
Saturday, April 26, 2008

On Camera



  1. Oh such sweetness!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  2. How very cool.

    Your familt is a celebrity! :) Do people stop you when you are out and about on your own?

  3. how wonderful to see Tricia doing mom stuff. Both girls look great. We continue to pray for ongoing health and healing for your family. Thank you for sharing your story and bringing the Awesomeness of God to so many.

    have a great weekend

  4. My husband used to say that my kids were the most photographed kids in the world. But I'm pretty sure Gwenyth now gets that honor!

    Have you ever considered doing photography for preemies? What a gift you have!

  5. Great shots...of course, you have some pretty wonderful subjects there! :) Thank you for sharing!
    love and prayers,
    The Lockwoods

  6. She looks so comfy in her mommys arms.

  7. This is awesome. Tricia must be so happy that she can hold and cuddle with Gwyneth. I know I'm so happy for her.

  8. You did such a great job making people so much more aware!!!!

    I love the angles of these pics!


  9. Such a happy time fot you. I can't tell you how it warms my heart!

  10. You are so lucky to have such beautiful girls!!! Cant wait to see the video!


  11. I am sure at times it can be overwhelming, all the attention. But what a blessing it also is to have this all documented for your family. Some day Gwyneth will be able to see all of these miracles that have taken place! Still in our prayers!! Lots of love from our family to yours!

  12. Do you ever look at Trish and say, "How did we get here?"

    I mean the attention, blog, internet fame? I love watching God use you two!


  13. looks like you all are really enjoying this publicity and fame! Soak it up!

  14. Looking forward to seeing this when it airs. How precious to see Tricia holding Gwyneth Rose.

  15. Hi- I too am a stranger- but I just had to tell you how amazing you are. You are the most amazing husband and father- and you have touched my heart. We are the same age- and you seem so much more wise than I could ever dream of being. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us- and please do keep us updated. I wish Tricia and Gweneth (and of course you) happy times together as a family!! Much Love,
    Kalyn in California!

  16. That is some big video camera! I cannot wait to see the footage. When will it be posted and where? Btw, Tricia looks very comfortable with baby Gwyn in her arms. I am so glad she can spend more time holding her baby and feeling "normal" again. :-)

  17. I've been following your story since right after Gwyneth Rose was born. I have cried many, many tears over your family. Then, I watched the segment about you guys on the news, and I cried again. Your story is so touching on here, but to hear and see your raw emotion on TV was just a whole different level of feeling and emotion that just sucked me in. I'll tell you this again, as I have said many times your story is truly amazing, your love for God is amazing, and your love for each other is amazing. You guys are awesome!

  18. Trisha just looks so calm and full of love for her baby girl, even with those huge cameras pointing down at them, she looks so serene.
    Wow, so beautiful to see.
    Thanks for sharing such precious moments with us.


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