
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Big Girl Bed

Still taking a break, but wanted to share these pics...



  1. Look how beautiful she is! Of course I don't have to remind you of that!!! Congratulations on the Big Girl Bed!!!!

  2. oh my gosh! how beautiful are these pictures!! My son wasn't ever in a big bed like this... way to grow Gwyn!!

  3. Simply Amazing!!!! God is so good and faithful!!! I can not get over how big she looks...she is really filling wonderful she is gaining weight!!!! Nate, hope you are getting plenty of rest!!!

  4. I am crying looking at these PRECIOUS PRECIOUS pictures! To God be the glory!

  5. Keep growing, girl! We are still praying for you all!!!

  6. daddy, your little girl is growing up! Before you know it, she will be in high school. YIKES!!!

  7. What a wonderful photo to see! Congratulations to your sweet family!

  8. OHHHHH how cute! She is looking amazing! Good girl! Keep eating like a champ!

  9. Isn't it wonderful when they sleep so peacefully... I still sneak in at night to watch my babies (now 2 and 4) sleep.

  10. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. Im praying for your beautiful family tonight.

  11. WOW!!! She looks great and so big in her new bed!! :)

  12. Joyful tears for your beautiful tiny girl in her big girl bed!

    She's tiny but oh, so mighty!

    Love to all. :-)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. WOW, your not kidding "BIG GIRL BED" that is great!
    Thanks for taking the time from your break to share those pictures.
    With each picture you post, we see how Awesome God is!!!
    Our thoughts are with Tricia tonight. Praying for 24 hours!
    Praying for Gwyneth too.
    Nate, Hope your getting caught up on your sleep.
    Thanks for the update.
    Have a great night.

  15. That is awesome! She is getting so big! :)

  16. She's so beautiful. I can't believe how much she's grown.

  17. Nate - Oh! When I saw that post, it literally took my breath away! I had to do a double take and really "look" at that first photo. And, then I saw little Gwyneth's sweet little face peeking out from that BIG bed.

    She is so sweet, Nate! She is literally "growing up" right before our eyes! I absolutely LOVE her new BIG GIRL BED!

  18. MIRACULOUS!!! Wow - what a great God we have!!!

  19. Aww, look at that! Go Gwenyth!!

  20. Nate -

    Okay, now I am TOTALLY cracking up! After posting my original comment, I went back and looked at the photos again.

    Okay, photo number 4. Is the Pug wearing Gwyneth's "fraggle" hat???

    Ha ha ha! So funny! Love it. Love it.

    Va Beach

  21. God is so good!! Way to go Big Girl!

  22. Thank you for the reminder that God is still in the business of performing miracles. Amazing!


  23. Congratulations Gwyneth. That's a great milestone!!! Soon, I hope your moomy gets a new bed also...out of ICU.

  24. she is beautiful :) thanks for sharing...enjoy your break..I know you need it!

    God Bless

  25. Does this mean she is able to keep her body temp stable? That is such a big step! How wonderful to see you all taking such strides forward. Every picture, every report of progress is one step closer to you all walking out the door together! Rejoicing with you and continuing in prayer.

  26. Oh my ! She is beautiful! I remember reading in the newspaper that she was going to be moved out of the isolet soon, I am so glad it was this soon!

    Sending my love,

  27. Precious pictures! Still praying for you all!

  28. My, how she has grown!
    What do the doctors think as far as a time frame for gwen coming home?

  29. Awe! Thank you for sharing. Absolutely, positively adorable!

  30. I've been reading for months now, but have never commented until now I must say that she is precious! She's doing SO WELL! My daughter was a preemie, and I can remember when she was moved to her "big girl bed!" So exciting! Thanks for sharing you're story with us. To God be the glory!

    Love, Erin in Florida

    PS - My 2 year old loves to watch the videos of Gwyneth! She always points to the computer and says, "Wook (look) at tiny baby." :0)

  31. Gwyneth has grown so much, way to go baby girl. I'm so happy that you are in a big girl bed now.

  32. Wow!! You can really tell that her face is filling out!! She looks amazing!!
    Praying for Tricia tonight!!

  33. She's precious and getting so big!! I'm so happy and relieved that your girls are both doing so well. I miss your updates, but I'm glad you're taking a break for yourself. You've been a trooper! Still praying!! All the best!
    Stacy :-)

  34. Absolutely precious!! What a little angel in such a big girl bed.

  35. The continued good news of your girls showers each day with joy. Gwyneth looks remarkable. I have to keep reminding myself that she was born at 24 weeks.

    Hope Tricia has a good night tonight.

  36. After a very long, tiring stressful day -- I come home to see this sweet lil girl in such a sweet lil bed.

    Putting life into perspective x's 100!!

    Thank You so much for sharing your life w/me. For sharing your trials, tribulations, triumphs. For helping me realize the 'little' things in life are so great.

    Big girl bed for a big girl!!
    Thanks Nate!! I needed this tonight.

  37. Thanks for sharing this milestone even though you are taking a break...amazing pictures! Oh how your sweet girl is growing :)

  38. I saw chubby cheeks! That's so exciting.

  39. What a big girl she is. She's beautiful!!!!

  40. Beautiful! just beautiful! She really does look like a big girl in these photos. Blessings on you three. Martha

  41. Yay gwyneth! Hopefully your mommy can move beds tomorrow too!

  42. What a beautiful sight!! And she is looking downright pudgy!! :):)
    Lord, help Gwyneth to sleep well in her comfy new bed tonight, and help her Mommy to breathe easily and effectively while she is sleeping without the vent all night long!!
    "And for all You've done and yet to do
    With every breath I'm praising You
    Desire of the nations and every heart
    You alone are God
    You alone are God

    The morning star is shining through
    And every eye is watching You
    Revealed by nature and miracles
    You are beautiful
    You are beautiful...."
    (from "Famous One" Chris Tomlin)

  43. Wow, how beautiful! Thanks for sharing, please know you are all still in my prayers!
    Steph/Stl Mo

  44. GOD is SO GOOD! Thank you Nate for the pictures! We are still praying in Rome, GA.

  45. OH.MY.GOODNESS! How great are those pictures?!? Gwyneth, you are SUCH an answer to so many prayers! People you don't even know, nor will ever know, have been touched by your precious, precious life! God has used you mightily already in your young life...I wonder what great things will be happening 10, 20, 30 years from now.
    God bless you, sweetie!
    ~ becky b

  46. Ohhhh!! I so remember when my kids went from the isolette to the big bed....happy days!!!

    She is beautiful!!

    Praying without ceasing for all of you!

  47. Yay for a big girl bed!

    She looks JUST LIKE you...

  48. Is there another word I can use to describe your beautiful pics other than AMAZING! WoW! How sweet and how exciting to see this precious baby growing before our very eyes! Gods miracles at work!

  49. Oh my! She looks even bigger in that bed!:) God is so good!

  50. She is one amazing miracle! You are blessed. Thank God for her health!

  51. Oh my goodness! That's so exciting!

  52. What a comparison to the early picture on the "fast track" post you just did! She IS a big girl! So excited for you all in this new move for Gwyneth... and praying for a move for Tricia tomorrow. I, too, love the picture of Daddy looking at his precious White Rose. (with the pug in the fraggle hat looking on!) So cute! =o) Much love to you all!

    Karen in FL

  53. Yeah Gwyneth!!! Is a move to TCN next?


  54. This is great!!! Way to go, Gwyneth!!!!

  55. Look at that little chunker in her big girl bed!!! Way to go girlie!!

  56. Awww...that is so cool. She's getting so big and prettier every day.

  57. She looks great in her big girl bed! Way to go, Gwyneth! She is working so hard for her mommy and daddy. Soon, you will all be together with all of this behind you and only happy days ahead!

    God Bless You!


  58. OMG. . I'm so excited for you! Isn't it great to be able to walk in and give her a smooch without anything in the way! Just lean over and kiss her and touch her and love her and rub her fuzzy little head! whew! I am truely amazed at how well she's done! Blessings to you, Tricia and Gwyneth.
    Ellen in Ohio

  59. What a beauty!! She is just perfect!! you 3 continue to be in my prayers!

  60. She's beautiful! So fab that she's moved out of her isolette into a lil big girl crib bed! Def shows how much she's made progress and grown! Wonderful to see her thriving (at the same time, time flies and before you know it, she'll be all grown up... I'm sure everyone with kids have those moments where they wish their kids could stay little a bit longer... I might be wrong as I've don't have kids...nor a husband yet.)!

    I'm really glad you all are doing so well and keep enjoying your break, Nate- as long as you need and want! Thanks for updating us.

    Marissa :)

  61. WOOOOOOOOOOT!!!! Go Gwyn! Moving up the ladder!

  62. My goodness---this is a big step!!!! Congrats Gwyneth!!!!

  63. Great pics. Gwyneth is strong like her momma. I do want to let you know that I see more love in both of your eyes. I have never doubted that you all really love each other. It just seems like your love has been lifted to a newer and deeper level. Trials and troubles do help to grow us. You are all terrific in my book.

  64. Thanks so much for sharing. I hope you are enjoying your break. You deserve it!
    Praying for Tricia and Gwyneth...both of them are looking so good...:)


  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Oh...she is getting so big!! Horray for the wonderful progress she is making...what a little miracle!

    Thanks for sharing!
    ~Shann in Michigan

  67. What a day! And what an incredible step in this journey.

  68. How awesome that she has graduated to a big girl bed!!!! It's great for her to be out of the isolette. The pics are great--especially the pug wearing the fraggle hat!!! Continuing to pray in KY

  69. She looks "fat" and happy in that big girl bed!

  70. Awesome! She is so adorable and I'm sure you are so excited!

  71. Way to go girl! Moving to a big girl crib is quite an accomplishment. The neonatologists must think she now has enough "meat" on her bones to maintain her body temp. Praise God!!!

  72. Yay! Our Elizabeth (3.5 yrs) moved to a big girl bed this week too! Way to go Gwyneth! BTW, I love the fraggle hat on the pug! Still praying...

  73. It's amazing to see how "big" Gwyneth has gotten because I was the same size as she is now when I was born. She is so cute, and I'm so happy to see what wonderful progress she's making! She's such a beautiful little miracle.

  74. I love all the little decorations around her bed! She is sure a loved little girl by many! Her pugs keep an eye on her while you are away.

  75. ahhhh! congrats! thats such a step up! I remember when our preemie moved to the big crib....does Gywneth have a bout of reflux to? thats why our daughter went to the crib at an angle :)

  76. Yeah! she looks so big! such a pretty girl! Waiting for the good news that Tricia is in her own room and not ICU!!

  77. She is such a big girl! She looks so comfy and cozy. Nate you look so content looking at your daughter.

  78. What a big girl!! Yay Gwyneth!!

    Thanks for sharing dad!

  79. How incredibly wonderful! She's getting SO BIG! Thank you for your generosity in allowing us to share this journey with you...
    Still in my thoughts and prayers daily!

  80. I've been following your blog since April 1st, and haven't commented until now, but she is so gorgeous I couldn't not leave a message--what a beautiful little girl! Go Gwyneth!

  81. Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness! OH, MY GOODNESS! Look at that baby girl! That is the stuff dreams and prayers are made of!

    God's Peace!

  82. How Awesome is that! She looks so proud to be a big girl!

  83. What a great promotion! She's getting so big!

  84. oh my stinking goodness! she is absolutely beautiful and looks so grown up!! great developments!
    keep up the good rest!!

  85. Aww...her first of many big girl beds! Your girls are AMAZING!!

  86. Whahoooo! Those are awesome pics. Congrats for moving to a bigger bed Gwyneth!

  87. Congrats on the move - she is absolutely beautiful

  88. Cute as a button. If you send this many pictures a day when you are taking a break, keep on taking a break! I'm glad she's in a big girl bed now!

  89. Look at that kid! Big girl bed, no help breathing, I just can't believe it! When you look up the word 'miracle' in the dictionary, I think Gwenyth's picture should be there! She's nothing but a miracle!

    Carey and Chelsea

  90. Yippeee!!! And she looks so happy laying up in that roomy bed! What a great day for you all! Still praying.

  91. Way to go, Gwyneth! You are getting so big and strong. Wow!

    Enjoy your well-deserved break, Nate.

  92. It's amazing how much bigger Gwyneth looks this week. Glad to see and hear that both of the girls are doing so well and that you have been taking some time off from this blog, but I got to tell you this blog is addicting and it's nice that your dad is around to give us our daily needed fix! God bless.

  93. I remember when Alex moved to his big boy bed, what a big step. She will be coming home soon!

  94. Never has a big girl bed looked so beautiful! Welcome of of your incubator Gwyneth Rose. There's a whole world out there ready for you to explore and today you took a HUGE step closer! Praising God for the way He has answered prayers and brought today about.

  95. Wow!

    (Yay, God! Yay Gwyneth! Yay Mom and Dad!)


  96. Gwyneth is so beautiful. You are truly blessed.

  97. Isn't it amazing how nurses all over the country pick up the same phrases??? I knew immediately what I was going to see when I saw the post title. She is such a sweet girl in her big girl bed!!!

  98. I love the pictures!! You have some very strong girls on your hands! You will definately have your happy hands full....I am so excited that your sweet baby girl is doing so well. I am continuing to pray for all of you.

  99. Oh my goodness, those are the sweetest, most adorable pictures ever!

  100. WOOHOOO!!!!

    and such a pretty little princess, too!

  101. how wonderful! this is the most exciting big girl bed transition ever. :)
    you guys must be so excited!

  102. WOW!! I just can't believe my eyes at how big she is getting! I couldn't believe it this time when I saw her with her pug! She really is growing so fast! YES!

  103. WOO HOO!!!! Man O Man. Just look at that beautiful big girl in that big girl bed!!!! ROCK ON GWYNETH!!!!!
    God Bless you all,
    Jamie in Texas

  104. So sweet! What a big step, she (and God) are amazing. What a little gift she is.

  105. Wow! I love the big girl bed.:-)

    I continue to be amazed at the beautiful testimony of your family and God at work in your lives.


  106. She is beautiful. To God be the glory.

  107. and what a Big Girl she is. so happy for her. precious so precious!!!

  108. She is gorgeous and such a big girl now in her big girl bed. Awesome!

    Nate: See that fuzzy flower thingy in the first picture? You need to be VERY careful with that thing. My daughter had one too and it tore at the bottom of the stem and there was a metal hook with a sharp end on it (like a thick fish hook) that poked out of the end. I threw hers away. I have no idea who makes it or where it was purchased b/c she got it at a birthday party she went to. When little Gwyneth gets older pitch it so she doesn't hurt herself with it.

    You're in our prayers!!

    Heidi Reed

  109. woo-hoo! open bed! go gwyneth! what a big girl indeed! i'm so proud of how well your girls are doing! i'm celebrating with you!


  110. Love the pictures! Look at the little angel in that big girl bed.. she looks amazing!! Thank you for sharing, so happy to see her improving.

    God Bless!

  111. Wow! It won't be long Dad before the 'real' big girl bed is moved in the crib's place, then the first day of school, then the prom, then you will walk her down the isle, and be sitting in a rocking chair rocking a grandbaby. Time passes so quickly. Enjoy every moment being a Dad. May God richly bless sweet Gwyneth's life.

  112. Absolutely precious!!

    What a beautiful little miracle she is! Praise God!!

    This is just the first of so many milestones you have to look forward to as Gwyneth grows. Enjoy every moment- they pass too quickly! :)

    Now we're praying for Tricia to get a bed out of ICU! Hang in there, Tricia. It won't be long now!

  113. She looks really, really good. Her coloring is great.

  114. Those pictures are beautiful! Checking your blog every day is like watching a miracle unfold. I mentioned you on my own blog that I just started,and I hope my friends and family will jump on the bandwagon with prayers (and you never know, donations as well!).

  115. That is one gi-normous baby!
    Congrats on the big girl bed Gwyneth- stay warm!

  116. Oh wow! Now it'll be even easier to give her kisses over the crib rails. :0) Yeah, Big Girl!

    Hugs from El Paso,

  117. That is just too cool!!!! Can't wait to see Mommy in any bed where they will leave her alone so she can sleep ;>) - no need to share pics, just word that she's out of ICU and into a normal room!

  118. Yeah Gwyneth !!! How exciting for you all !!

    I love to come and see your are all in my prayers !!

  119. Wow, what a terrific milestone! I remember how surprised I was when our babies moved from incubators to "bassinets", which were just clear plastic bins with open tops. This crib is so nice. And Gwyneth looks wonderful - big, and pink, and only a few monitors left. Is she breathing room air now, and maintaining her own body temp? Those are great milestones. Looks like she won't need that gavage tube for much longer either. Way to go Gwyneth!
    I continue to pray for her, and for Tricia to get off more and more equipment and have a good night's sleep too. Hooray!

  120. oh my gosh, Princess Gwyneth or what?!! Sweet little bebe..
    God bless you Nate for taking a break from your break to bless us with those photos.Thank you Lord for the beauty that speaks from those pictures, your grace, your mercy and your love.

  121. Aww!
    That's a crazy big bed for such a tiny baby! I was expecting a little bassinet like they use for normal newborns (thats what they put our preemie in when it was time). I guess she is holding her own temperature pretty well then? Yay! Congrats!

  122. It is amazing to see how she is growing! I know she probably looks "bigger" in the pics than she is! She is just adorable.

  123. Hooray!! My 2-year-old transitioned to a big girl bed this week too. I imagine Gwyneth is being more obedient than Nina about staying put when she'd rather be climbing out. :) Those pics are adorable!

  124. She really is quite cute and look how far she has come...she's a fighter!

  125. Ahhahahaha....

    Mini-Meko is a Fraggle.

    Way to go Gwyneth! you must wear clothing to be warm. Just think of all the pretty dresses you get to wear now!! :)

    Don't forget to have Daddy pick up some Robeez to match. Every girl has gotta have a pair. Or five.

    Keep growing precious girl!!

  126. found you through a blog buddy and had a special request emailed me from another blog friend ... i have prayed for both your women and can feel God's presence in your post ...

  127. Wow! I am so impressed she can hold her own temperature and is still so itty bitty. Way to go, Gwyneth!!


  128. She is adorable.. And amazing. Way to go beautiful baby girl. You are soo much loved by many many ppl.

  129. That is really amazing. She is changing so much! I'm so thrilled for you guys.

    I mailed you a package today. You should have it Saturday!! Hope you guys love it.

  130. In some ways, that big girl bed makes her look even littler... and in other ways, I found myself thinking... wow! She's getting SO big!

  131. Drying tears of joy!

  132. Way to go Gwyneth!!! Awesome pics!

  133. Yay for big girl bed! I am so happy for her and you. She looks like she is putting on the weight rapidly now.

    She is so beautiful.

  134. I just "tuned" in when my sister-in-law asked for prayers for ya'll on her blog. I'm hooked! Gwyneth is growing so fast and all by the grace of God. I'm praying for you all day, as I think of you. Come Sunday, my church family will be too. I plan to share your story with them because it is such a testiment to God's glory and grace. May he continue to bless ya'll in ways we could never imagine. Your girls will be home before you know it.
    In His love,
    Terri G., Louisiana

  135. whoo-hoo!!!! an open crib!!!!
    thanks for sharing the good news.

  136. She looks GREAT!

    Enjoy your new bed Gwenyth!

  137. Hope everything works out good and both of your girls get to go home soon. Baby Gwyneth sure is a cutie!!

  138. She looks so warm and snuggly in there! And I see her pug is wearing the fuzzy hat haha...

  139. Way to Go!!! How exciting for you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing those wonderful pictures with us. I hope you are getting the rest you need. I am praying for Tricia,Gwyneth, and You!! What an amazing journey!!

  140. Awww....that's so wonderful! Tomorrow I go in to deliver our
    11th little treasure and I keep telling my hubby, "I can't believe I'm going to have to miss a few days checking up on Gwyneth and Tricia!"...But being in the hospital will give me extra time to pray! :)
    The Lockwoods

  141. YOU WILL NEVER FORGET THIS DAY! This day will give you HOPE to continue to push until you take her home. We remember when our daughter got a "big girl bed"!!!

    Praying for you in Chesapeake,VA!

  142. wow, this is amazing. she is beautiful.

  143. It's wonderful to see mother and daughter both blooming! Gwyneth is certainly making great strides this past week.

    May I send you a custom preemie outfit for her? If so, where do I send it, and does Tricia have a favorite color she'd like to see Gwyneth in?

  144. I am so happy for you all Nate, continuing to pray on all requests and sending a special (((HUG))) to Tricia this morning, what amazing inner strength she must have.

    Praise God.

  145. What wonderful pictures of your precious gift! Congratulations Gwyneth. Still praying for both Gwyneth and Tricia.

  146. Hi! This is my first post, but Ive been reading for months.
    I just want to say I am just so happy for the 3 of you!!
    Go Tricia!
    Go Gwyneth!
    Go Nate!
    In my prayers daily.

  147. That's so exciting!!!!! Thank-you sooo much for taking the time to share that with us.

    love and prayers.

  148. This little one is incredible! Your heart must be soaring to see the progress of both girls. You remain in my prayers.

  149. How awesome is that!!!

    Praise the Lord.

    Next stop - home.

  150. cool, she is a growning!

    what a cute~t~pie!

  151. Yeah! She looks beauriful!

  152. that bed looks so big! It is remarkable to see how much she has grown. Her face is filling out so nicely.

    We appreciate the pictures. Praying that you continue to find the rest & restoration you so deserve.

    Praying still for Tricia as well...that she continues to heal.

  153. All Right Gwyneth! Love the new bed! How wonderful!

  154. Woohoo! Out of the isolette. That's a huge step! Fabulous, just fabulous.

  155. WOW, how wonderful, her continued growth and development are a miracle. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  156. Wow, another milestone for Gwyneth Rose! I love how homey, and cozy the bed looks.

  157. Oh my gosh! This took my breath away!! :) What a beautiful sight.

  158. Awesome. Thanks for sharing Nate.


  159. she looks soooo big!!!!
    this is an awesome pic to wake up to:)
    continue to enjoy your break from us, and thank you for sharing these wonderful pics.
    really you all need a vacation!!!!

  160. What a BIG girl...Way to go Gwyneth!!!Your so beautiful, your gonna be a heartbreaker!

  161. WTG Baby Gwyneth!!!

    It's so awesome that she graduated to an open bed and is healthy and thriving!

    Prayers that she continues to do so for many years to come!

  162. That is SO exciting!!! I just love that third pic best of all. Enjoy your break Nate. I'm praying for you all. Angela

  163. Yay! She is so beautiful. Beautiful pictures. :)

  164. WOW! Gwyneth is almost unrecognizable - she's huge! Thanks Nate, Tricia & Gwyneth (and your families) for candidly sharing your story & unknowingly being such an inspiration to many worldwide. Thanks to Jordan & Patience for letting us know about you guys......

  165. Before you know it she'll be sneaking out of bed at night and climbing into mom & dad's. God is so good is'nt he! Praying for all you guys in Chesapeake.
    The Shepards

  166. Wow! so incredible to see her in a bassinet! way to go Gwyneth!!! Praising God with you! praying, jen in al

  167. Praise the Lord!!! She's doing so well!

  168. Yea Gwyneth! I remember how relieved I felt when my little girl was "healthy" enough for a big girls bed too. Thanks for the pictures. She's beautiful :)

  169. Wow! She is so sweet!



  170. She's perfect in every way! Thanks for the pictures! LOVE THEM!

    Still praying!
    Annie- Nashville

  171. She is getting so big!!!! And what a cutie.

  172. Congratulations, baby girl!!


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