
Sunday, April 13, 2008


I thought I'd answer some questions (as there have been a lot the past few weeks) first. I still have over 2000 comments I've yet to read from right after the transplant (I've already knocked out about 2000 over the past few days), so, as always, if I don't answer your question, it's because I can't, don't want to, already have or just haven't read your question yet (or because I plan on answering it soon in another post).

> Gwyneth is wearing clothes...has been for several weeks. The primary purpose of her clothes is to keep her warm. All of the clothes she wears are just like regular onesies, only a whole lot smaller, and most have been given/sent to us as gifts as we have yet to buy anything for her. Some come from the NICU, but just when she runs out of clean stuff we've brought in. The nurses usually dress her. Mico-preemie clothes are difficult to find except on the internet. Hopefully, someday, we can give what we're receiving away to somebody else in need.

> "Blood gas" is the level of O2 and CO2 in the blood. They take a few blood gases (draw blood to test for the levels) from Tricia every day to make sure her lungs are working the way they're supposed to. They're especially watching for dangerously high levels of CO2.

> Somebody left a comment a few days ago saying that organ donation NEEDS to be outlined in a living will...this is NOT true (at least, not in most states). Yes, a living will is one good way to insure organ donation, but most states (and soon, every state) have new laws that declare that either the drivers license or online registry is all that is needed for the deceased to insure that their organs are donated.

> I take 99% of the pictures you see here on the blog...even the ones of me holding Gwyneth. Thanks to family and nurses for the shots that even my long arms can't handle.

> Gwyneth doesn't have reflux issues. Her crib (as was her incubator) is tilted to help insure that it stays that way.

As I've mentioned before, I'd prefer not to go into great detail about the transplant you can imagine, it's pretty hard-core and I don't want to gross anyone out. You can very easily find lots of reliable (and lots of unreliable) info with a quick google search...I've even been told you can find a video of an actual surgery. I'll give you some of the basics of the surgery in anther post soon.

> To answer This Puzzle (like anyone even remembers), Rosie owned a house in Nyack, NY while I was a student there at Nyack College '99/'00...I could even show you which house it was (actually, could just show you the really tall fence and gate).




  1. Thanks for all the info and God Bless you and your family

  2. I love your Q&A posts. Thank you again for sharing with us. Many prayers are still being sent from Maryland to you God Bless

  3. It's good to hear from you again... I hope you are catching up on sleep and that you had a restful break from this crazy internet world... thanks for sharing.

  4. When my son was born @ 27.1 wks. I found preemie clothes at Baby Gap, Gymboree. I hope that helps. He only had a few outfits.
    Continuing here with prayers.

  5. Thanks for sharing. If someone wanted to make a donation for your family - would you prefer your Wifes trust fund as listed on her site or your Great Strides walk?

  6. continued prayers coming your way.


  7. We remember the Rosie puzzle, but wow that seemed like ages ago. Probably wasn't that long ago was it?

    So glad that we have this blog to see your insights into the world of CF, Preemies, Organ Donations and life in general. Thanks for sharing.

  8. what an amazing story you guys have. your little girl seems to be growing so fast!
    prayers to you & your beautiful family.

  9. With all you have going on, thanks so much for taking the time out to answer our questions. I think most of America has fallen in love with your family!

  10. So interesting! Thanks for sharing...nice to hear from you!

  11. Thanks again Nate for you willingness to open up in such a vulnerable way. My family continues to pray for your precious girls.

  12. Good to hear from you Nate. I hope you are feeling rested and happy. Thanks for the q&a. God bless you all.
    Jamie in Texas

  13. Welcome "back" Nate and a special thank you to your Dad for keeping all of us in cyberspace updated! I love reading your blog and am praying that as you start to look at the reality of going home, that the Lord would continue to give you peace and sleep!

  14. Good to have you back Nathan, although your Dad did a great job keeping us informed.
    My husband and I are now both signed up as organ donors in the uk. Couldn't read your blog without doing it.
    Thank you again for sharing with us all. You are in mine and my families prayers.

  15. Thanks for all you have and continue to share with us. We are still praying for all of you.

  16. A salways very interesting things to read in your Q&A section.I ahve been an organ donor for as long as I can remember,at least 20 years if not more.

  17. Thanks for taking a minute to answer a few of the hundreds of questions I'm sure you are asked each day. It's nice to have you back, too!

  18. Thanks for taking the time to answer all of the questions that everyone sends in to you.

    Praying for continued strength and good news for you all.

  19. I enjoy the Q & A's as well. I know your last two weeks have been stressful and I hope you have rested. I look forward to future posts, especially pictures! Still praying for your family.

  20. There is an article in PEOPLE magazine this week about some amazing grand parents who have adopted their grandkids. All three children have a heart condition that tranplant is the only cure for. So far 2 have undergone sucessful transplants and they anticipate the 3rd will be listed soon.
    So good to see everyone is doing well! So much closer to losing sleep because you have a baby keeping you up not ICU nurses! LOL!

  21. As sad as this is, it is possible that someone could indicate their wishes to be an organ donor on a driver's license or in a health care directive(living will), but still have their family fail to follow through on donating their loved ones organs, even though the hospital and the doctors are required by law to follow the wishes of the deceased. This is why it is so important that you talk with many family members in front of each other about what you want. Personally, I cannot fathom why anyone would not want to save someone else's life through organ donation.
    God bless you and your amazing family!

  22. Hi Lawrenson family! Glad to hear your posts Nate. And just wanted to let you know that we used some DOLL clothes for our micro-preemie. They are cheaper (sometimes) than off the net.

    Also, could your recommend some RELIABLE sources of the surgery so we don't get into false info?? Thanks!

    Hope your girls are getting some good time in with you and you're all resting well.

    Blessings from FL!!!

  23. It is nice to have you back Nate! It was great to have your dad updating for you too. It is so nice to see that everyone is progressing and getting stronger. God Bless your family.

  24. Hey, take your time. We don't want this to become a burden, instead of an outlet. Wait until you're ready. There's so much for you to do right now, and probably for the next few weeks. We will be sad not to hear, but we will truly understand. Thank you for taking us along, and we hope all goes well in the future. We're here for you when anything happens again, and you need an outlet for your creative energy to flow.

    P.S. I remember the Rosie thing, and I remember you talking extensively about how you need to tell your family members your wishes about being an organ donor. Thanks for the great blog, pictures, emotions, education, fun, and written word. From all of us who paid attention, we loved it.

  25. Nate, So glad you are back! I take that as a sign that things are going well and according to plan. I have been away all weekend (at a marriage retreat! Can't wait for you and Tricia to be able to do that!!). I am delighted to read that Tricia continues to do great! So glad she is out of ICU.
    So pleased also to see how wonderful Gwyneth looks! It won't be long before you are placing her in the car seat for the first time to drive her home!
    Continuing to pray for you all!!

  26. Nate,

    I was away for a few days but was very glad to read such great news on my return! I continue praying for your beautiful family. Your strength and faith is truly inspiring.

    Your videos are so beautiful and wonderfully done, I thought I would give it a try. I hope that you will visit my blog and let me know what you think if you ever get a chance. I know you are busy but if you get a free second I would love to get your honest opinion!

    I think of you and your girls often and pray for your health and happiness.

    Much love,

  27. Continued prayers from Northern VA - can't wait to see pictures (when you are all rested and ready). God Bless all of you and many thanks to your Dad for filling in for you while you took the needed time for "yourself" and your girls.

  28. We donated our daughter's preemie clothes to the hospital she was born at. Some people told us to save them for her dolls but I felt it would better serve going to another family. Still praying for you all. Hug your girls for us all. :)

  29. Just came back from a walk and prayer time and lifted you and your girls up. We still pray for the donors family as well. So thankful for the progress you guys are experiencing!

  30. God Bless you and your wonderful family. I was giving my mom an update on your story today and it hit home as to how God rewards His faithful servants. Your (Tricia and yourself) obedience is a true inspiration. I can only pray that I am able to live by your example.

    Praying that you all get home soon!

  31. Thanks for the updates! The Q&A posts are always very interesting. Feel free to email me if your still in search of those micropreemie clothes [my niece was in the micropreemie size last December when she was born at 27 weeks].

  32. I have been keeping up with your blog for a while. Thank you for posting the state-by-state link to how to become an organ donor. My father received a donated liver in 2002 and it is nice to read in plain black and white exactly what I need to do to donate my organs in the state or Florida. Thank you for the information and your updates!

  33. It's great to hear from you again. Sure did miss your updates. Thanks for the organ donation linked. I used it and am now registered.

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  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Nate, my prayers are still with Tricia, Gwyneth and you. I hope your beautiful family all goes home together very soon. God Bless from Arlington Heights, IL :)

  37. Thank you for taking so many others on this journey with your family! It's such an honor to be able to pray for your family and watching God's mighty hand work in your lives!

  38. wow you are going to hit 3,000,000 hits on your blog tomorrow Nate! so amazing!!!! Just think of all the organs that will be donated because of your blog! probably hundreds! maybe even someone reading your blog will recieve organs from someone YOU (& Tricia!)inspired!

  39. Hey Nate, I was at Nyack those years too. Did you play any sports? I was on the soccer team. Well good to hear you are doing well and your family is too! :)

  40. Thanking our Father that all is going well. Thanks for all you share. The video clips of the recent organ donation of the little boy was touching to say the least.
    Go Tricia Go! And Baby Gwyneth is just changing day by day!
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  41. Nate, thank you as always for keeping us bloggers intelligently informed.
    It really is a privilege to allow all of us the opportunity to be included in your lives as you have over these many months. Quite honestly it was a courageous and selfless thing to do, although you may dispute otherwise. I can't thank you enough for the opportunity to be a part of this cyber prayer team which has helped increase my faith and tripled my prayer time. Thank you for always being honest and open with your needs and prayer request and your frequent updates, keeping the whole crew on the same page.Well done...
    God is so awesome,

  42. Still praying for you and so happy that all is well!

  43. Nate, good post. I am truely amazed at how much Gwyneth has grown. I am so thankful that God continues to cradle you, Tricia, and Gwyneth in his loving hands. I pray everyday a simple prayer, that he provides all you three need.

    What a miracle your family is, and proof that God provides miracles everyday. The influences that your story has had on different people is yet another miracle altogether.

    I continue to pray for health and continued improvement.

  44. For anyone in Canada you indicate on your drivers license but also on your provincial health card whether or not you are a donor. That way there should be no question...on the health card form, it asks you to specify what organs you are willing to donate as well, and if you are willing to have your body used for medical researce in the event that your organs are not usable. Pretty much covers it all.

  45. Thanks for the Q&A.
    I hope you've been able to get some rest.

    I'm just continually amazed every day by Tricia and Gwyneth's progress and your strength and stamina. We serve an amazing God who loves us so much! Now that you and Tricia are parents, don't you feel that you now have a new glimpse into the power of our Father's love and how He takes care of His children even greater than we desire to take care of ours.
    Praying for an amazing day today!


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