
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Trip Home

Meka and I took a quick trip home to Nags Head yesterday afternoon to visit the family and check in at church with our friends. Surprised everyone at church, and it was awesome to lead worship again with the MilePost13 Band. We even made a quick stop to see Grandma and Ralphie...Meka was especially excited about hanging with her best friend for a few minutes. First time I've been home since December 27.

After the exciting morning at the CF walk, Meka basically slept the entire trip, either lying in the passenger's seat or leaning up against the back of the seat (like in the pic below). She wasn't even up for shooting a picture of me...lazy dog.

We were back in Durham by 6 tonight, and I'm back at the hospital now with the girls.

The next time I go home, it will be with my two healthy girls.



  1. Yeah Nate...I'm sure you were glad to head home. I pray that your next trip home will be with BOTH of your girls

  2. Can't wait to hear you'll be making the trip back home with your healthy girls.

  3. It must be so nice to know that the next trip will be with your girls!! Meka is so cute! Our Roxy sleeps leaning against the backseat when we travel too!

  4. Yeah for you!! I'm so glad you were able to take some time for "YOU" and "MEKA" and go for a drive home. You are an awesome hubby and daddy!! I'm sure that the rejuvination was wonderful for you.

    As a PUG owner....I say "My Pug is fatter than your Pug". LOLOL if you ever wanna share puggy photos...let me know. guy is only a year old. just had his 1 yr bday as a matter of fact. He is a solid fat lil thing.

    One of these days real soon the trip back home will be w/both of your beauty's. Then it will be "the trip back for our check ups".



  5. So glad you had the chance to reconnect at home. Meka is such a cutie!

  6. I am so happy you were able to go home for a few hours. I imagine everyone was thrilled to see you.

    I have been, and will continue, to pray for the day the three of you are home together as a family.

    God Bless.

  7. That's great you were able to make a trip home, but I'm sure you missed your girls! Won't be long now till you are all headed home together! :)

  8. I'm so glad you got to get home and to your church. Meka just looks thrilled about the trip :)
    We're praying that your girls can make your next trip home sooner than later!

  9. Sounds like you had a great weekend! It's so exciting to think about the three of you doing things together soon. Can you imagine just the three of you being home alone, without tubes, wires and monitors? Praise God!

  10. Nate, Glad you were able to take a trip home. To know you were comfortable enough to leave for the day is awesome. Shows what a long way y'all have come, Hu?! I know you'll be on "Cloud 9 gazillion" when you get to make that trip with your 2 girls! I am so happy for you all, and will have to have a party here in your honor when that day comes!!
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas
    PS Meka sure is a typical Pug. Lazy,maybe. But CUTE!!!

  11. I am sure it was a great time of worship with your church.

  12. Nate, so glad you got to go home for a short trip with Meka! I'm sure it was great to be back at your home church and worshiping with your band. I know how great that must have felt and what a refreshing & rejuvenating time that must have been! (although others who aren't involved in an awesome church like yours can't understand this... ie OceanGoddess... so don't let it get you down. With as much "stuff" as you have to read through, I'm sure you don't but I still wanted to encourage you anyway.) Praying for a homecoming with both girls soon!
    Karen in FL

  13. and what a glorious day that will be... I am soo looking forward to that day.
    Glad you had a day of church and worship, a healthy dose of renewal for your soul i'm sure.
    prayers for your family continue here in california...

  14. I bet that did your soul good. You have to take care of yourself, too, and you needed a nice break.

  15. I'm so glad you were able to surprise everyone at church and have a quick visit with friends and family.
    I cannot wait for the day when you announce that you and your girls are all heading home together! :) That will be so wonderful. I am continuing to pray for your amazing family.

    Amy in Oregon

  16. Sorry....I forgot to add that Meka is just TOO CUTE! :)

    Amy in Oregon

  17. I am so glad to hear that everything is going well and that you was able to go home,even if it was just for a little bit. I know it will be an amazing feeling when the three of you will be able to all go home as a family of 3 and to finally sleep in your own bed. This will be an amazing day for the three of you I am sure.

    I must say that it is just amazing how well Tricia has held up during this entire time. Where there is a will, there is a way.
    It is very obvious that God has been with the three of you this entire time.

    I have been following your blog for several months, right up to your birthday and several days after her surgery, I haven't been been able to track her progress due to a medical issue of my own that I just had to have surgery for

    I know from my own medical issues that I am going through at the moment, which is nothing compared to Tricia's... that its not a very pleasant experience. I know all to well the pain she has endured during this whole process. With the chest tubes,NG tubes,central lines, post op pain,trying to manage the pain and so on and on.

    I know the only reason she has been able to make it this far is to be a mommy to that miracle of a daughter the two of you have, and to be able to be the devoted wife to her ever so loving hubby that she promised to be the day the two of you married.
    I am sure that if it wasn't for the wonderful support that she has received from you and the rest of the family that she would have never made it as far as she has.

    I have been dealing with chronic abdominal pain and just as of last friday makes it surgery # 6 in the past 3 years, plus 2 bouts of contracting the post op infection "MERSA"

    I know having a good support system means a lot when it comes down to health and the entire recovery process, I know how much it means since I have none.
    I know all to well how taxing and stressful it can be on ones health and emotional wellbeing. Tricia is very lucky to be so loved by God and her family.
    Now that I have my laptop along with the wireless connection the hospital offers, I will be able to catch up and follow the rest of your girls progress.
    god bless you and yours from Amanda in Ohio

  18. Oh, do I love that last sentence!!!

  19. Glad to hear you were able to go home for a bit! I was wondering if you might email me at when you have a free moment, I have a few little preemie outfits for Gwyneth Rose that I would love to mail you.
    God Bless.

  20. Yes it will be with your girls indeed!
    Nice you've been home for a moment im sure. And im totally in love with your dog!!! There are just no not-sweet/cute/funny pics of Meka =)

  21. I look forward to reading that post,,,,, hope it is soon for you all.

  22. Nate, I'm glad you got to get home for a few minutes! I have visions of you all going home together one day soon. You, Trisha and Gwyneth are in our prayers each day!

  23. Glad you got to take a trip home. Most-excellent!


  24. What an exciting day the next rip home will be!

  25. That had to have felt so good to go home for worship on Sunday. I am sure it was awesome to worship with your church family again.

    I am continuing to pray that you will get to worship as a family soon!

  26. So happy that you were able to get home AND get to church!! I know I'm bummed if I miss ONE Sunday, and here you've missed...well, I don't even know how many offhand, but a LOT!

    Still praying and praising God for the miracles He's working through Tricia and Gwyneth!

  27. Whew, that is a long ride! Glad you got to go home, even if it was only for a day.

  28. I LOVE the fact that you feel comfortable traveling. That seems (to me) like an excellent indication of how your family is really doing. We are praying.

  29. Nate, I am so glad you had a chance to make a quick run home...and, more importantly, that Tricia and Gwyneth are both doing well enough that everyone was comfortable with you being able to go! Bet there were lots of smiles and tears of joy at NHC yesterday morning! But that was nothing compared to what it will be like the first time the Lawrenson Three are in worship together on a Sunday morning....soon!

  30. I'm so grateful you were able to go home for a bit. That's about the same amount of time we were at UNC for our main hospital stay with Isaac. Time does fly! We're eagerly awaiting the day that all the Lawrensons pack up in the car & travel back home together :)

  31. There's nothing like getting to go home. I'm sure everyone was thrilled to have you there. I can't even imagine the reunion when the girls get to go too. I've never been to the OBX but everyone says it's wonderful.

    Will Tricia get to go out and about wherever she wants, or will she have to be careful where she goes as far as concern for infection?

  32. I bet that did wonders for you to be home at church again! I am so glad that things continue to go well for all of you!! Still praying!!

  33. Cant wait to hear about the next trip!

  34. Im so glad you were able to go back home for a few hours. I'm sure everyone there was happy to see you. Your an amazing man Nate!! Praying for the day you head home with your two beautiful girls... Can't wait!!!


  35. so glad you got to go home! it will be so wonderful when you are taking your girls with you! praying it will be soon...jen in al

  36. Praying that the day comes quickly for Tricia and Gywneth that they are well enough to make that journey wit you.

  37. Nate-That is so awesome that you got to lead worship. Praise God!

    I got goose bumps when you said the next time you go home is with your girls. So cool!

  38. I just got caught up. I have been on a 3 day Walk to Emmaus. I watched a lot of ladies build their relationship with God. It was awesome. I just wanted to check in and see how it was going. It seems like such a close reality for you to all go home soon. That is the GREATEST. I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you.
    Christy in KY

  39. I am so glad that you got to make a quick trip home. I know everyone was happy to see you. It is so exciting that your next trip will be with the girls!

  40. Didn't you say Meka was a puppy? Because unless it was my imagination, it looks like Meka has grown quite a bit since I started reading your blog in January. Meka seems to be growing into quite a big lovely doggie!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. "with my two healthy girls"
    Now THAT Rocks !!!!!!!!
    lots of prayers for u & urs
    patricia n.

  43. Nate, that is awesome that you got to go home even if it was for a short time & what a surprise for all your church. It must be such a GREAT feeling to know that the next time you travel home you'll have two other precious passengers traveling with you.

  44. Praying for you guys. Thanks for letting "the world" walk along side you in this journey to lift you up in prayer. So glad you had the chance to go home this weekend!

  45. We were glad to see you leading worship this Sunday! Can't wait for the next time when you bring your girls! Praying for you guys, always.


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