
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Some Pics

Nothing much interesting to tell you about today, so I thought I'd share a few more of our favorite pics with you from the past few weeks...



  1. Those first two pictures are the cutest ever! It's so great to see both Tricia and Gwyneth doing so well. :)

  2. Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  3. So sweet! Thank you for sharing:) Sometimes no news really is good news!

  4. Gwyneth looks so robust and healthy. I hope she's over 4 lbs now.

  5. Gorgeous!! That looks like a gumdrop pacifier. Our daughter was a 35 weeker and spent 1 week in the NICU. They gave her a pacifier similar to that and up until she was 8 months, it was the only kind she would take. We could only order them online or make trips to the NICU to get more :) So glad to hear how well you are all doing!! Your family continues to be in my prayers.

  6. I love hearing that there is nothing interesting to report. :)

  7. I can't believe how big she is getting!!! :) Its so great!

  8. Great pictures!

    Thanks for sharing them with us.
    I really like the one of Gwyneth sleeping on her stomach.

  9. Nothing interesting to report is a great thing! Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing your story!

  10. Wonderfully sweet pictures! Does Gwyneth have red hair? Praying that everything will keep going well for all of you! Prayers from South Dakota.

  11. Wow Tricia and Nate :) She is growing so big and she is totally beautiful. I think she will be a future pianist with those long fingers that are always poised so delicately in the air... We are praying every day for the continued healing of both the girls. With love, prayer and hope,
    Tricia and Clan (N.VA) :)

  12. Sooooooooooo adorable!!! My Lil' Chris loved his green hospital binky and wouldn't take anything else for the first 6 months or so. We ended up paying $10 for a ducky one so we could have at least 2 of them. One of the CF nurses told us about it, and we could only find it in the CF clinic hospital store. It has beads or something in it so it doesn't fall on the floor when they spit it out. He loved to grab onto the ducky too. I think that's what helped him learn how to grab things.
    I put new pics of our Lil' Chris on the header of our blog if you want to check it out. I'll dig up a pic of the ducky pacifier too and post it later.
    Praying for you all,

  13. not much to report is a good thing. to me is sounds like life is slowing down a bit for you guys on a daily basis and that things are not changing at warp speed....breath in and enjoy!

    love the pics!

    still praying.

  14. oooo...gwyneth is pretty in pink! i love seeing her in clothes!

  15. Gosh. She is so darn cute. What a big smile! She sure has come a long way, hu?
    Have a great Sunday.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  16. Thank you for sharing those! She is beautiful, and Tricia looks great too!

  17. Picture 5 made my whole body smile! Thanks for sharing these!

  18. Sweet moments, thank you for sharing.
    I want to tell you what my two girls are up to this morning, they are playing hospital, and one of them is getting a new heart and one new lung! They have the scene down pat. I am so glad that they have been made aware through your blog of what donor and transplants are all about! They are even celebrating when the one that had the surgery is up and walking for the first time post surgery! So full of detailed imagination!
    Take care and thank you for taking us along on your journey!
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  19. Awww...she is so sweet and so alert. I love to see the way she looks at you all.

  20. Oh, those are just precious! I love when you post pictures of your little princess.

  21. They are such beautiful pictures!

  22. I am just amazed.....TOTALLY AMAZED!! Still praying - much love....Bamagirl!!!

  23. I see Tricia in the first picture!

  24. Love the pictures. Gwyneth looks so alert, and just about ready to go home!

    Considering all you have been through, it must be a refreshing feeling to not have anything new to report. Enjoy it! :)

  25. You are such a great photographer, Nate! You have taken so many awesome pics, how are you ever going to decide on which one's to frame!? I love the pics of Gwyneth looking up at her mommy...

  26. she is just the sweetest! they say the last couple weeks of pregnancy is when baby gains the most weight, you can really see that in her being out in the world! gorgeous

  27. She's so insanely cute. She looks so big!! Thank you for sharing these, they're adorable.

  28. She is so beautiful! I love her beautiful red hair! She is looking so healthy and chubby! Praise God!

  29. Beautiful pictures! It is so great to see your two girls doing so well! I love the one of Gwyneth smiling, she is adorable!!! Thank you for sharing!

    Praying always!

  30. i LOVE them. what great pics of your precious baby girl.
    Hopefully not too much longer until you get to have her home with you all the time!
    Get lotsa rest.

  31. Never in my life, honestly, have I enjoyed looking at someone else's baby's pictures this much.

    Until now.

    She is beautiful and my heart is filled with joy for all of you!

    Heidi Reed

  32. The fifth picture down...her smile looks JUST like Tricia's! She's such a great mix of the two of you. When Lincoln was first born (1 lb. 11 oz.), everyone tried to say who he looked like...I think it was just something people did to try to make things feel "normal" for us, but it was so neat when Lincoln started to gain weight and we were really able to see our features in him.

    Gwenyth is beautiful...

  33. Awesome pictures.. Thanks for sharing your special moments!

  34. Ditto the piano player comment (someone beat me to it)--she has the most expressive little hands!

  35. I love the pictures... that pacifier looks so huge on her, and yet it's probably not that big at all. I've been following your blog for a while now, and have yet to comment, but I just wanted to say how amazing your faith is, and I'm so glad to see that both Tricia and Gwyneth are doing so well!

  36. Is it me or does she have her mother's smile? Beautiful.

  37. It's true. The picture with the smile looks like Tricia's smile (without teeth, of course).

  38. Beautiful, beautiful baby! She sure is 'blooming'! What a little star, and her Mummy and Daddy too, I read your blog all the way from East Anglia, United Kingdom, you are a national celebrity! all love to you.

  39. I can see why those are favorites! Thank you for sharing. Isn't it nice to NOT have something to post about? Ahhh....the thrills of a normal, boring day!

  40. She is sooo beautiful. Is her hair really red or is it just my computer?

  41. ok i in Gwyneth, I see Tricia's mouth, but the rest is you Nate! So cute! She is getting sooo big!

  42. Oh, wow! Those pics are just priceless.
    You've caught little Gwyneth 's personality so well, that I can just about imagine I'm right there with her too!
    Hugs and God Bless

  43. She is growing in leaps and bounds now!

  44. Its amazing watching her grow! She doesn't have that newborn look anymore shes looking more and more like her own beautiful little person everytime I see a new pic! She is SOOOO cute! In my prayers as always.
    -Katie L

  45. Gwyneth looks really good in pink! Cute pictures.

  46. Beautiful photos of the sweet little babe and her mommy! Both Tricia and Gwyn look wonderful.

    Gwyn is soooo pretty and cute! Is her hair really that red now? Not as strawberry blonde? Just beautiful. And her eyes--they appear bluish/hazel? I guess they might still be changing, if they will be a different color, a year later.

    Her tiny hands seem to always be outstretched--is she giving lots of hi-fives to all of us? ;-) Oh, I also just love her little feet--just makes me want to tickle them, heh... she might not like that too much!

    I'd have to say my favorite photo is the one of Gwyn sleeping and smiling with her lil cute hat. But I love all other photos as well!

    Thanks for sharing!! How is Tricia doing with PT so far? Glad all is well.

    Take care,
    Marissa :-)

  47. Wow, she looks just like you Nate!! You heart must skip a beat every time you look at her! Keep sharing!

  48. She is on cuttie patootie! The pics of her looking up are priceless! Was she looking at Tricia? She knows who her Mommy and Daddy are!

  49. Beautiful pictures!! Is Tricia having to wear a mask again or were these taken before she was able to hold her without one? You guys remain in my prayers. God id SOOOOO good!!!

  50. love those big eyes. Nate, she looks so like you...

  51. Words are not even necessary for those wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing! It's so wonderful to see Tricia and Gwyneth together finally.

  52. She is just so, so precious! You must just absolutely melt when she looks at you with those wide little eyes!

  53. Somebody is getting so SO big! I am praying that all is going well with Tricia's recovery and Gwyneth's growth!

    God BLESS!!

  54. Beautiful pictures of both Ladies. Where did Gwyneth get that lovely red hair? It looks like it will be absolutely gorgeous as she gets older.

  55. Thanks, for continually, making me smile, with these precious pictures of your gals! The ones that make me smile the biggest--are all those that you're able to capture, of G. smiling....especially in her sleep--PRICELESS! Your family continues to be a blessing in my life, as I am reminded of God's GOODNESS, of His incredible GRACE and MERCY....thanks for being so open, honest and "raw" with your journey! Blessings!

  56. thanks!!!! These are just great. Gwyneth looks more and more like both of you to me - she has Tricia's smile. What a little sweetie - and how very very healthy she is looking.

  57. Every one of those photos is so beautiful - I can't pick a favourite. They remind me of our own NICU preemies, and my heart goes out to Gwyneth and to you parents, becoming a family together. Praise God for all his amazing miracles!

  58. I just can't get over how much Gwyneth has grown! I am still in awe of how quickly Tricia's life and health has changed in just a few short weeks. I wonder, has your head stopped spinning yet?

    And, we just love "nothing new to report". I think you waited long enough for those words to actually be encouraging!

  59. Those chubby little cheeks are just wonderfully adorable!!

  60. I love checking in with your beautiful family. I especially enjoy the expressions on your faces when you look at your daughter. It is the look of 'true love.' And I know how you feel. We continue to pray for your girls. Love, Froggymama (mom of a 2yr old with CF)

  61. What beautiful pictures!!! :)
    Amy in Oregon

  62. She is so cute with that passy in her mouth! I forgot how little preemies look compared to those things.Gwyneth is as big now as my twins were when they were born, and I can't imagine anything smaller but seeing this page has made me think of it. She has grown so much and I know you are so proud! Good luck to you, your wife and you beautiful baby girl.


  63. In response to Megan722 in case someone else here reads and wonders where to find the "soothie" pacifier they do sell them at walmart. They are hard to find because people snatch them up but keep looking people. My youngest twin took once until about 5 months or so but would ONLY take that kind. I finally found them and it was a blessing

  64. Gorgeous photos...really sweet. I love the baby's sweet.
    Love Charisse
    (FA Adult)

  65. I love those little hands...I love how she is gazing up in love...I love how she is looking so big and healthy! I love all the miracles God has done in your lives.


  66. Gwyneth (and Tricia)look amazing! Keep on growing many prayers are being said for all of you here in Michigan!!

    mom to Stephen (8) and Allison & Angelina 6 1/2 (and former 25 6/7 week preemies!)

  67. The pictures of Gwyneth looking at either you or Tricia (I didn't pay attention - I was too enthralled with the baby) bring tears to my eyes and could honestly bring me to weep. I have shared your site with many of my friends, telling them that if they want to see a modern day miracle unfold before their eyes, then log on to your site.

    Thank you for sharing!

    Love from WV,

  68. We like to call those "Drama Hands"! So precious!

  69. Most of the time I think Gwyneth looks totally like Nate. But the fifth picture you took today shows that she is Tricia's daughter: the smile (or something) is completely Tricia!

  70. Its great to see the new photos of Gwyneth & Tricia. Im so glad that they are both doing better and pray they will be ready at the same time to go home.

  71. What a beautiful family you have.

  72. The difference between these pictures and the ones from January are such a testament to God's goodness! What an awesome God we serve!

  73. Thanks for sharing your story and pictures. Our hugs and prayers to you all.

  74. She is too cute, and is all the sudden looking so big! We will continue to pray for the three of you! I have a little boy 3weeks younger than her so I am always amazed by her!

  75. i LOVE her "jazz hands" in the first picture :). she's looking amazing.

  76. Your little Gwyneth is quite a beautiful baby girl! Such personality to her little face:) You both are so blessed! We will continue to pray for you three as the Lord is walking you through.

  77. I love these pictures. We are still praying for you all in Oh. I love seeing Tricia with Gwynenth. God sure did good with your sweet little one, she is a doll baby. Perfect!! Thinking of you daily!
    Katie and family,Oh

  78. I agree with the first picture...Gwyneth is a perfect
    "10"!! Tiny but Mighty!


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