
Friday, April 25, 2008

Other Blogs

My Dad found a pic of my oldest sister when she was a can really see the genetics in play.

Also, Uncle Andy's blogging more about Tricia and Gwyneth.



  1. Amazing!!! Their noses are so similar and they are both so cute, of course! What great pictures!

  2. Nate, I saw them earlier and it is amazing how much they favor.
    Your Dad has changed just alittle ;)
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  3. LOL what great pictures! I'm sure Tricia doesn't mind that Gwyneth looks like the Lawrenson's.

  4. They look so much alike. Both beautiful babies! :)

  5. I love that he is making the same face in both pictures.
    Very cute.

  6. Nate,

    I too PTL with my biggest most proudest blogger praise!!!! I have often thought and prayed against the grim stats that were up against them both. I think that no matter what the out come would have or could have been- from the moment you and Tricia made a choice to lay her life and your childs life in God's hands for this promised gift you were already had a testimony and and were blessed! Nate, I have three children and im happy with 3 but just to know that your body makes it possible to possibly bring life into our hearts and we pray our homes makes it all a glory to glory to glory.

    If you choose to keep blogging ill keep reading:)
    M. Dovel

  7. Nate,
    Just a few days ago I went back and read the posts with the pregnancy tag. I was so blessed and overwhelmed at seeing how many of the specific prayer requests you had listed in the post leading up to your little sweetie's birth were answered in a miraculous way. God is so good. I know you are living it, and to an extent so are we through you blog, but it was good to be reminded in black and white of what God has done already through unbelievable circumstances.

    Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us.

  8. Oh my gosh they have the same profile! CUTE!

  9. Uncle Andy looks like the Christian singer Todd Agnew! His post is awesome!


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