
Monday, April 28, 2008

Clinic Day Tomorrow...

Tomorrow is Tricia's first "Clinic Day". Tricia's been to the Duke clinics too many times to count, but this will be her first as a TX patient, so there will be a lot of new things going on. From what we know, we should expect to possibly be there all day, mostly in waiting rooms between different appointments.

At least we can go hang with Gwyneth if we have a few big breaks.

I'll tell you about the day tomorrow night.



  1. Will be continuing to pray for you both. I am so overjoyed still for all God has done.
    bless your hearts,

  2. Praying for amazing results in Tricia's recovery!
    That is awesome that you both are near Gwenyth!

  3. Hoping everything goes well tomorrow, and that you don't get too bored in all the waiting rooms. (Somehow I can imagine you would find ways to entertain yourselves if you did).

    Looking forward to the next Tuesday growth picture extravaganza...

  4. Tric,

    I'll be praying that you'll have a good day tomorrow and everything will go smoothly and quickly. Praying for extra strength too. Hope you have happy hours with baby Gwyneth.


  5. I hope Tricia gets her Trach out! Gwyneth will definitely make the wait easier.

  6. I hope Tricia gets her Trach out! Gwyneth will definitely make the wait easier.

  7. I hope Tricia gets her Trach out! Gwyneth will definitely make the wait easier.

  8. Must be exciting to spend your first day at a clinic as a TX patient!

    I'll be praying for a smooth and stress free day...with lots of big breaks in which to visit Gwyneth.

  9. Tonight I was going through Caylee's work from school and I found a worksheet about "lungs" she told me everything she learned about them and we (again) talked about how Tricia got new lungs through organ donation- It has been a learning experience for our whole family and Caylee understands that we were "walking for tricia" and CF. Thank you again for sharing your story and allowing us to "walk" a few weekends ago in honor of Tricia and spending time with us at the walk at Duke as well.

  10. Keep focusing on getting stronger and stronger each day for both Tricia and Gwyneth.

    ((((( HUGS )))))) & Prayers are still here From Massachusetts

  11. Good luck tomorrow! I will be praying for strength for you both tomorrow. Can't wait to hear how it goes! Give your sweet baby girl lots & lots of kisses!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Good luck at your first clinic day! Prayers coming your way!

  14. Yep;

    You will be put on a list at the time of "check-in" and will be numbered. This number determines when you are seen in clinic. So, if you get there about 7:30-7:45, you will be assured a good parking spot on the second floor. I used to drop my hubby at the front door, park and then meet him at the elevators on 2. If you get checked in about 7:30-7:45 you will likely be seen right at 1pm. The Drs. don't always get there on time, nor do the coordinators. Once the coordinators are there you will be put in a room and wait until the Drs. arrive. Dr. Eu likes to be on time and will frequently get there before the coordinators and sneak in to say hi to the patients and get a feel for what is going on with his patients.

    By 8 am, the garage starts filling up fast and things move very slowly. Going early, gets you seen early and you could be out by 2 or 3 pm.

    1. check in
    2. bloodwork
    3. PFT
    4. chest x-ray


    wait, wait, wait...Dr. Eu is in clinic tomorrow. I know you probably know this already, after being in the hospital so much, but just in case...write down your questions, concerns etc. before you go...write down the answers.

    My hubby carries a three ring binder and keeps all of his stuff in that. He gets a copy of his PFT's everytime and keeps them in his notebook, along with his drug list, daily vital reports and spirometry reports. Even three years later we take the notebook to every clinic visit. Your record keeping is extremely important. We print a new drug list before each appointment. Any changes made that week we wrote on the drug list. It really helps keep track of drug changes....and there are many during the first year.

    You can also get the results of all of her outpatient labs online now. Go to and set up an account. This has been very interesting for us. This has only been available a month or so.

    There is a printable Caregivers Manual on the Duke Lung Transplant Friends website. Great information there.


    Diane Detmer

  15. have fun with clinic day - look forward to hearing all about it :)

  16. Thinking of you and praying for a smooth first Tx clinic day full of even more good news to celebrate and praise God for.
    Enjoy visiting with sweet little Gwyneth when you can.
    Hugs and God Bless,
    Moonta, S Aust

  17. ugh. praying today for patience and good appointments!

  18. We will be praying all is going to go great and you will be able to spend some time with your little angel.

  19. I hope everything goes well and she can get started on her PT. We continue to pray for you all daily and have been so thrilled with the recent developments!

  20. It is so great to see things coming along... you one tough chickie Tricia... take care

  21. praying for energy and strength as your schedule gets hectic.

  22. praying for energy and strength as your schedule gets hectic.

  23. Sounds like a long, tiring day ahead. Praying for strength, endurance and perseverance to get through it.

    God Bless you all.



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