
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Time for a breather

Nate's going to take some much needed time away from the blog right now. You can only imagine (unless you've been where he's been the last 3+ months, and I've never been there) the physical and emotional exhaustion, the highs and lows...

So he's taking a break from the blog just so he can focus on Tricia and Gwyneth and recharge his batteries.

So you're stuck with whatever I offer here until he's back. I'll try to give an update daily if there's some news to share.

Your encouragements and prayers have been a major reason Tricia, Gwyneth and Nathan (and the rest of us in their family for that matter) have fared so well. We cannot tell you how much that means.

Rick Lawrenson


  1. Keeping everyone in both of your families in my thoughts and prayers through this joyously happy but still difficult time.


  2. Keeping your entire family in prayer. Thank you for the updates.

  3. Sounds like a great idea! We'll still be here when Nate gets back!

  4. Thank you for your update- I pray for the entire family daily. I pray that Nathan will be recharged in the Lord. He ha struly beenan inspiration to so many- his passion and faith have inspired me and many others. Im praying for the entire family as well as the donor's family.

  5. We're still praying for your families. Nate deserves a break after all he's gone throught the last few days. Hope everyone is doing well.


  6. Thanks Rick... a much needed blog break will no doubt be wonderful for Nate and all concerned.I saw the article in the News Observer today, they did a great job with the update. What a testimony to God's faithfulness in your lives.

    Praying always,

  7. I can't even begin to imagine the high's and lows. Thanks for the update. You are all in my prayers.

  8. Praying for you all. And good on Nate for taking a hiatus from the blogging world. Looking forward to his return someday soon!

  9. Even though i will miss your posts dearly Nate, i totally understand where your coming from. Take care!

  10. Breathe Nate, Breathe! You are all in my prayers!

    May you experience time in Him - deep, loving, peaceful time!

    We will be here when you get back (and thanks Dad for standing in the gap with the updates.)

  11. May this be a time of rejoicing and peace and progress for you all.

    God Bless!

  12. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.

  13. You all deserve a break. We will all be praying for all of you and will continue to send our thoughts your way.

  14. Thank you so much for letting us know. We really have appreciated the updates from Nate, but I have wondered so many times how he actually found the energy and strength to do it. I know I speak for many when I say that we will all continue to pray daily for all of them and your families too. I hope that Nate can get a much needed rest over the next few days. You are all in our hearts and prayers. Just going to put my children to bed and pray for them all, especially Tricia's healing right now. :) With prayer, hope and love, Tricia and Clan (N.VA)xoxox

  15. I will be keeping both families in my prayers during Nate's breather. Thanks for the update.

  16. Welcome, Pastor Rick. I'm sure you will make a great replacement for Nate while he recharges.I read your updates on your blog while Tricia was in surgery, so I know you will keep up informed. I'll be praying for Tricia, Gwyneth, Nate, and your entire family.

  17. Keeping Nate Tricia and Gwyneth in our prayers daily.
    I am glad to hear Nate is taking care of himself as well. Thats really important as a caregiver.
    Thanks for letting us know Rick.

  18. Thanks Pastor Rick. :) We look forward to your insights and will continue to pray for Nathan and his girls. I was praying that no news today meant good news.

  19. Thank you for updating us while Nate takes a breather. Continuing to keep your entire family in prayer.

  20. You deserve a break Nathan! The journey you and Tricia and Gwyneth have been on is exhausting in every way, I'm sure. We will all continue to get on our knees for you all daily and will look forward to hearing about all of the wonderful things that are coming in the days ahead.

  21. I'm glad that you're taking a break, Nate. Please take good care of yourself.

  22. Nate, as I have said before, you are an amazing person and Tricia and Gwyneth are so blessed to have you in their lives to take care of them. I hope you are able to get some rest and take care of yourself!! Praying for all of you.

  23. Thank you Pastor Rick for your updates and letting us know. Keeping Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth is our thougths and prayers.

  24. Sometimes when you're the caregiver you don't realize how beat down you are physically and emotionally even though you'd have it no other way. Take care of yourself, Nate. Find time every day to exercise vigorously, I promise it will help with your emotions. Pay no attention to the rude people who post to you. You have far more people who understand and care than those who don't. We'll enjoy getting to know your Dad. Continued prayers for you and yours.

  25. Thanks for the update! I have been worrying about him as well. So much adreneline to keep him going...I worried for his physical and emotional health. Still praying for all three of them!

  26. Thanks for taking over for a little bit! I'm glad he's getting some rest--I was a little worried when I saw that there hadn't been an update for a while, but now that I see why it totally makes sense. I hope everything goes well today, I'll be thinking about you all. I hope it's a very restful day for you all!

  27. Thanks for taking over for a little bit! I'm glad he's getting some rest--I was a little worried when I saw that there hadn't been an update for a while, but now that I see why it totally makes sense. I hope everything goes well today, I'll be thinking about you all. I hope it's a very restful day for you all!

  28. I'm thankful that you are willing to step in and keep us all updated in his absence!!

    I continue to pray for all of you, and send a cyber (((HUG))) too!!

    Shann in Michigan

  29. Thanks for letting us know. I was a little worried that he hadn't posted yet today and then I thought to myself that he might just be taking a break. I'll miss his frequent updates, but respect his decision completely. Still Praying!
    Stacy :-)

  30. Whew. I am relieved. Thank you so much. Nate deserves a break and so do all of you. Just "we're ok" is enough. I will continue to pray for you all. Thanks again Rick.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  31. While Nate's posts will be missed, I'm glad you will still keep us updated and focused on specific prayer requests. The updated story in the newspaper as well as Nate's tribute to the donor and family were very Christ honoring. May our Lord continue to bless your family.

  32. I too have often wondered how Nate was able to post as extensively as he does with all that is going on. I would be exhausted! Don't get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful that he has shared this experience with the world increasing awareness for organ transplants, CF, premature birth and even the power of prayer and faith.
    I am glad he is taking this much needed breather though, he really needs it.
    I do look forward to your updates Pastor Rick and appreciate them.
    Continued prayers for Nate, Tricia, Gwenyth and family.
    Jenn from NY

  33. Thanks Rick! Glad to hear Nate will be taking some time off. It's well deserved. Praying for everyone! Looking forward to the updates and praying they are better and better every day.


  34. Welcome Pastor Rick! Thank you so much for posting in Nate's absense. I would have went in to some sort of shock if the posts just stopped completely :)

    Your whole family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know out here in blogland if anyone there needs anything that we can send them.

    Love to all from WV,

  35. Sounds like a good idea. I was worrying about the added stress that keeping us all posted was causing him. Your family will continue to be in my prayers. I can't wait to see the homecoming pictures!

  36. Nate, you are definately due a much needed break. You, Tricia and Gwenyth have been such a blessing to so many. It is now time for you to sit back and be blessed. May God bless you all more than you are able to comprehend. Your entire fmily will be in my thoughts and prayers, as will the donor family for the blessing they have given to your family.

  37. Praying for the family and a well deserved break!

  38. thanks for the update. we are always praying for the whole family!

  39. Thanks, Rick, for stepping in...You are all in our prayers. Sometimes, the caregivers need to be cared rest assured that prayers tonight will be especially for Nate to find rest and renewed strength. He has been a rock for his girls...and they all need each other right now. We look forward to continued progress for all.

  40. After seeing his post "Raw," and what I saw in his eyes I think a breather is a great idea! Praying for the entire family!

  41. Well deserved. I don't know how he's done it for so long.

  42. This is good. I hope each one of you in the family get to take a little break, some time for relax a little. You all need it.

    Thanks for bringing this story to the forefront. Thoughts and prayers are continuous from here.

    ((Big Hugs))

  43. I'm glad Nate is backing away from his blog for awhile. He's got way too much responsibility and his blog is one less thing for him to do.

    He knows we're praying for his family .

    Love to all.

  44. God bless you Nate, with rest and healing in your own body. I am sure that this is taking quite a toll not only emotionally and spiritually, but physically too. So rest well. We'll hold you up with our prayers, like Aaron and Hur held up Moses' arms, as long as you need us.

  45. I will miss you and seeing the pictures of Gwyneth growing. But I completely respect that decision. Thank you for much for allowing us to journey with you. Know that you will remain in my prayers. Look forward to pictures of Tricia and Gwyneth leaving the hospital together!!!

  46. Thank you for the update! Hope Nate is getting some rest.

  47. God Bless Nate for taking some much needed time. We will eagerly await your updates and will continue to pray for the whole family.

  48. Keeping you all in my prayers! Thank you very much for sharing and for making sure there are updates for us!

    God Bless Your Family!

  49. thanks for the update Rick! I hope Nate gets the recharge and break that he needs. You guys will all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  50. i'm glad that nate will be taking a break from the blog. I was wondering how long it would take before he just collapsed! glad to know he has enough sense to say "uncle"!!
    We are continuing to pray here in MD for this dear family. We love you and want HIS best for your family. Thank you again for taking us along on your journey.

  51. I am very glad to hear this. The blog should be the least of his worries, he's got so much on his plate right now. He knows we are still praying for him, Tricia, and Gwyneth. I hope you get some rest Nate, you deserve it.

  52. Will continue to pray! Thanks for being willing to give us updates!

  53. Yes, Take care of yourself!
    Your family and your health is of most priority...
    Even if you do not blog...that does not keep me from praying for your whole family and lifting you up in prayer is what I do every day...
    With all our love and support!

  54. Nate~I'll be looking forward to your return! I'll miss your posts. I hope and pray that you get the recharge you need and will of course continue to pray for all of you!

    Rick~Thanks so much for keeping us updated.

  55. I think you will do just fine as a pitch hitter! Nate probably found doing the blog a bit therapeutic--and most of the responses hopefully helped to keep him going at times. During the last 3 months he must have felt like he was running a marathon through life while holding his breath. Now that Gwyneth is doing so well and Tricia has her new lungs he deserves to take a deep breath and just stroll for a while. Still praying in PA for all of you.

  56. just checked in and was thinking about this same thing for Nate. I am not surprised and very pleased that he is doing this. We will all continue to pray and lift all of you up. We aren't going anywhere...
    much love to you all,

  57. God bless all of you. Nathan enjoy a much needed rest- we'll be praying for all of you, a fast recovery for Tricia, and more weight gains for baby.
    Sherri Jenkins

  58. Keeping you all in our prayers.

  59. Thank you for taking this over Rick! Nate deserves a break! We here in blogland though, really look forward to updates and such. We really care for all of you Lawrensons! You all have stole our hearts! Hope Nate, Tricia and Gwen are getting some rest and getting strength!
    In christ!

  60. Thank you for taking the time to keep us informed, Rick. We will continue to pray for Tricia's healing, Gwyneth's progress, and Nathan's rest and peace. We have also been praying for all of you grandparents as we can imagine this has been a stressful and tiring time for all of you as well. May the Lord fill you with His perfect peace as you rest in His strength for each new day!

    Have a wonderful Lord's Day as we all rejoice in the miracles and precious blessings of this week. To God be the Glory!

  61. Totally understandable! Praying that the Lord give Nate the rest and recharging that he requires so that he may continue to care for the girls.

  62. Do you guys realize how amazing you are for keeping us posted during this time? Nate`s breather is well deserved. Thank you for keeping us updated while he is on blog vacation.

    You are right, this has been a roller coaster ride none of us can begin to imagine.

  63. Praying that God will give Nate the rest that he needs. Also praying for Tricia that she will heal quickly.

    Love, The Hagers in Michigan

  64. I have been following this journey and praying for both your wife and precious baby, God has done a miraculous job with both of them, truely. From what I can see is you are an amazing husband and father and they are extremely blest to have you in there lives.
    I will always pray for you, I came out of lurdom to let you know how much I admire you for all you do for your family. I pray that God will touch you and give you the continued peace and wisdom you need to keep on this journey in the health of your family.
    Have a good rest.
    Thankyou for your update today to let us know about the family.

  65. Thank you father Lawrenson :) I'm thankful Nate is taking the time and respite he needs. The prayers will continue but the blogging world can wait, let him and your family experience some peace at this time :)

  66. Take all the time you need. We'll remain faithful in prayer in the meanwhile.

  67. Thank you Pastor Rick. We will gladly give your family a much needed rest. We'll keep on prayin' for ya'll. Hope you all have a restful night. May God continue to pour out His blessings on your family.


  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. All of you are in our prayers. If Nate never returns to this blog I would hope the world would understand -- or at least this part of it anyway (cyber world).

    He's done his part in spreading the word about CF. He's also spread the Word of God. He deserves a break for as long as he wants one -- even if that's forever.

    May God continue to bless you all!

    Heidi Reed

  70. we will joyfully keep Tricia, Gwyneth and Nate in our prayers! what a blessing they are to me and my hubby! the Lord has used this blog to remind me daily to draw near and hold fast to Christ and to be thankful for every second i have with my wonderful hubby and our precious children. Even if Nate chooses to never write on this blog again the Lord has used them to minister in ways that the extent will only be fully seen in eternity!!!! thank you Nate!!!! we will be here when, Lord willing, you get back!:) you just enjoy your girls! :) (thank you for filling in for him! great Dad!:) Praying you experience healing, refreshment, peace, comfort and abiding joy, jen in al

  71. Whew, I'm glad to hear Nathan is taking a break. Like all readers, I, of course, am dying to know how Tricia and Gwyneth are progressing but NOT at the expense of Nate losing precious moments with them both during this incredible time. We'll be glad to pick up reading whenever he feels ready to write again.

    Is it safe to assume then, Rick, that no news is good news for the present? My husband and I will continue to pray for you all continually.

    Much love,

    Sarah Tillman

  72. Thanks, Rick. Nate has been trying to be all things to all people...bless his heart!...but now he just needs some time to allow others to love on him for awhile. When someone gets a chance, it would be nice to hear how things are going...but please remember that you owe us NOTHING out here in cyberspace! It is our privilege to do what we can to support you in whatever way we can. I know that my God will continue to supply all of your needs...and I will continue to pray to that end. Know you are loved!

  73. good for you Nate. and whatever you do, don't forget to BREATHE!

    and to Rick, thanks for updating us. I read your blog too and feel like I 'know" your family. you all are an inspiration!

  74. Thanks for the update Rick! I'm glad Nate is taking a much-needed break and we will always keep praying.

  75. still praying for your whole family. Take all the time you need.

  76. Thanks so much for updating! Jason and I continue to pray for no rejection, no infection and quick recovery for Tricia! We are also praying for Nate. In a way, he has it tougher than Tricia does. It really is easier being the sick one instead of the watching your family member go through this.

  77. After my husbands recent illness I have a new understanding of what families go through during this time. I am so glad your son is taking a break (of any kind). Your family will continue to be in our prayers.

  78. I've been praying for Tricia's immediate and extended family and sharing this blog link with many of my online friends. Thanks so much for the updates. It is so awesome that we serve a God that not only is with us on the mountain, but in the valleys too.

  79. Thank you for the update. Nate deserves a much needed break! Hope all is well. Keeping you all in my prayers!

    God Bless!

  80. Even though Nate will be missed, I completely understand - the man is incredible but also human. Take the much needed break and I will be here when you come back. Thanks to Dad for filling in during Nate's absence. Be assured that prayers will still be coming your way (to ALL of you) from Northern VA.

  81. Thank you for the update - I find myself coming to the blog numerous times throughout the day.

    I "found" this blog only a few short days ago and have already read every single post. Your entire family is in my thoughts and prayers - I wish nothing but the best for you all.

    I hope Nate is able to focus on his wife and daughter, feel the prayers we are all sending to him and come back recharged with some fabulous news to share.

    Thank you for opening up your lives to us and allowing us all to share in your joys, fears and every step along this miraculous journey. I truly believe you are making a difference, opening up so many eyes to the importance of organ donation and rejoicing in each day God allows us to share.

    Thank you.


  82. Very understandable for him to just concentrate one his girls and take care of himself. My prayers are with them all.

  83. no explanation needed! praying for a great week!

  84. Rick,
    Thank you for helping Nate and filling us in while he takes a much-deserved (and I'm sure much-needed) break! I'll continue praying for Nate, Tricia, and the entire family... and look forward to updates whenever you can give them.
    God bless you all,
    Karen in FL

  85. Thanks, Nate's Dad. ;-)

    I hope that you all get the rest you need, and that all goes well.
    God bless

  86. Thanks for the update! I have your whole family in my prayers. Keep strong Nate, and get some rest!

  87. Nate I am praying that you get some much needed rest, as well as, praying for Tricia and Gwyneth. You are an amazing husband/father and God is using your family in big ways! What an awesome testimony you all have.

  88. Thanks Pops, I know he is so glad to have you there with him. Nothing like having dad around!

  89. Totally understand Nathan's need for a break! But, also so glad that you will try to keep us updated - I'm totally addicted! :)

  90. Hi, Rick...

    Thanks for the update. Love to you all.

    We'll assume no news is good news. And if good news is good news... well, that's all the better. :)

  91. Take your time. We'll all miss you out here in blogland but you are going through a major period of tension and you should do whatever you have to to keep blogging a POSITIVE experience in your life.

  92. Take the time you need for your family. Allowing us to be a part of this journey as been so amazing, but you must also remember that you cannot be all things to all people... do what you need for you and your family and everything else will work out the way it is meant to be.

    God Bless!

  93. Some choice just need to be made. That doesn't mean that the prayers will slow. We all need to take a break sometimes. Just hang in there and I will pray for supernatural strength, peace, rest and wisdom.
    Thanks Rick (dad) for keeping the updates coming.
    You are all a blessing to us too.

  94. Thank you so much for the update Pastor Rick.

    Nate: I am glad you are taking a breather, take care of yourself and to your family, we will all be here when you are well rested.

    Praying for Trica to recover and praying for Gwyneth to keep gaining wait.

  95. Rest Nate...strength to all 3 of you!

  96. Nathan that's a great choice,
    nothing but time to get much needed rest, time to spend with your wife & daughter and that cute lil' dog of yours...
    Thank You Rick for the update
    I appreciate it very much
    Showering you & yours lovingly with prayers and well wishes
    Patricia N.

  97. That's great that he is taking a break, Praying for you all

  98. That is wonderful you are keeping us aware of things, we care for the whole family and wish them nothing but peace and good will. Our God is an awsome God.
    Thank you

  99. A much-deserved break! The updates are appreciated Father Lawrenson!

    Stay strong Nate!

  100. Zero in and please take care of you too Nate! Its easy to lose you in the shuffle...but you gotta!!

    Thanks Nate's Dad for filling are all amazing!

  101. Completely understood. I can imagine that he needs a break to just "breathe" and be Nathan. I will continue to pray.

  102. I agree that a "breather" is due for Nate and as far as that goes, all of you who have been sitting at the hospital, traveling back and forth, etc. I know from my own and my families experiences, that sitting in hospitals, sometimes just waiting to visit, or waiting to talk to doctors, or waiting for test results is totally emotionally and physically exhausting, especially when it goes on day after day after day. When I had my lung transplant I was in the hospital quite a while due to complications. It is totally a rollercoaster ride for both the family and the patient. And when I look back on it now I see how hard it must of been for my husband and family to try to stay very upbeat and positive for my sake, on those days that were especially stressful, due to poor test results, complications, lack of sleep, etc. The transplant is a wonderful thing and I am so truly blessed, but you have to remember, as another person stated in an earlier post, being a member of the "transplant world" as a recipient or a caregiver or supporter, is a whole new world that is nothing like anything I would of imagined. It has its ups and downs, and curves and surprises. It is not easy but YES it is worth it! My motto now is "Life, is full of blessings and have to count your blessings and jump your hurdles!" My prayers are with Nate and Tricia and Gwyneth, the whole family as they settle into this new and wonderful phase of their life!
    Irene in Elizabeth City

  103. Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth,
    I've been praying for you every time you come to mind.

  104. Once a Dad, always a Dad. Commendations to you for stepping in on Nate's behalf.

    Praying for you all.

  105. Totally understandable. You are an amazing person by keeping us all informed and trying to be there for your girls. Take as much time as you need...we know that only good things will come for all of you!

  106. rest up nate. You've been through alot and it's time to take care of yourself.

  107. Thanks for being sush an amazing father in law and taking the time to keep all of us informed

  108. Sounds like a very good plan. Hope Nathan gets the rest he needs. Looking forward to your updates.

    Still praying in the UK.

  109. I certainly can see that it would be a bit overwhelming. I'll be praying for Nate's time of rest and relaxation. We'll be ready for him when he feels ready to return. In the meantime, thanks, Rick, for filling us in.

  110. Nathan, I am praying for you during this time. I pray for strength and patience and hope and determination. I pray for peace and quietness and overwhelming joy. You have been very gracious in sharing your families story and I appreciate your willingness to do so.

  111. Continuing to pray-a much needed break, I can only imagine. Thank you for your testimony- GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!

  112. rejoicing in all that has happened over the past three months and how God has been glorified every step of the way. rest and be refreshed as you bask in the presence of your family, and know that all of us faithful blog followers (i'll admit i'm a junkie when it comes to reading this blog) are lifting you up before our great and amazing God!
    may you all get much needed rest and praise Him for how well gwenyth is doing!!

  113. Thank you for the update- I think the way Nate has handled this entire life chapter is admirable. I came upon this blog in mid-January and I have been a loyal prayer provider for the entire family. I simply can't understand how anyone can criticize Nate and it makes me very sad.

    I just want you to know that I have made a few postings about your story on my blog and one of them I included a link to the "organ donation family notification card" and I have received word that at least 6 people in just my family have filled out the card! I have been an organ donor since I got my license but not everyone remembers to take care of it. So, your blog really has changed lives and I know it is exponential! So thanks to you Nate!

    Enjoy your "breather" and we will continue to pray for you, Tricia and Gwyneth. Thanks to Rick for the updates.

    Kerry in CT

  114. thanks for keeping us updated. Glad Nate is nowhere near a computer, he's with his GIRLS!

  115. Sounds like a good idea. Take care of yourself and your girls.

  116. I'm keeping the entire family in my prayers. I can only imagine the stress and strain you all have been under and I pray that God's peace invades your souls. Hugs and love!

  117. Thanks for stepping in! I'm continuing to pray that the Lord's grace and peace will be yours in abundance (1 Peter 1), and that Trica and Gwyneth (and Nathan!) would be growing stronger and healthier, spiritually and physically, each day!


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