
Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Last night around midnight, and again this morning (right now) Tricia has been experiencing some severe tightness in her chest. It's causing shortness of breath and some pain, which, for a pulmonary patient in Tricia's condition, is not good.

The doctors are not sure why she's experiencing this, but we're hoping that they can figure it out soon.

Please, pray for Tricia right now.



  1. Praying for Tricia that the pain goes away.
    and praying for new lungs for her.
    Hugs, Brenda

  2. Praying!!! for the tightness to be relieved, for the Drs' wisdom, for new lungs, for you Nate, and yeah- just about everything I can think of!! Love you guys

  3. I definitely pray for her, and I'll mention it at my small groups meeting this morning. Hang in there, Tricia!

  4. Just prayed for you with Frank over the phone. See you in a bit.Love you.

  5. Praying for comfort and healing...and lungs.

  6. i'll be sure to pray for her and i'm sure the girls in my quad will be too. we love you guys.

  7. Praying. Hope it's not serious and that Tricia will be ok.

  8. Praying... for her tightness now... and for new lungs to come SOON!

  9. I'm praying for lungs. I'm praying for health. I'm praying for comfort. I'm praying for peace. And I'm praying for joy.

  10. I am praying for Tricia right now, and praying that you'll soon get that new set of lungs.

  11. Lord, we come to you with humble & trusting hearts on behalf of Tricia. You know every detail of her body - every movement of her lungs & all that affects them. Please God, we come in Jesus' Name, open her lungs that she make breathe deeply with ease. Remove this pain from within her & give her peace as she continues to wait for the lungs You know she needs. We trust You, God. We trust You with Tricia. Thank you for loving her so dearly.

    "The Lord also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble; and those who know Your name will put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You. Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion; declare among the peoples His deeds...He does not forget the cry of the afflicted." Psalm 9.9-12

  12. Praying Tricia kicks whatever this is outta her system and that her new lungs are on their way soon!


  13. I am praying in Jesus name that all is well with Tricia! I know that God has a mighty plan for the three of you. I also pray for the family of the person that has Tricias new lungs, I pray for peace and comfort for every one involved! Quick healing and relief for Tricia and peace for the man loveing her!

  14. Prayers are going up right now.

  15. prayed...praying...will continue as He brings you all to my mind.

  16. Praying here in California. May Tricia's pain be eased, and may the doctors find out what is causing this new pain. I hope Tricia is able to relax and distract herself from this pain today. Have she ever tried acupuncture before? I can tell you firsthand that it does work very well for pain when all else fails!

  17. I read the updates and am relieved - but will continue to pray regardless!


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