
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Great Strides Walk - Cary '08

Yesterday, Tricia and I participated in the CF Great Strides Walk in Cary, NC. Lots of food and fun, and lots of people, and a whole lot of money raised!

It was a beautiful day...a little too warm even, but most of the park is under the trees, so it was very nice. We got to see a few friends, including our great friend Sophia, who works for CFF (pic below).

Several blog readers, and even one of Tricia's physical therapists came out to support Tricia and CF! One girl even drove all the way from Charlotte, NC just to hang with us and show her support! We also were able to meet a few new CFF people who will be working with us in organizing our Great Strides Walk on the OBX on September 13.

Tricia was able to walk about 1.5 of the 2 mile walk, which impressed us both!

Papa John's and Chick-fil-a (two of my favorites) provided lots of food, which was most excellent!

We were also able to meet several CF families and talk about a few things which is always nice but is becoming more uncommon, unfortunately.

By the end of the day, it was announced that over $100,000 had been raised!

It may not be too late to find a walk near you!

And, we finished off the afternoon with another trip to the nearby Rita's!




  1. first commenter and you guys look great! and so does the icecream! love from BC, Canada!

  2. Must you tempt the pregnant lady with mentions of food and pictures of frozen deliciousness? LOL.

    Congrats on the successful day. Tricia looks great!

  3. GO TRICIA! Proud of you for walking so far. That is awesome! I am so glad to see how things are falling right into place you you guys. God is great!

  4. I'm glad that I drove from Charlotte to join in the fun. I apologize again for being so shy. It is awkward to meet people that I know so much about but don't know me from Adam. Since I was laid off in February, my friend Jennifer turned me onto your blog and I have been cheering for your family since. I was hired for a new job about 3 weeks ago, had some money (Friday was payday) and saw your posting about the walk. On a whim I figured that I would drive out to participate and lighten my wallet. It was a pleasure to meet and share a bench with you both. :-)

  5. You two are even sweeter than that icecream! :) What super photos and praise the Lord for all the money raised!!! We were again praying for you this morning in our little church here...the Mexican ladies always ask about "Treesh" as they call her. :)
    The Lockwoods :)

  6. What a great weekend you had with each other, family, friends, bloggers!!!!! I'm so glad that Tricia did a little walking herslef. YOU GO TRICIA.
    Gwyneth looks AWESOME!!!!

  7. It is so cool to see the pictures of you out of the hospital doing fun things.

  8. Way to go on the walk, Tricia!!

    It just so happens that I got a coupon from Rita's in my e-mail today. I need to hook my laptop up to the printer and get that thing printed out. It is for my half birthday---BOGOF!!

    What is Tricia's favorite--I've never tried it and need to know what is good!! Maybe it all is??

  9. Missy, we really do need to do more things "on a whim." It's not so bad to choose to do things last minute huh? Of course, planning things out way in details in advance is much funner. :)

    Thanks for coming all the way to Cary to meet me. :) I had a blast and am sorry you had to witness the "tick paranoia" side of me.

    My advice to you Missy: next time bring your bigger camera.

    Thanks Tricia & Nathan for being so nice to us. Tricia, you were absolutely stunning and I believe you walked more than 1/5 of the 2 miles. I think you walked more like 3/4 of a mile. But that's just my poor estimation. Way to go new lungs. I'm still praying for your donor family.

  10. It was a wonderful day yesterday, I do agree it was a smidge too hot though, but hey the food they had there was great. I think I still have a cookie left :)

    Great getting to meet you, Hope to see you around town sometime.
    Kathryn Cary, NC

  11. So great to see Tricia out and about enjoying the great fresh air, ice know, the fun stuff!
    Praising the Lord for his great care!

  12. I'm soooooo excited for you guys. Your little family has come such a long way. God is so awesome. >:0)

  13. Can you believe Tricia walked in the Great Strides Walk. Amazing!

    Great pics.


  14. Tricia makes that ice cream look so yummy:)

  15. That is wonderful. Hope you had a really nice time. Tricia looks excellent!!! Keep up the great work!


  16. Sounds like you had a great weekend.

    Tricia, I am so happy that you were able to walk 1/5 of the 2 miles. I bet that was one of the best walks you have ever taken.

    $100,000 that is great.

    Rita's dessert again, looks amazing!

    Really enjoyed all the photos.

    Still praying for you, Tricia and your beautiful baby girl, Gwyneth.

    God Bless all of you.

  17. I bet it felt GREAT to be outside with friends! I am so happy Tricia is doing so well!

  18. How incredibly cool that much money was raised in one walk! Now you've got me curious if there is a walk that happens in the area i'm moving to. If not, maybe i'll have to get one started with the congregation i'll be serving!

    Thank you for sharing your story, raising awareness for so many important causes, and most importantly, showing the world just how awesome our loving God really is!

    For Prayer Support:

    My two little miracle nephews (24 weekers):

  19. wow Tricia - how exciting to have walked that far. Wow. Must have been a great day. Way to go.

  20. What a great day. Tricia looks wonderful. Continuing to pray in KY

  21. We went to Rita's on Friday because I was having a serious craving. . . . sort of like the one I'm having now.

    Way to walk Tricia!

  22. YEAH Tricia!!! 1/5 is VERY impressive!!! Look out Nate, she is getting stronger every day and gonna whoop you on the track soon!

    100K!!! that's a serious chunk of change!

    see you in a week...i'm out of blog world for a break. you are ALWAYS in my prayers.

  23. So glad everything went well.

    Just so you know- I'm heading to Chick Fil A tomorrow to support them for supporting you.

    Maybe Tuesday we'll ahve Papa Johns.

  24. That is awesome how much money was raised and how much Tricia walked! Way to go girl!! I always look forward to our Great Strides walk. Ours is always held in October.

  25. Awww. Nate and Tricia, you all look GREAT! (Like the new hair cut, Nathan!!) :)
    Congratulations on some normalcy. The world is watching in anticipation of that little bundle coming home!!!
    Alright God!!
    We are enjoying you enjoying each other!
    Praying in Nebraska.

    Nurse Candice & Co

    (On a side note, I mentioned a while back that I was an LPN and in RN school. I was scared to death to "do" vent care...and your journey helped me through it...well, I take my state board exam on Wednesday..then (hopefully)I will be an RN!!Yeah! I am working at a prestigious rehab hospital..helping to make people the best they can be!!!)

  26. What a wonderful day! I'm so happy for you both that you had such a successful Walk to raise awareness and $ for CF, and that Tricia had such a good walk. That's an amazing accomplishment so soon after the transplant. Way to go!
    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

  27. This is so unbelievable considering where you guys were just a month ago! Thank the Lord!! We are praying still for all of you. We still pray for Trisha's healing and Gwyneth's weight gain but also for a platform for you guys to get your messages out!

  28. Way to go Tricia!
    You are such an inspiration.

    Hope this week is the best yet!

  29. So great to see you out of the hospital and enjoying life knowing that Gwyneth is going to be home with you soon!

  30. Wow! 1.5 miles?? That's amazing! There are some people who HAVEN'T had lung transplants who would have a hard time completing that. You rock, Tricia!

  31. Tricia looks great and it looks like you all had a great day....

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Two of my cousins have CF and the Cincinnati walk is May 17th at 9am at Sawyer Point. We'll be there!

  34. Go Tricia!!! You and Nate continue to amaze me with your faith, strength, and courage. And, oh yeah, your selflessness. Wow! You are inspiring, beautiful family!

  35. I am so happy for all of you. You have been in my prayers and I have been following for a while. I am also an RN and was wondering how long Tricia has to keep her Trach. Are they using it for anything or is it just in case of emergencies?

  36. Wow Tricia - I am so impressed you walked so far so soon after your transplant.

    You are a real inspriation to me. I am trying to get into a workout routine and it is so hard. But I always tell myself if Tricia can do it you have no excuse!

    Thanks for putting your lives out there for us all to see. It is really inspring and I know you guys are going to help a lot of people.

  37. Tricia looks great in these pictures! And wow on the 1.5 miles. Great to see you out and about!

  38. I LOVED that last pic of Trish, it just embodies the beginning of good stuff after transplant!!!

  39. I can't believe how great Tricia looks! You are truly blessed.

  40. Go Tricia! What a fantastic effort.

    This is my firs ttime visiting this blog - I stumbled across it in my web travels.

    I am a physiotherapist in Melbourne, Australia. I work at our childrens hospital with the CF kids - thanks for all your efforts to raise awareness and funds!

    You guys rock!


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