Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I just said goodbye to Tricia as they wheeled her into the OR. She should be falling to sleep now, and they'll begin ASAP, even before the new lungs arrive.

She was very calm and happy, thanks in large part to the pain meds that she has been on for the chest tube.

Agnes and I have been on our phones with people since we heard the news, and now we'll sit and wait. Don and my parents should be here within the next 3-4 hours.

Here at Duke, for CF patients, there is a 90-95% survival rate for the surgery itself. Tricia has a few more risks because she is still on a vent (it's very rare that any CFer gets transplanted while on a vent). We know that the new lungs are type O, which is the universal blood type.

I'm moving a few things to the car, and then spending some time with Gwyneth.

I've got the OR pager on my, but it literally won't be until they're all done that we'll hear anything. I'll post from now until then with some things that are in my head and on my heart.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. The next 7-9 hours (average for a double lung TX surgery) will be the most difficult of my entire life, and I can't tell you how much it means to know there are literally tens of thousands of people right here with us.

I praise God for what He has done, for what He is doing, and for what He is going to do.

Thank you.



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Marla Taviano said...

Count me in as one of the tens of thousands! Praying so hard for you!

Amy said...

Praying for all of you...

Erin said...

I'm SO excited for you both, and am praying even as I type this! Let us know when you know!

Jill said...

Coming out of lurker status to say my prayers are with you all! - Jill

Audrey said...

My heart is bursting and my eyes are crying. I'm so very happy for you, Tricia & your sweet baby girl (who has quite a story to learn when she's bigger!). What a terrific birthday present for you!!!!

Prayers for the donor family whose lives are so terribly sad right now. Prayers for the transplant team for the energy and strength to complete a successful transplant. Prayers for your heart and mind over the next serveral hours and days. And prayers for Tricia for what she's about to endure.

Praying in CO!!!!

Katy said...

Praying harder than ever, and passing on this prayer request... May God surround you and Tricia, as well as your families.....Trust in Him..

Meredith said...

So exciting!
My question is:
If it's like, 7:30 there and it takes up to 9 hours, that means they won't get done until like, 4 in the morning. Why do they do it that late? Would it be smarter to do it in the morning or is it good to get it done ASAP?

Anonymous said...

still praying

Malena said...

Praying for Tricia!

Rebekah said...

I am praying for all of you right now. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

Queen Bee said...

What a birthday gift!!! Always in my thoughts and prayers...

Anonymous said...

I haven't commented in a long time, but I want you to know I'm praying for you all every time I think of you...which is a lot! I know God has great plans for all of you! (Jeremiah 29:11)God bless!

JonesChronicles said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise Him all creatures here below.

Praise Him above ye heavenly host.

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Kelli said...

What an amazing birthday present! I will be praying for you & Tricia even more than normal. My prayers will also be with the donor's family - God bless them in this difficult time. I'm sure I'll be checking on you guys throughout the night.

Observer of Life said...

We're praying!

Shelley said...

Praise to God in the highest heaven! Glory to him and all he does! I just got a phone call from one of the girls in my bible study who turned me on to this webpage and had tears of joy for you and Tricia. It's amazing how strongly I feel for two people who I've never met but are my brother and sister in Christ. I will continue to keep Tricia, you, your families, the surgeons, and the family of the person that the lungs came from in my prayers. Okay...enough rambling.

All God's Love,
Shelley in Mich

LovinTimInMi said...

Praying for Tricia, the entire family as well as the donor family right now!!!

betty said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Tricia and your whole family.

Jenny said...

My sister, her fiance, and I just ran to get dinner. As we were driving home, a car passed with a DUKE bumper sticker on the back window. Katy [my sister] said "we have to pray now. that's a sign from God that we need to pray for Tricia." So we did. :) Just wanted you to know that even in the car, we're thinking of and praying for Tricia, you, and your family.

Lots of love and hugs!

Bonnie said...

May the God of ALL Peace guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.
Bonnie and the boys.

scott cunningham said...

Will pray!

HIS daughter said...

Praise the Lord! My family and I are praying for you all!

Jennifer said...

Praying!! I just sent out an email to my Sunday School class with a link to this blog asking them to be praying!

Holly Bartos said...

Praying for Tricia too!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck, Tricia!!!!

Renee said...

Wow. no words except to say I'm saying a prayer for you, Tricia and your family right now. God is with you and He won't let go.

Rebekah said...

My husband and I are remembering you three in our prayers tonight. May the Lord grant you peace as you wait for Tricia to get out of surgery.

Sarah said...

Wrapping your family in prayer as Tricia is given new life. Praying for peace for you as you endure the wait. My heart and prayers will be with you throughout the wait.

JW said...

Offering up prayers from Stillwater, OK. Praying peace and blessings for you all--

Daniella said...

Fist time commenter here - found you from Amy - Praying for all of you. My 8 year old son and I just gasped out loud when we read this recent post - been following along now and this post just brought us to tears. We will be watching for updates and praying, praying, praying!

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for God's healing hand to be on Tricia and to work through the doctors', surgeons', nurses', and transplant team's hands. Praying for safe travel for all family coming into town. And praying for God to give you peace, comfort, strength, wisdom, and rest in HIM! I'll also need to pray for rest for me because I don't know that I'll sleep either...I'm so excited for you and am anxiously awaiting your updates. Happy Birthday Nate. Your lives have impacted me deeply. I'm sure Gwyneth is hearing all about Mommy's new lungs right now and is praying with you. She is gorgeous by the way :)

Adam and Hayley said...

I've been reading on and off for a while now, and I almost cried when I saw the news!

Praying here in DC.

Rachel said...

Nate and Tricia,

I've never commented on your blog before, but I've been following your inspiring story for awhile now. I'll be thinking of and praying for your family!

BHaire said...

I was watching the counter...about 1400 hits in 10 minutes!! That is amazing! That is some serious prayer support!

Thank you for sharing your story.

B Haire

Carol said...

Ephesians 3:20-21 (New Living Translation)

20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 21 Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.

Continuing to pray and thanking Him for this miracle!

Tarasview said...

I'm praying too.

Julie D. said...

Gwyneth, I'll be asking Jesus to watch and protect your mommy tonight and also all the doctors and nurses that are taking care of her. You are absolutely beautiful!

the VanKoevering's said...

When I found out it was your birthday today...something told me that this would be THE day!! I'll be praying!

agmwilliams said...

Praying in KY!

scott cunningham said...


The Crazy Lady said...

Friend of Amy Ross...praying for you all!

Heidi said...

Ohh this is such wonderful news!
Sending prayers, and love!!

Anonymous said...

This has been a very hard year for my husband and I as we entered the world of autism with our almost 3 year old son. Through my struggles, my eyes have become more clear to this world and specifically my situation. Which has made it possible for me to see, feel, and understand our Father in a different light. It is through my struggles with feeling cheated, that I see how big and great God is. And know that He truly is in control. I remember to appreciate everything, and take for granted nothing. I will be praying diligently for your family. Many, many prayers for your wife.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Phillipians 4:6-7

Travelin' Tracy said...

I, like many have been secretly reading your blog...I hope all goes well and you will both be in my prayers.

Heather said...

We are praying for you, Tricia, the doctors and the donor family. No doubt this will be the hardest and longest 7-9 hours of your life. God is faithful. We are upholding you in prayer!

You've been so gracious in keeping us in the loop of your lives.

NCBeachMom said...

Oh wow! Just got in and read the news...Praying praying here!

Christy said...

I have been reading your blog for a while now; you have been in my prayers every night. Tonight I will be praying for both your family and the donor family.

Burnie said...

Praying hard to our God now Nate. We're right there with you.

Mama Grizzly said...

praying for you all - especially Tricia and the donor family in their time of grief.

T & A said...

Sending positive thoughts! Good luck!! What a birthday for you, Nate :)

Catherine said...

I've been following your story and praying for your family for the past month. Although we are strangers it has brought me joy to read of your love for your family and God and your faith through your journey in life. I'm so happy to hear of your wife's good news tonight. Just wanted you to know that someone in GA will be praying for your wife, you, your daughter and the rest of your family tonight. I pray that tomorrow your wife will be breathing with her new lungs! :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! Nate, Gwynneth, and especially Tricia,...I am praying for you in the middle of walking, talking, thinking, and caring for my own daughter. For the hands of the surgeons, for the strength in these new lungs, for the heartbreak of the donor's family, and most especially, for God's will in your lives. Your story has touched me deeply, and I think even here in TN, there will be few sleeping moments tonight.

LoveLladro said...

I am so excited for you guys! My husband I will be sure to say a prayer for you guys in our nightly prayer time! Many hugs from Maryland!

CJolly said...

WOW! Happy birthday Nate!! Praying for the ultimate birthday present, new lungs for Tricia!!

Melissa said...

Know that we are praying hard and all our thoughts are with you. Happy Birthday!

Carolynn said...

We are praying!

Jen said...

Trica's entire surgery team and family are in our thoughts and prayers. ((((Hugs to you Nate))))!

TheRagan3 said...

Before the Throne of Grace for you right now.
May Wisdom - peace - grace - love be yours tonight.

Nana2Six said...

Tonight you are all surrounded by so much love, so many prayers. We are standing with you through the night as the surgery continues.

weavermom said...


Shari said...

God Bless Nate! Praying all goes smoothly and Tricia comes out a new, whole person.

Unknown said...

Praying for you all. I just came home and did my obessive checking...Tell Tricia we will spend time praying for her tomorrow morning in the Biology class she was once in at OPHSSJ classes. We will also keep praying for the donor's family. Kathie Donaldson

Debra said...

I have been following your blog but never commented until now. Since your post "in the OR" every minute someone has sent a comment and been praying. Since people from around the world follow this post I'm sure that each minute of the surgery, Trish will be covered with prayer from all God's children. May you experience the strength available to you from God the Father to get you through this night and the peace of Jesus Christ as he holds you and your girls in the palm of his hand.

Shandelle said...

My 4 year old said a sweet prayer. Our hearts and prayers are with you and your sweet wife and daughter, the OR team and the family of the generous donor who's lungs are about to change the life of your wonderful family.

Tammy said...

Praying for you all! May God grant you peace and may He do exceedingly abundantly above anything you could imagine. Cannot wait to wake up in the morning and check on you both! God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you. Kiss that baby girl (if you can) and just know that everything will work out in the end. You are in great hands!

Beverly said...

Praying for you all.

k.mart said...

You don't know me... but my whole family has been following your journey for some time now-- though you've heard this before, let it ring true again... the God that is in you all has been making your famiy an inspiration to us all! We were so bummed the other day when the lungs weren't a go, but now to know your Tricia is in surgery... well, we are overwhelmed with excitement and anticipation! As our 14 month old girl , who we know God spared while in the womb (now named "Hope Eliana"- God answers with Hope!), would say-- "Jesush," please be near. May your family continue to shine His light!

Christy said...

My husband is an over the road truck driver. Just after I found out that Tricia was a go for the transplant, he called and said he was coming thru and spending the night here. I asked him what the greatest new that I could give him would be and his answer...Tricia getting her lungs. We are all together and we are all praying. We are praying for the entire family, medical team and donar family.

Heather said...

Pretty awesome God we serve!!!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday! PRAYING!!!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday! PRAYING!!!

Rachel said...

Still praying will be thinking of and praying for you all in the night and will check-in as soon as I wake up in them if not before then as I have a hard time keeping away form this blog on a regular day but especially when God is working out more details in your miracle story! To God be the Glory for the great things He has done!

I am also praying for the donors family may they feel peace and comfort during this time and may they learn to trust the God who cares for us so well.
Rachel in PA

Cindi said...

I just got in from church and couldn't wait to get to my email and check on Tricia. I am praying for her, you, the surgeons, your families and the donor family. May God hold you close and keep you calm. Thanks for updates.

sarah said...


The Rosetto's said...

Continued prayers!

jdkelly said...

Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers tonight and will be checking for updates a few times though the night

Kathryn said...

Just got home from a long day at work to see this wonderful news. God's peace, and prayers from our hearts to yours.

Dorothy said...

Wow! I am so excited for you guys! I am keeping you, Trisha, and Gwyneth in my prayers- as well as your families and the donor's family. God really does work in amazing ways!!!

Renee said...

This is AWESOME news....sending many prayers your way!

PammyT said...

praise the Lord. what wonderful news! praying that all goes perfectly. and Happy Birthday! what an amazing b-day to remember!


Rebeca said...

Praise God!
This is my first time commenting, but your family has been and will continue to be in my prayers.
Especially tonight.

Kira said...

Blessed Be!

Jodi said...

I'm not sure if I've ever commented but I have been following your story since about when your beautiful daughter was born. It is amazing to witness miracles every day I come to your blog. Tricia, Gwyneth, and you are such an inspiration. I am praying now for Tricia and her Dr.'s and also for you, that these next long hours you will feel the thoughts and prayers, even from complete strangers like myself. Also, Happy Birthday - may this be the best birthday ever!!!!

Lisa said...

I've tried to write something 4 times now but not sure what I can say that others haven't already said. Keeping your family, doctors, nurses and the donor and family in prayer and light.

God bless.

Lisa in Canada

Unknown said...

What a great day for new lungs to come... on your birthday!

We'll be praying for Tricia!

missourimom said...


Harris Boys said...

OH MY GOODNESS...I was away all afternoon and just could NOT wait to check your blog. I have chills right now thinking about tricia and your entire family. Praying for a successful surgery! Thanks for the updates!

God Bless

praying in Georgia!!!

~Kristen said...

Coming out to say.. along with the rest of the world... That I will be saying many extra prayers you & Tricia tonight...

God Bless you all...

Mandy said...

Praying with my family for you tonight. I know you must be so scared yet filled with so much anticipation.


WheresMyAngels said...

Prayers and more prayers!

Be Thou Exalted said...

Come on folks, lets make this the largest number of comments they have ever had. Tell your friends and family to leave a comment, too. We're almost at 500, can we make it 1000? Let Nathan and Tricia and Gweneth know we're praying for them!!

Mrs. Brooks said...

Praying, praying, praying!

Joyful said...

Upholding you in prayer. God is able!

Ithappenstobehaiti said...

Praying hard in NJ. Amazed by the prayer support you are receiving from all over the world. Not sure if there have ever been so many prayers offered at the keyboard before!

The Burgess Gang In Hot ol' AZ! said...

My family and I will continue our prayers for Tricia!!

A Jersey Girl said...

Hoping for the Best!

Jill said...

Praying with all my heart

Kara Hazen said...

Praying hard for you guys here in Texas!

Kara Hazen said...

Praying hard for you guys here in Texas!

Susan said...

Am praying for you all and am so happy to hear the news of the transplant.

Kristeen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristeen said...

I am praying for you and your family, tonight and every night.
God Bless you all.

Sarah said...

Best wishes & I'll be looking forward to good news tomorrow morning!

Becky in VA said...

This will be a long night of prayers from around the world. Thousands of us are praying for all of you.

Love to all.

Katy said...

Hi Nate,
Just wanted to add that I looked at the counter for a few minutes, and your site is averaging about
20+ hits every 10 seconds, sometimes even much more. That is an UNBELIEVABLE amount of prayers for your Tricia!! How cool is that?

MarthaM said...

Good luck and God bless. I am praying for Tricia and the medical team that is taking care of her, as well as you Nate and both your families.

Leanne B. said...

You are all in our prayers! God bless Tricia and your entire family!

Tricia O'Loughlin said...

From one Tricia to another, sending good vibes your way!

ASUBttrfly said...

Praying for you and your beautiful wife. Praying for the doctors and nurses and a smooth procedure. God's blessings!

lesleegp said...

Prayers for Tricia, you and your families, the donor family and the doctors. Happy birthday on so many levels!

Our Family! said...

Nate, thank you for your continued updates. We just put our children to bed and had to come straight to the computer. We are praying for Tricia and for the transplant team. We pray that you feel the Lords loving arms wrapped around you tonight, while you await for Tricia's transplant to be complete. We are honored to be one of the tens of thousands of prayer warriors, who have grown to love your family. God bless you all!

Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

Erin said...

Lifting you all up in prayer :)

Karen Jean said...

Praying for your family!

LA said...

Praying for your family here in China Grove, NC.

Jenn @ Casa de Castro said...

Praising God with you and standing with you in prayer and anticipation of great news. Our God is an awesome God!!
Blessings to all of you.

Stacey said...


Candi and Skeet said...

I told my family and they are all thrilled. We will be praying for everyone involved.

Holly said...

I continue to pray - God is so good & hears the deepest cries of our hearts!

Molly's Mom said...

My family and I are praying for you and your family. All the best!!!

E said...

Praying, praying, praying!

Unknown said...

I know that God is holding your family in his hands. I'm praying for Tricia, everyone waiting for news, and the donor family.

Lys Geith

Amy Lynn said...

My family is praying hard and will continue!!!

Amy in Oregon

handinhandaus said...

Thinking and praying for you all!

Suzanne said...

Praying in Atlanta! Will be checking in constantly ...

Unknown said...

We are praying for you. Our God is awesome!

cceeyore said...

Nate ... I will be praying until it's over! God is Good! All the Time! God is Good!

and by the way ... Happy Birthday! It's the best present ever!

Sara said...

Nate, thank you for your updates. What great news. You know for every comment left tonight there are fifty more holding you in their prayers.....

Praying in Indiana.....

Julie said...

Praise God - Praise God!

My Prayers continue for Tricia, you, Gwenyth, your families, etc.

God is good - ALL the time!

Julie (Florida)

Twinkletoes said...

I am thinking at least one of your birthday wishes came true! I was so relieved to read this post and will continue checking, and more importantly praying!

Terry said...


While I am thinking so much of Tricia and your daughter right now and praying that Tricia's surgery goes well, my heart is going out to you as you wait for the good news that all went well.

I just told my husband about your story and without even ever hearing about you before, he began to cry. He reminded me of the time several years ago when I had to go through a very long and serious surgery. Without the surgery, I would not have survived for much longer. But going in to the surgery, we knew that there was a very big chance that I would not make it through the operation either. Because there was a CHANCE that I would make it through surgery, it had to be done. The first thing I saw when I woke up was my husband's tear streaked face and days later he would tell me about all that he went through while I was in surgery. It was the longest 7 hours of his life and I could tell by the look on his face that it had caused him more pain and anxiety than either of us could have imagined. He had witnessed many invasive procedures and had worried about me constantly for many years already, but that day, when he didn't know whether or not he would see me alive again was the most difficult thing he has ever endured.

This is turning in to a much longer comment than I intended, but I just wanted to let you know that there are so many others that know exactly where you are at this moment. We are praying for Tricia, but also specifically for YOU because this truly will be the longest, most difficult night of your life so far. Our God is so good, so amazing and right now He is guiding the hands of the surgeons and breathing life into Tricia's body. And He is going to hold you SO tightly tonight. Tricia is going to be OK and I can't wait to hear that this is over and she is on her way to recovering!

Catherine said...

I am here for you and praying....I will be thinking of all of you all night long :)

MahoneyMusings said...

Continued prayers.

KrazyMom said...

Many, many, many prayers for Tricia tonight! What a wonderful birthday present for you!!

Okie Nana said...

I've been following your blog for several months, and tears came to my eyes when I saw it was a go. Prayers are being sent to you and your family from Oklahoma

jenray said...

Yay I knew this was it! I've been thinking about yall all day. I pray that God will guide the hands of the surgeons and the whole transplant team and keep them fully alert during this surgery. Also I pray that God would comfort you and yours and Tricia's family while you wait. And what a wonderful birthday present!
Jen Ray

Kat said...

Wow, wow, wow!!!

From now on, it sure will be hard topping this year's birthday gift of LIFE!!!!

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14.27)

Journey of the George's said...

I just came in from church and ran to check the blog. I'm crying from the update!
Praying and praying!
Praying in Texas,

David said...

As I type this there were 458 comments. I love that so many people are lifting your sweet wife and family up to our God. I love that He hears each and every one.
Our home is praying for Tricia, you, Gwyneth, your families, and the donor family.
The Campbells

Lisa said...

Wow, since I logged onto the comments and began to leave my own 20 people had commented in that short time! God is truly amazing and it so awe inspiring to think of the work he is doing tonight all over the world- comforting a grieving family, breathing life into a rejoicing family and calling thousands of us to offer up earnest prayers for all of you. May you feel God's presence and his peace that surpasses all understanding tonight.

God bless you Nate, Tricia, and precious Gwyenth! I feel so blessed to be amoung the thousands privileged to "know" you through this blog!

CulyQFun said...

Praise the Lord!!! We will be praying here in Snohomish Washington.

Danielle in MO said...

YEAH!! I will be praying for all of you - Praise God for answered prayers!

Marge Sexton said...

I just got home from Wed. night prayer service. Our church joins in praying for Tricia.
God Bless!

Brooke said...

I am in tears as I read this! Please know I am praying for all involved! Praise God for his faithfulness.

Sarah said...

I'm praying that God just fills your heart and mind with peace and that the next 7-9 hours just fly by. Also praying for Tricia and her doctors and for the donors family.

What an amazing day. Now the two of you share a birthday in a way. So perfect.

Tracie said...

Praying in Kansas City!

Florida_Mom said...

Praying, praying, praying!


momofnbj said...

Oh! Nate and Tricia!!
So excited for you guys.
Definitely praying through the night! May you both feel God so close to you, as He's holding you in the palm of His hand.

Melissa said...

With tears in my eyes, We are praying hard for peace for you and your family! May God hold you close to HIS heart in the upcoming days. Your family is loved more than you will ever know. There will be a lot of tired people tomorrow...I'm sure a lot of us will not be sleeping tonight!! :)

Kellee Flatt said...

Oh praise the Lord! God is good! We will be praying for Tricia, you and your families.

What a cool birthday present!

Happy Birthday!

Kellee & Jeremy

aimee81008 said...

You, Tricia and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

I am crying right now because I am so excited for you guys. I am definetly saying lots of prayers for you all tonite!
God sure did you a great birthday gift!

April(ham) said...

I am so excited for her new lungs! I am praying for you all...

Lu said...

We are praying and I also ask for more prayers on my Blog. God bless you all, Luciana

Bree said...

Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth: I have been praying for you all since the moment Tricia informed the CF Board that she was expecting. Now that she is in surgery getting her lungs is one of the most beautiful gifts God could give you. God has blessed your family so much, and continues to do so.

You all continue to be in my prayers!

Nicole - Life in Progress said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now, but this is my first time to comment. I just had to say how joyful I felt when I read Tricia was headed into surgery. I'm sitting here with adrenaline pumping for you all - I can't imagine how you must be feeling.

Just remember God is holding all of you in the palm of His hand. I will pray for each member of your sweet family.

Shan said...

i'm filled with tears of excitement and anticipation for you two. I know that this is the biggest challenge in your life. Praying Praying Praying. She will do amazing!

Emily said...

Always, praying for you and the surgical team.
My surgery took 12 hours, so if it goes longer, just PRAY HARDER. :) :)
I am very, very happy for all of you. :)

Cathy N said...

Wow! Her pages are great! She is so adorable!

Perri said...

Praying for a successful surgery and for the baby to keep on putting on weight!

And for you -- as you continue to be the backbone of your family.

Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear your good news! I hope all goes well with the surgery... I will be praying for both your family and the donor's.

God bless you all,

mumof4 said...

Never commented before but I am praying and hoping that the Op goes ahead and it all goes well. My thoughts are so there for you, Gwyneth Rose and all your extended family. Tricia - hold on you beautiful lady.

JEff said...

Oh my goodness! We're thrilled and praying!

houseofeling said...

I am praying for you and your whole family that God provides a calm and warm feeling in your mind and in your heart. God has you and tricia in the palm of his hand. And you have a small army praying for you right now.

Tracy said...

Praying and Believing....He is our Healer, our Strength, our Peace, our All in All.

Stephanie said...

Went to church tonight... one of the songs had a line... "God in my healing." ...lifted your family up to Jesus tonight... That Jesus would be holding the surgeons hands... and yours.

Rachel said...

more prayers coming your way...

Melissa said...

Praying for you! I hope all goes well. God bless!!

Bella and her Mama said...

Another lurker coming out of the woodwork... COVERING y'all in prayer!

Tanya said...

Praying and more praying. I will be thinking of Tricia all night long.

Adrienne said...

I've been out all day running errands! A lot happens when I do that...We are praying for you guys! For peace in your hearts and healing for Tricia and guidance for the surgeons' hands! Jason, Adrienne, and Emily in CO xoxox

Kellars Mommy said...

Praying!!! and crying..but mainly praying...

Parents to T&A said...

Our thought and prayers are with you all tonight! We will be checking in often for updates!

Stay strong Tricia! You amaze us everyday and we know today is no different!

The McLamb's
Clayton, NC

Anonymous said...

Praying....I could NOT wait to race home from church to find out the news!!!! I am SOO happy!!!

Jennie-Marie said...

Praying for all of you!

Devin said...

This is so wonderful Nate. Praying for Tricia, the doctors and nurses, you, your family, and Gwyneth. God is soooooooooooooooooo good!

Devin in Illinois

Anonymous said...

I'm praying!!!

Beth Anne said...

There's a good chance my shift on the ambulance will find me awake for the next 9 hours. I will be thinking of and praying for each of you often.

Laine said...

My husband and I were just rejoicing when we saw the "it's a go!" What a blessing. Although our situation is completely different, we've watched out daughter wheeled back to the OR for open heart surgery 3 times and it's tough, to say the least. Before Lydia had her third open heart and we were talking about her surgery, she told us that we didn't need to worry because God was going to wrap her in a big bear hug and keep her safe. God gave her amazing peace and did the same for us. We are praying for you and everyone involved! We will probably be up in the night checking on you guys. =)

Foster mama K said...

Will be praying for your wife, and for your family. You guys are so lucky to have a second change.

Jessica Tucker said...


MamaBear said...

Praying in MN!!!!

What an awesome thing the internet is that 577 people have left a comment in a 30 minute window. The gates of Heaven are being stormed on your family's behalf for sure!

Christi Scholl said...

Praying for Tricia's body, now and in the future to accept these lungs. Praying for wisdom, strength and stamina for the doctors. Praying for peace for you and your family as you wait.
Jeremiah 29:11

Alice said...

Still praying and will be for days for you all!

I did an entry on my blog so all my family and friends can be praying as well.

Lara said...

I am faithfully praying for you guys!

Blessings from Arizona

J. Entwistle said...

Lurked on here since January when my family told me about you guys...I've emailed our friends and let them know about it all. We have been and will be praying for you in VA.

cheryl said...

Still praying, and asked for extra prayer for y'all in our small group Bible study tonight!

Anonymous said...

How awesome of a birthday present does this make!

JHD said...

I just got home from church and read the post. I had to read it twice to make sure what I was reading was real. I'm amazed!

Praying for you, your family, the doctors and the donors family!

Anonymous said...

As we say our prayers tonight here in New Paris, Pennsylvania we will be lighting a candle for Tricia,the donor family, both of your families as well as the doctors and nurses who will me taking care of Tricia. God Bless you!!
Brandy Claycomb
Proud mommy of two girls
Maria age 9
Allie age 5 with Cystic Fibrosis,

Shelley said...

Praying for Tricia and for you as you wait.

Katie said...

Our Small Group said a special prayer for your family tonight at church. We are so excited for you and Tricia! Lots of prayers from Arkansas...

Karen said...


Karen in TN

Leslie said...

God is in the business of abundant life! Tomorrow's outcome is no surprise to Him. Fervent prayers to the God who hears, who listens, and who responds.

Anonymous said...

Wow! God's timing is absolutely perfect, everytime. Happy Birthday Nate, what a gift God has given you today. We pray for healing for the donor family as well. The ultimate physician holds Tricia in HIS hands now.

Unknown said...

Praying for you all!

Gina said...

I have been following your blog for some time now and praying for Tricia, Gwyneth and you (this is the first time I have left a comment though). I wanted to let you know I am praying for Tricia, her surgery and recovery. All 3 of you are in our continued prayers. Thank you for letting us share in your journeys. You are a remarkable family. God's blessings to you all.

Kenzie said...


Praise the Lord! I was just praying for y'all this afternoon... that the Lord would supply the right set of lungs. Beautiful timing... I know He hears so many prayers on your family's behalf!

Will be praying this whole night for many things: peace, precision, wisdom, success, stability... oh, so many things!

So much love and PRAYER!

Punchbugpug said...

Sending prayers and good wishes your way tonight.

L.Bo Marie said...

praying hard.

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