
Sunday, May 4, 2008

2 Kilos!!!

This is what 2,060 grams of baby sweetness looks like...

Now, all she needs is to be eating completely from the bottle and Gwyneth Rose be on her way out the door!!! We'll be talking with the staff tomorrow about what the plan is to get her there.


PS. EDIT - Tricia walked 1.5 miles, not 1/5 of 2 miles at the walk bad...


  1. Such AMAZING good news!! She is SO sweet!!God bless you all!

  2. This is awesome news! Way to go Gwyneth!

  3. she looks absolutely amazing!!! SOOOOOO gorgeous :)

    tricia is beaming in the pics of her as well. just glowing!!!

    God bless you all!!

  4. Gwenyth looks great so healthy and happy! We serve an Awesome God!!!!

  5. God is so good!!! Gwyneth is such a miracle!!! Amazing to watch her progress week by week. So happy for you and Tricia and your miracle baby...can't wait to read about the three of you enjoying "normal, daily" family life!!! Praying for continued strength for your girls...

  6. How very precious! What a blessing she is, I love how God has shown himself in your lives. We all need to see his miracles, and remember that God is still in control! God Bless you!

  7. Go Gwyneth go!
    Grow Gwyneth grow!

  8. Don't let him cheat you out of your miles, Tricia. Gwyneth is dreaming of more food and dry diapers in those pics:)

  9. Way to grow Gwyneth! Can't wait to hear the discharge plan. I imagine she'll be ready to go home anytime now.

    GREAT job Tricia. I was impressed when I thought you had walked 1/5 of a mile. But a mile and a go girl!

  10. She looks absolutely stunning! Congrats on getting to 2Kilos and I hope she gets outta there soon!!
    Tricia looks so beautiful and healthy at the CF Walk--1.5 miles walked?! That is so awesome!!!!!!!!

  11. well 1.5 is much more impressive than 1/5 although I was impressed with that at first. she is a walking miracle. as for that baby girl, she is looking beaautifully plump!!

  12. Just weeks after such massive surgery Tricia WALKED 1.5 MILES?? Wow. I think she should get a couple days off PT for that! Go Tricia and Gwyneth! Hope you two are getting a really good stroller so you can all walk together.

  13. Congratulations! Way to grow, little one!

  14. She is so beautiful Tricia & Nate. What a treasure you have in that little girl. I am amazed at her strength and determination to survive the odds and surpass milepost after milepost. Nate both of your girls seem to be fighters. There is nothing wrong with strong women in your life right? This story is definitely a happily ever after kind of story.
    toodles, Sheila

  15. Very sweet indeed. She looks so healthy, and so content. What a great blessing from God the Father, who surely loves all little babies as his own.

  16. Oh WOW. Both pieces of news are so awesome! Yay Tricia and Gwyneth! Praise God!

  17. Yay!! Congratulations... she is so beautiful :)

  18. What a sweetie!!!! Love that content look on her face....

    And so grateful you and your wife are getting some precious private time together!!

  19. So adorable!! She does have the cutest little nose and mouth!!

  20. That is so amazing! What a blessing! I'm sending you happy baby eating prayers! Catch up on sleep now, because in a few weeks you'll be getting up at all hours of the night!!

  21. Beautiful pics! I was impressed with 1/5. 1.5 is amazing!

  22. oh my - she's so beautiful!

  23. oooh you are so right! That is pure sweetness for sure, she is getting so filled out and more and more beatiful with each day. I can't wait for you to take her home!

  24. I can't remember how I originally found this website a few months ago, I think from someone else's blog. anyhoo...i've never posted, but been following along. I just wanted to say how special you and your whole family seem. Your love for them is so great, and this blog frequently makes me cry. (in a good way). ;)
    So glad to see how everyone is progressing and hope that the progress continues on and on....
    Gwyneth looks fantastic and her face is really filling out. I think the thumb-sucking is my new fave pic on the site. :)

  25. Gwyneth is such a smiley baby! She must know that God has been doing some wonderful things lately.

    Praying she gets to go home soon!

  26. I *knew* it. I wasn't stalking or nothing, but we were right behind you and you veered off at the part where it says if you wanted a one mile walk turn around and if you wanted a two mile walk keep going. Plus all that "walking" there was from "booth to booth" etc.

    So I am witness. Tricia walked that far AND she didn't even look tired. She looked like she could go more. :) *yeah* Tricia.

    and *YEAH GWYNETH* (better get your hotel ready for baby .. as if you don't have it already ready).

    Having baby Gwyneth home for Mother's Day would be the best MOther's day present ever for Tricia. (that and a bathtub full of Rita's desserts huh?)

  27. Way to grow, Gwyneth!

    My sister had preemie twins, and the smaller of the two had a hard time finishing all her bottle feeds... until they let her be fed "on demand" rather than on a schedule. When she was hungry, that bottle went down like a charm. Not sure if that is an option for little Gwyneth, but just thought I'd share.

    Sending a whisper on the wind... Eat Gwyneth, eat...

  28. Love that smile! she knows it won't be long, now! :)

  29. WOOOOOOHOOOOOO! that is great

  30. She is so beautiful! Can't wait to see your "we're outta here!" post.

  31. Yay!!! What a blessing!

  32. Yes, I was praying at the Communion rail yesterday that she would reach her target weight this week. God is good!

    I am praying for her to be able to be discharged very soon now.

  33. Beautiful. :D I am glad she hit her 2 Kilos mark. See I told you she would. :D It won't be long now until she feeds more on the bottle. Maybe she will be home for MOTHER'S DAY!!! Wouldn't that be fantastic. Keep eating Gwyneth baby. :D

  34. She looks AMAZING!!!
    God Bless you both. This is wonderful News. She is just too...cute you just want to squeeze her! prayers continuing

    Jessica from

  35. I just CANNOT GET OVER your most recent pictures- Gwyneth is all filled out and looking just like a regular newborn instead of a preemie now! She is JUST THRIVING :) I am so happy and rejoicing over all the wonderful things happening in your lives!!!

  36. She is absolutely beautiful! I came across this verse last night and immediately thought of you guys...

    "He alone is your God, the only one who is worthy of your praise, the one who has done these mighty miracles that you have seen with your own eyes."
    Deuteronomy 10:21 (NLT)

    Can't wait to see Gwyneth in her "coming home" outfit!

  37. She is just so cuddly-looking! :)

  38. She looks so adorable!!! I love that grin in the last pic! I'm so glad to see her growing like the weeds in my backyard that seem to pop up overnight! :)

  39. Way to go Gwyneth! Looks like you and your Mommy are making great strides~!

  40. Absolutely beautiful.
    I think in the third picture, where baby Rose is asleep and a slight smile, Gwyneth is obviously dreaming about eating at La Fogattas with her Great Uncle Andy.

  41. Gwyneth looks GREAT!!! Look at her smile, she knows she is going home soon. It's amazing to see how much progress she has made. Can't wait to hear what the plans for her are. Praying she is out of there in no time and you all can be home as family!!!

    God Bless,

  42. WTG Baby Gwyneth!
    She's looks so healthy and fulfilled!
    Praying that you can get her home soon!

  43. Every parent thinks their child is the cutest, and I am no different. Miss Gwyneth Rose, though is giving all the other babies, mine included, a run for their money on the cuteness factor!!!! :)

    I can't wait until you post to us that you are taking BOTH of your girls HOME!!! :)

  44. Or looking like she ate there about 2 hours prior.

  45. Look at those CHEEKS!! My mother in law would say, "I could just BITE them!" (I, on the other hand, have never personally felt the urge to attempt to consume a child's cheeks...LOL) They sure look kissable though.

    So thrilled that Gwyneth is continuing to grow and is getting ready to bust out of that hospital! Praying for great bottle drinking skills, and no other things barring her release.

  46. Yay!! Her little body is getting chubbier by the day!

  47. You're in the home stretch, Gwyneth! Wow...Tricia did great at the walk...that is so amazing. Continued prayers for you all to be back in the OBX soon.

  48. What a lot of wonderful events in your family! After all you have been through, Gwyneth and Tricia are miracles indeed! The fun will really begin once you are able to care for your wonderful little girl at home. She looks so much like you, Nate.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  49. She's so beautiful and adorable! So cute! Love the third pix-- her smile is gorgeous and def like her momma's. Also, she looks like a regular baby, all filled out with all these chubby rolls! Sweet!

    Very glad about the weight gain and her being another step closer to getting outta the hospital for home! :-) Way to go, Gwyn!

    Marissa :-)

  50. Way to go Tricia! I thought 1/5 of 2 miles was great, but 1.5 miles. Awesome.

    And 2 kilos is lookin' good on Gwyneth!

    Still Praying,

  51. That is SO AMAZING!! Way to go, Gwyneth! God is truly Awesome!!

  52. WOOHOO!!! YIPEE!! Way to go Gwyneth!!

  53. I love the middle picture of Gwyneth...she's praying

  54. I've been reading your site since Janaury, when another blogger posted a link to it. This is the first time I will have left a comment and I hope it is alright, as I don't know you all and you've specified often not to leave unsolicited comments, etc, but I figure this once would be OK. It is just amazing how far your family has come in really a short span of time. To see the baby grow so much and so steadily is really amazing and Tricia's progress with the pictures of her out and about doing all sorts of things is quite heartwarming. You all had angels sitting on your shoulders for a long time. I truly enjoy my morning stop here every day. Best to you all!

  55. What wonderful news! To think that you are that close to going home... as a family of three! God IS faithful.

  56. All three of you are glowing from ear to ear.How beautiful is all this. What an awesome God we serve.
    Always praying!
    Bonnie Meyer
    Washington, Missouri

  57. You go girl!!
    So exciting! She looks so beautiful! Just love that little face!

    Keep Growing!

  58. I have been away for about a week and WOW -- what progress. I am so very happy for all of you! Gwyenth is getting so big, it is absolutely incredible!

    Praise God for all of your blessings.

  59. Great news..... Gwyneth looks just beautiful... hopefully she'll be home with her mommy and daddy soon.

  60. Awesome news.....and she is so absolutely beautiful. >:0)

  61. That's my beautiful "great neice"!!!

  62. How exciting!
    It won't be long now.
    Still praying and thanking God for making all of this possible.

  63. Mmm I love me some chubby babies :)
    She's so close! We're praying that she really gets the hang of the bottle soon so you can take her home and make her even fatter!

  64. Way to grow baby!

    Love the new photos - except that poor baby has one nice scratch on her face - poor thing!

  65. Just amazing! How wonderful to know that she is sooo close to going home. What a day of rejoicing that will be! Praying for you all.

  66. WooHoo! What a sweetie! And what great news!

  67. ohmygoodness! She is just precious!! Keep building up that sweet little double chin Miss Gwyneth!

    The Brantner fam is praying that you will be eating completely from a bottle REALLY SOON!!

  68. I can't believe how far she has come! She truly is a strong girl and someday she will be a strong woman just like her mom!!

  69. WOW!!!! She looks so much like Jessie in that first picture!! How is that even possible since Tricia is adopted? She looks so plump and happy!! LET HER GO HOME! :)lol!

  70. It is so awesome to watch this miracle unfold right before our eyes. Thank you so much for sharing it all with us!!!

    Love and prayers from WV,

  71. FIrst time to post but have been following your very inspiration story for months now. This brought tears to my eyes, I am so happy for you, Tricia and baby Gwyneth!!

  72. A perfect little plump angel! And, she already knows how to get her hands in praying position. Yea on the 1.5 miles for Tricia!

  73. So Very Cute! Its amazing on how much has changed since I first started reading your blog; Tricia has her new lungs and is walking 1 1/2 miles; and Gwyneth is plumping up! God has sincerely blessed you.

  74. She is a living doll! Does she still have that incredible newborn smell? Can't wait to read the post of Gwyneth's home coming! Oh what a day that will be!

  75. So glad and happy to hear everyone is doing better. Hopefully you all will be able to go "home" and finally be together as a family. You 3 are truly an inspiration to us all.

  76. She's definitely beautiful like her Mama, but I really see her Daddy in her face!

  77. Tricia needs another gelato reward, for the my bad mileage.

  78. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics! What a sweet little angel. Glad to be hearing some good news.... still praying for that sweet precious little one to go HOME! Glad Tricia is doing well and continuing to do so well!1 PRAISE GOD! What an inspiration she is to so many..... and a very blessed woman indeed.

    Many More Blessings......

  79. FANTASTIC! Your "ladies" are doing stellar!

    Continuing to pray!

  80. Just wanted to say what an encouragement your story has been to my entire family. We are blessed by God's cool story! Thanks for allowing us strangers to be a part of seeing HIM.

  81. You have such a BEAUTIFUL Happy baby girl.. she is just precious.

  82. WOOT! The 2 Lawrenson girls are gettin down with their bad selves!!!! You go girls!!!
    Beautiful pics. Smilin for you all
    God Bless
    Jamie in Texas

  83. Just found your site through a friends site and wanted you to know that you are on my prayer list!! Your girls look great!

    God Bless you!!

  84. She looks terrific! Hopefully you'll get her out of there soon!

  85. BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL BABY! Praying without ceasing for your continued growth and for you to go home with your mommy and daddy as soon as possible.

  86. I've been reading your blog for ages now and wanted to comment so many times but couldn't find my password haha!

    I too have CF, and gave birth to my son back in December. He was 32+5 weeks and weighed about 2kg, compared to you guys I think we had it easy as he only had to stay in 19 days.

    I just wanted to say that it seemed to take forever for him to be able to manage to finish all his bottles as he fell asleep all the times, or got hiccups and tired himself out!! Just rest assured that gorgeous girl of yours will get there soon enough, you won't believe it three months from now when she's finished scoffing 200mls of milk that she used to fall asleep after just 10ml, but believe me it happens :o)

    You're whole family is inspirational and we are all following your story and keeping our hearts and fingers crossed for you all.

    Love and Cuddles

    Toria x

  87. she's SO adorable! I love her little nose in the first picture :) We're praying that she is able to be discharged soon!

  88. She is so sweet! I'm so happy for you guys.

  89. YAY!!!!!!!!!!

    Am rooting for you guys!

  90. what a sweetie and cutie pie:) I just love those cheeks! Such exciting news ... God is good.

  91. You go Girl! God bless you!

  92. Gwyneth is absolutely stunning. She's such a gorgeous little girl. I love seeing all of the pictures with her growing bigger and bigger. The chubby cheeks get me every time. She's one truly blessed little angel! <3

  93. Ooh, I LOVE the "smilin'-in-my-sleep" photo! What a miraculous God we serve!

    Hugs from El Paso,

  94. Yahoo! We are rejoicing with you here! Way to go Baby Gwyn! What a great answer to prayer this upcoming day will be. Your lives are a testiment to the goodness of God. you will have quite the story to share with Gwyneth when she is old enough!

  95. WooHoo!!!
    God is sooooo Good!
    Loving and praying for you all still!

  96. SO ADORABLE!!!

    Love, The Hagers in Michigan

  97. Wow, she has gotten so big! Beautiful pics!!

  98. Just so you know, i created a blog so i could comment on yours. i have been reading your blog since right before Gwyneth was born she has come so far and i am proud of all three of you. i am so happy for all of the milestones you have reached and i know in time you three will all be home together. I am so excited for you

  99. What a healthy looking little girl! Soooo sweet! Does she ever cry? =) She always looks so content. Praying that she'll be released very soon! And Tricia, you look amazing! I'm in awe of your progress.

    Continuing to pray from Eugene, Oregon....
    Alisa Jones

  100. Praise God. I do believe that is a smile I detect on Gwyneth's third pic.

  101. Gwenyth is looking so healthy! What amazing news!!!!

  102. she looks so amazing. I can't wait to see you guys!

  103. Gwyneth gets more beautiful with each post! :) Glad both of "the girls" are doing well!

  104. Hi guys,
    Due to thetornado in Va. my internet has been out! Just got on again but I went to KMart to read your web site cause they have free internet!!!! Gwyneth is looking adorable and smiling away. She weighs now what I weighed at my birth and they were worried about me. Ha Ha.
    Tricia, it's great that you participated in the CF walk. You are getting stronger each day. I love the pics of you holding your little girl.
    Prayers do work miracles, don't they?
    Hugs to all,
    Cheryl from Fairfax

  105. Awesome that Tricia walked so far! That is great news!
    Did Gwyneth already scratch her face? Aww,her nails must be getting long! I see near the feeding tube some red marks by her nose? Hope she is doing okay and comes home soon!

  106. Awesome news!!!! Congrats on everyone's progress! Pictures of your little "fatty" just melt my heart and renew my faith daily! Your story always amazes me and I love to share it with others. Keep up the good work Gwyneth and you'll be home soon! Whoohoo!!!!!!

  107. I have been following your story for a few months now. Praying, crying, and laughing along the way. I am writing my first comment to tell you how beautiful Gwyneth is and what a miracle! God is SO good!

  108. It's amazing to read your story and see how far she's come. It's hard to believe she was a micro premie. Lookin' good!!


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