Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I just said goodbye to Tricia as they wheeled her into the OR. She should be falling to sleep now, and they'll begin ASAP, even before the new lungs arrive.

She was very calm and happy, thanks in large part to the pain meds that she has been on for the chest tube.

Agnes and I have been on our phones with people since we heard the news, and now we'll sit and wait. Don and my parents should be here within the next 3-4 hours.

Here at Duke, for CF patients, there is a 90-95% survival rate for the surgery itself. Tricia has a few more risks because she is still on a vent (it's very rare that any CFer gets transplanted while on a vent). We know that the new lungs are type O, which is the universal blood type.

I'm moving a few things to the car, and then spending some time with Gwyneth.

I've got the OR pager on my, but it literally won't be until they're all done that we'll hear anything. I'll post from now until then with some things that are in my head and on my heart.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. The next 7-9 hours (average for a double lung TX surgery) will be the most difficult of my entire life, and I can't tell you how much it means to know there are literally tens of thousands of people right here with us.

I praise God for what He has done, for what He is doing, and for what He is going to do.

Thank you.



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Tracy Carson said...

First time I have ever commented, but I have been a reader for a couple of months now. My husband and I prayed for you when you had the dry run and we will pray again tonight. You are being lifted up in Arizona.

Carol Jackson. said...

Praying here in VB. Just sent out a mass email---

Alice said...

I have goose bumps running through my body... i am so excited for you guys, i can't believe its here... I have been praying and a dedicated reader but now i'm just beyond excited for you and to see God's amazing plans for your life!!!

Ed and Jamie said...

Praying all of you!

Denise said...

Now that is a birthday present that will be really hard to top in years to come.
Sending hugs and prayers to you and your family.
May the donor family be blessed knowing that the actions of their loved one gave hope and joy to another family.

payme said...

I will be praying constantly for you and your family. You are all more of an inspiration to me then I can even say. I have learned so many things and I owe your family for those lessons!!!

Thinking About Compassion said...

Definitely praying! May God give you the peace that passes all understanding through the next hours!

KYnurse said...

Praising God and praying hard for the Tricia, you, the surgeons, the donor family and the donor himself who so selflessly chose to give his organs. You are blessed!!!

The Beaver Bunch said...

I pray that Gwyneth and your family will provide a pleasant and prayerful distraction as these long hours go by. I will be praying and, most likely, watching all night. With a big hug and a few tears...

Travis & Jeri Tidmore said...

Been reading your blog for a while now. So glad for the new lungs. You guys are in our prayers!!

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Praise God from who ALL blessings flow! Praying and will call her down our prayer chain. Go rock your daughter she will help calm you.

Shelley said...

I'm praying and will be waiting anxiously to hear how things went. We're all here holding your hand Nate!

claudia said...

i 'll be praying all night..

Tricia said...

Just left a message, but I guess your site is busy - it disappeared!
So, I'll be brief and say that you are all in God's hands and that we are all praying from our hearts for the success of the surgery and the reuniting of you and your precious beloved wife. Hang in there during these difficult hours and know that we are are holding you in our hearts, prayers and hope,
Tricia and Clan :) xoxox N.VA

Kylee said...

Praying for all of you! Especially Tricia!!

Krista said...

Praise God for the lungs and the family that was willing to save another person's life. I will be praying for your family as well as the surgeons and caregivers.

Angie said...

We are praying here in Virginia!! I just shared you story with my sister-in-law today, my niece has CF. We were talking all about you guys and what a wonderful surprise to come home and find that Tricia is in the OR.

Manda said...

Thinking of you all, sending love and hugs.


gracerev said...

Still praying in Georgia...

Unknown said...

Praying in Charlotte.

Emily said...

Praying without ceasing...

-Emily Haager

Anonymous said...

The uncertainty of this time must be so difficult. She will be ok and I know you know that! Hang tough and hang with Gwyneth and hopefully it will go by quickly.

Julie D. said...

praying right now...happy, happy birthday.

Lyndsay said...

We are here Nate. And we are PRAYING!!!

Tina said...

I'll continue to be praying and checking in constantly!

jennifer said...

Praying for Tricia and your family.

Mamma_of _five said...


begins with v said...

whew! I won't be sleepin' tonight! I haven't stopped thinking about you all since you posted the lungs were on there way! Praise God

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and positive energy to all of you.

Carol said...

I'm so thankful that she is getting this chance for a more healthy life with you and Gwyneth! Praying for successful surgery and recovery and for all of the family waiting and watching.

Angela R. said...

Nate.. Cant even imagine your emotions right now, but know that you have so many people praying for you and on your side right now, including God!


pam said...

Praying as He leads.

Jenny Jenny 8675309 said...

I am praying for Tricia and your both of your families.

1 Samuel 12:24 said...

Continuing to wait while you wait and will continue praying as well..

MaryBeth said...


Anonymous said...

I'm praying now and I know that Lord will wake me up again in the night to do so as he did when Gwyneth was first born. I'm also praying that the time you spend with Gwyneth will be especially precious tonight. I've posted to my blog ( and will email lots of friends and family. Worldwide prayers are going up on your behalf - how happy this must make the heart of our great God!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

I know I don't post often, but I've been reading and praying every step of the way. Praying even harder right this second for Tricia, her doctors, her donor's family and your family. We'll be checking in the middle of the night for an update!

Niknok said...

You are right about one thing, we are all right here with you...praying, waiting, hoping, and praising.

Unknown said...

me and my whole family will be praying for all of you. May you have peace and joy during these long hours.
In Christ...

Amanda Niehaus said...

I am praying for your family right now. God Bless!

Lexie Lou said...

Nate my heart is with you and I am praying for everything to go as well as it possibly can. Every few minutes I am pausing to lift all of you up in prayer.
Alexandra in Memphis

Karen said...

May the good Lord guide the surgeons' hands, protect and heal Trisha, envelope you and Gwyneth (with his love and patience (and all your family) while you wait, and comfort the donor's family/friends in their time of grief and need.

The Posti Family said...

I am just so happy for you and your family. What a great birthday present/day to have new lungs arrive for Tricia. I will be watching the web all night to see how everything goes and anxiously await to read the results of the surgery. God is with her and will take care of her!

Bobbi said...

I will be praying all night while I work for Tricia & for the donor family....I have sent prayer request for Tricia out to all of my family who will be sending it to all of our churches up & down the east coast.....Good Luck Tricia!!!!!!`

Smokin' Hot Mama! said...

I stopped into church on my way home from work today. Although I do not know you, I said a prayer for your family. What a wonderful gift to be able to come home and read such wonderful news.

God is great and He is with you and Tricia and Gwyneth. I, along with many others, anxiously await great follow-up news.

It's an amazing thing when selfless people make the decisions to donate organs.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

PRAISE GOD! I have never left a comment, but have been praying for Tricia and Gwyneth for months. I must check your blog at least 20 times a day. I am praying so hard here in Minnesota. God Bless You, Tricia, Gwyneth, the doctors, and the donors family. Happy Birthday!

~*~Bre~*~ said...

I love you Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth! You are in my prayers, and I'll keep checking back often to get more updates. She's in the best hands she could be! God is amazing, and he's proven that time and time again to you already! This is just another time for him to envelope you in his love, and show you how much he has in store for your family. You guys are awesome!! May God's peace keep you at ease and may you feel his presence in this life changing moment!


Amanda Niehaus said...

Praying for your family!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! You are all in my thoughts!

staci said...

I don't believe it! I checked your blog before leaving town this morning and was shocked that so much has happened in the past few hours. I can't tell you how much I am praying at this moment for you, tricia and the rose! Staci

Unknown said...

Praying with all my might...

bome62 said...

Continually praying.
Bonnie Meyer
Washington, Missouri

Renay said...

Just posted for LOTS of prayers!!!


Kristina said...

I was at church all night and you were on my heart and in my thoughts, several whispered prayers went up to heaven throughout the evening for you. I rushed home to find that you are in the OR and I praise God, and petition Him for a safe and successful surgery.

Mommynurse said...

We are praying! Thanks for the updates.

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Praying for Tricia to get through a successful surgery, for Nathan while he waits to hear that it's over, and for Gwyneth to keep on growing!

kaye said...

Your lovely, lovely family will be in my thoughts and prayers, along with the other many thousands of people all rooting for you, more than ever tonight.

Also, thinking and praying for the donor's family, who have lost someone very special today. May they find some comfort in the knowledge that he/she has chosen to help others live on, and ultimately given lovely Tricia (and Nate and young Gwyneth-Rose) an amazing gift.

Sarah Furlough said...

Praying, praying, praying.

Shannon said...

I have been a lurker of your site for awhile now and have enjoyed watching your beautiful family. I want you to know that you are in my prayers and thoughts tonight. As a nurse I know medically what you are facing but can only imagine what you are feeling. I do have to say that reading all the posts about your daughter has brought back the memories of my little boy's stays in the NICU. I have twins that will be 3 next month. One was in the Nicu for 5 weeks and was on the vent for 2 weeks and came home on oxygen. The other was in the Nicu for 3 weeks. He was just a "feeder and a grower" and had no issues. I remember all the little milestones like the first diaper changes and first baths. Non-Nicu parents do not realize much those moments mean.

I love your pictures that you take! One of the cutest though is the one of her foot next to yours though! It is priceless!

In my prayers

Mom to Jack and Palmer 32 weekers now almost 3 years old!!!!

Beth said...

Tricia is in my families prayers as are you! God bless.

JoAnn said...

I am praying for Tricia and all of her sweet family right now! Precious Lord please heal her completely. In the name of Jesus, who is mighty to save.

I know that God hears us Nate and cares about each and every breath that Tricia takes. I am eagerly awaiting her good news.

JoAnn who loves Jesus in Michigan

Patty said...

I'm one of the saints in the cloud of witnesses praying with you!

May the Lord's peace and love be with you and Tricia.

Professor TIllman said...


My husband and I just prayed and will continue to do so all night. I had intended to write a paper for grad school this evening but I've thrown that idea totally out the window - we can't stop thinking about you and Tricia. What a crazy scary and exciting time. Here's our prayer for you tonight. It's from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer:

Keep watch, dear Lord.
Keep watch with those who work,
or watch, or weep this night,
and give your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend the sick, Lord Christ;
give rest to the weary, bless the dying,
soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted,
shield the joyous, and all for your love's sake.
Keep watch, dear Lord, keep watch. Amen.


Love, love, love,

Sarah and Nathan Tillman (

Debbie said...

Praying in Ohio for you and Tricia and your beautiful baby.

Lisa said...

Praying here in Austin Texas! God is so good, faithful, merciful, holy and the great HEALER!!! God bless and may you experience the peace that passes all understanding over the next hours- that peace that can only come from HIM!!

Anxious AF said...

Im going to post a message on my blog just in case there is some one in the world who isnt praying for you and hasnt seen your blog!

Carolyn said...

I am praying for Tricia and you and all that is involved!! How wonderful to hear this!! I am so happy for your family!!! Love to you all!!!

our little family of 4 said...

We will be praying for everybody and make sure to hold your little rose extra tight tonight!

Alicia said...


Mommagem said...

May God hold your hands while you wait. We are praying for you all.

Jennifer said...

Amen to your last line! You have so many prayers being said on Tricia's behalf and yours.

Terri Anne said...

Been a lurker on your blog for awhile now... not even sure how I found it, and this is my first time posting a comment.

I'm praying that God would give wisdom, and peace to all those present in the OR, and that His grace & love would encircle you & your family this evening as you wait.

-Terri Anne Massachusetts

Tori said...

We'll be praying for Trisha, you, and your families and staying up tonight to hopefully see the wonderful news that she is in recovery with new lungs!

Sonia said...

God bless you all! I will be praying for you all and especially Tricia. God is the One who is in complete control of this whole situation. God is so good!!!

Unknown said...

Nate, I continue to check in and am praying fervently for you and Tricia, the surgeons, your families, Gwyneth, the nurses...


pblair38 said...

Praying in Houston, and I've asked my email friends to join me!


DGTDDMD said...

We are so excited for you guys! Praise God for this miracle. We are praying.

Danielle Davis

goldrock said...

Praying for all of you as you face these anxious hours while Tricia is in surgery. God, please be with Tricia and guide her surgeons' hands during this delicate operation.

Unknown said...

Just letting you know that we are praying for you here in Saint Louis, MO!

Anonymous said...

Love and prayers for you ALL are in my heart and on my mind! We are so excited to hear once she is out of surgery and that all has gone well - as I have faith it will. Had been praying past few days that this would be your birthday present. Praying has brought me much reassurance and peace about all of this. Praise God for the gift of prayer and the means to communicate with our beloved Father. Be confident that prayers are being sent to the Lord by countless numbers of people here on earth, as well as angels and saints. I know you are surrounded by much glorious love that only our Savior can provide. Praising Him for these lungs and praying for successful surgery and healing. God's love and peace to you, my beautiful family! Talk to you soon, Amy

momeeof3 said...

We are praying for you and Tricia, Can't wait to hear any updates :0)

Stephanie D. said...

Nate - I've been a reader of your blog for months but have always been a lurker. I had to come out tonight to tell you that I am thrilled for you all and will continue to pray for Tricia and your entire family. Thanks for keeping us all updated.


Candace said...

YES!!!! We will be praying in our house tonight!

marcia said...

Nathan, I have been away from a computer for the last five hours, but I have been praying all the time. My DIL called my cell when you posted "it's a GO!!" because she knew I was wondering! Praying for everyone working back in the OR with Tricia right now, that they will be alert and responsive to her every need, and pick up any subtle clues or changes that need to be addressed. Praying for Tricia, that her body will remain stable throughout the procedure, and the new lungs will be perfect in and for her. Thanking God for the donor's final and wonderful gift, and asking for comfort for the grieving family and friends. Praying for safe travels for all of those coming to be with you. Praying for God's peace to surround you and lift you up as you await the good news. And also, that you and Gwyneth will have some wonderful time together in these evening hours right now. I pray that you will be amazed by the companionship that sweet baby will provide for you while you wait for her Mommy to get new lungs! Praying God's blessings beyond anything you could ever have imagined,and for you to feel His presence in these hours like never before!

Jen in Al said...

Praying!!!!! My hubby and I are with you in spirit praising and thanking God! thank you for giving us this opportunity to pray you and your girls!!!! jen in al

Joani said...

I am praying for you all.

Cindy said...

Ive been reading your blog for a couple months now but never posted anything, just wanted to let ya know i'm praying for you both!!

Nan said...


Ginny said...

Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. I will be checking back all night and can't wait to read how those new lungs are working perfectly. The grieving family of the donor, too, will be in my thoughts and prayers. What a wonderful, amazing gift they chose to give.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nate. My husband (who was a living donor to his best friend in 1999) and I are praying for all of you and anxiously awaiting news.

The Marini's said...

I too am at the point of tears. i have been feeling apprehensive and anxious this evening... worried about things i'm dealing with... but will now focus my prayers and attention and thoughts of lifting Tricia up. Truly praying that the Lord would see her through. so proud of you all!! And so happy!!! :)
A follower for about 2 months now...
Rachel Marini :)

kekkey said...

will check on you through the night. praying for peace and health for your family.

micca564 said...

thinking of your family and wishing you all the best!

JanelleGrace said...

I hope everything goes well during and after. I will keep all of you in my mind tonight.

Carsten said...

Wow... What a blessed day your birthday has become. You weren't playing around when you said that you thought this was going to be your best birthday yet... Tricia is in my prayers and thoughts this evening. CONGRATS!

Unknown said...

This is the first time I've commented, but I've been following your journey for a couple of months now. Have been praying for your sweet little family from here in Eugene, Oregon....extra prayers tonight and in the days to come.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you too!

Family by Love said...

Praying here for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Still praying for you and Tricia, here in Rhode Island!

Anonymous said...

Praying in Wisconsin!!

DC said...

I'm praying for you all!

Are God is an AWESOME God!!!

I pray that peace covers you all while you wait!

Praying in Columbus, Ohio


Julie Nickerson said...

Just prayed and will be praying all night for you, TRICIA, your family and the precious donor's family.

The Cleggs said...

I have been a blog "stalker" for a while now but never commented. Your story is such an amazing testiment of faith and I will be praying for all of you. God Bless you!!!

Barb said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you all!

Laura said...

Praying harder than ever!

Heather said...

I just said prayers with my little ones. Tricia and your family were in them. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prays are with all!

Kerry said...

Praying for you in Chicago!

Nadine said...

Heavenly Father we ask that you would protect this precious family...cover them with your blood...Lord we would ask that you give strength, courage and patience in the next several hours as they wait for the surgeons hands and all of whom are involved in Tricia care...Give peace and calmness to her husband Nate and all of their family members and friends...
and Lord, Thank you to the family who made the decision to donate these lungs...may you also protect them in this time of need...In Jesus Name with Pray...
We will ask for our church group to also pray for your family tonight...

Jill Pagels said...

PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING WITH ALL MY MIGHT!!!! This is wonderful news. Praying for Tricia, praying for the doctors skillful hands, praying for you and Tricia's family, praying for the donor's family, I'm just praying all around! I can't wait for the updates, hopefully when I check in in the morning the surgery will be complete and she'll be in recovery!!!!

theprovost3 said...

You and Tricia have been constantly on my heart the past few days. I knew that the TX would be coming soon. God Bless you.

Alice Fraggle said...

I have been following your journey for awhile now but have never had anything of substance to say. As soon as I read that Tricia is going into surgery for her transplant I knew that I wanted to "de-lurk" to let you both know you are in my thoughts tonight.
I'm wishing for the best!!! I'm so excited for what tomorrow holds for you, Tricia & Gwyneth.

Lyric said...

Delurking just to let you know that prayers are going up and will continue.

Anonymous said...

A long time lurker here.

I will be thinking of Tricia, your family and the family of the donor all night.

I just lit a candle in honor of everyone.

Jennifer Burgett said...

Praying, Praying, Praying!!!

You will be in my thoughts all night. I am praying for everyone you mentioned and I am praying for you as well. I can't imagine the wait . . . but Tricia will be breathing with new lungs very soon!

Praise God from who ALL blessings flow!!!

Amy said...

Many people are with you in our hearts and minds; and will be for the next several hours and even longer as Tricia goes into recovery after the surgery and is healing in the days to come. I'm so thankful to God for all he has done for you and Tricia and your sweet baby girl in the past months and so glad I stumbled onto your blog several weeks ago. You and Tricia's story have impacted my life as well as so many others because of your willingness to share your experience with us in the blogging world. Thank you so much!



Nicole Roper said...

God's birthday personal birthday present to you =)


your families faithfulness is beautiful and something to be admired!

Amy said...

I just recently found your blog and have been reading for about a week. I'm am praying for you guys!!! Much love from GA!!!

The Browns said...

Oh my gosh Im jumpping up and down and I so happy. I am praying and will be all night!! This is such awesome news I am so excited for you all, new life get ready b/c here comes tricia!!

Kristi said...

Gives a whole new meaning to "Happy Birthday", doesn't it? ^_^

Lots of people here in Central Illinois praying for Tricia and your whole family. I don't even know you guys and I know I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight until you post!

K said...

It's such a miracle! I've been praying and have a very good feeling that all will be well.

I am also thinking about and praying for the donor's family.

Most of all, I'm thankful that Tricia will now have a chance to see her little girl learn to walk, talk, run, start school, and whatever else the future holds.

Brenda said...

Awesome! Pryaing and praying and praying.

Full of Grace said...


Laura said...


Carol said...

Thousands of us will be there with you through prayer through all the hours ahead. Praying for Tricia in the OR, for the med. team, for you and your family members as you wait (and travel), and for the family of the donor - may they understand and be comforted that this gift of life is the most wonderful way to honor the one they grieve.

Laura Lee said...

With you in prayer. My heart is so happy for you.

Joshua said...

WOW!! Happy Birthday Nate!
I can't believe its finally here!!
We want you to know that both of us are praying for you and Tricia, especially tonight. Thank you for posting everything and for sharing everything. You have encouraged so many people that we work with who don't even know the Lord.

We love all three of you guys so much. We feel like we are right there with you. We're praying for all the family too. Let us know if you need anything.

Josh & Bethany

Kimberly said...

Thinking of you and praying for Tricia!

Rene said...

Praying, praying, praying....


twin power mommy ♥ said...

tears are welling up in my eyes; i feel for you. Stay strong.
(read psalm 91)

jeck said...

Sending you our thoughts and prayers!

Spicy Magnolia said...

Praying for you all! May the peace of our Lord Jesus, the peace which surpasses all understanding, be with you and guard your hearts and minds!

He loves you most said...

There is no better b-day present God could have given you.
I am praying for you all tonight with goosebumps all over me.

christy p said...

I probably check your blog a couple times a day. Please know that I am Praying, and Praying for Tricia right now. :)

Kara said...

Praying hard for all 3 of you and believing God will continue to do amazing things in all of your lives.

Megan said...

Praying for Tricia, the doctors and nurses, for you and your family.

Megan said...

Praying like crazy!

Unknown said...


I'm praying for you & Tricia. Sending you LOTS of prayers from SC. I'll be up late studying for a test I have on Friday, so I'll be checking back in frequently!


kimn said...

So many prayers from so many places! God is good! Will be thinking of you and lidting Tricia up in prayer throughout the night. I'll bet you have all the time zones covered and should have round the clock prayers from your prayer warriors.

Aaron said...

We are praying for your family. May God be the God of peace and healing tonight.

Beverly said...

I just said a prayer. I have thought of Tricia alot today.

Chelle said...

praying for you so much right now and for Tricia, Gwyneth and all the medical staff. I know that you are very anxious but have a calmness over you at the same time.
Hang in there buddy!!!

Elizabeth Mather said...

I am and will continue to be praying for ALL of you!

sarah. said...

I am thrilled for you guys... thank goodness I'm working night shift tonight so that I can check in on you all night :) Nate I can't imagine your emotional roller coaster right now... I hope that your time with Gwyneth is peaceful and exactly what you need right now. Prayers are going up all over the world for you! That's got to be an incredible feeling...

Anonymous said...

What great news for you and your family. Wishing you all the best.

Tina said...

Still praying...

Rose Casell said...

Another night my computer will NOT be shut down. . . instead, I'll be up and down all night, checking your site.
Hubby and I are excited and nervous for you guys!
Hugs to all!

Jeff and Yvonne Weinstein said...

Prayers from Riverside!

Matt and Cristin said...

YES!!! God is SO GOOD! Praise the Lord!

tyra and matt said...

Still praying... ::Hugs::

Lauren said...

I just prayed for you and your family with my bible study girls and will continue to pray for you all throughout the night.

CJ Sheehan said...

A stranger in South Dakota is praying. God bless you both.

read2kds said...

We are all praying with you. I can not begin to imagine what you are going through as you wait. I pray that God will fill you so completely with himself that the time will pass as quickly as possible with you and all of your extended family feeling as peaceful as possible.

I am SO rejoicing in these lungs for her!!! And on your birthday!! Don't you know how God loves to bless us beyond what we believe we have already been blessed? Don't you know he is thrilled to see how blessed you are by this?

I am also praying comfort for the family that is experiencing the loss of the person who so willingly gave these lungs. I pray this family knows Jesus, and if they don't that some part of this experience will turn their faces towards him as well.

Blessings on you tonight...


Elena said...

Such GREAT news! I am sure that if/when the donor family finds out the lungs went to Tricia they will feel proud in deed! Congrats to you all and VERY best wishes.

Rose Casell said...

PS---you are posted on my private blog
and my public blog

I also texted a couple friends who are in prayer meeting right now too. :-)

You guys are covered my friend!

Anonymous said...

://mominmenJust wanted you to know we are praying in Ohio.

Alleen said...

I've been lurking for months and this post was one I couldn't not comment on. God speed Tricia.

Jen said...

I have never commented, but have followed your blog for a couple months now. I'm praying for Tricia!

Karen said...

Our whole family will be praying for yours.

Nora said...

praying non-stop!!! Thanks for keeping us up-to-date!

Anonymous said...

I wept as I read your latest post. God is not good, He is GREAT! Seeing God work in you and your family's life has given my faith the extra puch that it needed. I continue to pray for you all.

Tumbleweed said...

Sending a extra,large Texas "awesome", and lots of prayers!!!

Jennifer said...

Praying still in Michigan.

cmziall said...

Okay Lord, you know our thoughts before we even think them. Know that there are thousands of people in prayer right now for Tricia's lung transplant and for the donor family for their generosity and that they find comfort in You at their time of loss. May Nate find comfort and peace in You while he spends time with Gwyneth awaiting the news about Tricia. Please keep Tricia safe in your arms, keep the doctors and any other assisting in her surgery steady, calm and alert. We pray all of this in Jesus' name. . .Amen.

Nate, know that we are saying another Rosary for you tonight during this surgery. Happy Birthday!

God Bless,
Michelle in MO

Erin said...

Prayer just sent up and more will be said. :)

jullylaw said...

We love you guys!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I got the news while I was at c3. Praise God. Praying for you now.

Mary Beth said...

Praying for you!

Mauimom1 said...


Amy said...

You're right. We are all waiting in the hospital with you tonight. Please know that you and Tricia and your family are being upheld in prayer by thousands of prayer warriors who do battle on their knees. And we serve a God who is mighty to save. I can't imagine how hard the waiting is. Waiting always seems to be the hardest thing that the Lord asks of us. Of course it builds character and patience and faith, but in the moment, it is terribly difficult. We are not only praying for Tricia, but for you as well.

Rebecca said...

I have never left a comment but have been following your blog for several months now. I will be praying for you, Trish and Gwyneth as well as the donor family tonight. I am a Christian and a trauma unit nurse so although I have never dealt with Transplant patients. Our unit deals with the donor families. I am all to aware of all the time and care that the Drs and nurses have given to keep these lungs in the best possible condition for transplant and am praying everything goes smoothly!

Melissa said...

I had to stop lurking to let you know that I'll be praying throughout the night for all of you!

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing birthday gift! You are a true inspiration!

asplashofsunshine said...

The best birthday present you can ask for... a new life for your beautiful wife! Praying for all three of you...

Mary said...

Praying and crying tears of joy for you right now. We're praying for you all.


bkmanary said...

Wow, again, what an incredible journey, and what a birthday present for you Nate!
In God's Hands is where you all are and it's the best place to be. Thank goodness you are at such a wonderful medical facility and have fabulous support world wide.
Waiting for the updates.
Beautiful British Columbia where it is dinner hour!

Karen said...

you can't understand how strangers love you, I can't understand it... but oh- our hearts are full. You are our brother and sister and we want you to be so happy and healthy and good. I am asking for all to be well with your family. I have great faith that Tricia will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Wow, what a blessing. I heard this morning that my good friend Carol Ann (who is struggling to breathe from lung cancer) is ready to go "home" to see Jesus. She is in hospice care now. To hear this GOOD news about someone else getting healed lungs is just awesome. But then again the Lord always works that way. Praise you Jesus for giving Tricia new lungs. Pray for Nate and family as he waits. You are our Great Physician. Love, Heather

nicole said...

grace, peace and hope be yours...praying, praying.

Amy E. said...

We are right there with you..from all parts of this are being covered in prayer.
We know that the Lord himself is there with you and in that surgery room with Tricia.
Praying all through the night and look forward to a blessed morning for you all.

Unknown said...

Praying praying praying....

Betsy said...

Praying in Pennsylvania!

Jennifer said...


Kim said...

Setting aside time to pray for Tricia, you, Gwenyth and your families. I am still amazed at the people who have fallen in love with your story and are joining together praying to the same God. How awesome is that. Praying specifically for Tricia in surgery, your peace and comfort while waiting and the recovery.

Lindsay said...

God, please watch over this family and give the doctors discernment and wisdom. Help everyone reading this story see your grace and love. Amen.

lisa said...

words fail heart is so full - our family will be praying!

katie said...

Yeah!!!!!! We are still praying. And if they didn't tell you they really keep you in touch throughout any surgery with that pager. Still praying.

Unknown said...

Praying for Tricia and praising God that He has provided! Praying for the donor's family as well during their time of sorrow.

God bless!
Amy in PA

Em said...

I will add a special prayer for Tricia tonight before I go to bed.

May God Bless you and your families.

Our beautiful mess... said...

I know I'm extremely late to comment (and whoa...where did all these commenters come from! LOL) but we are really heartfelidly (I know, not a word) thinking and praying and...feeling *just a small part* of what you are. There are thousands of families that are attached to yours! We love you and are praying...and on pins and needles to hear how it went! We are so blessed to be able to take this journey with you! Take care Nate, and know that she is in Gods hands now.

Carey said...

An awesome birthday you will never forget! Praying in Texas that His hands will guide the surgeons and a complete and healthy recovery for Tricia. I'm praying for peace for you and your family tonight, Nate. Can't wait to hear the good news!

Edwards gang said...

We are waiting and praying with you, Nathan! God is once again demonstrating His incredible plan for Tricia's life! We continue to be amazed by the number of people your story has touched, and tonight's miracle will only increase that number!

Tricia is safe in the palm of HIS Hand. We are lifting up the medical staff, donor family, and of course all of the Lawrenson/Kirschner clan as you wait. May you all experience the "peace that passses all understanding!"

Praying fervently!!

Anonymous said...

God is with you and your girls tonight and always.
I'll be holding you all extra tight in my heart and prayers.

Your have a beautiful family.

You and Tricia are pure Love.

God Bless You Both.

Sagga02 said...

I am thinking of you and your families at this time. Like you said this will be a very long night for you all. Go spend some time with your lil princess and tell her all about how next time Mummy sees her it will be with some new lungs!
You have a lot of my family and friends thinking and praying for you.

Dream Angel's Mommy said...

I've said my prayer! I'll say a few more while waiting on the good news.

Cindy said...

Have been praying since Jan. Am praying still. It's great to be part of God's family and be all related! You are all loved.

Melodie said...

we are on little girl is a CFer. we are sooo excited for you guys....and are praying for you all, the Dr's and the entire team.
Isn't Duke the best and isn't our GOD an AWESOME GOD!!!!!!

Millicent said...

simply amazing! Happy Birthday to you! And i'm praying!!!!

Anne said...

We are praying for you and Tricia.

Tabatha said...

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock eternal! Isaiah 26:3-4
God is doing Amazing things for you on your birthday!

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