
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday night update

Gwyneth is amazing the NICU nurses with her bottle feeding skills. Really. They can't believe such a little one has done so well with the bottle. She's now being bottle fed every other feeding. Sucking from the bottle burns up a lot of calories, so that's why they're alternating with the feeding line. She's also up to 2lbs. 10oz today! She's very strong and has great use of her hands.

Tricia has been up and walking today. The memory effects of the meds are lingering but wearing off. She's doing very well.

Hopefully I'll have more to share tomorrow.

Rick Lawrenson


  1. Great News!! That will give us more to be thankful for when we go to Worship tomorrow!

    Have a restful Lord's Day!

    Love and prayers,
    The Edwards family

  2. "All the glory belongs to Jesus!" What wonderful news!

    Thank you for sharing with us tonight!

  3. What a great update! Thanks!
    Have a great night! Our family is still praying for all of you.

  4. That's fantastic news! She's piling on the pounds :)

    Your family is so blessed....

  5. Thank you so much for taking the time to update us all. God has blessed you and held you gently in His hands these past few months. You have been through so much but, with Gods help have endured. I pray now that Tricia and Gwyneth will be able to rest, heal and grow stronger every day.


    So glad to read good news!

    Prayers for Nate too....he must be exhausted!

  7. Sweet, thanks for the update. We are praying!

  8. That's great news, I was worried when Nate didn't update.I hope Nate is feeling better.

  9. to quote one of my daughter's hero's: "Hot Dog!" (Mickey Mouse) Wonderful News! Praying your next goal comes true... Homecoming!

  10. Great news! Thanks for checking in!

  11. That's awesome! Thanks for letting us know the good news! Praise God!
    Continuing to pray for all of you,
    Karen in FL

  12. I have been a "lurker" for several months and just had to post tonight. I am amazed at what God is doing for your precious family. May God continue to bless Tricia, Gwyneth and Nate. Our God is good! Blessings, Martha Vaughan

  13. Thank you for updating us.

    Wow! Gwyneth is growing fast, that is absolutely wonderful.

  14. Glad all is well. Thanks so much for the update. I was a little worried today but glad to hear that everything is moving in the right direction and Nathan is getting some rest (hopefully). Thank you for the update.

  15. Bless you, Rick, for taking this opportunity to give such tangible support to your son. Gwyneth is the lucky one, because you have shown Nate how to be a great dad. Have a glorious Sunday.

    And rest well, Nate and Tricia. You're in our prayers.

  16. Thanks for the updates! I cannot even imagine the emotional rollercoaster the whole family is on. I appreciate the time you spend keeping us in the loop! Still praying in Nashville!

  17. Fantastic.... I can't wait to see a picture of her again.

  18. Praise God!!! He is marvelous! What an awesome report!

  19. (forgot to come back and finish...)
    Continuing to pray for strength and healing!
    ~ becky b

  20. Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!!

  21. Thanks for the update, Rick. I'm glad your son is getting a break and hope he get's some rest and some special time with his girls.

    Gwyneth is just amazing us all!

  22. Thanks so much for taking the time to give all of us an update. I will pray for continued amazing progress for Gwyneth, prayers for Tricia and her ongoing recovery, prayers for Nate, that his time away from blogging helps to lessen the incredible stress he's been under these past 3 months, and prayers for all your family.

    God bless,

  23. Glory be to God.. Thank You so much for updating. I am so happy Gwyneth is a strong little trooper. It is amazing to think this little one is so strong. I am so happy she is doing well. Tricia sound like she is doing amazing too. Another strong girl Nate has on his hands. No wonder he needs a break. Two strong women like that and only one man to handle them hahaha. Praying for your family continues in all my prayers

  24. Words like "amazing, strong"; "walking, doing very well"
    are so good to read!

  25. Praising God for yet another great day!

    Thanks for keeping us updated.

  26. You go Gwyneth - Soon you will be ready to hit the road with your momma and get out of that hospital! Keep growing!

  27. Wow.. that is wonderful news!!! Gwyneth is gaining so much. Thank you for sharing. :) Have a great night. And God Bless.

  28. Yay for Gwyneth!

    Yay for Tricia!

    I wonder how much a baby Gwyneth's age (adjusted gestational age) is fed at a time... Hmmm...

  29. Rick, you are so kind to step in and keep us all posted, as we are just praying so hard for this family, your family!! Thanks for what you are doing. I hope Nate gets some rest tonight and can see both his girls in the morning!

  30. Great news about both of your girls Nate. What a blessing!!! Jesus loves you this we know, for the Bible tells us so. He is so good all of the time.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  31. Praising God for such a great day!!! thank you so much for the update. praying...jen in al

  32. So, so happy to hear that the girls are doing very well. Thank you so much for letting us know. Natalie

  33. Wonderful news... thanks so much for the updates!

  34. Rick- thanks for the updates. Goooo Gwenyth- so excited for the strong little miracle!! Prayers for all of you

  35. Gwyneth is such a great little gainer this week! Keep up the great work sweetie!

    Hope Nate is getting a nice break, man he deserves one!

    Thanks for keeping us updated!

  36. Gwyneth is eating her way right out the door of that hospital! So glad Tricia is doing well. I was concerned because you didn't mention her in your earlier post. Continued prayers and happy thoughts for all of you.

  37. WOW!!! every other feeding!?! Praise GOD! I know little ones that took weeks, or longer, to get the hang of the bottle thing. YEAH Gwyneth!

    Praise God that Tricia is up and moving...You'll be wearing out shoes in no time with all your walking! Meds can be stinky with the way they mess with one's body (and mind). But praise God for modern medicine!!!

    Nate, I'm praying for you to... I truly don't know how you have gone this long, and dealing with all of us.... you rock!!!!

  38. Awesome news! Praise God for all He is doing for this family.

  39. Sounds like things are going well. I will continue praying! Nate...I'm glad you are able to take some time off...I can only imagine the roller coaster you have been on. Rick, thanks for keeping us up to date. I agree with one of the previous comments, Gwyneth is one lucky little girl, she has a great dad, who learned how to be a great dad from her great grandpa!
    Blessings to you all-Andie

  40. Thanks for the updates Mr. Lawrenson. I dont think any of us can even imagine what exhaustion Nate must be experiencing. I will be praying for him and Tricia to have peace as they recover. Continued growth and strength for wee baby girl (soon not going to be able to call her that). I'm glad everyone is moving in the right direction. Praise God. Good nite and God Bless.

  41. That sounds wonderful, thanks for the update! I hope everything goes well tonight!

  42. go TRICIA and GWYNETH!!!!

    and a big hug for Nate. :)

    you guys are all going to happily go home soon! I hope the hardest parts are behind you.

  43. That is such wonderful news that both of your girls are doing well. PTL/

  44. Such wonderful and happy news for everyone. Can't wait to see the pug pics!
    thank you again for guest posting, it is so comforting continuing to get updates.
    bless your hearts,

  45. Miracles abound!!! Praise you, Father.

  46. YAY gwyn! Glad Tricia is starting to walk around and getting her memory back! On the bright side though, it had to be fun to talk to her when she didn't remember things ;)

  47. We are still praying for all of you!!!
    I became an organ donor because of you!!
    Thank you!

  48. WOW Tric walking... after all she has been through the last few months & top it off with a 9 hour transplant operation....Tric is
    amazing, she sure is something else.
    WOW Gwyneth Rose is pretty amazing herself, it is clear to see she has the fighting spirt of her Mother and the determination of her Father
    WOW Yes Great to hear Nathan has put bloggin' on the shelf for a bit, I would think "how does he do it all each & every day"
    God Bless His Mighty Three and their families, The Donor and Family.
    Patricia N.
    Rick the update's are appreciated Very Much
    Prayers ..lots a prayers headed your way for you all...........
    Patricia N.

  49. I've been away all day and haven't been able to check in. I'm glad to hear Gwyneth and Tricia are doing well. I hope Nathan gets some much needed rest and is able to "recharge" his batteries. Praying for all of you.

  50. Awesome news for both girls! Praise be to God!

  51. Wonderful news about both of the girls. Continuing to pray for all.

  52. WOW!!! Gwynrth is gaining by leaps and bounds!! Sooo glad to hear Tricia is doing so well too!! I'm so very happy things are going well. You spend time with your precious girls, your miracle girls, Nate! Paying for all the family. Thanks so much for the update too.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  53. sorry-should read "praying for all the family"
    Jamie in Texas

  54. I'm still praying and I will update my church tomorrow morning. Thanks for the update.

  55. It is so encouraging to hear such great news about your girls. I have prayed for the three of you so many times in past few months and especially the past few days.

    I posted a little bit about you and your family in my blog tonight...check out the post at if you would like. Please feel free to email me ( if there is something in the post you want me to remove. While our stories are nowhere near the same, the story of the transplant has caused me to spend alot of time in thought and reflection about what my family went through.

    Good luck in the coming days! I can't wait to hear more good news! Our God is AWESOME!

    ---Jenna (a total stranger from Texas)

  56. Great news! Thanks for the updates. We'll look forward to more pictures of beautiful Gwyneth and her mommy.

    Continuing to pray for Tricia, Gwyneth, Nate, and your family. Have a blessed Sunday!

  57. woo hooo way to go all of you...

  58. This is my first time posting, but after being pushed into reading your blog, I am so glad that I am. I am a student at Valley Forge Christian College in PA, and I am praying for continued healing, and continued favor in the Lord. I know that God has His hands on your family. Blessings.

  59. Thanks for caring the torch while Nate gets a well deserved blogging break!

  60. Relief for Gwyneth. She's growing. It makes me think of the nurses and staff, along with you Nate, who are taking such good care of her.

    Then, my thoughts turn to our wonderful Heavenly Father, who blesses us with abilities to be able to care for one another. The medical team cares for Tricia and Gwyneth, your family cares for you (as they're giving you this much needed break from blogging so you can recharge), you care for Tricia and Gwyneth and act as their advocate (great job).

    This blog exists because you also care about other families who have loved ones with CF, and this blog is a perfect way to spread awareness of CF, and the awesome blessings of organ donation.

    As I type, I care what happens to you and your family, I care about the family who donated, and all of us commenters have been blessed with technology to be able to support you as much as we can, even if it only is through a few kind words, and a lot of heartfelt prayer.

    I'm just so glad to know that there are many in the world who care. I'm glad I'm one of them along with everyone else.

  61. Kudos to Gwyneth for doing such a good job with her feedings! She's a strong little girl and proving it every day, especially with all this weight gain!

  62. OH MY. I just happened to check the site tonight after a couple of weeks away.

    What absolutely incredible news. I am awed and so, so, so happy for you.

    My faith is very different from yours but I know some sort of God exists and she (deservedly) bestowed her gifts upon your family.

    All my thoughts and prayers are coming your way.

  63. Amazing news. Gos truly is an amazing healer and strength. Nate thank you for walking in such great faith. You are amazing and your girls are so powerful, true miracles of God and signs of His amazing love! You all are my daughter and mines new heroes!

    Much love, blessings, support, strength and encouragement!

    Christin and Shaylin

  64. Fantastic follow-up article. I love the way the author said the family's purpose was to glorify God. There is no mincing words there. Thank you for the link to the article.
    We continue to pray for Tricia, Gwyneth and for the donor family.
    Kathy (mom to the princesses in disguise)

  65. Great news for both girls! Thanks, Rick, for updating us. Continuing to pray for all three in Louisiana.

  66. That is AWESOME NEWS! Praise God!

    Thank you for keeping us out here in "blog-land" updated. It is such a blessing to see the Lord working through this young couple and their precious baby Gwenyth.

    God Bless

  67. AWSOME...thats all i have to say...i had about a 10 page comment but i got deleted so to sum it up would be AWSOME!

  68. I can't tell you how pleased I am to here that Gwyneth is doing so well. What a star! Thanks for sharing the update :o)

  69. So glad to hear that both Tricia and Gwyneth and doing so well! Praying for strength for them both, and for Nate as he rides this rollercoaster with them. Xx

  70. What wonderful news. Keep up the good work girls.

  71. How wonderful!!! Two strong women and a rock as a husband and father. Continuing to pray in KY

  72. I am so happy, I don't even need coffee to wake up! Thank you Lord, so much-

  73. Good is so good!
    The Collins Family

  74. I am so happy, I don't even need coffee to wake up! Thank you Lord, so much-

  75. Hooray for Gwyneth and Tricia! Thanks for the update.

  76. What GREAT news! It is so wonderful to see God's miracles unfold before our very eyes.

    Oh and a BIG thank you for picking up the blog so Nate could have some much needed time off with his family. I am pretty sure everyone in blog land understands however I think we all would have gone insane had we not been able to tune in daily for the good reports! This has become a daily ritual for my family as I'm sure it has been for others as well.

    Keeping the prayers going! Can't wait to see what God does next! Many Blessings....

  77. We have a saying in our church that pretty much sums up this post. It is."God is good, all of the time!" Great news about Gwyneth. She will be out of that hospital in no time. Have a wonderful Sunday.

    Love, The Hagers in MIchigan

  78. Praise Him!!!! Thanks for the updates - and please know we are praying for Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth and both extended families. Sunshine

  79. So glad everyone is doing well and hopefully Nate is getting some needed rest and plenty of time with his girls. Thinking of the entire family and praying that things continue to head in the right direction for both Tricia and Gwyneth.



  80. That's awesome that she is coming up on the 3lb mark so fast! What a blessing she is and what a blessing Tricia is. I will continue to keep all them in my prayers. Thanks for updating us!

  81. Fabulous news. She's such a trooper. I cannot imagine all of the obstacles she's had to face in her lifetime. I believe that God knew she was the type of person who could handle it or he wouldn't have put it on her plate. She's amazing. What a lucky father in law you are to have such a special daughter in law, grandaughter AND SON, of course. Much love from TX, Heather

  82. Fabulous news. She's such a trooper. I cannot imagine all of the obstacles she's had to face in her lifetime. I believe that God knew she was the type of person who could handle it or he wouldn't have put it on her plate. She's amazing. What a lucky father in law you are to have such a special daughter in law, grandaughter AND SON, of course. Much love from TX, Heather

  83. "She's very strong and has great use of her hands."

    Gee, I wonder if Grampa Lawrenson will buy Gwyneth her first guitar?

  84. I've just come across this blog and am just checking in. My biggest prayers are with you and your family.

    BTW, that baby is just the most precious thing. Such healing little creatures, they are....

  85. GO Gwyneth!!!!!!

    Question: will Tricia ever remember the stuff from the period while she was on the meds, or is that a wash?

    Will continue praying!

  86. Yay! Go Gwyneth!! :)

    Thanks for the updates, Mr. Lawrenson!

  87. To HIM be the Glory! Thanks for keeping us updated Rick, your doing a great job filling those size 12 orange shoes (yuck!) You have to strong ladies there, everything's going to work out just fine, I just know it! Wearing our knees out for you guys in Chesapeake!
    The Shepards

  88. It's great to hear so much good news!

  89. That is great... so happy to hear. Thank you for sharing. My best and prayers to Nate, Tricia,Gwenyth and the rest of the family!


  90. Gwyneth is definitely a fighter, just like her mama! Love and prayers to you and your family.

  91. Gwyneth--you need to show everybody you can maintain your body temp and have all your milk by bottle. Then you can have them whenever you want!!!

    Praying for all of you . . .

    Katie NC

  92. Rick -
    So happy to read the positive updates. Wow, hugs to Nate - he has gone through as much, in a different way, as Tricia in the last three months - both are courageous and inspirational and their little daughter just the same. Blessings to all your family.

  93. We continue to remember you all in our prayers. Thank you for keeping us updated.

  94. Thank you Rick for helping Nate and family share much needed time together. Overjoyed to hear about the continued progress of the ladies.

  95. Great to hear memory issues are starting to go away. Thank you for taking time to update all of us for Nate. I pray he is enjoying his time with Tricia and Gwenyth!! I pray the Lord continues to bless all of you.


  96. That's wonderful news about the bottle feedings and the weight gain! Will contiume to pray for you all.

  97. Rick, thanks for deciding to take on the task of updating us. We're a pretty dedicated bunch, and we'd be sorely disappointed to not be getting our daily updates!

    Praying for all of you and looking forward to more great news!!

  98. Thank you for updating on Nate's behalf. Checking their blog has become and everyday task!
    Sending up prayers for the Lawrenson family!

  99. Hope everyone is having a restful day... thinking of you all often and keeping you in my prayers.

  100. God is so good!!!!
    Thanks for sharing your blessings, we continue to lift all of you in prayer.
    Have a Blessed Lords Day!

  101. I'm so happy that both your girls are doing well. I just read your posts about the frustrations with the staff, and as a mother who spent 8 months in a hospital with her daughter, you do have to voice your concerns and sometimes in a stern tone to get their attention. It's hard to be a caregiver, but you are doing a great job. Thank you for keeping all of us updated and know that I am praying for you all.

  102. I am so glad to hear that Gwyneth and Tricia are doing so well AND that Nate is getting some much needed rest! Your entire family remains in my prayers. God bless!

  103. I just came across your blog today and WOW...What an awesome story of love, faith, miracles, marriage, and life! You are a walking testimony of the mighty God we serve. Thank you for being so open...there are no words to express what your testimony means to me and others! Praying!!

  104. amazing. Keep up the good work everyone! Love is such a powerful thing.

  105. Thank you for the updates! Can't believe Tricia WALKING! And it seems only minutes ago that we were cheering for Gwyneth's reaching two pounds, three is just around the corner. Prayers continuing.

  106. Today is Sunday and I would like to send this prayer to the Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth and your families:

    Family Prayer

    God made us a family.
    We need one another.
    We love one another.
    We forgive one another.
    We work together.
    We play together.
    We worship together.
    Together we use God's word.
    Together we grow in Christ.
    Together we love all people.
    Together we serve our God.
    Together we hope for heaven.
    These are our hopes and ideals.
    Help us to attain them,
    O God, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  107. Today is Sunday and I would like to send this prayer to the Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth and your families
    Family Prayer

    God made us a family.
    We need one another.
    We love one another.
    We forgive one another.
    We work together.
    We play together.
    We worship together.
    Together we use God's word.
    Together we grow in Christ.
    Together we love all people.
    Together we serve our God.
    Together we hope for heaven.
    These are our hopes and ideals.
    Help us to attain them,
    O God, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  108. she obviously gets that fighting spirit from her parents. :)

  109. WONDERFUL NEWS!!! I'm so proud of you Tricia! Keep fighting!!

  110. Praise Gof for all of this good news!


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