Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I just said goodbye to Tricia as they wheeled her into the OR. She should be falling to sleep now, and they'll begin ASAP, even before the new lungs arrive.

She was very calm and happy, thanks in large part to the pain meds that she has been on for the chest tube.

Agnes and I have been on our phones with people since we heard the news, and now we'll sit and wait. Don and my parents should be here within the next 3-4 hours.

Here at Duke, for CF patients, there is a 90-95% survival rate for the surgery itself. Tricia has a few more risks because she is still on a vent (it's very rare that any CFer gets transplanted while on a vent). We know that the new lungs are type O, which is the universal blood type.

I'm moving a few things to the car, and then spending some time with Gwyneth.

I've got the OR pager on my, but it literally won't be until they're all done that we'll hear anything. I'll post from now until then with some things that are in my head and on my heart.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. The next 7-9 hours (average for a double lung TX surgery) will be the most difficult of my entire life, and I can't tell you how much it means to know there are literally tens of thousands of people right here with us.

I praise God for what He has done, for what He is doing, and for what He is going to do.

Thank you.



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Unknown said...

My husband has watched me off to surgery many times and so he could comment better than me for sure...but this I know that the same God who has upheld him in those times of uncertainity is holding you now.

Praying for all of you!

In Him,

Shan said...

Ack! Just getting back in town and what wonderful news to see! We'll be praying for you all!

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

wonderful, wonderful news. Praying that all goes perfectly and the Lord guides the hands of the surgeons. I know it is going to be a long night for you and your family!

Sonja said...

tons of prayers coming your way...

candicesalazar said...

OH I am humbled by the presence of our GOD. He is there with you...and Tricia...and Baby G..

Susan from Barrie said...

Father God, Be with Nate and his family and they wait for new on Tricia. Bring them peace and rest. Thank you for bring Tricia her lungs on Nate's brithday, Your timing as always is perfect. Lord, I pray a hedge of protection over the hospital, over the operating room, over the doctors and nurses. Lord, protect the equiment and guide the doctors in their procedures. Lord I pray for a successful outcome, quick healing and long life for Tricia. I thank you for Nate and his beautiful faith and the awesome way he loves his wife and child. Lord I pray for a safe journey for family who are traveling right now to be with Nate. God thank you that you are the giver of life. In Jesus' precious name, AMEN

Laurie Johansen said...


I just learned of your blog and for the life of me I can't remember where I came across the link to your blog. But I wanted to stop by to say that I viligently praying for Tricia, you and baby Gwyneth.

I pray the Tricia's new lungs give her a breath of fresh air. I pray that little Gwyneth and Tricia go home with your arms wrapped around them with a new found strength.

God Bless You Nate, I know He has.

Katie said...

AAAAAHHHH!! I'm literally squealing with excitement. I saw your post earlier about a maybe and just got home and promptly got on my computer to check the status of things. Praying you feel God's arms wrapped tightly around you tonight as you wait. God is with Tricia and all the team. May His hands be their guide all along the way! Congratulations!

~Shell said...


Sharon Jackson said...

The three of you were on many hearts and mind tonight at C3.... and several of us are probably looking at the site now as we're getting back from First Wednesday. We'll continue to pray, especially through tonight.
Sharon & Jimmy Jackson

Jeff said...

prayers are being offered up for all of you at this very moment...even though i have never met any of you, i can honestly tell you that i have waited for this moment for yall! i can hardly wait to see what God has in store for you - no doubt it will be amazing.

NativeCaliGal said...

Lord, please guide the hands of the transplant team. Please give them wisdom, discernment, strength, and supernatural ability. Please breathe new life into those lungs. We ask for Tricia to have a speedy recovery. Thank you for the determination you have set in her heart and we ask that You would continue to bless her with courage and hope. Thank you for Tricia's family and friends and for the most incredible, faithful support of her husband. We pray for comfort for the family of the donor. Thank you for hearing our prayers. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Yvette said...


I am so thankful that Tricia is able to have the surgery tonight! Our family will be praying for you and your family as you await these next few hours and we will also be praying for the doctors and the nurses that will be assisting in Tricia's surgery.

Your story is so amazing and the Lord is using you in such an incredible way as you have walked this road with such grace and a true testimony of the Lord's faithfulness. What a story you will be able to share with your precious little girl one day.

Yvette Hostetter

Lauri said...

Sending prayers your way from Sioux Falls, SD.

Anonymous said...

Praying that you will feel God's loving embrace throughout the surgery and her recovery.

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

I'm so excited for you all!

Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad said...

As I was walking through Target, I get a phone call from my sister...

"Tricia is getting the transplant!"

I am so happy for you and praying.

I can't wait for an update!


stephany said...


I'm praying like crazy for Tricia, her doctors, both of your families, the donor's family, and everybody else involved in this awesome event.

Happy birthday!


Chelle' said...

Best Birthday present ever.

Happy Birthday Nate. Praying for you Tricia.

Sharlynn Sanders said...

God Be with you and your family at this time. I praying for your family and the donors.
I love your blog and the inspiration it brings me each day.
Thank you!

Matt Millard said...

We are praying praying praying for Tricia, her doctors, your families, the donors family and everyone else involved. We also lifted Tricia up in prayer at my bible study tonight, so you have some more amazing women of faith lifting you all up in prayers tonight as well.

Many blessings to you all as you embark on this journey, a journey of so many firsts for you all. I am just beside myself thrilled for you all. I just don't even know how to adequately put into words how excited and happy I am for you all.


BelleLaDonna said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! What an awesome gift! I will be praying for you all!

Tamora said...

Wow! What a busy day for you! I am just now able to check on you and I am so excited for you both. I will keep you all in my prayers and thoughts! God Bless you and your family, Tricia and especially the doctors.

Randee said...

Continuing prayers......

Anonymous said...

God will keep you safe. And I will keep you in my heart. May these next hours pass quickly, and the worries fade away.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Reading all these comments should help you pass the time! :) Praying for you, Tricia and Gwyneth.

sjchatt said...

God's peaceful hands be upon you and your loved ones now....

Julie said...

I am moved to tears by your love for each other and the mercy of our Great God, who provides all things. I will be on my knees for Tricia during this surgery and the days that follow. I will also lift up you, Nathan, and your entire family, as I know it is often more difficult to be the one in the waiting room, rather than the one in the OR.


sandy said...

From my own experience Nate, I know exactly all of the emotions you are going through right now and if prayers are what it takes then Trish will be up and about in no time at all.

Patience Leino said...

Praying, Praying, PRAYING!!!!!!!

Nate, you're so brave. We're standing with you!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

I've been praying all day and will continue to do so! I'm sure this time must be so exciting for you as well as extremely difficult through the wait. Isn't it amazing to know Tricia is in the hands of the Ultimate Physician?

M :-) said...

The tears are flowing. My prayers are with all of you.

Courtney said...

Prayers from Tennessee coming your way.

Moldova Marriage Mission 2012 said...

Praying...and will continue to until I read more. Your story has touched me in so many ways that it is even hard to put into words. May you continue to let God use your family to glorify HIM! Thank you for showing me what it really means to trust in HIM.
Jaime in Georgia

Alyson said...


Crystal said...


I'll be checking first thing in the a.m. for the news that Tricia has made it through the sugery wonderfully!

In the mean time, prayers for you all as you wait during this difficult time. My son had open heart surgery when he was just a a couple of months old and I remember those 7 hours were the longest in my life... but such sweet relief when the surgeon walks out to let you know your loved one is in recovery!

Prayers that that time passes quickly and peacefully for you all. God be with you all tonight.

TheFiveDays said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to update on your blog. I can only imagine how much is going on in your head at this moment!

I have been thinking of you guys all day and am so glad I checked in while my husband gives the kids their bath tonight. Everytime I get up with one of them during the night I'll send another prayer your way...

Give your beautiful baby an extra kiss for us all while you're with her tonight...

Amber said...

Tears, smiles, and LOTS of prayer from just down the road in Garner!!!!!

Tina said...

Oh wow, Nate, Happy Birthday, man! I can't imagine the wide range of emotions you must be going through...may God comfort you and give you GREAT peace during this waiting period.

Praying for Tricia...He is caring for her and doing mighty things through those doctors.

God Bless you!

kbb said...

Can't express the joy ,, joy, joy, celebration we feel for you.......the prayer...and friends I've fowarded your blog to who are praying all the time & esp now for you...I"m sure you guys feel that energy.....I guess I feel so close b/c .my father had a heart transplant 14 years ago.........had a kidney transplant 2 years ago b/c the meds.....but......he was at such a low point b/f the heart transplant came through.......we'd all made peace w/his was such an unexpected miracle, and we had no way near the support & faith that you & your family have.....and he was in his 50's suffering 15 years of cardio myopathy..before he was struck a soccer coach running 10 miles a day.......I"m not being clear & articulate.....just want to express how much support we have for you & all the people we don't know who are going through similar circumstances.....your blogs......Nate.......Tricia's's like going to church to read them.....makes us more aware of our faith in out of our every day lives.....we'll be praying for you & your've made such a connection w/your blog.......course helps we love your uncle Andy's youth ministry......but touch so many on your blog while opening yourself up.......thank you for bringing us closer to our walk w/jesus.........I participated in the CF walk last year in Kill Devil HIlls b/c our company had a team as the result of Rachel that time it was a really positive fun time we did for a good it's personal....... at KHK we update each other who's read the blog last.........remember at inventory.......nags head Gwen was born......we're all madly counting merchandise & Salina kept hitting the office to check your blog.................. just want to say we are sending lots of prayers, strength and love ..........I am so looking forward to the walk in sept w/ Tricia, Gwen You........and like I said.......when I went to the last walk in KDH..thought okay.....this might me weird......never felt more welcome or had so much fun at a raffle where I bought loads of tickets but won nothing!!!!!! LIke I said earlier.......went home home feeling like I"d attened a really, really fun church! I'll be praying all night for you well as the donor family........thank you

Blankenship Babbles said...

Praying for you and your beautiful girls...hang in the Nate!!!

Kristine McKowen said...

Sending many, many prayers for a successful surgery!

Anonymous said...

Abba God, I join with my brothers and sisters around the world right now and thank you that you are hearing our cry to you. Lord Jesus I ask that you would be making intercession for Trisha right now. Lord you are in control of all things and we ask that you would would work in and through the doctors, nurses and all who are attending Trisha right now. Lord have them speak words of life and healing over her. Father give them skill beyound their natural abilities. Let them be aware that your ministering angels are present in that room and are there to strengthen your daughter. I also ask that you would minister to Nate and the entire family. Let them know your presence like never before. Surround them with the prayers of the saints and allow them to rest in knowing that you love Trisha even more than they do. From the top of their head to the bottom of their feet let them sense your Spirt in that hospital. Lord glorify Yourself this night. Let all who hear of this, all who are touched by this and all who will learn of this acknowledge You. Let lives be changed and hearts turned to you. Thank you
Abba that Nate and Trisha have been able to use the internet to reach thousands upon thousands. Thank you that those same thousands stand in agreement with me now as we say together Please Lord restore Trisha body and give her a fullness of life. You are an awesome God and we praise you now.
Finally Lord I lift up the donor's family and ask that peace would come to them. If they do not know you I ask that you would reveal yourself to them tonight so that they may be comforted. And thank you for this selfless giving by the donor today.

Amanda's Dad said...

Been reading about your story for months now. Definitely pulling for you and your family.

Jim Drake said...

I've been following you since Sunday night--got your name from

Prayed for you tonight in choir with my choir. Told them about you guys and had no idea that you were already in surgery.

We're with you and your family.

Brothers in Christ
Jim Drake and family
Snyder, Texas

Jennifer said...

Still praying for you all here. May the Lord bless and keep you all!

amy smith said...

praying for peace for you, nate, for stregnth for both your girls. and that the donor family will know what a blessing they have been.

Scott said...

We are with you man. It will be a long night, probably longer for you than for Trisha! Enjoy the special time with your family. We'll be praying.

Moriah Freeman said...


moriah from PA

Brick Dude said...

well, i thought it was about time i came out of the woodwork. i've been following your family's story for a couple of months now but have never commented (at least to you...i tell my husband all about your posts!) my thoughts and prayers are with you, tricia, and gwyneth and i will be checking your blog often--even moreso than i already do--to hear of great news! by the way, i consider the obx my second home. i'm from wmsbg, va and have been to nags head probably 35 out of my 39 summers including working there 2 summers while in college (i worked at birthday suits and the back porch)! ALL THE BEST TO YOUR FAMILY!

The Finn Family said...

I'm praying!

bdodge said...


John & Michelle said...

I pray for you all every morning. I have thought of you so often today with the strangest feeling in my gut. I have such a peaceful feeling about everything. God is so good! You all sharing your story/life/faith with me has changed my life for the better! I am sad for all that you have had to go through and at the same time I am encouraged to be a better person! I will get up during the night to check in with you!!!
Love and prayers from Illinois,

Unknown said...

We are saying lots of prayers for you!
Sue in Orlando

Kristin said...

God is an awesome God! Praying, praying, praying!

Marci said...

You are on our prayer list and we are praying.

Cornelius Crew said...

praying for you all!

Unknown said...

i just heard -- my husband and i are praying for you all!

Allison Walton said...

Wow. Emmanuel!!!

Rachel said...

Hi Nate--I've been following your blog since January. Tricia's friend Lisa Wehrle shared your story with me. I want to let you know that I'm praying for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth. I hope that God's peace that surpasses all understanding is with you this evening as Tricia is in surgery. Looking forward to hearing how the surgery went!


Karyn said...

Tricia is in my prayers, I've been reading/lurking your blog for a weeks now. Your family's strength is amazing, I can't wait to read the update where everything went perfectly! I can't imagine how hard these next few hours must be for you right now. Have fun spending time with Gwyneth :-)

Jenny said...

I'm praying for Tricia and anyone involved with her surgery. May God watch over everyone in the operating room. Tomorrow you'll have an entire third grade class praying for your entire family!

Jo Ann said...

Praying.... I just posted a link to your site from my xanga site:

Jo Ann

Amanda Martin said...

I was so excited when I found out Tricia got her new lungs! God is SO Good! I have been following your story for a while and have been praying for you and your family! I am friends with Stacie Davis and she told me about Tricia and Baby Gwyneth. I have told everyone that I know to pray for your family. I love reading on your blog and seeing how strong you are Nate. My husband and I will continue to pray as Tricia goes through her surgery and for that sweet little girl! We serve a awesome God!

-gwyn said...

We are praying for you, for Tricia, Gwyneth, and the family of the doner. God is holding Tricia in the palm of his hand and whispering in the ears of the surgeons.

Hang in there.

the Roots said...

This Amy is praying, too. Praise God!

Anonymous said...

Please, God, wrap your loving arms around this precious family. Praying for a smooth transplant and quick recovery. God is so good.

mom2LEAA said...

God's peace be with you and your family. Prayers are bombarding heaven for Tricia this evening, I hope that you can feel the presence of God and all those praying with you this evening.

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

god bless - my prayers are with you nate (& tricia and gwyneth)


Yeahhhh!!!! Just got home from a night out with my husband and we came to your site first to see what the status was! We're all pulling for you!

Sarah said...

Praise God! Praying for all of you tonight :)

Cassie said...


BoosMom said...

I am praying for your family.

emily said...

We're all praying here!

Cheri said...

WOW! Praise God! I know this is an answered prayer for you and Tricia and your family! Enjoy Gwyneth, and know there are many, many people praying for a successful transplant. I got chills when I read your post! May God comfort you the next 7-9 hours of your life! Cheri in MO

Holly Aytes said...

Praying for Tricia, you, your families and the drs and nurses working on Tricia. Hope everything goes as smoothly as it can and that you will be filled with God's peace over the next hours and days.

Bryan and Chelsey said...

We prayed tonight during my Women's Bible Study in Topeka, KS! We all love you and are praising God!! Hallelujah!

Unknown said...

Prayers from San Antonio, Texas

lwb said...

I cannot imagine the joy and emotion this brings. Our GOD is SO GOOD! Happy Birthday Nathan!Praying, praying, praying all night... in SC.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I joined hands and prayed for all of you -- esp her and the surgical team.

Try to rest Nate. Try to rest in the palm of His Hand. Then try to get some sleep too.

Heidi & Rich Reed
in Florida

jamie said...

Still praying, thinking of you all. About 3 hours down. God is holding Tricia in his loving hands, keeping her safe during her surgery. I know you,Nate, and all of Tricia's family are having a long night. Hope it helps to know so many of us have you all in our hearts. Also the family of the donor. Many in our hearts being prayed for tonight.
Jamie in Texas

Carrie said...

Praise the Lord!!!! God is sooo good. Praying for Tricia. and you. and your sweet little baby who is not growing like a weed but growing like a flower.

Jessica said...

I'm so glad this day has finally come for Tricia. It's another step in her amazing journey. You all are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. May God grant you peace through this time. I cannot imagine for a monent what you are feeling. Just know you all are so loved and cared for.
Jessica in VB

Anonymous said...

PS: I'm going to put this as a prayer request on my blog too. We'll get some more prayers for you!!


Heidi Reed

65rosesqueen said...

Tricia, Nate and Gwyneth: we are with you there tonight in spirit. As soon as we read the blog, we began to celebrate. My daughter, Megan, has CF and we are in the hospital--have been for the last 6 wks. Megan is also being listed for transplant. We called down to the kitchen and ordered party food, and had our own, "Tricia's New Lungs" party. We are praying for all of you, and will be especially praying in the coming weeks. We are believing with you! Love, the Payne family

melissa said...

Praying from Iowa for the surgeons...Tricia...Nate..Gwyneth...All the family and friends in the waiting area...the nurses....also the donor family..May God Be with Each and everyone of you!

Deb said...

We are praying!
I linked you on my xanga site so my readers will pray too. Hope that's okay!

me said...

I am lighting a candle right now for Tricia. She will be in my prayers tonight.
God bless your family, and the family of the donor.

I have goosebumps...

Em said...

What an awesome answer to prayer, and what a great birthday present this is! Praying for you and for Tricia as she undergoes this surgery.

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

Holding Tricia (and you and the family) up in prayer. Safe travels for your loved ones. Looking forward to the huge cyber party that we are all going to be having shortly!!!

suzspeaks said...

I've got tears in my eyes and will be praying! May God bless all involved.

NC Buckeye Fans said...

i know i won't be able to sleep knowing this is a very big night for you guys. i'll be praying here.

Suzie said...

Largo, FL is praying for your family!

Carmen said...

Just checking in I wanted to let you know I'm praying for Tricia.

me said...

I am lighting a candle in prayer for Tricia.
May God bless your family tonight, and hold the donor's family in His arms.

Praying so hard for you all right now.

The Outlaw Family said...

THIS is fantastic! We are lifting up continuous prayers for you guys tonight. Before we know it we will be seeing pictures of all three of you relaxing on the beach!

A Dusty Frame said...

Praying too.

Tami said...

I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! You and my daughter share the same birthday. My little girl turned one today! I still can't believe how fast this past year went by.
I am praying for you, your family, the donor, the donor's family and the medical staff. This is so amazing that she has gotten a donor so soon. Praise God! In a few months you will be bringing your girls back home to the Outer Banks.
Sending love and prayers.
God bless,
Tami Foytik

lindsay said...

I prayed and will pray more! I'm so overjoyed for you!!!!

keelstar said...

We're praying for you all...

Amanda said...

I know several people praying for you tonight.
Heavenly Father,
We know that you are in control. Please be with the Lawrenson family and provide comfort to them in this time of waiting. Please pour your spirit into the operating room guiding the hands and minds of the surgeons. Give Tricia strength through this time. I pray for the days to come for healing and no complications. Lord, I also pray for Gweneth. Please continue to bless her with growth and good health. And, please provide comfort to the family of the donor. As they grieve the loss of a loved one, I thank you for the decision they made. Lord, we know that you do not forsake us and we trust in you with during this time.


Jenn said...

Praying sooo hard for you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jen said...

What amazing news, Nate! I will be praying hard for Tricia, the doctors and nurses and everyone involved in her care, as well as for you and all of your families awaiting news!! What an encouragement to know how many people are lifting Tricia up in prayer right now.

I've been a long-time follower of your blog, but this is my first time to leave a comment under my google name!
Jen from WA

Kim said...

My husband & have been praying for Tricia and your family. You don't know me but I often check out your blog. We pray for many healthy and happy days ahead for you and your girls.

Ms. Semi Old said...

I am praying for your family and the family of the donor. God is watching over all of you tonight.

Tori_Jo said...

I've been following your blog for the past few months. I was very excited to read that Tricia was receiving her new lungs. My prayers are with you and your family.

lindsay said...

and Oh, what a birthday gift!!!!

Matt said...

Praying for you all.

Becky said...

I know that tonight will be a long night for you and your family. Just wanted to let you know I'm praying. I'll come visit sometime on the 3rd floor and let someone else do CPT!!!! Always, Becky

John and Michelle said...

Praying in Jacksonville, FL!!

Anonymous said...

PS - I teach public speaking and I have a student in each of my classes doing a persuasive speech on being an organ donor. I pointed them to your blog to get information on the topic.

Amanda Martin said...

Praying right now: 9:35pm!!

Mags said...

I hope everything goes well, I am glad you have the love and support through these next several hours. I am keeping you in my thoughts!


Jessica said...

Sending prayers your way....

Karen said...

We are praying hard that Tricia gets the best outcome possible. I pray that the surgeons have steady hands and that her recovery is uneventful. Lifting your entire family up in prayer.

Sue said...


Unknown said...

We are pulling and praying for you Tricia!! God is good :) Nate, you and your family are in our prayers as well.

PMA said...

Wow Nate, this is so momentous for you and your family...I am usually a lurker, and have been checking your site daily for weeks now, to see how everthing is going, but tonight I'll say an extra prayer, for Tricia, for you, and for Gwyneth, and all the lives touched today.

Jenny said...

I'm here by way of Ashley's Story. Praying that the transplant surgery is a complete success. God bless.

Carol said...

Praying, praying, praying from Colorado…
- successful surgery
- wisdom and sure hands for the doctors
- peace and comfort for you and your families
- a clear sense of God's presence and hand in this situation
- God's comfort for the donor family

May you know the love of our Lord and Savior in amazing ways tonight!

Jowers Family said...

Praying for you and your family and Tricia's new lungs!!!

James M. said...

praying for everyone involved.....

Jowers Family said...

Praying for you and your family and Tricia's new lungs!!!

Erin said...

We are praying for you here in Virginia Beach!
Your friend Susan G.(who is also our friend) told us about your story, and we have been praying ever since.
God Bless...
Erin and Dan

Larissa said...

praying for you in these hours that feel like lifetimes....

Grace's Loyal Subjects said...

We are here for you and Tricia, as usual,always praying!!!!!!

applesofgold said...


Christina Soto said...

Wow, praise God! I follow your journey so closely, but felt compelled to finally comment. Praying for you, Tricia, Gwyneth, your families, the medical team, & that sweet donor's family! It's amazing how many people are "with" you all - every couple of minutes I refresh my screen and at least 15 more comments are posted! God bless you all

1 Samuel 12:24 said...

A few have already mentioned lighting a candle.. so I too am lighting a candle of prayer for Tricia and all the families - and for safety's sake, I'll switch to a specific light in the home for when we are sleeping.

The Curtis Crew said...

This will definitely be a birthday to remember! On this, your 27th birthday, find many encouraging words in Psalm 27! Will be praying for Tricia, the doctors, you, Gwyneth and your family as you wait and as the surgery takes place. What an amazing God we serve!

applesofgold said...

Praying for you all!

Football and Fried Rice said...

this will for certain go down in the books as your greatest birthday ever. I didn't check the blog all day & this is what happened - God is SO good!!!! Praying from Colorado for Tricia & the doctors. Can't wait to see her face post-surgery. :)

Angelene and Randy said...

Your girls are in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

ill be praying that all goes well and before you know it your girls are home with you...

Shannon said...

On my knees, praying for Tricia and her new lungs, along with the donor's family. I feel truly blessed to have found your blog. I have shared your story with so many of my friends and we all are addicted, checking for updates frequently and calling each other for information.

I dont know if you are familiar with the song, "I've just seen Jesus" or not, but that was sung at our church on Sunday. I cried when I heard it (for the hundreth time) and I have thought back to that song several times this week, when I think about you guys. I can see his work through you and it truly is amazing.

mportteus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle said...


Jamie Z. said...

Praying for your family

Tanisha said...

Praying for all.....God is good! :)

Jamie Z. said...

Praying for your family.

Unknown said...

More prayers from Nashville.

Marie said...

WOWZERS!!..Im speechless. I've been following you on here for MONTHS now, and I haven't left a comment. No real reason why, except that you and your family amaze me, and I can never seem to find the right words to express the feelings I get in my heart, each day I come here. Thank you so much for sharing your blog with the world. It has taught me a lot about my own life, about God,about prayer/faith and reminded me just how much Im missing in my own life, by sweating the "small stuff." I've gotten so many giggles out of your videos. My favorite is the one of Tricia through the years. As I watched it, I could just imagine your daughter watching the same video, as she got older, and seeing with her own 2 eyes, what a SUPERHERO Mom she has! I love the Christmas videos too! Very cute! I enjoyed the entry you shared about the woman who was running for Tricia...secretly, I run at the gym for Tricia. No one knows it, and I could do never do a Marathon-type run for her, but she (Tricia) is my inspiration.

So the big day is here, and I think this is the PERFECT day to tell you I'm praying for you guys, and I have been for a while now, and the 3 of you have captured my heart....ok, ok..the "fur-babies" too!

Holly said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Ally D said...

Today I have been on my knees in prayer more than I have been in a long time. The Lord is with your family, with Tricia, with the doctors, He is real and near.

Thanks be to a God that HEARS and loves.

Cathi_in_TX said...

Praying in Illinois.

Ellen said...

Praying in Claremont, California.........

beth said...

738 comments ahead of this....
Praying for you all. I pray you have "the peace that passes ALL understanding"!!!!! Try to close your eyes for few minutes, you are going to be very busy taking care of the boss lady:)
We love you guys!!!
(in hh)

Aunt D. said...

Nate, both you & Tricia are in my prayers tonight as are your families, the surgeons & the attandents in the operating room! May God set His angels round about her, protect her & guide the hands of the surgeons & bring peace to your heart as you wait. In Him, D.

Ms. K said...

I'm praying!!

shoutingforha said...

Just checking in...

I'll be praying for you throughout the night

Anonymous said...

I have never posted before but have been a following your story. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family.

God Bless you

Stacy said...

we will be praying all night for your family!

Jen said...

I am keeping Tricia in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I have never posted before but have been a following your story. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family.

God Bless you

Heidi said...

Keep coming back to check, hoping for any news before I go to bed... I'm praying that no news means the lungs were exactly right and she's receiving them now.

Thank you for the time you take to share your story & allow us to witness these miracles with you.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

as always, we are praying for you all.

M said...

What unbelievable and amazing news! Especially after how recent the news of the lungs that ended up not being for her!

So many prayers for your whole family right now (and the family of the donor. Bless them for their wonderful gift). And for the doctors doing their amazing work right now. How awesome and amazing indeed. I cannot wait to see the update when I get up tomorrow (or, ya know, the middle of the night if I happen to be up checking away!)

Blankenship Babbles said...

Praying for you guys in TX...

Jill said...

Praying for all of you!

kjames106 said...

Amen! Praise the Lord! God is good, all the time! I will be praying for her!

Scarlet and Gray said...

We are praying for you and anxiously awaiting an update!

Anonymous said...

So I was wondering. In the beginning of her surgery, while they were starting the process, would you have heard the helicopter coming to bring her lungs? What a moment that must have been for you.

Still praying.
Heidi R.

Quiver of Seven said...

Praying, praying, praying that the lungs become a new fresh reality...not just a picture drawn on a paper. Love you all,
Andrea & Amy Anderson & family

Unknown said...

praying buddy! along with the rest of the crowd.

Terry Gray Sr. said...

Praying for you three. It is truely great news. We will continue to pray for healing hands to surround tricia and guide the surgery.

The Posti Family said...

Passing the time, waiting for you to post again ... I was looking at Tricia's blog pictures and came across a picture that was of the two of you in Lynchburg, VA. I used to live in Lynchburg, VA (early 1990's). What a small world we live in!

shelli (michelle) said...

Nate, Found out about Tricia before leaving for kids' church. I added you guys name to our prayer requests. I stood in awe as 5-13 year olds each prayed for you guys. It was awesome! Hang in there, man. The whole world is praying and pulling for your family!

Unknown said...

God cares about the details, doesn't he? What an awesome Birthday present I'm sure!!! Falling to our knees in prayer and thanksgiving for God's amazing provision. Blessings to you and your family. Thanks for the updates and know that you are thought of and prayed for often. God Bless and Happy Birthday!

Julie said...

Praying for your entire family.

God Bless,

Anne Coleman said...

Praise God that she is in. Prayers for you all.

Wendi said...

My family is holding yours in our hearts and sending up many many prayers for sweet Tricia!

Melissa said...

Many prayers to God, For you, for Tricia, for Gwyneth and for your families. The suspension....God bless you!

Laura said...

My first comment...

Praying. Hard.

Marla Taviano said...

Still praying! Can you believe it's finally here?!?!

mportteus said...

Praying for you and your family tonight.

Nicole said...

Praying with you and for you all. Sending as much positive energy as I possibly can your way!!

Nicole said...

Praying with you and for you all. Sending as much positive energy as I possibly can your way!!

Alisha said...

Praying for all of you, especially Tricia!

Kristen said...

Long-time lurker. I figured it was time to break down and sign up so I could leave you guys a comment. We are thinking of you guys and praying for everyone involved tonight!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Praying in Calgary, Alberta.

beanhead said...

Praying for Tricia, the donor, the donors family, they surgical team, and you and your family.

Gina ~ Peace, Love, and Homeschool said...

This is my first time commenting but I've been reading since the beginning. We were out this evening and I was looking forward to getting home to check in to see if all was a go. WOW! This is it! We saw the news and prayed immediately! May the LORD bless and keep your precious family! I'm also praying for peace for you and all those family members and friends who are waiting. Hugs and love to you all!

Juel said...

Dang, no wonder you guys have been on my heart today!!! What a wonderful day!!

00 said...

This is so awesome, Nate. It's so obvious that God's hand in on your life, and the life of your family. I literally have tears of joy streaming down my face right now.

Melody said...

Praying for your precious family.


Michelle said...

You & your family are in my thoughts and prayers tonight !!

Michelle in Alberta, Canada

Jessica said...

I will continue praying throughout the night. I know these must be the longest hours of your life. May the Lord protect and comfort Tricia throughout her operation, and fill you with his peace. That worship song just came to mind..the line "You dance over me, while I am unaware, You sing all around me though I never hear a sound". Lord we are amazed by You and what you have and are doing at this moment in the operating room.
With Love, Jessica

Tanya said...

Praying Nate! For the surgery and for you as you wait...

25weekermom said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!! You guys are amazing!

O'Neil Family said...

Praise God!!! Sending prayers your way all the way from the West Coast.

Nichole said...

I'm in Denmark.
When I went to bed last night I went not knowing if the lungs where good or not. This morning, I was delighted to see that Tricia is in surgery.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and everyone else involved in this very important moment in your lives.

Lisa and family said...

I've been praying for you guys all night and will continue...

Anonymous said...

I prayed for a miracle when the first dry run happened. I prayed for a miracle when I read that there was another set of lungs. Your page loaded this morning telling of your miracle. I'll keep praying for you. God Bless your sweet, strong hearts!

veronica said...

Praying for you and your lovely wife that all goes as expected. You both deserve the world and Gweneth deserves more time with her mom. God bless.

Meredith K Beaupre said...

I just glanced at a few of these posts, but I noted the time on them. The first was at 7:41am and the last one before the post-surgery blog update was at 6:50am. You had 795 posts in 23 hours! That's about 35 people per hour who were just posting that they were praying, and doesn't take into account the hundreds or maybe even thousands of others who didn't post on your page.

Our God ROCKS!!

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