
Friday, April 4, 2008

Thank You

Sometime in the past week, your loved one passed away.

Sometime in their life, he or she probably made the decision to be an organ donor.

Perhaps, sometime this past week, you were asked to make the final decision to allow their wishes to be carried out.

Sometime in the next few days, you will probably be remembering your loved one with a funeral or memorial service.

Sometime in the next year, you should receive a letter from us, telling you about Tricia and her new life as a mother without CF lungs.

We pray today and tomorrow, as we have been praying for months, that your pain and mourning might be softened by knowing that your loved one has helped to save and drastically improve at least one life. In fact, the first thing we did when we (myself and our parents) saw Tricia for the first time after the transplant surgery was to pray for you.

I doubt you will ever read this, and even if you do, you will have no way of knowing for sure that it is you I am speaking to. But, just for the incredibly slim chance you do...

Thank you.


See related post HERE.


  1. This gave me goosebumps Nate. The gratitude you feel shines through in ever word.

  2. Hope all that read this make a decision to do what your donor did...look at how many lives it has touched already.

  3. Beautiful tribute! What comfort it will bring one day to a very special and generous family.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. heartfelt and sweet!
    ~ becky b

  6. I rejoice with your family for the blessing of Tricia's new lungs and will keep the donar's family in my constant prayers.

  7. You have a wonderful way with words. Very well said.

  8. I have a gut feeling that you will meet the donors family. It's gonna be on Oprah or the View or maybe Good Morning America. Just remember when it happens that you heard it from me. I can't imagine how you must feel regarding the donor and family. What an incredible experience you've been through.

  9. I pray that the donor family will, by some miracle, see your blog someday to see the beautiful gift their loved one gave!!!!

    -Lisa Collinsworth

  10. Praying for your family still, and the donor's family. May God alone be glorified through this all.

  11. Hi Nate, I just wanted you to know that I have always wanted to be creamated, without anyone even touching my body if possible...but after following your experience and alot of praying I have decided to become an organ donor, it still grosses me out to think my body will be all cut up but the blessing of helping someone else live outweighs my fears, plus I'll be in heaven with Jesus anyway. I pray for Tricia, you, your family and the donor family everyday. May God shine brightly on you all.
    God is using you in more ways than you know. We love you guys!

    Teresa (the new donor)

  12. It is amazing how God's love can shine through a donor card! It is the ultimate "love thy neighbor" act, and this blog has done a beautiful job of opening SO many eyes to just how much it means to the recipient family. I'm praying that the donor family will someday get to read your post, this whole blog, and all the comments from people who have committed to being donors because of what they've witnessed.
    Gratefully and joyfully HIS,

  13. Beautiful Nate. Just beautiful. I continue to pray for the donor family also. I hope someday soon that some of their heartache is replaced with pride and thanksgiving that their loved one's decision saved another's life. What a gift to be able to give.
    God bless all of you and the donor's family.
    Jamie in Texas

  14. What a beautiful testament to love, faith and prayers continue with your family on this miraculous journey...

  15. Nate.. That was beautiful. I hope the donor's family does one day read this and know how much of an impact they have made on you and your family. My prayers are with you all and the donor's family!

    God Bless!

  16. I had to renew my driver's license the other day, and I've always had them put donor on it, but when I did this time I thought of Tricia.

    I'll be praying for the donors family even now.

  17. Saying a prayer for all of you tonight and the donors family too.

    My husband donated bone marrow 5 years ago to a little girl who has Non-Hodgkins Lympoma... he says it was the most amazing thing he ever had the opportunity to do.. we were able to exchange information, photo's, and even a few phone calls a year after her transplant.

    Anyway... saying a prayer for all...
    Vicki in CT

  18. Now i am crying. I am also remembering the donor as well right now. I have a candle lit right now in his or her honor. Nate this is such a special post. I have goosebumps.

  19. You are amazing. I've learn so much about life and love just from reading your blog for the past few days. You amaze me with your love and thought of the family who lost the family member who gave your wife life. I too pray for them and you and your family!

  20. Wow- I have been following your blog and story only for a short time and I am so amazed by His grace and love that is pouring out of you.

    Your words are creating a chain reaction of love, kindness, and change around the world. The Lord truly knew what He was doing when he created your family!

    Thank you!

  21. Nate, you are an amazing man and Tricia and Gwyneth are blessed to have you. Thank you for being such a testimony all over the world. You are making a difference and my life is richer and faith is stronger because of your example. Thank you.

  22. I'm praying for you too, in SC. Thank you for honoring your loved ones choice to be an organ donor.

  23. This is the most beautiful thing...What a blessing that the family chose to make something wonderful happen from their tragedy and loss.
    Blessings, comfort, and peace to all the families involved.

  24. I pray one day you will meet the donor's family and that they have as much love for God in their hearts as you do. You are so blessed. Your strength and faith is amazing and inspiring. Thank you.

  25. I found your blog a few nights before the transplant... was just blog-hopping, you know. Killing time, procrastinating going to bed. I checked it again the next day, and the next. I think I even added it to my bookmarks. I've been struggling with my faith lately. Toying with giving it up all together. I'm a college professor who teaches world history... as we cover the early world religions, they are just all so similar, so clearly filling a void for their people... the same void that Christianity would fill in this millenium. It makes me question everything I've been taught to believe about God and His Son. I've long since given up praying and going to church. But it weighs on me daily... as though there is this voice in the back of my head telling me to look further, beyond the academics and intellectual stuff. I know faith is, well, "faith". I miss it. Anyway, my point is that the night you posted about Tricia's transplant I prayed for her. That's the first prayer I've said in I don't know how long. So, when you write about touching people... you've touched me. Not just with your story, but with your faith. I hope to find mine again sooner rather than later. And regardless of when I finally work out that "voice", I will keep praying for your family. Thank you so much for sharing it all with us in such a personal way.

  26. Beautiful! You do have a great way of "speaking" to people. Glad to hear things are going well and that you can have a little fun with short-term memory. :-p

    God Bless,
    Michelle in MO

  27. This was just beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. I love that you have so generously included this anonymous family into this journey - I've been praying for them whenever I pray for you guys.

    Hang in there - I keep thinking of that verse from Is. about waiting on the Lord and renewing our strength. You will all three rise on wings like the eagles - and you can all run together the rest of this race that HE's called you to! And we're cheering you on!

  28. Great posts to the family and about being the primary caregiver! I'm thankful you know your place and rights and are passionate about caring for your family! We are praying still.

  29. I imagine that the donor family realizes that they have blessed someone with the gift of life that their family member has shared through their donation...but they cannot begin to imagine the magnitude of how many people are being impacted by that one set of lungs! God is being glorified through this whole ordeal and lives are being changed. I pray God's grace and mercy on the donor family and continued healing and blessings on Tricia, Gwyneth and you.

  30. I'm sure if the family of the donor had a clue of who got the lungs that their loved one donated, they (the family) would be really happy.

    It would be cool if one day you, Tricia, and Gwyneth got to meet them. Maybe that's another little miracle God has in the works?!? He IS pretty cool like that!

  31. I thought this week how ironic and amazing it would be that the donor may have actually been following your story not knowing that he/she would be the one to prolong Tricia's life. Wouldnt it be amazing if Tricia's story had touched the life of the donor and was one of those that was inspired to become a donor? (inspried by you and Tricia) I thank God for your story Nate & Tricia you are such an inspiratin and have touched the lives of people all over the world.

  32. Wow!
    I pray for comfort, and peace for the donors family

  33. very nice and I am thinking they would say something like,,,,YOUR WELCOME BE BLESSED

  34. Thank you so much for taking the time to remember and thank the donor's family during this time of happiness for your wife.
    As the mother of an 8 year old who passed away six months ago, I appreciate your sentiments greatly. My husband and I made the decision to donate our son's organs after he died and your blog about your wife's recent transplant has further reinforced our decision a million fold. Thank YOU.

  35. Your words were beautiful. I hope that with God's guidance the family of Tricia's gift giver will read your words today and be comforted in their grief.

  36. Everytime the donor family hears about an organ that has been sucessfully transplanted, they will be thinking about thier loved one, and they will wonder"Is that a piece of daughter/son living on?"
    Little do they know what a HUGE impact their selfless decision has made on an AMAZING family, and all who follow and love Tricia, Nate, and Gwenyth!
    Little do they know how many people have become future organ donors, because of one AMAZING husband who loves his wife so much that he is will to tell,"and show" the good, the bad, and the ugly day to day life watching his soul mate suffer from lungs that just cant keep up with her spirit.
    I cant wait to "see" and hear about life as a NON/CF husband. I cant wait to see the first pictures of you ALL at home, tube free, line free, and WORRY FREE!


  37. I've been following your story for a few months now. I cannot even begin to say how excited I was when I checked your journal today for the first time in a few days and saw the wonderful news! I am so happy for your family and this tribute was amazing. I love you guys! and I can't wait to see your beautiful family together when everyone is well enough to leave the hospital!

  38. I have been following your family's journey for months and am so thankful that Tricia has finally received her new lungs. You have successfully recruited another organ donor in me and I am encouraging my family and friends to do the same. May God bless you and your beautiful girls.

  39. I just donated to your Great Strides events...and this heartfelt and touching post is the reason why. You are an amazing husband and father.

  40. Hi Nate,
    Those are the most heart felt words I have ever heard! They have me in deep thought.

    Even if the donor's family never reads your "Thank you" message, I am sure there are many donor families who will. I can assure you when they lay their heads down to go to sleep tonight they will have a big smile on their face knowing there family member made the right choice.

    PLEASE give your two girls a thumbs up for me! Have a good night.

  41. What an amazing man of God you are. Your blogging has affected my faith in a way in which I have needed for a long time. Praying for the donor's family, you, Tricia and of course precious Gwenyth. May God brinf you all peace and comfort.

  42. What a beautiful letter. You have a wonderful way with words! Our thoughts and prayers are with your family and the donor's family.

  43. That was perfect. Simple and perfect. You may never know them...but their gift to your family will forever be amazing. I can't wait to see how these new CF-free lungs provide many years of happiness. I am praying for you and your family. Keep eating and sleeping. You have to be strong for your girls.

    Alison in TN

  44. Goosebumps...

    What a beautiful thoughtful thank you. I hope that every family of an organ donor gets a chance to read this post, because I think you touched on what so many families of recipients don't get a chance to say, but think. Praying for you, Tricia, Gwyneth, and the family of the donor as always.

  45. Beautiful, just like your girls.

  46. you guys are amazing and inspirational and have affected my life in such a positive way, i cannot even begin to explain it.

    your insight and experience at such a young age, your strength, and your families, who are amazing as well. i only hope that i can raise my children to be as humble and thoughtful and honest and faithful as you and tricia.

    Heavenly Father has blessed you for your faith and steadfastness. I know you will continue to be blessed! You and your girls are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

    God bless!!

  47. Beautiful... touching... emotional... raw... I pray the donors family feels our Lords comfort and strength at this time. Pam Doughty said in a previous post, it is the ultimate "love thy neighbor act" no words could be more perfect. I pray the donor family has comfort with such a wonderful gift and that they are touched by the prayers of all these strangers who are so attached to your family... Gods Blessings, Vikki in Texas...

  48. Praying for the family of someone very special who gave Tricia the gift of her lungs....and praying for all of you. What a long week it has been for you, but what an amazing birthday gift.

  49. Beautiful, simply beautiful! I continue to be inspired by your sincerity and selflessness.

  50. So thoughtfully and beautifully said. God bless the donors family for their selfless gift.

  51. Tricia and Nathan, your story has indeed touched the lives of millions. What a ministry! God Bless you for your faithfulness.

    Tonight I pray for peace, comfort and healing for Tricia. Much growth and health for your beautiful wee girly girl. And for you Nate, rest, peace and endurance. I also pray peace and comfort for the donor's family, that they be blessed in every way for their gift to your family.

    Sleep Well ...

  52. Yes, we agree. THANK YOU! Thank you for a very unselfish gift of life for a young wife and mother.

    Betty & Ed in Oklahoma

  53. Hey Nate I just wanted to say that was a beautiful letter and I hope one day the donor's family will get to see it. You guys are such an amazing family and i've been praying more then I have ever prayed in my life in the last few days in hopes that you are your family get to go home all together safe and sound really soon! My prayers and thoughts are always with you.

  54. That was straight from your heart to theirs. Your unspeakable thankfullness shines thru in every word.

  55. Nate someone I know passed away early saturday morning 3-29-08, I will find out if they were donors, if so then trcia may have recieved their lungs.

  56. I wish everyone in the world could experience the need that you and I know is so strong for donor organs. You are making a huge difference by making people aware that they can leave a gift that will have such an impact. People always worry about the legacy that they will leave when they die. I can't think of a much greater legacy then giving a second chance to someone else, giving life.

  57. Wow! So happy to hear that your wife had a successful double lung transplant. You're family has continued to be in our prayers. Looks like that sweet baby is doing well too. Praise Jesus. As I've said before, we are living the NICU life and our boy is doing well too, finally off of the vent. I also know first hand (or second) the importance of organ donors as my dad had a kidney transplant 7 years ago in February. I wish you and your family the best and will continue to pray for healing and for Tricia to remain infection and rejection free. God Bless. Kolby, Justin, and Tage

  58. Hopefully the donor family will be showered with many blessings - I know there are so many of us praying for them. We celebrate the life of their loved one and their willingness to "pay it forward" in the most profound of ways!

  59. Beautiful, beautiful. So appropriate.

    Thanks for showing your readers how to experience each facet of this miracle alongside you.

  60. do you think Tricia plans to include a link to this blog in her letter?

    I've gotta wonder if the person ever read your blog.

  61. I join you in praying for and thanking the donor and their family.

  62. What a beautiful and heart-felt tribute. Thank you for touching our lives again. May God bless your beautiful Tricia, adorable baby, your family, and the donor's family. Thank you for encouraging and bringing to the forefront organ donation. It brings to my mind the feelings my family experienced when my brother passed on and our loss improved the lives of those who benefited from his donation. Thank you.

  63. This post gave us chills ~~ and filled our eyes with tears! How beautifully written and heartfelt! Your parents did such an amazing job raising you, Nate! We know that you have made them so proud!

    We will continue to keep the donor's family in our thoughts and prayers!

    Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  64. Wow, that is great!! So glad
    Tricia is doing well. We have been praying non-stop almost. Always know, you are the best advocate for a lovded one in the hospital. Our family always keeps one person at the hospital with a sick one just for that reason. Nurses and doctors are humans that are overworked and they make mistakes too. just remember Dennis Quaid's twins. We also had a terminally ill family member that had their illness complicated by receiving the incorrect meds. I have a chronic illness and often receive IV treatment (nothing like Tricia or Gwyneth) but I KNOW what I need. The place I go for treatment totally understands that all their patients are that way. Some folks do not know how to communicate with hospital personel w/o being obnoxious, but that is not you Nate!! Take care, and keep doing what you need to for your family!! YOU ARE their best advocate!!

    Love and prayers, Shari

  65. May I never Walk a Mile in your shoes as I could never fill them! as you have done, My hat is off to you and May The Store House of GODS Blessings over flow you and your's

  66. What a beautiful post. I found your blog from a friend's blog just this week and have been checking up on your family daily. I am praying for you all. May you continue to find strength and hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

  67. I was never willing to even consider being an organ donor before my two year old nephew developed liver cancer and I read your blog. Between the two, I am fully ready to donate whatever organs are use-able to save another persons life. Life is a miracle. Just think-I can be a part of a miracle. Amazing.

  68. Just today, my mom and I had a conversation about organ donation. We both made sure that we were donors, and I'm sure our family is not the only one to have this discussion in the last few hours. I hope many more do! Thanks for keeping us aware.

  69. because of this blog, i became a donor on your birthday nate!

  70. I just want to let you know that this blog has been so beautiful to me. I'm a missionary and i live on support and there have been times when it has been HARD. And sometimes I get so discouraged, frustrated, angry and sometimes even bitter when people fail to be faithful to their financial commitments. And then I read stories of people such as yourselves and it kind of helps to put everything into perspective for me...I've never met you so I definitely haven't seen you at all in person during this whole process, but you just seem to be such beautiful people with genuinely happy and good hearts, and it just makes me realize that no matter how hard our circumstance may seem, the LORD calls us to be joyful always, and to always be giving thanks. So, thank you for that reminder and encouragement. I am so thrilled for your family that God has answered the thousands of prayers and blessed Tricia with new lungs. And just so you know...I am unable to give financially...but I am an organ donor. :)

  71. Wow! Good luck to you and your little family!

  72. Very beautiful sentiment. I hope that every organ donation family is as grateful as yours. You are an amazing testament to the power of prayer.

  73. That was absolutly beautiful. It shows your true feelings and thankfulness towards your donors family. If nothing else hopefully it will inspire more to sign their donors card and help save someone elses mommy or daddy... We'll keep praying for all of you, Sherri Jenkins

  74. OK it has taken a while but I have now read your whole blog. My eyes hurt and my heart is racing. Your all just a beautiful family, God has used you I am sure in so many ways. But I know you do not need me to tell you that. soo I will let you go rest and tell you that you have given ME a new look at my life. God bless you all and know that I am another person who will be thinking of you daily to the Lord.

  75. Nate, just when I think you can't do anymore than you already have to impress me, you go and do it again. That was a beautiful message to the donor family. Whether they read it or not, the Lord will let them know that someone somewhere is very thankful.
    God bless you.

  76. I only hope that the same will be said of me one day! I'm sure it brought a sense to peace to the family to know they were helping so many people in need.

  77. Thank you for that beautiful post! Tonight, before reading the update I shared with my husband that I have decided (after many years of being against it) that I want to be an organ donor. Your story has changed my heart. Thank you so much!!!

  78. Your heart of gratitude pours forth in this post Nate, the donors family would be absolutely astounded to know the outpouring of love and prayers that have been directed their way over the past few days. Perhaps one day...

  79. Well you now add another little person who wants to make sure her parents will donate her organs should she die healthy,,, our 6 year old found out that her older sister who is 8, made that request last night before prayer time at bedtime! These little children are tops! They ask daily about updates from your blog, they totally get it, prayer works and works wonders in encouraging others. They get it that Baby Gwyneth is so lucky to have the parents she has, that Tricia and Nate have a good marriage and a safe home.
    Thank you for your heartfelt sharing, it reaches beyond us "big kids" and gets into the hearts of the smallest kids.
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  80. I would feel honored for my loved one's lungs to have gone to Tricia. Hopefully they will get your letter and feel at peace with the loss of their friend/relative. I was already an organ donor before I became involved with your story, but if I wasn't, you would have convinced me to do so.

    Hang in there guys are so strong and your little girl is just gorgeous!! Many prayers for Tricia and her new lungs. The Lord is obviously on your side. *hug*

  81. I'm all choked up. What a beautiful tribute.

  82. wow, how moving. i cannot imagine how the family will feel when they know that it was such a sweet life to bless. i would want tricia or someone like her to have my lungs.

  83. graciousness galore. beauty unmeasured. praying for all of you this early morning...

  84. This is my first time visting here. I came across you via a link on my friend Deanna's blog.
    Trish's story is inspiring and very moving. I truely understand the appreciation you are feeling towards your donor.
    My 17 year old niece has been battling cancer for two years, which has now moved into her lungs. She has been told she is terminal with only months to live. They wont even consider transplants for cancer patients... The risk of the cancer spreading and "wasting" donor organs is too high.I am thrilled to read of your wife being blessed with this gift.
    In this case, I can actually say she should be grateful that she has CF as it makes her a good candidate for transplant. I am not jealous, as a matter of fact, I am simply overjoyed to share your good news. I hope you dont think I am impertinant to express these thoughts. I will ad Trish to my prayers that she makes a complete recovery and lives to be a ripe old lady.
    Love ,
    Kayla's Aunty Susan

  85. God bless the donor's family may He give them strength and peace.

    I've seen with my own eyes what a huge difference the gift of a new life makes and its incredible.

  86. That is such a wonderful thing to post and you brought tears to my eyes.

  87. I really hope they see your heartfelt post Nate. I continue to be amazed at your ability to express your innermost thoughts. Thanks for sharing. Still praying.

  88. Just wanted to stop in for a quick hello. Blessings to you and your sweet family. I pray for a complete and steady recovery. Your blog was a real blessing to me this morning.

  89. your blog was a blessing to me this morning. thanks for sharing your life with us. i will pray right now for a steady and complete recovery with lots of grace along the way.

  90. As I read your tribute to the family of the donor, with tears in my eyes,I pray that God's loving arms be around them. My prayer also for you and Tricia as well as the rest of your family as you go through the coming days. May you feel God's loving arms around you each stop of the way to recovery and for the continued progress of Gwyneth. Through all of this may someone or many reaffirm their faith in our loving God or accept Him as their personal Savior. Both families will be in my prayers. I have never wanted to be a donor but am seriously considering this after Tricia's transplant.

  91. That brought tears to my eyes! What a lovely and heartwarming letter! Prayers with you and the donor family. You have touched my life with your strength.

  92. This gave me such chills. I pray that somehow the family of the donor is able to KNOW what they have done for your family.

  93. Nate.....Thank you for being such wonderful person...and thank you to Tricia and Gwenyth......for being soooooo gorgeous and more importantly so brave!!!!!!!

  94. That was a wonderful note to the doner family. I wish they could read this now and help them in their healing process. God bless them and you guys!

  95. Awesome post! I'll add MY thank you to that. I'll be praying for them too!

  96. That was very well written. You all are amazing people. Hopefully the family that is now dealing with a tremendous loss will see this and get to know just how grateful you are for their decision. God Bless you and the donor family.

  97. And now I'M crying...that was beautiful!

  98. So glad you shared this beautiful letter. I'm sure it will make a difference.


  99. Some families are even more amazing--their loved one has not become a registered donor, they are facing a tragic loss, and they themselves make the decision to donate, in honor of the person their loved one was. These families may never have thought about donation, but somehow find it in themselves to take in the idea of donation, understand what it means, and decide to proceed, all while facing what may be the most horrible time in their lives--the loss of this loved one. It is easier on families if folks make the decision ahead of time, and let families know, but that doesn't always happen. Beautiful post, Nate, and prayers of course continuing.

  100. I came here from 'Still My Girl". This post is incredibly touching. I am joining you in thanking that "someone" ...

    God bless you and your family.

  101. :)
    I'm definitely a donor!

    My cousin got a kidney transplant...and when my Aunt Nell passed away, she donated all that she could... So, it's definitely an issue that has affected our family, and I will DEFINITELY donate anything & everything that can help someone else.

    Your family remains in my prayers!

  102. What a beautiful thank you for the family, Nate. I hope and pray that some day they can learn more about Tricia and the gift that they have given and the many hearts that have been praying for them even before the loss that they experienced. Our family has been praying for them too. While we rejoice that Tricia has been given this gift, we know it is not without great cost to those who have lost someone that they deeply love.

    This seems as fitting of a place as any to share this with you, Nate and Tricia.. because of Nate's sharing with so much open honesty, giving those of us miles away who didn't even know your family a year ago an inside look and heart connection.. our family too has been talking very seriously about organ transplants. My daughter is a nursing student and mentioned organ donation to me well over a year ago, yet while acknowledging it is a good thing, I admit that I didn't give it much thought after our conversation. Tricia's plight has opened my (and my family's) eyes and heart to the realities of how little hope there would be for someone like Tricia if others do not or will not make the decisions to share that special gift of life in the hardest time of their own personal loss. I've grown to love Tricia since first reading this blog in December - even though I will likely never meet any of you (this side of heaven). At a discussion at our dinner table Thursday just after Tricia's surgery, we talked in depth about Tricia and about organ transplants and I told my family for the first time, "if it means helping someone like Tricia and something should happen to me.. yes, please go ahead and give that gift of life to someone in need. I want so much for her to be able to be there for her precious Gwyneth and for Gwyneth to really get to know her mommy and the sacrifices made, so please give that option to some other person if the circumstances allow."

    May God give an abundance of peace and bless the hearts and lives of the family who has given this blessed gift to Tricia, Gwyneth Rose, Nate, Tricia's family, Nate's family and all those who have been touched by their lives!

    Still… ~ praying in Michigan

  103. Simply beautiful. You have been blessed with the gift of words. When I saw the post, I kinda freaked out but when I saw that you were writing to your organ donor, I thought it was exquisite in its kindness. Keep pressing on, brother in the Lord!

  104. What a beautiful thing to write! And I thank you for inspiring me to become an organ donor!

    Praying for you and your family!!

  105. What a wonderful tribute to a donor family. Few blog have touched me, and yours is one of them, Your whole family is in my prayers! God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

  106. I truly believe that the record of your journey is going to be a wonderful gift to the donor's family. I was reading some of the comments earlier this week, and read one from someone who said they were not religious at all, but were praying. Even in the comments for this post, someone told their faith story and said they prayed for the first time in a long time. You glorify God in all that happens, and obviously He is using you to bring other folks to Him. All of us in my house are praying for you and your girls throughout the days, and I have started praying for the people whose hearts have been softened to Christ through your story.

  107. Nate, I'm not even sure how I came to your blog. I found it through another one that I read daily.

    I am praising God that I did. I will be praying for your family day in and day out. Your love for them has blessed my socks off!

    Because of you and your desire to share the good, bad and the ugly - I will NOW become an organ donor.

    I sat reading your entire blog last night, wept with you and for you. I prayed for you and with you.

    Nate, you are a very blessed man! Your strength and courage are inspiring. God calls us to be bold about the truth and I'm so glad you are NOT giving up on that because of the few negative people out there. Light always dispels darkness - keep being the light!

    Thank you for sharing your story - it has changed my life and outlook on something I have not understood my whole life.

    God bless you all!
    Jill in PA

  108. Wow... I was reading that with tears in my eyes.. how beautiful and sincere!

  109. WOW...You have a way with words!!!...Very touching!!!...

    Here's the link for the article in the News and Observer

    It's a great article!!!...I hope all of you are having a good day!!!...


    Durham NC

  110. With all the comments you're getting on your posts lately you probably won't even see mine, but I just have to say:

    Your post expressing frustration with the doctors and nurses at Duke taking your concerns likely hit home for me! You are not alone in that. I was discharged from Duke on Wednesday to finish my IVs at home only after more than a cumulative hour of heated argument with the pulmonologist, who refused to acknowledge that my 20 years experience with my CF body gave me any understanding of what constitutes "the best care" for me. Although, as you say, the doctors and nurses usually do recommend terrific care, it can be frustrating when they simply won't listen.

    I'm glad that the team did Tricia's last PIC in radiology. I received my last-ever bedside PICC last week (and that was with sedation and ultrasound). Now that my arms are bruised up and down, I will not be doing the bedside PICC route any longer - no matter how hard I have to fight to get radiology on board!

  111. Ack no more news? I hope and pray all is well with Tricia!

  112. I just had my liscense renewed...I am an organ donor!!! You are such a wonderful family and I am praising God that new lungs are inside your wifes body, working and functioning. God is good!

  113. Continuing to pray for you all.
    God Bless
    Jamie in Texas

  114. What a story. I am a brand new reader. Your love and care for your family is so incredibly touching. I will be praying for you all.

  115. What a beautiful tribute to the donor family. God has truly used this situation in your life as a beacon for others. Because of you I am sure more people will be organ donors. Thank you for sharing your family. I pray that God will continue to bless you and your family.

  116. and thanks to you for sharing your story. because of it I am telling others the importance of being a registered organ donar

  117. OH WOW! I haven't been able to check the blog - I am so thankful she has "new" lungs!! Prayers for her and her recovery and prayers and gratitude to the donor for being a donor and his/her family for such a generous gift!!!


  118. Nate, Tricia,
    I am a donor mom. My first born son took off for glory July 3, 2001 and gave life gifts to eight. We know his lung recipient, glad for every breath he enjoys. Brian kept himself so healthy, a week shy of nineteen athlete, college student, working construction.. which was where he died.
    I do public speaking now to inspire others to sign up to give that gift. I do speaking to glorify God! first of all, and to honor my son. And to honor the dear recipients I've had the privelege to meet and know. I volunteer at the Minnesota State Fair to encourage and to inform, to dispel myths!!! I do not let folks walk PAST me when I'm on duty. I cajole I entice, I make eye contact, I show they my picture button with my son's handsome face on it, and let them know that he, a young man, chose to give, and how many lives he saved. His tissue gifts enhanced 47 lives, and he gave eyesight back to two women.

    I have been checking in here since a xanga friend recommended a visit to your blog.

    I rejoice today... in Tricia's second chance at life!!! I rejoice and I am also like you, praying for that family. Please know, you may write them as SOON AS YOU WANT TO. If they are tender to it, they will cherish it and set it aside to open when they are ready, but oh they will treasure that you wrote. It WILL be part of their grief journey anyways, so let it be a gentle part, rather than them wondering who is living now, due to their sorrow and their courage. We never have heard from five of ours, we wrote them, they remain invisible. We wonder how they are, because they matter to us. We pray for them.
    Be sure, many are praising God with you.......
    love in Jesus, our Abba,

  119. I have chills and I'm crying. that was beautiful. I love that people out there are willing to give so others can live.


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