
Tuesday, April 1, 2008


The xray came back and Tricia has a Pneumothorax (collapsed lung). It's moderate, which means she's still breathing with both lungs. As long as she sits in a certain position, the pain is

Sometime today (soon), they'll be inserting a chest tube to drain the fluid/air and relieve the pressure. If all goes well, the leak will heal on it's own and the tube can be removed within a few days. The procedure will take place in her room, with a little relaxing meds and local anesthesia. She'll still be able to move around, and there will be slight discomfort and pain afterwards.

Tricia has never dealt with pneumothorax or chest tubes before, and anything new brings apprehension and anxiety for her.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers today.



  1. Pray are being said
    Malette in ND

  2. Praying that the procedure goes smoothly and easily and that Tricia is able to get some relief from the pain she's been experiencing from the pnemo.

  3. Sweet Tricia-- wish I could be there with you right now! You're surrounded in prayers.

    Love you dear!

  4. We are praying here in Texas. Keep your head up, you are doing great. Your gorgeous little girl is getting more adorable each day. Love the punk rock hair do.

  5. Glad the docs were able to figure out what the problem was and praying all goes well. And that Tricia will feel better right away after the procedure is done and that the pneumothorax doesn't reoccur. Do the docs know why this occurred in the first place?


  6. Prayers for fast healing and comfort.

  7. Praying for Tricia that all will go well this morning and she will be breathing more comfortably and less painfully.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  8. We are praying here in TN that is goes smooth and she doesnt have alot of pain.

  9. Sending you prayers and hugs! Feel better soon!

  10. I have been reading your blog for a couple of weeks now, but this is my first time commenting. I am amazed by your strength and faith with all that you are going through. Tricia and Gwyneth are in my prayers. I pray that Tricia gets her new lungs soon.

  11. Praying for smooth insertion of the tube, rapid re-expansion of the lung with relief from the respiratory distress and pain, and minimal discomfort from the tube, with no recurrence of the pneumo. So glad you are in a place where your care is so very excellent!

  12. Haveing had both of these things before on more than one occasion I will certainly sympathize with her greatly. I will be praying hard for her and that all goes well and minimal pain. Also for her anxiety.

  13. Praying for Tricia's healing and comfort and for you as you as you try to help calm her anxiety.

  14. You all are definitely in my thoughts and prayers today as everyday since I started reading your blog. I pray that all goes well and the pain goes away and never comes back.


  15. We can't stop praying! Lord please give Tricia peace and physical relief from the pain of her pneumothorax. We thank You that Your perfect love casts out all fear.

  16. Praying for you, for peace that can only come from God and for strength and health, wisdom for the doctors and for new lungs to be ready for you soon.

  17. Praying for your sweetie! jen in al

  18. As the receipient of a chest tube a few years back after a serious accident I can tell you that having it in wasn't very bad. But getting it in was very painful for me.
    I am praying that things go smoothly and with little pain for Tricia.


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