
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Discharge

So, here's a basic rundown of yesterday...

We originally expected that Tricia would be discharged early afternoon (as she usually is) between her meds so that she would have time to get home for her next meds. Monday evening, we were told that she would be discharged around 10:30am on Tuesday, in part because there were two video cameras who wanted to be there to get Tricia leaving and saying goodbye to the staff, etc., and that was the time that best worked for everyone.

Needless to say, Tuesday morning was hectic and a little overwhelming. I came home around 7:30 to get a shower and walk Meka. I got back around 9 and began packing and moving our stuff from Tricia's room to the car, while she got ready and her nurse finished up all of the discharge stuff, and while her surgeons, doctors and the two cameramen showed up.

Once we were all ready, I wheeled Tricia into the hall where she made sure to hug everyone in sight. It was wet outside, so we made use of the underground tunnel and I wheeled her all the way to the car in the parking garage as two of the Duke staff and one of the cameramen followed us and waved goodbye as we drove away.

(On a side note, Tricia felt a little awkward about the whole thing, because she knows that not every transplant patients get the same kind of attention she has been receiving...but, we also realize that maybe the coverage that she's receiving will help bring more attention to the issues surrounding organ donation and transplantation.)

I had tears in my eyes as we left the garage, and that was most certainly the best drive ever! We first went to the drug store and picked up a bunch of new meds and other needed items before finally heading "home".

Meka was very excited to see us, and Tricia got right to work organizing her meds and equipment. More drugs and equipment were delivered to our room, and the Duke home-care nurse who will be helping Tricia as she completes her IV meds over the next several days came by and helped us get started with a few things.

We watched the 6:00 airing of our story on ABC11, although I missed the first half because I was sent on a mission to dig something out of the car. I was then sent on another mission to Target to find several more things that we needed and return to the drug store to pick up the remainder of the drugs. When I returned to the hotel, Tricia got her first shower in nearly four months. She said it was basically the best shower ever...

We then drove back to the hospital and spent an hour with Gwyneth...Tricia was pretty wiped out, but every little girl should celebrate her birthday with her family (and yes, I'll post her birthday pics at some point). Gwyneth has been a very happy baby the past few days, and you won't believe how much she weighs now...

We got home by 11, in time to begin Tricia's late-night meds and watch the ABC video again (again, I'm hoping they'll post the video online because it's really cool to see Tricia hugging all of her docs and nurses).

We had a great night's sleep (Tricia's still sleeping), and, even though I was up several times to take care of her meds, it was a beautiful thing not to have beeps and lights and nurses, etc. waking us up all night. Tricia is still finding it too uncomfortable to sleep on anything but her back, and her right arm is very soar and numb (had it checked out, and everything looks OK...probably just the result of the surgery and other medical things, and should heal eventually), which makes for tough sleeping, but I think it was still the best night's sleep she's had in a very long time.

Our suite is now a huge mess with bags and boxes of meds and equipment. A HUGE thanks to Jordan & Patience and Katie & Brent for spending two hours with me on Monday night cleaning everything from top to bottom (literally). I'm sure I'll be spending a lot of today moving things where Tricia tells me to move them, which is totally cool with me. :)

Tricia has a 4:30 evaluation at the Center for Living, and she should begin PT tomorrow afternoon. She is very excited to see all of the people at the CFL, but not so excited to put her recovery into high gear. We plan on spending as much time as possible with Gwyneth over the next few weeks, as well as finding some time to actually do some baby shopping and registering (I've heard rumors of a baby shower or two when we return home).

Check back in later for the latest pics and more info about what should be going on in the next several weeks.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wow....this is SO amazing!! God is SO good!! :)

  3. Congratulations! I am so happy for you both. Can't wait to see pics.

  4. Congratulations! I am so happy for you both. Can't wait to see pics.

  5. Thank you GOD! I'm so happy for your entire family.

  6. God has seen your family through to this point, and He gives us His promise to 'never leave us or forsake us.' We celebrate this milestone with you and pray for God's guiding hand to bring the 3 of you home together soon! What a blessing!

  7. WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!! I'm so happy that the discharge went smoothly. Now she get start her new life as a mommy with new lungs!! AWESOME!

  8. This is SO exciting and wonderful. I'm choked up reading your post - I am so happy you guys are at this point. Is this also the first time in a long time that you could sleep together in bed? How wonderful that must have been. It'll be neat to see pics of your new home if you're taking any.

  9. So glad you're "home"! I am so excited for when you get to take Gwyneth and go home for real!!

    Looking forward to seeing the latest pictures and reading all about how absolutely awesome it is to have Tricia out of the hospital finally!

    Praying for Tricia's arm (and the rest of her body) to fully heal and for her PT to be productive.

    Thanks again for sharing your story - it's been a real blessing to me and so many other people out here in blog land!!

  10. Sounds like you had a very busy but EXCITING day!! Soo happy for the two of you, so great to hear such positive things. Cant wait to see the pics and hopefully the video soon!!


  11. Im so glad that she is settling in to her new more "home-like" surroundings. Baby registering sounds like fun!

  12. Sounds crazy busy and hectic - but wonderful just the same!! Congratulations!

  13. I am covered in chills! Hip Hip Hooray for you and Tricia!!! I can't wait to see the update on Little Miss Gwyneth! Welcome 'Home'!

    Kerry from CT

  14. Oh what a good day. We are so excited for you guys. Again, thank you for letting us be part of your journey!!

  15. SO EXCITED for y'all! Congrats on having 1 of 2 home! #2 should be on her way any time!!!!!! SO EXCITED for you both!!!!! Way to go Tricia! I'll be praying for you as you start rehab! You are awesome!!!!!!!

    Much love and prayers!

  16. Praise God! He is so awesome. Our grandson, who is 10 months old, has CF and we started following your story through our daughter-in-law who sent us the link to your blog. we have been praying for you, your wife and your precious baby girl. It is so exciting to watch God at work. He has great things planned for you all. Know that our prayers for you continue.

  17. I'm so happy for you guys!!!!! happy tears!

  18. I just LOVE doing THE HAPPY DANCE!!!
    What great news, what a great God we serve!!
    So very exciting!!!

    Have a great day!!!

  19. I cant wait to hear of the day the 3 of you will be heading back to Nags Head. Very Very soon.... God Bless you all..

  20. Thanks for filling us in on yesterday's events. It is quite a gift to us that you to share these glimpses into your lives. :)

  21. This is awesome. I'm sure Tricia was a bit uncomfortable, like you say, with all the attention, but not everyone has a beautiful baby girl added to the mix either. I'm so excited of the thought of you two going TOGETHER to go baby shopping. That's the funnest thing ever!

    Congratulations and I can't wait to see the video.

  22. I am so excited for you guys! And I can't wait to see the newest pictures of Gwyneth!

  23. Super entirely amazing and exciting! A shower after all that time. Wow! Registering for baby. Super!

    So thrilled. Congratulations.

    God is good!

  24. welcome "home"
    that is great that everything went well
    i have tears reading this ..i have have the klennexs ready when i watch the video and pics
    i still pray for the 3 of you
    Happy Shopping

  25. Im so Happy for you:)) Love from BC, Canada!!Tawny

  26. I am so happy for all three of you. <3

  27. Nathan, Is there an address where your blogging family can send "shower gifts" for the Lawrenson family?

  28. Oh yeah, are you registered anywhere?

  29. It was so awesome to hear about Tricia's big day. How awesome that must have been to bring her home for the first time in months...

    Can't really begin to express the joy and thankgiving in my heart right now for our AWESOME GOD!

    Just to see the way you two have clung to Him over the past few months and how richly he has blessed the two of you.

    Your daughter is truly a miracle. To have been born so early with relatively few complications is purely God's hedge of protection placed about her.

    I can't wait to read about her discharge from the hospital.

    I totally have goosebumps all over my arms and tears running down my face!

  30. Sounds like a fabulous first day/night out of the hospital! Can't wait to see the pics of Gwyneth and her pug!

  31. For those who have been following you all for months, this is like...well, I don't have a word for it. I feel like dancin! I feel like praising God for answering all our prayers, so I will. Thank you GOD, you are so good, so good, so good!

  32. Wow! This day has been long-anticipated. I'm so happy for you.

    I'll continue praying for you as you enter the next phase of this journey.

  33. I stayed up to watch the news at 11pm, and it was great! Tricia looked wonderful!!


  34. I'm so happy for you. Tricia's recovery will be amazingly fast now that she's out of the hospital. I can't wait to hear how much Gwyneth weighs.

  35. What wonderful news! You're in my prayers.

  36. SO EXCITING!!! I got teary eyed reading your blog. TEARS OF JOY for you and Tricia! GWENYTH IS SOON TO FOLLOW!!!GOD IS SO GOOD! I will continue to pray for your family. May GOD's blessings be more abundant than they already are!

  37. I bet you have a smile from ear to ear being so busy with helping Tricia get all settled in.

    Thrilled she got a great sleep last night.

    I can't wait to see the pictures of Gwyneth. Sounds like she has almost hit her discharge weight.
    How exciting!

    Still praying.
    Have a fantastic day!

  38. Yay God! I'm so happy for you guys. I bet it was awesome getting to snuggle! :) Hope you have an awesome few weeks of therapy and family time. Many blessing and even more prayers.

  39. Nate, I'm so so happy for you and Tric. It's been a long road for both of you and I'm so glad you're "home" and Tric is able to start PT. I'll be praying she does well.

    I can't wait to see Gwyneth and hear what she weighs! The suspense is killing me. :)

    Lots of love and prayers!

  40. If I could post a little picture here I'd find some little characters doing a happy dance! So, instead, you'll have to imagine it, happy dancing happy dancing!

  41. This has been the most awesome thing to witness. It is very surreal from this view point and doesn't seem possible that she's "home" after such a surgery. Time has flown, I guess. It's just so wonderful. We're still keeping you all in our prayers.

  42. Your wife ROCKS!
    (But you already know that!)

  43. This is so wonderful. (((((( HUGS ))))))

  44. Congrats on leaving the hospital!!! I am sure the shower was fantastic as well as sleeping without beeps and lights and people constantly checking on you!Can't wait to hear about Gwyneth's progress and your's too! I am so happy and excited for you!!!!!

  45. so excited for y'all!! tricia, no matter what just remember that God is using you and your story to reach so many - i know i count myself as blessed to have been allowed to follow this journey. blessings and prayers!

  46. I'm so glad the two of you are back together, able to sleep in the same bed and that Tricia can now take a shower. We forget to be thankful for the little things, don't we? You guys are awesome.

  47. So great to read about normal activities: going to Target, taking a shower, watching the news, and even cleaning "the house."

    We are so happy for you all, and will keep praying for a healthy recovery, rapid weight gain for Gwyneth, and great ride HOME with your special family of three. So exciting!

  48. Wow! What a day! Sounds very eventful but wonderful!!

    You've probably discovered this--but if you can't fit in another trip to the baby stores, lots of baby places have online registries which are fun too--certainly makes it easier to compare items!

  49. this is so GREAT! I am so glad that everything is going well. Me and my Husband had a Preemie baby on April 3rd 2004. She was born weighing 1 pound and 3.4 oz's. She wasn't on a vent and didn't have to many major problems. she is now a Healthy 4 year old. She is just little. But she is Healthy. I wanted to let you know that we have been praying for you all. Its been a long road and its coming to a happy ending.

    Bless you all. Thank you for all the blogging and keeping us all updated. My husband asks me everyday when he gets home. Have you read the blog today? any new news???

    :) ((SMILING)) We have been sharing pics you post of G Rose to Elizabeth "Lizzy" she can't believe how small she is. I told her she was that small when she was born.
    :) She just says AAAWWW Mommie she is so cute:)

    Also I wanted to let you know that I want to send something to you all . I don't know if you want me to wait until you all go home or mail it now. I just need an address.

    Just let me know.
    If you have time you can email me the address:)

    thanks again and Give the girls a hug from the Cox Family in SC.

    Lisa,Kevin and Lizzy Cox

  50. Can't wait to see the video footage!
    I'm so happy for you both, and I pray that little Gwyneth will join you soon!

  51. I've been following your story for a few months and I am still in shock over everything that has been happening - all soo wonderful! I bet it feels like a dream - to be where you are now. Can't tell you how happy I am for all 3 of you! :)

    Continued Blessings...

  52. :) Congratulations. Tricia you are totally amazing.

  53. Great news! Although I am sure yesterday leaving the hospital was your best drive ever...I think you have an even better drive coming up soon. That being when you and Tricia can finally drive Gwyneth home!

    Please let us know where you are registered.

  54. Such great news. I cant believe she is 'home' and out of the hospital. Good for her and hopefully your little girl will be discharged soon. God bless your family.

  55. congratulations! This is my first time,leaving you a comment, but I wanted to let you know, I am here every day reading your updates. I can;t imagine how happy you are to have Tricia "home" with you. Soon you will have both your girls home and life will be even greater. God Bless.& big ((HUGS))

  56. isn't it exciting to actually be able to think about a baby shower and that the end is near for gwyneth's stay in the NICU. It's all becoming so real, now.
    Shopping for a new baby will be an excellent change of routine and daily drugery!

  57. It all sounds so "normal"! So, so excited for you. Congratulations!! :)

  58. "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."

    And that's all I have to say about that.

  59. Oh, Nate and Tricia my heart rejoices for you! I can't wait til you have the best best ever ride home with your baby girl. Can't wait to hear how much Gwyneth weighs now. Also, please consider doing an online registery. Have an amazing day!!!


  60. Just want to say that we are so happy that Tricia has actually left the hospital. Can't wait to see Gwyneth leave...that's going to be awesome. I have to say that I, Margarete, have some tears in my eyes...been "watching" and praying for your family for some time now. Enjoy every single second! And as Tom (10) says, "Thank the Lord!"

  61. so happy ya'll are 'home'!!

    may I suggest trying a memory foam mattress pad to help Tricia sleep more comfortably? they work wonders for most people, maybe it'd help Tricia, too.
    You can purchase a great one from for about $80 (and only $3 shipping!)

    I'd recommend getting the largest size as they run small for some reason & you can just cut off any excess.

    looking forward to pictures of your big girl :-)

  62. I'm so glad you guys are "home" together now. What a HUGE answer to prayer!

  63. Wow! It's so much like a dream - what we've been praying for for so long... I can hardly believe it's true. I am so very happy for you.

  64. Great!!! Nate, your bachelor days are over!!! Bet you and Meka are BOTH ecstatic!! heh
    I can't stop smilin for you guys!!!
    Each day will be better and better.
    God Bless you all,
    Jamie in Texas

  65. Hey, SO happy for all of you. I know you mentioned in an earlier post about her trach being removed--have they given any indication when that might happen? Still praying for you all...

  66. What a great day it must have been.

  67. Glad your discharge day was as exciting and tearfully happy as you thought!

    So cool that you both left in the morning instead of in the afternoon, despite the hectic packing up and lugging stuff to the car. When you, Nathan, said about it being the best drive and you had tears in your eyes, that really touched my heart. My heart was even touched when Tricia said that the shower she took for the first time in 4 months was the best, too!! I cannot imagine not being able to bathe normally and regularly(vs a bed bath).

    I'm thrilled that Meka is so excited to have you AND Tricia back. She must love your company and being able to play with you both more! :-)

    I was thinking how it may have been somewhat bittersweet to leave the comfort and walls of the hospital with all the people who have cared for you, Tricia. I suppose it's normal to feel mixed emotions like that and you'd probably feel the same way with CFL... seeing the people you worked with again but eventually you'll say good-bye and go home for real then. But it's all definitely worth it in the end! :-)

    I wish you the best with all the meds and equipment you have to utilize to maximize the optimal health of your new lungs. Also, that PT goes smoothly. Do enjoy this freedom including being able to really move around!

    Praying for you all,
    Marissa :-)

  68. This is wonderful to read! The next best post will be when you have Gwyneth with you all.

  69. glad to hear your "home" and can't wait for the update that the rose has made her way home too!!

  70. YAY! for Tricia's discharge. What a wonderful post to read! I have been following Tricia's story and praying for this glorious day to arrive! I can only imagine how wonderful that first shower was for Tricia. The things we take for granted each day, I know Tricia appreciates more than ever. So glad she can visit with the baby without gloves now! Tricia looks like she gained some weight too, no? Her face looks a bit fuller to me. Hugs to you all!!!!! Prayers keep coming for her continued recovery!

  71. can we have a virtual baby shower for you? is that possible to register like that publicly? I would love to send something cute for Gwyneth for when she's bigger! (you'll get tons of smaller stuff!)or something you might need?

  72. This is all SO EXCITING! I cried as I read your description of Tricia leaving the hospital hugging all of her doctors and nurses. I can only imagine how attached to her they have gotten.

  73. I second the motion for a cyberspace baby shower ... what a great idea!

  74. Amazing. I am so happy for Tricia and your family. It won't be long before that little peanut joins you!

  75. Oh, please, please tell us where you register so we can shower, lol, beautiful baby girl things upon your delightful daughter.

    If you don't want to make it public my website has my email address.

    blessings to the three of you.

  76. so will Tricia need to stay in the Center for Living? will you stay with her?
    do you think that when you DO register for baby stuff you'd let your "blog" family know?? You never know who might feel led to help y'all out!! :)

  77. A baby shower, how fun! I never really thought about it before, but I would imagine you didn't have much in the way of baby stuff when Gwyneth was born.

    Please let us know where your registered!

  78. I'm so happy for you guys! Your story is an amazing testimony!

  79. I'm so happy you and Tricia are "home" together now.

    Amy in Oregon

  80. I am so glad to hear this news, I will continue to pray for you all.

  81. It's so wonderful to 'hear' you going on and on - like a brand new hubby & father! ;-)

    GO TRICIA!!! It has to be hard to be put in the spotlight like you have, but the awareness is unbelievable that the two of you have created in this blog. Take time to rest & thanks for all that you two have done!!

    What a life testimony Gweneth has going for her...


  82. Awesome AND Amazing. God is SOOOOOOOO Good, all the time.

    Heather Rice

  83. Wow Nate, cleaning up before your wife gets home... running to Target..getting to do some "honey do's", the stuff that life is made of,I am so ridiculously happy for you all.. and a baby shower!!! Lord you are so good to us!
    love you guys,

  84. i'm in tears for you, this is so wonderful. can't wait until the day Gwen gets to go home with you.


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