
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Flesh of My Flesh (Part 2)

Tricia no longer has to wear mask and gloves with Gwyneth. These are from the past few days...

This was on Monday night, when Tricia walked
from her room to Gwyneth's and back again.

This was during our visit last night.


  1. Beautiful! Tricia has very long eyelashes!

  2. BEAUTIFUL! The picture of Tricia kissing Gwyneth brought tears of joy to my eyes. I am so happy for you guys.

    Blessings from Ohio

  3. TOtally beautiful. Both of your girls.

  4. Lovely! Such a wonderful sight seeing them together. You have 2 very strong ladies in your life~

  5. Beautiful Pics! I have to say that as I was just feeding my 21 month old Terror, Cora, her lunch I was thinking how much she drives me crazy! She thinks that it is terribly funny to spit her juice down the front of her smock! Of course laughing the entire time! Now, I realize that you guys can't wait to have moments like that! Congrats on having one of your girls home, Nate! One down, one to go!! <3

  6. Oh the joy of kissing your baby. The most wonderful moment for a Mommy. Beautiful.

  7. Psst... Nate, blow that second pic up for her mother's day present! :)

    Precious mama and baby!

  8. I've got tears...what a beautiful image of Tricia kissing her sweet baby girl's head. Blessings to all of you!

    Hugs from El Paso,

  9. These are absolutely precious pictures!!! I am so happy for Tricia, baby Gyneth and of course you - Nate!! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Fabulous!! So glad you, Tricia, can caress Gwyn's soft, smooth, baby skin and her beautiful hair! Also, to get to kiss and smell her! :-) You both look wonderful together!

    This will definitely be what's going to happen plenty of times from now on! :-D

    Marissa :-)

  11. Beautiful pictures, and so sweet. You can see the love.

  12. Praise God that all is going so well. Gwynneth is beginning to catch up with herself now - isn't she about at her due date?

    Remembering you in my prayers.

  13. You need to frame those and give them Tricia on her first Mother's Day!!How precious.


  14. wow--after so long, to really get to touch her sweet rose!! ditto on the "tears to my eyes"! so thrilled for you guys also that tricia has been discharged. me and the girls are still praying!

  15. How precious are those pictures. And being with Gwyneth has to be the BEST medicine for you and Tricia!!

  16. Precious! Gwyneth is the best medicine for Tricia...they are so blessed to have eachother and you, Nate, are blessed to have your precious girls!!!! Continuing to pray for all 3 of you...

  17. Beautiful! I love that you share these priceless moments with all of us! It helps me pray for you with this image in my mind!

  18. These pictures say so much! Thank you for sharing them. Tricia's color looks great and I'm sure the shower felt great! Congrats, you two! Enjoy this time together, you'll be 'three' at home in no time!

    refreshing in ohio

  19. Those pictures literally take my breath away! There is nothing like that bond between a baby and her mama!

  20. You are a lucky man. Such beauty! I am so happy for you all. God blesses us in amazing ways doesn't He?

  21. Those are awesome! I can hardly wait to see pictures of how big Gwyneth is getting, and hear how much she weighs.

    ~Leah in Alaska~

  22. That is so awesome. What an amazing feel for Tricia I bet. You can see how much she loves Gwyneth.

  23. What beautiful pictures. My God restore you as a family and continue to pour down blessings.

  24. What beautiful pictures. Gwyneth looks so much bigger. Did she have a growth spurt during this past week?

  25. Nate, I have tears in my eyes. I haven't commented in awhile...but I wanted you to know that I've been waiting and praying for that second picture. I'm so glad to finally see it.

  26. So precious! So thankful for you all.

  27. There is nothing in the world like holding your baby. These are some great pictures Nate. Thanks for sharing.

    Hi Tricia (waving)

    Lisa,Kevin and Lizzy Cox in SC.

  28. How Beautiful!!

    Almost as precious as watching my own daughter hold and kiss her daughter for the first time Friday.

    Hold on to her tight Tricia, she'll grow up before you realize it.

  29. Dont know you, but how do you not cry when looking at these?

  30. I am crying like a baby. I have 2 boys and I know that feeling. There is nothing else like it. I just have to thank God for that. I told my hubby yesterday that Gwyneth will probably double her weight really quickly now with her mom being able to touch her. Praise the LORD!!!!!

  31. Oh My Goodness
    Such joy from a simple kiss....
    Such happiness seeing you Tricia with your beautiful daughter Gwyneth Rose..
    with love and prayers always
    patricia n.


  33. Its so good to see Tric holding her little girl with her bare hands! The pic of her kissing Gwyneth was may favorite. Glad to hear everyone is continuing to do well.

  34. Simply precious...the tiniest of miracles!

  35. Ah, these are the pictures I have been praying for Tricia, no mask, no gloves, flesh to flesh, the way it should be and now is. I am so glad for you guys. Prayers continue for a miracle healing and for Gwyneth to be home with you soon. Love to you all.

    Laurie in Ca.

  36. It makes my day to see these pictures and to read about Tricia's discharge. I can't wait to hear how much Gwyneth weighs and will anxiously await the day of her discharge. Blessings to you all!

  37. I can't imagine how you feel Nathan when I'm feeling so happy...It is so touching to see her kiss Gwyneth, nobody could ever say that their isn't a God!


  38. WOW. Tricia, you look beautiful. I have 2 children and yet still cannot imagine how it must have felt to be able to REALLY touch your daughter for the first time after so long...but I bet it was beyond wonderful! She is so very precious! Nate, your 2 girls are absolutely gorgeous!
    Keeping all of you in my prayers.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  39. so sweet Tricia. You were born to be a mom:)

  40. ah...what beautiful wife and daughter you have it!
    Still praying as always... Our 4 and almost 3 year old boys think you guys are part of our I always update everyone and we pray for your family..
    God Bless

  41. what an incredible blessing... and the double chin is about the cutest thing i have ever seen!

  42. I cried also but don't tell anyone. Thanks

  43. Tricia, you are a beautiful Mom of a beautiful daughter. I love these pictures - I love that you walked into see here sans apparatus, and that the day when you and Nate get to take her home is so much closer to hand.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Those moments are the BEST! Gwyneth is so lucky to have such a devoted and hard-working mom and dad to care for her. It's exciting to see both girls looking so strong and healthy. Praising God and giving thanks...

  46. oh, the one with tricia kissing gwen just did me in! Sniff! :0)

  47. The picture of Tricia kissing Gwyneth's forehead may be the best picture yet! Tricia has such beautifully long eyelashes. What a blessing that she can finally kiss her baby girl without a mask on. You continue to amaze me, Tricia.

  48. She actually looks chunky!! I loooooooooove that double chin. What a gorgeous girl you have! So happy for all 3 of you.

  49. Simply beautiful. Enjoy your girls Nate ... you've waited a long time for this day.


  50. I have tears of joy running down my face! Tricia, there's nothing like feeling that soft warm bundle! Even though my kids are all grown up, it's a feeling I'll never, ever forget!
    May all of you have a long, wonderful, adventure filled life!

  51. The love of a mothers hands

  52. Wow! That must have been so exciting for Tricia to finally be able to kiss her sweet baby without the mask and the feel her soft skin.

    It's the little things we take for granted! It really helps me realize that I need to be thankful for all my blessings.

  53. Way to grow Gwyneth! Can't believe how big she is getting. So happy for the 3 of you. Looks like you will be taking her homw soon too! God bless.

  54. That is so sweet - brings tears to my eyes! I'm so happy for your good news :)

  55. Your girls are so beautiful together! (but know that =) )

  56. What beautiful pictures.

  57. Nothing like looking at a mommy so in love with her beautiful daughter... Those pics brought tears to my eyes! But tears of joy of course! Praying shes home with you both very soon!
    -Katie L

  58. Beautiful - precious - amazing! That is what you all are! Fantastic pictures of mommy with her girl

  59. No words. Just thanks to a God who is so much bigger than we are.

  60. So lovely. I can't wait until you and Tricia have Gwyneth all to yourself.

  61. To see Tricia kissing Gwyneth just brought tears to my eyes. I can imagine that was such a special moment. What special photos! Thank you so much for sharing them with us, Nate!

    Amy in Oregon

  62. Congratulations on everything--the discharge, Gwyneth's weight gain, the skin to skin kangaroo care, the house cleaning, the Target runs, the media coverage, and the heightened awareness of the importance of being an organ donor.

    We are very very hopeful that in a few short weeks your lovely daughter will be joining you all at home.

  63. so so sweet!! How wonderful for Trica!

  64. Beautiful! The picture of Tricia with her sweet baby girl gives me chills!

    You have quite a talent with the camera Nathan.


  65. my computer has been down for almost a week and to see these pictures were a total and complete
    blessing. Another tear jerking blog post, thank you, it is through these pictures that I continue to praise God for all HE is doing and continues to do.

  66. WOW. What a mighty God we serve! Thank you for one of the most beautiful moments caught on "film".

  67. so great to see her holding her without gloves and a mask


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