
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tonight's the night?!

Yesterday was a great day for Tricia. Her mom, Agnes, said it was the first day "Tricia was back" since surgery. She sat up in her bed with her legs crossed and her personality, hidden underneath the effects of medication for nearly a week popped back out.

The visit to see Gwyneth was a big boost as well, not only psychologically and emotionally, but I'm sure it will stimulate physical healing, too.

The nurses are working with her more to allow her to get needed sleep. If you've ever been in ICU, you know how it's the worst place to rest because of all the constant, but medically necessary "interruptions".

These last days she has been breathing on her own most of the day. But at night they have been connecting her to the vent for a few hours. Tonight they're going to try to go all night without the vent. If that is successful she will likely be moved out of ICU tomorrow.

I'm back filling in for Nathan at least until Tricia is out of ICU. Thanks for understanding and encouraging him to take a break. The time away (as you could see in the picture) has been good for him.

Rick Lawrenson


  1. We are praying for a ventless night!!! You go can do it!!! We are pulling for you!!!

  2. Still praying! Thank you for keeping us wouldn't have to, but it's so nice of you:)

  3. I am glad Nathan is taking a break and concentrating his energy on Tricia - my prayers continue for everyone!

  4. I'm so glad Tricia is doing so well. I hope Nathan is getting some rest. They looked so good in their picture with Gwyneth. Praying for a ventless night.

  5. YAY Sleep! YAY Rest! YAY mommy and daddy time!!! YAYAYAYAYAY

    Take as long as you need!

  6. What a great post!
    I will be praying for Tricia to get out of ICU.
    Thanks for filling in for Nathan.
    The updates are so appreciated!
    Sending our thoughts and prayers from Minnesota.
    Have a great day!

  7. Praying for restful refreshing sleep and continued healing! thanks for the update! So glad Nate is enjoying this time with his girls! praying,,,jen in al

  8. I'm totally praising the Lord here! God has been so good! Of course He is always good, even in trials, but it sure is nice when those trials give way to a shower of happy blessing!

    I'm glad Nate took a break. We miss his wit and crazy commentaries about all the silly things that happen in hospitals. (Of course "silly" can be truely silly, truely ridiculous, truely pathetic etc., etc., as the case may be!) However, his first priority is his girls, not all of us CFH junkies in the wide internet world. LOL. Thank you for keeping us updated though. It would have been rough to pray without knowing what was going on. **shudders**

    Anyway, I hope last night was successful and I'll keep praying.


  9. Praying for a ventless 24hrs!! Thank you Rick for filling in for Nate. I am sure the much needed time away has been good for him. It is wonderful to hear Tricia is getting "back" to herself. Glad to see mom and daughter were reunited since surgery!! I continue to pray for all of you daily!!!


  10. Praying that Tricia can make it through the night without the vent. What a praise that she is finally "back." I'm sure that's a relief to everyone. Thanks for filling us in. Glad the break is helping Nate.

  11. If 'kangaroo care' is good for sick bubby's why not for sick mummys(sorry mommy's lol)?
    It's great Tricia is doing so well!

  12. It is so good to hear of the positive progress both Tricia and Gwyneth are making. I keep praying for there to be no infection and no rejection.
    Nate, I hope you get lots of rest today.
    Kathy (mom to princesses in disguise)

  13. Praying for Tricia to be off the vent all night and for Nathan to get some rest too! So thankful to see everyone on the mend.

  14. Thanks so much for the updates, Rick -- what a great dad/FIL/grandpa you are! Nate definitely needs to rest & spend time with 'his girls'.

    Prayers continue for the family, especially for Tricia to get out of's a terrible place to try to rest.


  15. Praying for continued steps toward a vent free 24, what a daily encouragement to see what God is doing for Tricia, Gywneth and Nate.
    And Yes! Nate does look like the blog break has done just what he intended it to do, God bless his heart....

  16. Yay for Tricia getting back to normal. I am still in awe at the power of God's healing. The fact that Tricia just had the transplant and already doing so well just shouts His glory! Still praying...

  17. Nate is blessed to have such a supportive family! Thanks, Rick, for keep us up-to-date because us "junkies" can't go more than one day without SOME kind of news! :-p

    Tricia looks great and so does Gwyneth. We'll keep praying. . . .and we'll pray that Tricia breathes on her own tonight to get out of ICU.

    God Bless,
    Michelle in MO

  18. It was so good to see smiles all around in the pics of yesterday! You are all in the process of crossing the threshold into your life of the future! How very exciting for you! Praying for today to go very well for everyone, and for tonight to be a great ventless night of peaceful sleep!
    Just a curiosity question that DOESN'T need an answer..just my "nurse brain" working :) Wondering if Tricia will be able to go back to her "home" on 7800, or if her post-transplant status requires her to be in a differnt unit for any number of reasons? I just think it would be so fun for the staff there to be able to have some time with you in these "good" times, after living through all of the uncertainty with you for so long. And it would be fun for YOU to be with people who have, no doubt, become extended family to you. Enough of my rambling thoughts! :)

  19. WOOWE that is such wonderful newstricia is amazing & looks as though nathans time off is doing them both good...
    thanks for posting
    prayers all around
    patricia n.
    gwyneth is growing so quickly
    and the bottle WOOO HOOO
    God Bless

  20. couldn't read it without crying! SO SO happy for you all. Praying for all that is to come.

  21. i am praying that tonight is the first "vent free night"

  22. I'm so glad Nathan is taking a break. Let him know we appreciate him and Tricia [and you] sharing their lives with us. I can't imagine going through this kind of trial in life and then feeling the need to update millions of strangers everyday. I'm sure it's all just wearing him down and I think it's awesome he's resting and just focusing on Tric and Gwyneth and their care. :)

    Praying Tric gets out of ICU tomorrow and continues to do well.

    Thanks again Rick. :)

  23. great progress! I hope Tiricia is able to be moved out of ICU quickly! I also hope Nathan takes all the time he needs away from the blog. we'll still be here when he gets back to it!!

  24. Thanks for taking over the updating! I think of Tricia alot and am amazed at the miracle of a double lung transplant... I'll probably never undertand how that's even medically possible.

    So happy about her good recovery this far and I'll be praying that tonight's the night to stay off the vent!

  25. Thanks for the update.I will be praying for the trip soon out of the ICU.

  26. Keeping the prayers going. Sending ((((( HUGS )))))).

  27. It's wonderful to hear such positive news. Nathan looks much better rested...he needs to focus on being with his girls. We sure appreciate you updating the blog. Still sending prayers for health and progress!

  28. Yeah Tricia! Great news about your recovery!!!
    Sending thankful prayers for your continued miracle of recovery.
    I am off line for 4 days for a work conference (in beautiful Whistler, BC) and I just know that there is going to be so much news to catch up on!
    My husband and daughters are also so in awe of this experience that you are sharing.
    Take care sweet family! Your journey is amazing.
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  29. Glad they are working with Tricia and her sleep. That can be a really big issue. Her body so needs that down time to get it all together. It was great to see both Nathan and Tricia looking good. It is hard to want someone well so bad that it hurts. If we could just do something to help??? I do want to say that I am so proud of your entire family. I'm so happy that your over the mountain. This is an exciting journey that amazes me.
    We sure have a BIG GOD!!!
    Christy in KY

  30. Amazed by Tricia's strength! Praying for all of you to get much needed rest and sleep! Thanks for the updates.

  31. The girls are looking great and Nate is looking a more rested. Thanks aging for updating. I am so sure everyone apperciates it. Prayers are still being sent to you guys from Ft Meade, Maryland soem (((HUGS))) too

  32. Thanks for the updates! The photos are great! Tricia & Nate look good!
    Still praying

  33. Thank you for the update and filling in for Nate, the much needed break will be good for him. It is so great to hear Tricia is doing well and is getting back to herself. Praying she has a good night without the vent! Looking forward to more good news!!


  34. Thanks so much for the updates. I hope that Nate and Tricia get some much NEEDED and DESERVED rest.

    Sending prayers and love from Ohio.

  35. Wonderful news! We're so excited about the last several posts, sounds like she is making great progress. Praying that the vent will be taken off for good! Just wait, in 2 months she'll be speed walking!

  36. We are so glad that you feed our Cf addictions so faithfully!

    Still praying specifically for the concerns mentioned in your updates...that Gwen would continue to do well on her feeds, that Tricia gets much needed sleep, goes vent free & rejection free and that Nate continues to get the rest (physical and emotional) that he needs. Praying also for the rest of the family who is supporting them too, that you all receive comfort and rest. I'm offering my thanks daily for God's provision thus far :)

  37. Praying for healing and easy breaths for Tricia, growth and continued good health for little Gwyneth, and peace of mind and restoration of spirit for sweet Nathan. You guys have been on quite the roller coaster for a while now and it is imperative that you find rest in your Savior as you try to hold on. Let Him carry you. We'll be lifting you up from KY.

  38. Thank you for the update.. and He needs this time with his girls, thats for sure. Praying for you all..

  39. I don't know Tricia personally, but based on old photos that have been posted of her, I can honestly say that in the two photos from yesterday there is a special sparkle that has been missing in the hospital pictures. The same holds true for is so wonderful to see them both with a new lease for life in their eyes.

  40. wowness times three!! three months AND three pounds!! and how bout that pug shrinkage!! what in the world!! someone said while you were concerned about gwenyth's weight gain it would take off. . . wow that girl has really sprouted in just the last week! must be mommy's new lungs!!
    rejoicing over the great news and praying for peace for tricia soon as she moves out of ICU (which we pray is soon soon soon!!)
    thanks for all the posts. we ALL appreciate them!

  41. Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that Tricia improving to the point where her personality is showing - its a great one from what we knwo of it. Its wonderful to see Nate look so much more relaxed. This blog should only be a blessing and not a burden for the family, and no matter when (if) it reaches some logical end point, its really served a positive purpose.

  42. Wonderful update, I hope Tricia gets the rest she needs and deserves. My thoughts are with you all!

  43. Thanks for the update! Will pray for rest and an entire night with no vent!! Out of ICU will be great!!
    Still prayin' in Texas!

  44. praising GOD!! AMEN!! go tricia...i hope your night last night was filled w/ a bunch of O2 from on your own and NO VENT!! you are awesome! keep up the great work there MOMMA!!!

  45. praising GOD!! AMEN!! go tricia...i hope your night last night was filled w/ a bunch of O2 from on your own and NO VENT!! you are awesome! keep up the great work there MOMMA!!!

  46. Thanks, as always, for the update.

    I know Nathan needed a break. And I know it's been good for him. He looks fantastic.

    And truthfully? It's been nice to have a bit of a break myself... from constantly wondering if the blog has been updated. Perhaps that sounds "selfish" on my part, but (as Randy Jackson of "American Idol" would say), "I'm just keepin' it real, dawg!"

    I'll pray for a vent-free night tonight, if that's what's best for Tricia.

    Much love,


  47. It was wonderful to see your family together again. Praying for easy breathing, and rest for all.

  48. It's good that Nate is taking a break. When we were in the PICU and hospital with our son, I started getting emails and posts from strangers that were even a little pushy, expecting us to update more frequently, because, by golly they were checking in! Thankfully I'm a little too sassy to be bossed around by strangers, so took breaks and posted whenever it was convenient for us. It sounds cocky, but it is a blog, for the author's purpose. Anyway, we are honored to check in but mostly to pray. Glad to know that the 3 of them are getting to hang out together.

  49. Oh, Go Tricia!

    I'm so glad that Nate is taking a break, taking care of those girls. That is were he needs to be.

    Thanks to Nate's Dad for keeping the "blog world" updated. It is very sweet of you to do this!

    Still praying!

  50. It's always nice having you, Rick, and I'm sure Nate does need a break sometimes. I'm glad he and Tricia got to spend some time with Gwyn yesterday and that Tricia is doing so well.

    I'll be praying for a ventless night and a move from ICU soon!

  51. so glad nathan's taking care of himself. praying as always!

  52. Oh I so know the joy of that first "glimpse" of personality back, after coming off those awful drugs - it is like this ray of light to the family, to finally see your loved one actually "back"!!! Hallelujah for that, and no doubt the visit to Gwyneth helped tremendously. I will be praying for tonight to be THE night she has a full night's sleep off the vent, so she gets out of ICU and into a comfortable room where you all can be with her, and where people aren't there nonstop. Praise the Lord!!!

  53. Glad Tricia and Gwyneth are both doing so well and Nathan, too! I'm glad Nathan is getting the rest he needs very much including being away from blogging! Thank you, Rick, for keeping us updated even though you didn't have to! :-)

    Keep up the great progress, Tricia! Hopin' for you to be 100% vent-free tonight. :-)


  54. Nate is lucky to have a father who is so willing to help out with the blog so that he can take the much needed break!
    Thoughts & prayers from London, England

  55. Excellent news! Love it!

    Prayers for a vent-free night tonight!

    HUGS to Nathan...

  56. Well, thanks Rick for filling in! And YES, it was good for Nate to take a break. The blog has a life of its own, and the blog world can be stressful and demanding. We love and care for and pray for your families...but we don't own you!

    Even though Nate is an awesome blogger, who seems to have been gifted by God for THIS still is demanding and a break was important! His girls NEED him. We're just privileged to pray along.

    Will be praying for a ventless night!


  57. Continuing to pray - especially that Tricia will have a vent freenight and can get back to the "peacefulness" of non-icu world!

    Trusting that Nate continues to feel refreshed from his blog-break!

    Thanks for the updates!

    Love and prayers.

  58. I will be praying that Tricia have a good night of sleep without the vent.
    Gail in Kansas

  59. Thank you so much for the update. Extra prayers for tonight. I can't imagine how stressful it would be to be in ICU, let alone going on and off of the vent. Tricia, Nate, Gwyneth, and Tricia's and Nate's Moms and Dads will need a trip to Hawaii to begin to recover when the hospital journey is done!!! Prayers continuing.

  60. Woooooot!! I'm excited at this possibility. I'll be praying for Tricia tonight!

  61. Thank you, rick, for keeping us updated while Nate spends much needed time away with his girls. Praying for a good night tonight!

  62. Go Tricia!

    Nathan--stay away--stay away!!! Your family is most important.

    Congrats guys!

  63. Thanks for filling in for him. Its so nice that they have such a wonderful support system around them.

    HUGS and lots of prayers!

  64. We continue to pray. And thanks for filling in for Nate, so he can take a break and we can stay updated.

  65. The great thing about living in the UK and having a time difference is that when the US is off to bed we are getting up and praying! So will be hugely praying for a vent free night for tricia.

    Thanks for the updates.

  66. I found your site through Asher and Jacob's site. I am amazed at your family's strength. I will continue to pray for everyone. I can't imagine the stress of having a preemie, let alone a double lung transplant. Your whole family is amazing.

  67. I continue to pray that very soon (tonight!!!) Tricia hits her 24 hours!
    I am not sure what I am going to do this weekend, I will be away from my computer! I will be praying that when I get back Tricia is in her own room and Gwyneth is still doing awesome!
    We miss Nate but Rick, you are doing a great job! Thanks so much for continuing to allow us to journey with you!!

  68. You guys are amazing...We are all hoping for the best for you here in LA.

  69. Still praying for all of you! I am so glad Nate is taking a bit of a break. He must be exhausted although I guess exhausted has likely become part of his "normal" these days. Thank you for updating so we have specific thing to pray for!

  70. Yes, I'm glad Nate is recharging his batteries. Although I know he'd rather be doing Tricia's care, the ICU nurses are skilled at what they do, and this is the one time that she will be monitored constantly. Time to get needed rest and relaxation to be ready when she's back in her own room and then back home!

  71. Great news! Will continue to pray for Tricia being "kicked out" of ICU!!! As for Gwyneth, that little soul just BLOWS ME AWAY! Thanks Rick, for the updaate. I'm glad Nate is still recharging. As you said, I can sure see it in those photos. (((((((HUGS)))))) to you all.
    God Bless,
    Jamie in Texas

  72. Continuing to remember all of you in prayer. Praying for a ventless night and for a restful night of sleep!

  73. Still praying for Tricia to hit that 24 hour mark!

  74. Thanks for the continued updates Rick. As soon as I walk in from work each day I check to see the vent free progress..hoping tonights the night. My love & prayers to all, :) Erin

  75. I am definitely cheering Nate on in his decision to take a break from the blog. I'm sure that most people agree with me that this blog has been a tremendous tool not only to educate others about CF but to also be a great witness for the Lord. It has also rallied tremendous prayer support for your entire family during this time, but you guys owe us nothing! If Nate stopped blogging today I would still be thankful for the time we all got to share in your lives. So I hope Nate is enjoying his extra time with his girls and I hope he's getting some good rest. It's been a long couple of months for him!
    Still praying for the girls too!

  76. Praying for a ventless night. Thanks for taking the time to update us, you all remain in our prayers.

  77. Will pray for the ventless night. We are so excited on both girl's progress. And the much needed rest that Nate has needed.

  78. I will pray that she will be able to go all night without the vent & be transferred to the step down unit. Gwyn is just so cute...I love the pics of her.

  79. Great updates Rick, thanks for helping out. Nate, you must be emotionally exhausted understandably, we are praying for you. Trisha, what a hero, you are in our prayers as well. Gwyneth Rose, the symbol of new life and a gift of love, we pray for you too!


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