
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Another Amazing Transplant Story

You seriously need to check out this story about tragic death and an incredible gift.

This is happening here locally in Durham and began the same day Tricia got her transplant call. The back story is that two young brothers were killed last week when they ran out into traffic.

Make sure you click the first link first, watch the video/read the story, and then click the second link.

Watch This First

Watch This Second

Organ donation is such an incredible way to celebrate the life and honor the death of a loved one.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I will definitely check this out tomorrow, bedtime is beckoning. But I wanted to point you to a story as well, get the kleenex box ready and be ready to be blessed and challenged and awed beyond measure. Go to my blog and under my blog sisters, click on Bring the Rain. Be sure to start at the beginning of their story, there's a link at the top left that will take you there. Be sure to send Tricia there too, I know you both will be so touched.
    In Him, Sarah

  3. Isn't it an amazing thing that such a miracle can come from a tragedy. I used to have a bumper sticker on my old car that read
    "Don't take your organs to heaven
    Heaven knows they are needed here.
    Become an organ donor"
    So very true. Thank God for those folks who know that donating can make such a difference in so many people's lives.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  4. I am new to you blog, I sould have had the kleenex box ready. My boys came to see us a 32 weeks and I know all that we had to do. All I can say is that I know that god will help your family just like he did my family. My boys are 4 now and doing good you sould come and see my blog.

  5. What a beautiful story. I am an organ donor. So is my hubby. I have told him that if (God forbid) anything happens to any of our kids, we will donate their organs. He totally agreed. I think it is the least we can do.

  6. Amazing!!!

    It makes you really think.

    To be honest I have never thought about it until.....

    Confessions of A CF Husband.

    THANK YOU!!!!

  7. It always amazes me how God can take tragedy and bring about such beauty. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Man, I just sat here, bawling. Being an organ donor is amazing, it is wonderful to give someone a chance of life. But the 7 yr old had the same smile as my 5 yr old. And I could never picture my life without him nor without my other 2 precious children.

    I am thankful that Tricia got a second chance in life, and I am not against it at all. Or against being an Organ Donor. It's just sad for me to see children lose a life.

    Thank you Lord for keeping my children safe, and thank you lord for teaching us to help save lives. Lord you are beautiful and amazing. Amen.

  9. Hello,
    One of my friends let me know about your site. I was reading the "fast track" update about your journey of life together. I am so amazed. I was and am really blessed to read your story. I have a very serious illness called Fanconi Anaemia and life has been challenging. The life expectancy is also short for people affected by this illness. My brother died when he was 14 and he had this disease too...I was 16 at the time. I am 30 this year and have lived well beyond the life expectancy of age 21....lots of children don't even make it to that brother was 14 and there are many children who die when they are only 2 or 3...there are so many things affected by Fanconi Anaemia as well...including the ability to have children but God has blessed me with a child. Isaac was born at 27 weeks gestation due to complications to do with the illness.....thank you for your wonderful testimony of how God works in our lives.

  10. Thankful things are going well for your ladies! My co-worker has a newly born 24 week old grand-daughter too. I have shared Gwyneth's story with her.

    Two years ago a lady with whom I work's husband underwent a heart transplant and my dearest friend in HS's 17 year old daughter had a heart/lung transplant. God always chooses life and what a way to allow life as we know it on earth to continue!

    p.s. I just noticed the comment posted by Sarah and she is right, the story of Audrey Caroline is beautiful.

  11. I heard about the boys and figured from what I had seen in interviews that the parents would donate. One story I've seen on them, the parents said they were praying for the person that hit their children because they knew that person would be going through a very difficult time.

    thanks for sharing the two stories.

  12. Unbelievable. It's so sad and triumphant at the same time. Wow! I hurt right along with the father when I saw his eyes. I cannot imagine what he has gone through. I am glad he felt compelled to donate his young son's organs so the other boy can live a long life. That's an awesome and inspiring story. Thank you for sharing.

    Heidi R.

  13. Wow, that's amazing. Thanks for sharing that. One person goes through a great loss of a child and another will be able to see their child grow. One life ends and another begins. It great though that the family gave the gift of life and allowed other children to thrive.

  14. ..."I have another son now" wow!

  15. My heart breaks for the loss of two children, how they will go on is beyond me... It must help them some, to know they have helped spare other parents the same heart break...

  16. What an amazing story. I was under the impression that the donor had to wait a year before contacting the donor family. Apparently this situation is different than most.

  17. I have always been a firm believer in organ donation! This is a touching story. It is so sad for that family but now they have a part of their son that lives on, plus they got to know who received his kidney!
    How great is that?
    I will pray for both families as well as yours!

    Also, if you don't mind...I passed along this story from your post on my blog! I felt the need to share!! You can see it here:


  18. WOW, One mothers nightmare turns into another mother's dream.Just drives home a little further the fact that it's all out of our hands. What a great story.

  19. a great example of unselfish love and living life in ways that we can not understand until we are in those shoes. I pray that all will be willing to give the gift of life.

    My prayers are with these families too!

    God is gracious and so very loving! I pray that He be glorified through these families! I LOVE how He weaves people together that would NEVER have known each other.

  20. Simply amazing. Thank you for the links.

  21. Amazing story... thank you for sharing.

  22. What a beautiful story of generosity. Thank you for sharing, Nate.

  23. Nate, Not sure if you're aware, but Discovery Health is having a 3 episode special on transplants. They started last Thursday, but there are two left....
    Seem to be heart transplants, but it may encourage more people to be donors. :)

  24. Thanks for sharing this. It's amazing to me to witness how strong people are as they face tragedy.

  25. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. It is heartbreaking, but heart warming as well.

    I am glad that through your blog, I have become an organ donor. I see now how the gift of life is just...well, there are no words.

    I am so glad that you see the light at the end of your tunnel. And I am even more glad that you have come back to the blog!!!

    Love from WV,

  26. Hey Nate :) Thanks for taking the time to check in. I just wanted you to know that you are as much in our prayers and our children's prayers as you were a week or a month ago. It is now part of our nightly and other prayers. We are so glad that your girls are improving and don't know just the impact emotionallly that this has taken on you and your families. But hopefully our prayers can keep you going and you can soon get to take those two beautiful girls home and have some peace and quiet in your life. We continue to hold you all in our hearts and prayers. In love and hope,
    Tricia and Clan (N.VA) xoxoxo

  27. There's a great story in today's Canberra Times (in Australia) about a grandmother celebrating 20 years since her lung transplant. She commented about how wonderful it is that the gift of organ donation has enabled her to be here with her 10 grandchildren, and for them to have the opportunity to know her.
    Story here.

  28. God works all things for good. Thanks for sharing this amazing story!

    Thanks to you & your blog, I have decided to become an organ donor. My body will be no good to me when I leave this life, but it could possibly be just what someone else needs!

    Praying for all of you!

    ~Sara in MD

  29. Wow...what generous parents in a most emotional time...that was amazing. I pray that they DO keep a close relationship...that seems rare, but wanted.

  30. Wow...what generous parents in a most emotional time...that was amazing. I pray that they DO keep a close relationship...that seems rare, but wanted.


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