
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Another Way To Pass The Time...

So, several people have questioned my claim that Rosie O'Donell and I were neighbors at one point in time. But, it is true...mostly. I didn't live immediately next door, but we did live in the same small town together at the same time.

247 points to anyone (excluding people who actually knows me) who can correctly (meaning with details, how and why and where and when) Rosie and I used to be neighbors!



  1. You said you went to Nyack College, right? Does she have a house there?

  2. I'm thinking it has something to do with Florida.

    Also since i haven't commented today - praying for you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  3. Didn't Rosie grow up in Michigan? Any chance you once lived there?

    By the way, praying for you guys and the donor, would be a great birthday present!

  4. Well I know you (and your family!) pretty well and I haven't a CLUE when you might have lived near her! I must be out of the loop...

  5. You were neighbors in line to audition to be on The View. ;-)

  6. nyack, my husband's cousin lived down the street from her. You couldn't really see her house though because the wall was to high.

  7. Rosie once owned and lived in the former home of actress Helen Hayes', in Nyack, NY... I'm assuming during your time at Nyack College!

  8. Were you two in rehab together? LOL

  9. You went to Nyack College and Rosie has a house in Nyack. (I have a friend who went there too.)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yep, I concur with everyone else. :o)

  12. you guys are all too funny. i wouldn't have a clue where rosie o'donnell has a home. you are all very astute in your observations!
    Happy Birthday nate.

  13. Dang. Lots of people know the answer to this question. Here I am googling Rosie's biography and in the meantime, 11 people answer. Jeeeez.

    Praying about the transplant!

  14. How can you think about anything but the possibilities that this day could hold??? I'm impressed that your offering up points and everything! Tell Tric we're praying our hearts out!

    To pass the time, we play this game with our kids that we call might ask (to Tricia), "who's your sister's, daughter's, father's, wife's, mother's, husband's, daughter's, daughter"...all ages can play and it's good for your brain! Try it!

    refreshing in ohio

  15. Rosie's father, Edward O'Donnell, lives in North Carolina.. Any chance this is the link?!?

  16. Have no idea. But then she isn't really my cup of tea so don't know much about her. You are funnier I think. Maybe that's your next gig..stand up comic.(when you're not doing your church job that is.)

  17. Adding my voice to all of those wishing you a Happy Birthday! Wouldn't this just be the best present ever? Next to your two girls of course.


  18. Oh and as far as the Rosie connection I have no clue but I can only imagine that there must be at least 6 degrees of separation.

  19. Another way to pass the time...

    Did you know that in 1 minute your site got 131 hits! That's over 2 a second!

    Praying for you guys!

  20. Rosie is also a HUGE proponent of CF. I love her. Very down to earth and not "celebrity" at all when you meet her. Very nice woman.

  21. To kidsworld: My neice? Is that the answer?

  22. This has nothing to do with Rosie, but I just wanted you to know that I am excited for this TX possibility and will be praying!!!

  23. I know she was born in Commack, Long Island any chance you lived there? Also I am sure you know this already but she has a nephew that has cf. I am praying for you guys also!! If these lungs are not the match I still feel like it is a sign from God that the right ones are on the way!!

  24. O...I forgot to say Happy Bday to you also!! May all your Bday wishes come true!!!

  25. Tricia and Nate,

    I don't know where you may have lived to be neighbors with Rosie, but that's VERY cool!

    Also, I wanted to let you know that I posted asking for prayers for Tricia's new lungs on: under the general parenting board.

    We're storming heaven with prayers that it's now God's time.

  26. oohhh. ooohh. I have no idea about Rosie...but 'KidsWorlds' answer is Gwyneth!!!!!! (i think) ;0)

  27. She stayed in your town while filming a movie??

    I'm right, aren't I? :)

  28. Beats the heck out of me! But happy birthday and sending lots of prayers still. (actually was checking in to see if there was any news up yet.)

  29. Here's something to think about... You wait to have a child, you help them grow, guide them, help them with homework and still bring home almost all c's on their report card. When asked why things are missing, turned in late, bad grade on test, didn't read a science fiction book, and all you get for an answer is "I don't know" The joys of having a 6th grade daughter..
    Still praying things are good for you all and Happy birthday!


  30. St. Louis team is praying for you Nate.

  31. Still Checking In I am on pins and Needles waiting. I can ot imagine what you ar egoing through. Best of luck and many prayers. God please let these be the ones for Tricia!!

  32. ==>Kidsworld<== would the answer be you? (to whoever you're playing it with)

  33. I have no idea about where you lived but my brother in law was born in Cleveland ,Ohio and Rosie was born in Bayside,Queens ,New York on March 21,1962.

  34. probably in the same town you grew up in? when neither of you were a household name yet...

  35. Does the Rosie connection have anything to do with your honeymoon in Hawaii?

  36. I've only commented once before and you don't know me from Adam (or maybe it should be Eve) but I wanted you to know I am praying for you and Tricia tonight.


  37. Ding.Ding.Ding!!!

    "Sara m." guessed it! I didn't intend on this being a quiz for the blogosphere, but it's been fun seeing the interest. And with that, I have no points or any 'celebrity Tricia to hi five' rewards, so you'll have to live with recognition!!!

    This game is great for long car rides and any place that you have to wait for long periods of time (such as waiting to hear if the lungs are a match!)

    So great to see so many actively praying for this amazing family!

    refreshing in ohio

  38. That would be Nyack, NY, where Nyack College is. We used to live in Nanuet! Worked at Palisades Center!

  39. Rosie has lived on and off in Nyack NY where you went to college. I used to live in Nyack for a while too! It is such a fun little town. Very eclectic! Rosie had a house on the water that used to belong to Helen Hayes, then she moved out for a while, but I believe that she has now moved back there again.

  40. PS - Happy Birthday and we're praying for the transplant!!!

  41. Praying new lungs is God's idea of a GRAND birthday gift for you.

  42. You were a student at Nyack college, and she had/has a home in Nyack also...

  43. Well, I know it is Nyack, New York because my mom grew up and grandparents still live in West Nyack. Small world! Praying in Medford, NJ!!!

  44. I hate to even admit that I live on the same earth as Rosie...

  45. WAIT A MINUTE!! Ok, so I just started in on your blog a couple days ago cause one of my friends posted on her blog that I MUST start reading it! And I must admit that I am now HOOKED! But I was reading your last two posts and was gonna answer your Rosie question because I too lived in the same neighborhood with her, then I say someone say you went to Nyack College. I did too! I graduated in 2002. When did you?

  46. I'm going to guess Commack Long's why I know...
    I am from LI too and my dad used to live in Commack before he married my mom, and my half-siblings went to high-school with her too.
    Am I right?


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