
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Story in today's News and Observer

Yonat Shimron has written a great follow up story in the Raleigh News and Observer. It's in today's edition.

Thanks to Yonat and to the News and Observer.

Rick Lawrenson


  1. What a wonderful follow-up! I just emailed the author to thank the paper for publishing this wonderful story of love, and faith.

  2. Awesome follow-up article. I'm so happy Tricia and Gwyneth are doing so well.

    Get some much needed rest, Nathan. Your very funny dad will keep everyone posted!

  3. I found the story a couple of minutes before you posted and was so full of joy. It's an amazing story and your family has given me a new out look on life. It really makes you think how lucky we all are and makes you appreciate every day. Thanks for sharing and you are all in my thoughts and prayers!

  4. I've been reading your blog for about 2 months now, but I've never posted a comment before. Regardless, I have been truly encouraged by your words, your love for your family, and your honesty. God is truly using your transparency for His glory. My husband and I were watching the pre-show for the Final Four today, and they showed a clip that you should definitely watch. Here is the link:
    It's about Jason Ray, the former UNC mascot, who was killed in a car accident at the NCAA tornament last year. The story is about his decision to be an organ donor and all the families he changed in his decision. As a former tarheel, I had heard what an amazing guy who impacted everyone he can in contact with, but this story/video shows even more. I was very excited to see it on the Final Four pre-show and know the awareness Jason is still bringing to organ donation is God's great plan. Be encouraged as you read the stories and see the testimonies in this video. God Bless and thaks for your daily encouragement that you bring me daily. Thank you. P.S. You may be becoming a Duke fan over the past few months... but consider to cheer for the Heels tonight!!! Ha ha.

  5. Thank you, Grandpa, for updating us. What a nice article. I'm so glad things are going well for both Tricia and Gwyneth and also glad that Nate is giving himself a break, for a change. He certainly deserves much time both for himself and for his family. I'm still praying away!

  6. Great article. That little Gwyneth is really growing fast. I was so excited to read they are moving her to a bassinet next week. Way to go, Gwyneth! Praying for God's healing touch on Tricia.

  7. This is such a great, well-written article. I'm still praying for all of you!

  8. It is a wonderful write up. Please, ALL of you take care of yourselves. Each of you has your own unique stresses and need to give yourselves some care! Nate, enjoy your baby and time with Tricia. I pray for a swift and uneventful recovery for her. And that she gets out of ICU as soon as possible! Rick, take care of yourself also. I know it must be hard on all 4 of you parents. So peace and rest to you all. God Bless y'all. Prayers will continue!
    Jamie in Texas

  9. That story is very well written. Thank you for posting on behalf of Nate.

  10. Wonderful article about a family who loves eachother and serves a WONDERFUL God!
    I'm so glad that Nate will be taking a break as I have thought so much lately how trying it would be to keep up a blog in the midst of everything.
    Even if there is no update or news I know that we as well as hundreds of others will keep praying.

  11. Thank you Nate's Dad, aka Rick for continuing to keep us all informed. It is wonderful to hear any news of how we can continue to support and lift up in prayer.
    The article was well written! How nice to have a follow-up that is good news.
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, Bc

  12. Wonderful article! Thanks for posting on Nate's behalf.

  13. I read the article today and emailed the author as well.

    Thanks for the updates, Rick.

    As always, praying in Raleigh.


  14. It was a beautiful article. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your family with the world. Your love for your family is simply inspirational. May God continue to watch over you and your family.

  15. Rick,
    Thank You so much for taking the wheel for Nate! Please let him know that they are forever in my prayers! My husband has agreed to start going to church with me! I will attribute his change of heart to my reading this blog aloud to him every day (even over Gunsmoke!)
    Warmest Regards,

  16. Hi Pastor Rick,
    What a wonderful article, may God bless the author. I'm sure you are all exhausted and could use some serious rest. When this is all said and done a nice vacation to a tropical island sounds good huh? Take care of yourselfs and may God hold you all close. See you at church soon.
    Love, Tom & Teresa Shepard

  17. Beautiful post! Holding Tricia, Gwyneth and Nate in my prayers.

  18. Beautiful follow up to a beautiful story.

    Praying for you all, hoping that Nathan and Tricia get some well deserved rest, and relaxation.

    Thanks for the updates Rick!

  19. Thanks for posting! I'm glad Nate is getting some "down" time after so many months of activity and making sure his wife and daughter were being taken care of I know that can be draining beyond words.

    I'm lifting all of you in prayer for strength, peace, and comfort to renew your spirits in Christ!

  20. Wonderful follow-up article - Thanks for the update (and the ones to come)

  21. Perfect follow-up! I am so happy to see the News & Observer taking such a great interest ... that is awesome! Looking forward to many more updates!

  22. It always amazes me how God can take tragedy and bring about beauty. The Gospel is being spread in very powerful ways.

    God Bless you all.

  23. Great story, the paper and writer has done a very good job communicating who you all are!

  24. Very good article. What a blessing.

  25. Go TRICIA GO! WOW! What strength and perseverance!!!!!!!!!!


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