
Saturday, August 2, 2008

(Bump) 65Pounds4Pattysue

This was originally posted on 5.12.08. Ben is making great seriously need to check out his latest posts and the pictures that show his weight loss so far!

Meet Ben Roberts, a CFHusband blog reader.

I received an email from Ben a few weeks ago. Ben has come up with a hilariously awesome idea to both lose weight and support for the CFF in honor of Tricia called "65Pounds4Pattsue". Ben has set a goal, beginning today, to lose 65 lbs in one year or less by getting people to sponsor him by donating directly to his CFF Page and ultimately raising $5000 for CF research! Every penny goes directly to the CFF!

He has begun blogging about his experience, and has already had several members of his family, including his wife, join him in his quest. Check it out Here and at least consider cheering him on by leaving an encouraging comment.

Tricia and I have committed to donating $1 for every pound that Ben loses over the next year!

Way To Go Ben!!!



  1. That is cool, I will go see it.

  2. What a GREAT idea!!! I am heading to Ben's page now to see what I can do to help.

  3. How cool is that?! A way to give you inspiration to loose weight and to raise money for CFF at the same time....... that is worth thinking about.

  4. Fantastic idea!
    Good for Ben!
    I will check out his page!

  5. that is awesome!!!!~ btw, just swabbed my cheeks x4 and mailed in my dna to add my name to the bone marrow donor list. Thanks for the idea! i am a big "peer pressure" kinda gal. Go Ben Go!

  6. Way to go dude--what a great idea!!

  7. Thanks for the great post and linking to my page, Nate! I'm really excited about the possibilities!


  8. What a great idea!!! Weight Watchers Works!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. That is awesome! I will check his website out in a bit.

  11. ok, so Ive thought about it and my husband and I are doing this! we started our own blog for losing weight in '08 for CF.


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