Monday, April 21, 2008

Great News

Tricia had her last big chest tube pulled yesterday, which means, other than her feeding tube which can be turned on and off at any time, she is not strapped to anything for the first time in a very long time. She is walking without the help of the walker now, and was really moving fast last night.

As we circled her hall last night, I was able to hold her hand without gloves for the first time since early January. I can't tell you how incredible that was for me.

And, the biggest new of all...Tricia is scheduled to be discharged tomorrow (Tuesday, April 22)!!!

I'll be super busy between now and then, so if you don't read much from me over the next few days, don't be worried. I'll be sure to let you know what's going on when I can.




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Anonymous said...

Wooo hoo... yay Tricia!!! I said the both of you will be out by May and here you prove me wrong. Way to go. Now all we need is for your little rose to come home. I still think she will be discharged by May. :D

Katie said...

WOW that is the greatest news I have heard in the longest time! I am so truly happy for the both of you. You guys are truly an inspriation to alot of people including myself. I wish you all the luck in the world and I'm sure Gwyneth will be home safe and sound before you know it! My prayers are with you as always!
-Katie L

Krista said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news!

sarah. said...

Ahhh! That is so incredible... praise God. Looking forward to non-hospital pictures of your beautiful wife with her new lungs!! :)

bdodge said...

Praise the Lord!

Julie Miles said...

What exciting news about the discharge! And I'm so happy you two finally got to hold hands without gloves - oh what little things we often take for granted. I know you're going to have a busy next couple of days, I'll be praying extra for you that your transition back to the hotel and discharge goes smoothly with no setbacks. Also praying for Gwyneth to continue to get big and strong so she can go home soon too. Thanks for the wonderful update on your family!

Em said...

That is incredible news! Praise God!! Praying for you as you secure all the details and make this big transition. WOW!!

Briana said...

WOOHOO! Amazing! WTG Tricia!

Unknown said...

Yeah!!! That's wonderful!!!

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

Oh! That is great news! YAY!

tshaw said...

Again, I am without words. So wonderful!! Thanks for sharing! You better rest up, as you'll need it since Gwyneth is right behind Trish!

The Rosetto's said...


tyra and matt said...

Oh, this is so exciting! I'm so happy to hear this.
Still thinking about you guys...

Mommalotamus said...

Wonderful news, Nate & Tricia!!! I am so excited for you both. :o)

Anonymous said...

20 days. It is amazing to think that it has been 19 days since you received the call for new lungs and 20 days later you get to leave the hospital.

I don't know if Nate has seen my facebook message to him .. I think it has slipped down and he just hasn't seen it yet. But he knows that I ordered Tricia something. That something has arrived and I want to ensure that Tricia gets it before you guys go back to the OBX.

I'll send another message within this next week to make sure you got it. Either that or I'll email you. :) Jennifer

Kim said...

WHAT! That is amazing news. Wow. I didn't realize just how long you've not been home until I read that last post. That is a LONG time. I know you, Tricia and baby Gwenyth will all be happy to be home! Praying for all of this to work out quickly. Thanks for such a great update.

suzie said...

This is such very fabulous news.

Praise God!

Much love and a big (((HUG))) to all three of you.

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

Amazing Grace!!! Celebrate!!

We will continue with the prayers - you guys just keep on keeping on!!!

PletcherFamily said...

I know my comment is just one of many, but I did want to say congratulations and how wonderful to hear that you are finally leaving the hospital with Tricia. We know that leaving with Gwenyth will not be far behind. We will be thinking about you as you get everything organized to leave!

Eagle said...

To God be the glory for the things He has done and will continue to do!

What great news!

Sister in Christ
Annapolis, MD

Annelie said...

Congratulations ....

Unknown said...

Wonderful news!!!

thank you both again for allowing us to share this journey of health, life, and faith with you and your family.

Terri said...

Holy Moley! This is fantastic news! Can't wait to see the pictures of Tricia leaving the hospital and taking in all the fresh air. She will be all rested up and ready to go when Gwyenth marches outta there. God is good!


Andy Lawrenson said...

That's totally awesome, totally!

I just told the little man Tricia is getting out tomorrow and he said,"Then come my house after my nap."

Great news!!!!!!!!! I was thinking like next week.

Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

JHD said...

AWESOME! SWEETNESS! That gives me chills! I'm so happy for ya'll! Praise God! God is good!

Elyssa said...

Awesome news!

North Carolina Mom said...

Oh my gosh! Wow! I bet you are all just excited and nervous and thrilled! I am so happy for you! I hope Gwyneth joins you very very very soon!

Mike and Miriam Adams said...

Praise the Lord! This is GREAT news! May God continue to heal and bless your family.

JonesFam4 said...

YEA!!! Wow! We'll be praying for this new phase...

Christina Miller said...

Nate, that is wonderful news!!!! Makes me so happy to hear that:)

Christina in Virginia

KaraP said...

Yeah, AMEN and Hallelujah.

mjdav said...

That is awesome news. So happy for you and Tricia!

The VW's said...

Wonderful news! SO happy for you both! May this transition go smoothly for you! God Bless You!

D said...

Wow! That is soooo fabulous! Kudos to Tricia for being such a strong gal and for working so hard to meet this goal.


Sonia said...

Praise God!! This is wonderful news. My prayers will still continue for all of you.

NuttyGal said...

OH MY DAYS!!!! Cool, Excellent, flipping marvellous :o) HUGE HUGE hugs to you all. Tricia, you will get to sleep in a comfy bed tomorrow night and snuggle up to your wonderful hubby! I am so happy for you all XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx

Erin said...

How wonderful! Praise the Lord! I can't imagine how excited you must be! We will continue to pray that Gwyneth will continue to grow and get stronger so you can have both of your girls at home. =)

Anonymous said...

That is amazing!!!! What wonderful news. Even my DH, who is not a reader (but hears from me), said "no way, that's amazing!!!!". God is so good and I can't wait to read the post that you, Gwyneth and Tricia are all going back to Nags Head as a healthy family of 3!

Daddy & Mommy said...

God is awesome! We are so proud of Tricia!

Connie Mae said...

WOW!!! GOD IS SOOOOO GOOD!!! Praise God with the GREAT news! I am so excited! When I read that, I actually yelled out loud, YES!!!! I have become so interested in your story and will continue to read. I will keep my prayers that Gwenyth will be following shortly behind Tricia! I will be praying that MOTHER'S DAY will be spent at home, as a family!!!

lindsay said...

Amazing! Amazing!! God is so good!

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful! Great job, Tricia!

KYnurse said...

How Great is our God!!! We'll understand you taking time off. Your strength is amazing. I will continue to pray for health, healing, and strength for you all.

Scarlet and Gray said...

This post brought tears to my eyes! I can't wait to see a picture of Trisha without any tubes. I hope she feels great! I'm praying for a smooth transition.

KAL071203 said...

congratulations, I'll be praying gwenyth can follow along soon as well!!!

Tammy C said...

WOW!!Totally amazing.

I am so excited for the family.

UKNat said...

That's the best news I've heard in a long time! Congratulations! Natalie

Lara said...

Amazing! The Lord is so good! I am so excited! Praying for you guys!

Aspiemom said...

What wonderful news! Praise the Lord! I cried tears of joy when I read this! The highlight of my day.

Anonymous said...

WOW WOW WOW!! That is so awesome! Congratulatins on getting out of that place - sort of. I will pray that you guys have an easy day, eventhough I'm sure it will be crazy, that you have any easy, non-worrisome, peaceful night, and that it will all be over soon and Gwyneth will be home with you both. God is so good and we are all experiencing that through you guys.

Thanks for sharing!

Robin and the Gang

Betsy McK said...

OMG I just about spit my water out everywhere. I'm soooo exicted for you all. I know you have tons to do, but how wonderful that you can now bring home one of your girls healthy. Yeah Tricia, I'm so happy for you. You rock woman!!!!

M :-) said...

Oh, you guys, I'm crying tears of joy for you. This is incredible news. You are still in my thoughts and prayers.

Laura Lee said...

Amazing, fantastic, wonderful news! You must be so thrilled. Can't wait to hear the same news for Gwyneth. And I have a feeling it won't be long. Until then, may God continue to bless you all.

Shari said...

And the people said..AMEN!!

Shari NC

Julie D. said...

congratulations! that is so wonderful.

Analisa said...

Congrats! God truly has blessed you and your family. Thanks for allowing us to follow you through this journey!

Emily said...

PRAISE THE LORD!!! This is amazing!
I am SO excited to hear this and will be praying a ton for you, dear Tricia and Nate in the next few weeks...I know a lot of things are going to be ahead with treatment and management- so I am praying for you guys, and praying for Gwyneth as she finishes her hospital stay :)
Thank you for sharing so we can rejoice and pray with you both!
lots of love,
Emily Haager (CA)

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Congrats on your new 'journey'... next time I read this site I want to hear that all is 110% - thinking of you all and huge hugs... take care

Saralyn said...

Praise the Lord!

Karen said...

That is so exciting!!! We'll be praying for your last-minute tasks and a smooth transition. Praise God for his faithfulness! Thank you so much for taking us on this journey of faith and family with you. We are rejoising too!

Karen in FL

BoosMom said...

This is amazing news!! She has come so far in the past weeks. So happy to hear of her progress!!

Erika said...

That's incredible! What a wonderful answer to prayer! Thank you, Jesus!

momeeof3 said...

GOD IS GOOD!!! Congrats, how exciting, then even more when that precious baby get discharged.

Joy said...

What absolutely fabulous news!!!!

Praise God!

Unknown said...

Yah!!!! What an answer to prayer this is!! I am thrilled to hear this! Still praying for all 3 of you. All the best!
Stacy :-)

Michelle said...

AMEN!!!!!! GOD IS GREAT ISN'T HE? WOW!!!We will continue in prayer for the 3 of you! God bless you!

Michelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Krista Lucas said...

what wonderful news! we will continue to pray for you and your lovely family.

Cindi M said...

It's amazing to believe that all these months are beginning to come to an end of sorts. Wonderful news! I'm so glad the two of you could hold hands. Thanks for reminding me not to take it for granted!

Unknown said...

NO WAY!! I know... WAYYYYY! That is so awesome! Woo-hoooo!!!! Happy dances!!!!!!! Oh what precious time you two are going to share together these next few weeks! Getting in to a new normal...I'll be praying! :)
~ becky b

Marge Sexton said...

How awesome, I can't tell you how wonderful that makes me feel. I can only imagine how it is for you and Tricia. God has been so good, and I pray that he will continue to keep his hand upon your family. Love to all!

Heidi said...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the best news i've heard since the day she got her lungs! She's breakin' records for how fast she recovered from where she was going in!! NICE!!

Ann said...

Wonderful news. Enjoy your time reconnecting with Trisha. What a long four plus months it's been for you, but, in the end ... what a fantastic result.


Sonja said...


Congratulations Trisha.
Congratulations Nate, you truly are a couple made from Heaven above.

And baby makes 3. :)

Rae said...

Aww, discharged on my birthday! Of course, it has nothing to do with ME, but it tickles me pink!

Congratulations on a big step to having your family home!

The Ski's said...

PRAISES!!! We will continue to keep you all in prayer. Blessings to you all....and this is such great news to hear. Take care of each other.....

Carmen said...

I'm so happy for Tricia, she must be so excited to be getting out of the hospital. I will be praying for Gwyneth to get out soon.

Larissa said...


PammyT said...

wow what wonderful news!!!!! i am so happy for you both!!! that is just amazing! you go tricia!!!!

Momofgirls said...

UNBELIEVABLE!! She is a rock star! May you have the sweetest night's sleep TOGETHER tomorrow night! Praise the Lord!

Can she eat? Is her breathing easy now?

katrynka said...

Hooray! What amazing news. I hope that all goes even better than you hope for! Wishing lots of rest and relaxation for you both, as well as Trish growing strong and healthy quickly.

Beth Nelsen said...

Wow...this is I can't imagine what joy and excitement (and anxiety!) you and your family must be feeling right now. I'll be thinking of you all on Wednesday!

Jenny said...

Nate this is amazing!! :)
God is so incredible.
I'll be praying for everything to go smoothly with discharge and now all the rehab Tric has to do.
Woohoooooo! :)

Love to y'all!

TheRagan3 said...

I missed checking in this weekend so this news is great to hear! I'm so stoked to hear that Tricia is getting out of the hospital and that you 2 can get some time together before Gwyn comes home.
Way to go Tricia and thanks for answered prayers Father!

Matt and Cristin said...

WOW!!! Praise the LORD!!! I am SO happy for you guys!!! That is WONDERFUL news! I pray you two can have some precious time together! Good job Tricia! Good job Nate! Keep up the awesome praying for precious little Gwyneth to go home soon!

Sunshine said...

WOW! AMAZING! Sunshine

Unknown said...

WOW!!!!! YEAH!!!!!

How amazing!!!!!

That is just simply wonderful!

Ally said...

What wonderful news!!! Now to get Gwenyth home too. How exciting!!

Lisa_in_AR said...

Congratulations, and God's blessings as you move "home"!

Kristi said...

Oh my gosh that is soooo AWESOME!!! Yay Tricia!!!!

Wade said...

I N C R E D I B L E ! ! We will be praying for a good transition, Praise God!

Wade, Bari, and the Girls

Jan Scholl said...

On Earth Day all the creatures of the land will rise up in joyful voices and welcome Tricia to the fresh air and a new healthy life.
WAy to go!

Awesome Mom said...

Awesome news!!! Good luck getting all the stuff arranged. I am sure that very soon your whole family will be going home.

Sheila said...

Wonderful, fabulous, awesome news! Thank you God. I will continue to pray for your healing and strength during rehab, and for you to stay germ-free of course. And praying daily for Gwyneth, who sounds like she will follow out the door before too very long. Wow!

Caroline Cordle said...

That is WONDERFUL!!! So lttle time ago, she was still sitting waiting for those lungs, and now she is LEAVING THE HOSPITAL!!!!!! Praise God!

Love and prayers for you all as you take this big step forwards and wait for Gwyneth to join you!!!!

fr3ak said...

Fantastic News! Soon little Gwenyth will be joining you both!

Such an extraordinary story that I have followed daily!

00 said...

This is so awesome!! Praise God :-) I'm totally blown away by God's goodness in all of this.

Scott said...

What a miraculous journey you've been able to live. It is amazing! I thank the Lord for how He has shown up during all this! We are pulling for you and praying for you too!

Christina said...

What great news! I am so glad that Tricia is doing well. Prayer that the transition goes well.


Amy Lynn said...

I am sitting here crying tears of joy & praising God! What wonderful news! :) It won't be long now until you & your girls make the trip home together! :) I am so excited for you all.

Amy in Oregon

Garza said...

I'm so excited for both of you! Hope God continues to bless your family.
Jessica from Wanchese

Anonymous said...

I have the chills this is amazing! congrats!!! I cannot wait to hear ALL about how she continues to do this is amazing news!

Unknown said...

It seems completely AMAZING! Congratulations to both you and Tricia.

God is so good!

Anonymous said...

wow, you guys are sooo blessed in so many ways. the news made my day! im so happy for ya'll. congrats!

Autumn Haven said...

Praise the Lord!!!

Brenna Kate Simonds, Living Unveiled said...

How exciting!

kpalm said...

Congratulations Trisha and Nate!! I am so very happy for you both! Enjoy the sunshine and we hope to NOT see you as a patient here for a LONG LONG time ;-)

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