
Monday, April 28, 2008

Baby Girl



  1. Hey, I was actually first. No small feat with all the comments you get.

  2. Precious, sweet, adorable, and oh so loved!
    Have a great day tomorrow! We will be thinking about you and checking in at the end of our day on the Pacific Coast!
    Prayers from
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  3. I've been reading your blog for a while now, and I have been so incredibly blessed! After looking at the pics of your precious baby, I have to say that she definitely resembles you. Especially in the one where she is kind of resting over your wife's arm. So sweet! Praying the Lord's continued blessings on the three of you...

  4. you really do take great pictures! She is going to cherish them so much when she is older!

  5. Oh, thank you for the Gwyneth pic! Look at how big she is. Tell me about her feeds, please? How many ounces is she taking by mouth at a time now? What else is going on with that precious lady? How is her vision, and does she have a job yet? LOL! I just realized I had on my serious Nana hat, as our Grandgirlies call it when I ask a lot of questions.

  6. She's beautiful and has come such a long way! Keep up the good work baby girl!!!

  7. Is Gwenyth entirely on room air now, without a nasal cannula? I can never see one in the pictures, but would be shocked if she's entirely off it already!

    I pray for your family daily and am especially touched by Tricia's miraculous transplant story. As the daughter of a transplant recipient, I know how very challenging this can be, but your faith has inspired me, and I know it has been an incredible witness to so many.

  8. Just in case you forget, right? LOL! It's very sweet. Until I had my daughter, I was totally against pink. But now that I have a girl, I LOVE girly stuff! :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. No words needed when you are showing a pic of girl!

  11. What a cute pic. Look at those cheeks! :)

  12. Gotta love the carters baby girl clothes!

  13. I love when stuff is labeled like we dont know. Especially when they say things like "Cutie" or something.
    Super cute!

  14. And a beautiful baby girl she is!!!!

    Christina in Virginia

  15. She is really getting a chubby face :) she is so sweet looking :)
    Thanks for sharing it with us-

  16. Beautiful miracle from Heaven.

    Hugs from El Paso,

  17. Look at her chubby cheeks!!!!

  18. Nate,

    Just a never did finish telling us about your love story. Though, I'm pretty sure it has a happy ending, that's a beautiful picture of your baby girl.

  19. I LOVE that picture! Since you don't have all that much on your plate these days you should start a photography business ;)

  20. Totally sweet <3 <3 <3 I <3 Gwyneth Rose!!

  21. Love this pic.

    I hope Tricia is still progressing well too.

    Best wishes to you all.

  22. Love this pic.

    I hope Tricia is still progressing well too.

    Best wishes to you all.

  23. Wow, I liked the pic so much that I seemed to have commented twice...

    I'll leave quietly now, honest!

  24. So precious... Baby girls are special. So are boys, I have one of each so I have to remember to be fair ;)

  25. Awwww. She is such a beautiful baby girl at that!
    Isn't it fun being able to actually put some real clothes on her. I loved shopping for preemie onesies, and stuff. Especially for girls. Pink is a sweet color on those precious gifts from God.

  26. haha..thanks for labeling her :-) We thought maybe she was a baby kangaroo! Glad that's cleared up...
    Just kidding! She's *so* beautiful!!!

  27. I haven't read your blog in weeks because I lost my job and my brain has been busy with other thoughts, as you can understand.

    I am so very excited to read that Tricia is "home" and doing so well.

    My cousin is a CF'r and just had a huge setback but is back at home and doing better. Because of your blog I have reconnected with her and have you and your family's story to thank for that.

    thank you for keeping us all in the loop, I know it must be hard with all your are dealing with.

    thank you for everything,

    Joni from Milwaukee

  28. Wow, wow...and MORE WOW. Nate, you Tricia, and Gwyneth CONTINUE to amaze me on a daily basis. Such strength, the 3 of you have! You are truly blessed..God is AMAZING, and doing amazing things, with amazing people.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. So precious!!!

    Great pic

    ♥ Tricia

  31. Perfect picture of a perfect little miracle. I hope that your clinic day went smoothly today and that you had lots of lovin time with Gwyneth. Praying for all of you.

    Laurie in Ca.

  32. Nate,
    Do you know what I love? That you and Tricia are too busy living life to blog every couple of hours!! I miss the constant updates, but how cool is it that your days are no longer spent just sitting in a hospital room waiting, and waiting, and waiting?? To God be the glory...

  33. "baby girl" (and I call her that every day) is 9. Thinking of you as glad things are on an upswing.


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