just one of those things the baptists like to call a "miracle"; but a real work or our Great God. (you know how everyone is always saying...wasn't that a mirace?! Often I want to say, No not really)

    I am humbled by this display of His power.

    Thanks, as always, for sharing!

  19. Okay, so I was so enthralled and moved by the video that one of my coworkers walking down the hall stopped and peeked in and asked, "Are you okay???" I really, really am. I am so very, very thankful for the miracles our God is performing in your lives, for all the world to see. Tricia, the humility is just written all over you beautiful face and you are indeed a faithful servant if I have ever seen one. Thank you for being faithful to the call on your life. It is a beautiful thing to watch. :)

  20. Tricia you look amazing! I was so surprised to see you up and hugging everyone- and that smile of yours lights up the room! Your story is truly one that only God can be given glory for! I'll continue praying for you, Nate and sweet Gwyneth!

  21. Tricia is just beautiful. She really is. Nate doesn't look too bad either... hee hee. (The hair cut really helped!!) wink wink.

    It's so good seeing her up walking around in regular clothes and no gloves/mask/etc.

    Thank you again, for sharing your lives with us. You don't have to but we're so glad you are. We really can't get enough, kinda strange but true.

    Take good care of each other. Blessings!!

  22. Tricia looks great! I have tears of JOY for all of this news. God is so good!

  23. Nate,
    Thanks for sharing that video.
    It is just beautiful!!!

    When I saw Tricia the word that came to my mind is radiant.
    She brought tears to my eyes.

    My thoughts and prayers are with all 3 of you.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    God Bless

  24. Wow, Tricia is tall, lol! Awesome to see you walking around. You look so good, girl!

  25. Tricia looks absolutely marvelous!!! What a blessing all those dear doctors/surgeons are. It was great to see Tricia get up and down out of the wheelchair so smoothly and effortlessly.

  26. That is great! What an incredible way to have your journey documented. Thanks for all the updates!

  27. Wow, what a blessing to see Tricia up and moving around, hugging everyone as she is leaving. This is just the most beautiful miracle for the world to witness. Praying for the three of you daily as your lives as a family are coming back together to go home.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  28. As soon as I saw Tricia, before the video began, I just smiled. She looks radiant! She really is just beautiful. So happy that your girls are getting healthier every day.

  29. WOW! It's amazing reading about it online, but even more amazing to actually watch Tricia up and about!

  30. that so wonderful to watch. much love to you all.

  31. Yay -- what a great video!!! Thanks for sharing :) :) :)!

  32. Tricia looks great! So wonderful to see her up and the two of you smiling, brought tears to my eyes. So happy for you guys! Thank you for sharing.


  33. wow , what a big beautiful smile on Tricia's face! You guys seem so at ease with all the publicity. I would be sooo shy! hehe. Great to see Tricia being wheeled OUT of the hospital! Must have been bittersweet to leave the wonderful staff that got Tricia to this point of being discharged! Goo tricia!!

  34. Tears, tears, tears...running down my cheeks! Thanks for sharing!!!!! Tricia looks so good!



  35. Seeing the HUMUNGUS smile on Tricia's face in that video actually brought tears to my's so great to see her in motion... smiling and givin'out some love! Just absolutely wonderful....unbelievable, miraculous, fantabulous!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us, Nate!!!

  36. What an awesome video!! I love it & I am so glad you're home! Can't wait to see coverage of Gwenyth getting out of the hospital too!!

    :) Erin

  37. Wow! Thanks for the link. It was such a touching video. I love seeing the video and thinking I "know" those people. We knoe the same amazing Savior so I guess we know each other even if it is not for a while. lol
    Tricia you looked great! Its amazing the difference! Can't wait to see the next ABC story about you. I have no doubt this is bigger than local TV. I think you guys are going to be on Good Morning America or something close to that. God will use your story to share His Glory! I know He has alreadya nd I have no doubt this is not the end. Well I have blabbed long enough. Take care! Many prayers for you guys!

  38. Yay!! I was hoping you'd put a link up for us. :) What a great moment to have documented! Tricia looks WONDERFUL! :)

  39. So cool! She looks fantastic and so happy!!

  40. Such a sweet video.

    I'd love to hear Tricia's voice!

  41. Here is a direct link, not sure if it's permanent or not. I also had to search for "Tricia" to find it.

  42. First, Tricia, YOU LOOK GREAT! New lungs seem to go good on you! Thanks to the Lord. Second, that had to be hard and uncomfortable. You did a great job. When I had cancer, they came and took my picture with my doctor and Sister Pat for a magazine. I was the youngest patient and they chose me. It was still kinda funny. It actually turned out ok. I am so proud of you all.

  43. I can't believe how beautiful Tricia looks. She exudes happiness when she smiles. No wonder she stole your heart when you first laid eyes on her, Nate. I'm so happy for the both of you.

  44. Oh it brought tears to my eyes. So happy for you both and baby Gwenyth too!

  45. Thank you for sharing your life and your story with all of us. Tricia looks wonderful! Your story has touched my life so deeply. As a Christian, you can truly see God's love for you and your whole family. You and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  46. i echo what so many others have said... to see tricia walking with such ease and nothing attached to her is simply amazing. we serve an awe inspiring God indeed.

  47. That is an AWESOME video. I am so happy for you guys!!!

  48. INCREDIBLE! I am SO happy for all of you. Thank you so much for sharing your story and your journey with the world....

  49. Hey Nate! So cool to see the video! Thanks for posting that. Question...I couldn't quite hear the end part, did they say something about the person/family that donated their longs to Tricia?? Are you aware of who they are now? I may have heard it wrong, just very curious. Much love and I am praying that the next few weeks fly by for you guys.

  50. You both look so happy! Such a nice update to your story. I can't wait to see the update with Barbara holding Gwyneth and Tricia talking. I hope that you are enjoying your time together.

  51. Tricia looks great! I'm glad this news station is following your story.

  52. Precious blessings! Our Lord is an awesome Lord! Thank you for your diligence in keeping us informed and posted on progress and updates. It's uplifting and encouraging seeing our God work in your lives! God blessings be increasing on your lives! Nate - Ever think about writing your story in book format?

  53. i am so happy for you that i'm crying. thank you, lord! and lookin' good, tricia! ;o)

    -em in NC

  54. Brought tears to my eyes!!! I can just see the emotion on your faces. What a huge moment that must have been!!! Another miracle we've prayed for!!!

    -Lisa Collinsworth

  55. That was another goosebump moment.. BTW, your family is good at that :) Tricia looks great!

  56. God is so awesome!!! It was great to see Tricia getting in and out of that chair!

  57. Now that brought tears to my eyes! I'm so proud of all of you, all the team that has helped you guys, all your family! What a story, We are so excited for you!

  58. Tricia you look radiant!

    Nate you look ok too =)

    I saw a good question on pronouncing Gwyneth's name. I never thought about it any way other then how I thought it was and you KNOW how particular people are about their kids name being said correctly =) You guys might need to give us all a phonetic spelling so we are getting it right.

    Continued Prayers!

    PS: On names... Tricia...I have to agree with I believe your sister from her blog (read awhile ago)...Tric (for Trish)is like my friends that use Jenn for see how they got there...but you struggle with it =)

    PPS: My husband thought the holding hands without a glove comment from an earlier post was moving. YAY for hand holding =)

  59. I just want to stand up and CHEER! I'm so happy for you guys. God is so good.


  60. Tricia, you look AMAZING. It's so good to see you getting out of there.

    And yes, Nate, we are responsible for the crazy hits on those videos. You tell them we appreciate them helping our addiction and for giving us uber high quality videos! WOOHOO!

    If I'm this excited about you leaving, I'm going to seriously cry when Gwyneth gets out. THAT WILL BE AWESOME!

  61. Getting the kleenex out now...

    It's so awesome to see Tric moving around so well and finally, thank you Lord, finally leaving the hospital. I pray it's soon we see the same kind of video of Gwyneth. :) by the way, you and Tricia both look amazing. She looks so glowy and healthy.

  62. Happy Tears are definately being shed here. Thanks for sharing!

  63. Tears spring to my eyes. What a blessing. Here in Ohio we are so excited for you and the blessings that God has given you. We will continue to pray for both Trisha and Gwyneth's healing and strength.

  64. Tricia looks SO good.. wow!! That is so awesome that they caught you on camera leaving. You will treasure that for years to come.

    I haven't seen Dr. Davis in about 5 years. He's looking old... (shhhh, don't tell him I said that, haha), but he is still the best surgeon in the world in my book!!!!!!!

  65. Thanks for sharing this video with us. We are so happy for both of you!

    Yes, the web director for ABC11 is correct.. all of us cannot get enough of your blog! But it is not because of any of us that we come here daily.. its because you have been so real with your posts, pictures, and videos, Nate... its because through your updates we grew to care so much about Tricia and Gwyneth (and you of course).. and most of all its because of the amazing testimony that you all have had each day sharing God's provision with us all! Thank you for the privilege and blessing of allowing us to be a part of something much more than ourselves.. for sharing your lives, hopes, fears, tears, joys, love, and your love and faith in Our Heavenly Father!

    We continue to pray for each of you daily..

  66. Beautiful! What a huge milestone for all of you. Tricia you look amazing, and seem to be moving so freely and comfortably. A walking miracle, thank God.

  67. Tricia looks so great! You could see how happy she was - greatful to the team - but greatful to be getting out!

    Continued love and prayers.

  68. What a wonderful site to see you two on your way out of the hospital!!! :) Thanks for posting the link! Tricia looks great. She has such a beautiful smile! :)

    Amy in Oregon

  69. Tears from Michigan and still praying too!

  70. WOW....Tricia you look amazing !! GO GIRL!!!

  71. Wow! Watching Tricia walk around like that brought tears to my eyes! She looks amazing and I'm so happy shes out!

  72. My eyes fill with tears of joy each time I watch that video ... and my heart is so full of praise!


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