
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

While We Wait...

No word yet on the TX. In the meantime, here are a few things I think you should check out:

> I occasionally write for an online resource called They just published an article of mine titled 100 Days that relates to this blog that I thought you might like to read.

> Tricia's sister, Megan, recently blogged about Life As a CF Family (and, there's a pic of Tricia from a few years ago).

> My Dad is waxing nostalgia about me and saying some nice things about Tricia's family on His Blog.

> Uncle Andy's April Fools joke was almost as good as mine!

> NC just created an online Organ Donation Registry! Check it out and sign up if you live in our great state!

> If you haven't yet, consider voting in one or all four of the categories the CFHusband blog has been nominated for HERE (it just takes a few minutes)! I don't really care much about winning, but a win would mean more exposure for CF, Organ Donation and Premature Birth! As a side note, we're leading all vote getters! Rosy O'Donell's blog is in second place, which is funny because we used to be neighbors...just thought I'd throw that out there.

> Unrelated to the above blog awards, I received a blog award Here! Don't know what it means, but thanks!




  1. Still prayin' in Texas. Hope the afternoon is peaceful as you all anxiously await! :-)

  2. Thanks for the reads...makes my heart joyful to read Tricia's sister's perspective! What a journey for many. :)


  3. Always keeping us busy! You are too thoughtful Nate, I love all of your suggestions!

  4. Just read what your dad had to say about his birthday boy!!! How amazing it would be if that special prayer came true today.


  5. Nate,
    I am praying for you guys today more than usual. I hope today is a new beginning for Tricia.


  6. I just wanted to say that I hope this is what you have been waiting for. I follow your blog everyday along with another one called ashley adams journal. Both of these are so inspiring. I check multiple times a day to see what's going on with you both. I had a cousin that died in 1996 of CF. I pray that you don't have to go through that. Praying everyday for you in Missouri.

  7. WOW getting close to 50% on your goal! awesome...

  8. Thanks for the diversion... although I need to be working... ugh. It's hard to wait. I can't imagine how you all feel.

  9. I'll be waiting for more news...and praying in the meantime. Happy Birthday Nate!
    -Lisa Collinsworth

  10. While YOU wait...

    I linked your blog for all of my "phantom" readers (ha ha!) and posted my thoughts on this whole organ donation thing.


    refreshing in ohio

  11. i was sitting here biting my nails i was glad for a list of things to do! now, i have done (read) them all...and am back to nail biting!

  12. Thought you might like to know that you are featured on my blog today... just trying to help expand your prayer support base. Happy Birthday!

  13. Just read your piece for - it's great! Thank you for suggesting the read...

  14. Praying for Tricia and the TX donor's family right now. Hope it's a match!


  15. I just got to mu computer and I am praying that this one will be the lungs meant for Tricia.
    Praying in ND

  16. Still praying in Ohio! In the meantime...I'll go vote.

  17. That was nice to go through and read all of the different perspectives. I am still praying for you all, and now have the rest of my office doing so as well.
    Looks like your dad had a little bit of foresight into what today might bring!

  18. Praying while we wait. And sometimes holding my breath!

  19. nate,I so appreciate how you use this blog... you make me feel like I am in the waiting room with the rest of your family as we prayerfully wait and find things to keep us moving forward... I have had this same experience with my own family on numerous occassions.
    Have gotten the word out to friends and family to be praying without ceasing.

  20. Congratulations on getting your article published

  21. Thanking God for a perfect pair of lungs for Tricia and for the blessings already in place with Gwenyth's growth and God's selection of you as husband and father to them both. Isn't it amazing how God gifts us?
    The Berrys

  22. Thanks for the great links.
    I am also pleased to say that the great state of Colorado (where we live) also has an online organ donation registry--go register if you live in CO! I am praying fervently for the 2nd TX call to be a go!

    P.S. Happy Birthday, Nate!!!!!!

  23. I am sure you have thought of it this way, but those other lungs didn't work out because God had something better. Tricia does not want lungs that aren't right for her! I really hadn't looked at it that way. Although any lungs would be exciting in the short term, that excitement wouldn't last long if they weren't what is best for her. I am praying these are the best!

  24. Thank you for the different links. I keep refreshing the page to see if there is any new news, and that helped keep me occupied for a little bit.

    Still praying...

  25. You lived next to Rosie O'Donnell? Where? That's amazing that you are beating a celebrity.

  26. Also praying here in TX! And a question...why do you abbreviate transplant "TX"? That's always Texas to me!

    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it's a birthday to remember!

  27. I have been checking back every 10 minutes or so it seems. I am still praying these are the perfect lungs for your Pattysue. Praying for Tricia and all of you


  28. I just posted using my AIM account I haven't be able to get my google/blogger account to work. But Again I am still praying with all my heart for you guys. May these be the perfect lungs

  29. Y'all are in my prayers in Louisiana. I have to admit that reading about your life has become apart of my daily routine, and have so much to thank you for. Your story is truly inspirational.

  30. Praying Praying Praying......seriously, you used to be neighbor's with Rosie O'donnell??? That is too funny...did you ever meet her?

  31. I just got home and saw your news! And on your birthday no less.

    Praying that these lungs are a perfect fit for Tricia.

  32. You guys win all kinds of awards in my book. Hugs to you all. I read Megan's blog yesterday as usual. I loved (and always do) what she wrote. You are all very special and prove it everyday. I am praying for the donor family too. Thank you for the update!

  33. Praying, and donated! I'm challenging all of my friends to do the same! I'm happy to see you're almost half way there already!


  34. I've got some serious thoughts on transplants and how that relates to becoming a believer, I'm still doing research (reading) but when I get all my thoughts together I'll let you know b/c I'd love your insight. Meanwhile, praying for these lungs to be it...

  35. The wait is killing me, I can only imagine how you two must feel.

    Still praying !!

  36. Good stuff, Nate...btw, I've mentioned you all on my blog today...coveting prayers...

  37. I don't know ya'll, but I've been reading your well updated blog for a few weeks. (just stumbled onto it!) I applaud ya'll for many things, courage, determination, humor, wisdom, and for your tremendous efforts in keeping your blog updated! I'm praying that you have the best birthday ever with Tricia getting new lungs! I love the pug pictures with Gwenyth!

  38. Tricia's sister knows about the ups and downs of CF, so Lungs come to Tricia quickly and be the match.......enough of this anxious waiting, my nails are chewed down to the bones of my fingers. munch munch. Praying, praying, praying.............

  39. How Excitin!! I'm prayin for her!

    Had to read a lot, bebcause I'm in the hospital also, and didn't had internet until now:P

    I'll check the site every moment I can!!

  40. Our family will continue to pray for you each day. Looking forward to hearing happy "lung" news!

  41. Still praying!

    And while I was waiting, I registered at! Thanks so much for posting the info!

  42. nate, tricia, and baby gwenyth
    ya'll don't know me but i've been following the blog for a while now. i live in the middle east and its 10 pm for me. the last thing i've done before going to bed is checked the blog to see if tricia got her new lungs yet. still no news. so i go to bed praying for ya'll, asking our Father to provide and trusting His promises to do so.

    "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, How blessed is the man who trusts in You!" Ps. 84:11-12

  43. I just saw a link to your blog on someone else's blog. I am enjoying reading your blog, getting to know you and your family and lifting you up in your journey. I have also posted a link to you in my blog... thought I would let you know.

  44. I too have posted a blog today asking for people to pray/hope/wish/etc. for you all. I can't imagine how you both are dealing with the wait. Must feel strange knowing that there are thousands of us waiting along with you.

    Kerry in Wichita

  45. When were you neighbors with Rosie??

    Greg and I are praying for all of you and for these lungs!

  46. Praying lots for you all. I have CF as well and posted a blog yesterday about it:
    In Christ,

  47. Still praying. I linked to your blog today. You, your wife, and Gwyneth's story has really touched me.

  48. The fact that we haven't heard anything yet may be positive.... I hope!!! Hope that means the tx team is working on taking out the lungs and checking them and prepping them for transfer/flight.

    Continuing to pray hard! The email I mentioned will be sent as soon as I get home from work. Leaving for home now so ttyl.

    All the best,
    Marissa :-)

  49. I'm really making your counter skyrocket. I keep refreshing the page in between my daily tasks to see what's happening!

  50. Became an organ donator today!!

    and PRAYING!!! Happy Birthday Nate This would be the best Birthday present ever!!!!

  52. Just wanted to let you know that i just registered as a organ donor on the Alabama registry. My Uncle who recently passed away was an organ donor. Now I can proudly say I am too!! I excited that I took a couple of minutes to sign up. Thanks for encouraging people!

    Praying for you in Alabama!

  53. praying praying praying!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. praying praying praying!!!!!!!!!!!!

  55. I am still praying. If I am this anxiously waiting I can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling. praying, praying, praying.....

  56. Please please please let them be perfect for her!

  57. Praying that the lungs are suitable and also for Gods peace, calm and strength to bless you Tricia and Nate.

    Praying also for the donor's family and friends.

  58. 1. happy birthday nate!
    2. were you really neighbors with rosie?

    3. praying constantly for you!

  59. Well it is bedtime in the UK. But I will go to sleep with a prayer for you all in my heart.
    Will be up early to check on any updates!
    God bless you all.

  60. Sending out Prayers+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers today. I hope to hear some AWESOME news when I check back.

    I don't think you could ask for a BETTER Birthday Gift. :)
    Happy Birthday Nate.

    Take care Nate and Trisha

  61. happy you day, nate! :o)

    in honor of your birthday, and your girls, i just signed up on NC's online donor registry. praying tricia gets some new lungs today!

    in his MIGHTY love,
    em (& josh)

  62. We are thinking of you guys here in Northern California....

  63. Gosh, no word yet?! I'm antsy like the rest of you, I'm certain! Hoping this is good news!

    Just emailed you, Nate, so looking forward to hearing from you sometime-- no rush!

    Continuing to check in often,
    Marissa :-)


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