
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Great Strides Walk Durham

A fun morning spent at the Great Strides Walk for CF in Durham today!

Agnes, me, Meka, Charlotte and Gabriel representing Team PattySue!

Team "Walking For Tricia", a group of blog readers, raised over $700 for CF!!!



  1. That is so awesome! Your story is doing great things all over the world!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So great! Agnes looks like such a sweet lady. What a wonderful, devoted mom she must be.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow! That's very cool. Hey, it was great to see pictures of Tricia outside and holding Gwyneth. It looks like your two girls will be going home about the same time.

  6. What an awesome thing! I know it's great to participate in an activity when everyone is "in it" for a common goal!

  7. Looks like the weather was awesome for the Walk! Bet Meka was one happy pooch, getting to play outside for a whole morning in the Spring sunshine! :) Good work, teams!

  8. Looks like a fantastic day in NC. Congratulations on the money raised. Kathy (mom of princesses in disguise)

  9. That is wonderful!!! :)
    Thanks for sharing the fun photos!
    Amy in Oregon

  10. Ah that is so cool!!! Well done you guys. Seems like it was a fun warm day as well =)

  11. That's so cool that a group of your readers raised funds for CF in Tricia's honor. Way cool!

  12. Go Teams!

    My parent's neighbors (in OK) had a garage sale for CF yesterday.

  13. That looks really neat. I'm glad Tricia was represented. Hope you all have a great day today.

  14. Do you get treated like a celebrity with all these blog followers you have?

  15. Yay! Glad the day went well. It looks like the weather was BEAUTIFUL!

  16. How fantastic!! I'm sure you guys had a great time--looks like the weather was perfect. Continuing to pray in KY

  17. Wow, that is so awesome. COngrats all on the money raised and the support people have stepped up to give. Nathan, I just wanted to let you know that what you are doing is an inspiration. I just started reading and I want you to know how much you are touching other peoples lives because you are sharing yours. God Bless you and your beautiful girls.

  18. What a great picture. I just have to say that Meko is a real cutie! We have 5 pugs, all rescues. Isn't it amazing how many of these adorable, funny little dogs are abused and abandoned? I love reading your blog! You have a wonderful family!

    Gayle in AL

  19. Looks like you guys had a beautiful day for your walk!
    Tricia's mom looks exactly like she did the last time I saw her... about 10 years ago (back at FBC).
    Congrats on the money raised so far!

  20. Wow. Very cool! Your story is obviously doing great things for CF.

  21. Can't wait to see next years pics with Tricia walking with her new lungs!!! Praise God!

  22. Great report! Hope everyone had fun while working for a great cause!

    Betty in Oklahoma

  23. cannot get more thoughtful or supportive than this wonderful group of people and raied $$ too WAY WOW =) =)...
    SO COOL, to see Tricia enjoying the beautiful weather
    & "even more so" being able to spend more time with Gwyneth Rose.
    I am beyond excited for you guys, each day is brighter and brighter,
    just as you three deserve, beleive me you do...... =) =) =) =
    Nathan I was quessing that's
    how you feel when you see your beautiful girls togeather...but I cannot imagine the true feeling because I have never been (to the degee)exactly where you are in your shoes, I do know that it is a wonderful,emotional,overwhelming,
    consuming like no other feeling joy happiness Thank God and for that I am so happy for you, this has been a really rough ride for you & tricia (to say the very least)...being part of your "internet followers" for us to now see the road ahead for Tricia & Gwyneth Rose & Yourseself,
    speaks volumes of answered prayers
    all the while seeing your "bigger plan" laid out before our eyes,
    "getting to know you" guys makes me know there are no others more deserving that the three of you.
    God Bless,
    Praying as always for you & yours,
    Patricia N.

  24. The group that walked for Tricia...WOW...that is SO amazing! That really touched my heart!

  25. That is so sweet. You must be so proud. :)

  26. Awesome!! You really are helping make "great strides"!

  27. that is so cool that you were able to be joined by people that your lives have touched. Awesome!
    Today my sister, son and I walked in the March for Babies for my 2 boys and your Gwyneth. I will email you pictures later today!
    What a GREAT WEEKEND!!

  28. Great job and great pics!! I cannot do the walk, but I did give you some $$ --wish I could do more. I have MS and my family participates in the MS150 volunteering, fund raising and riding. We all need to do these things to eradicate some of these diseases!! Glad to see the team that walked for Tricia

    Love and prayers
    Shari NC

  29. wish I could have been there to join in on the fun - looks like it was a blast!!

  30. I've been reading your blog for awhile and was amazed today when you posted a picture of someone I know! I cannot believe you know Charlotte. My husband was on staff at her home church and was actually her brother and sister's youth minister. She is such an amazing person. What a small world.

  31. Hi- I have recently found your blog and have been praying for you since! Tricia sounds like one tough lady and Gwyneth is a strong baby! It is really awesome that you update daily! It is a constant reminder of God's great works! What a brave husband/dad!

  32. Way to go all you walkers and sponsors!!!!

  33. How awesome!! Our walk is next Saturday, and we are looking forward to it. We had our one big fundraiser last night and raised about $4000. I think our team will exceed our goal of $10,000 this year. One step closer...:)

    Love to all.

  34. Awesome! Did you wear your orange shoes??

  35. That is great! Love the pictures, looks like you had a beautiful day. Our walk here in NY is next month, looking forward to it. Thanks to you and all the others that participate in the walk. Great jo with the money raised! It will hopefully help others with CF sooner than later!

    God Bless All!!

  36. So special! What great strides you all made! :)

  37. What an awesome group of people walking for Tricia! WHat a blessing. Glad you got to take a small trip home. We're looking forward to the day you can ALL go home together. Hope God gives you a glorious day today.


  38. We had a great time "Walking for Tricia" Saturday and would like to challenge everyone to join a team in their area or create a team and walk to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis. It was fun and educational for my children to learn to raise money for a cause. Tricia and Nate you have been such an inspiration to me and my family and friends that the least we could have done was to walk in Tricia's honor. It was so nice to meet you, Meka and Agnes.


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