
Saturday, August 2, 2008


Gwyneth has rounded another corner and is now interacting with her toys, smiling and talking and laughing at them. She's especially fond of talking to an orange giraffe with black polka dots. We've yet to hear him talk back. She still hasn't figured out how to use her hands much, except to pull her nasal cannula out...



  1. Isn't it so fun when they start "doing stuff?" LOL Aren't those playmats were the lifesavers in our house!! My kids both LOVED them!

  2. She looks so much like Tricia in the first picture!

    Your baby girl is definitely cute. And way to go on the toys Gwyneth!

  3. She is a little Doll!
    Your very Welcome Nate. You Rock!! I am serious about that. You have the made a forum here to do so much good.It is really amazing. You have a ministry right here reaching so many.
    I meant what I said. People are looking to us to share and say what is going on.
    Club Sammich Cafe when I first started it was a journal then it became a informational forum. I get emails daily saying simple thanks. For getting them to places with good current info on Lymphoma. I many hits but I have my regular readers who often leave me a comment and or message for me in email. Which works to.
    You and I need to really talk on this fund raising deal. I am not great at it LOL You can get my Light the Night Walk site. On my page.But its not getting hits. No matter what I have done. Its just sitting there. So we are going to have to do something bring it to my blogspot. Any ideas you know where to find me.
    How is Tricia Doing??? I see Gwyneth looks great. I am glad to hear she to is doing well.
    I am off big Family doings today.
    Have a good one!

  4. What a dolly! (Oh.. love the new pic on top of the blog!)

  5. Gwyneth's little feet look so delicious:) What a love muffin she is.

  6. From here on out, it just starts getting to be more and more fun. Watching them explore, interact and is the BEST!

  7. Yay Gwyneth!! You are getting so big!!

  8. A friend of ours has boy/girl twins and when they were little bitty (they still are little compared to our twins who turn 10 tomorrow!) the boy would talk to a tiger toy. Just babble away and giggle. He also would stare at it really close and usually ended up crying or getting grumpy. His dad always said the tiger was telling him to act up. Who needs a toy that gets you upset LOL!!
    Hope the girafe stays nice and friendly :)

  9. So spankin sweet. I can't take it.

    She's just adorable.

  10. EEEEEE!! I love the one of her feet! So cute, you guys!

  11. My son's favorite was a stuffed giraffe, also. Named Masai. (The giraffe, not son.)

  12. Hey guys,

    Gwyneth looks great! And you will be oh so overloaded with toys!
    PS:Seeing those toys above Gwyneth makes me want to cry. My babies (twins) played with that very same arch. It's out in the garage.....taken it twice to resale and can't let go!!!! It was their first toy.
    -Shannon in Austin

  13. When I see your beautiful White Rose playing with her toys I have a flash back of when my preemie niece first starting recognizing and interacting with all those cool things. I am so happy Gwyneth is growing so big & so strong!

  14. my son was a NICU baby and thought the greatest thing in the world was to pull his nasal canula out to suck on it. Gwyenth is just beautiful and growing so fast!!!

  15. Gwyneth looks very serious about her toys! She's so cute. Continued prayers for you guys.

  16. well, just cause you can not hear the toy talking does not mean she cant! I bet she hears every word!


  17. Love love love the pic of her sweet feet!!!!! Hope you have a nice weekend!

  18. Aww-she's always adorable, and I love the feet photo-too cute!

  19. She is getting so beautiful. Her color looks so good to me too.

  20. ahhhh!!!!!!!!!! soo cute she is getting so big im so proud of her!!!


  21. It's so fun when they start interacting with you and their toys. My little one (17 months) crosses her legs like Gwyneth does. Such perfect little ladies. It's hilarious, and so adorable. She was crossing her legs when she was Gwyneth's age, so don't be surprised if Gwyneth sits with her legs crossed a lot. I think it's the cutest thing ever. I'm so glad that Gwyneth is doing so well. You all are still in my prayers, along with Jeff. Your family has had a really rough year! Just know that millions of people keep you in their prayers daily. You're an inspiration to so many!!

  22. So sweet! Glad she is having fun with her toys and that def makes it all the more fun to enjoy watching her! :-)


  23. Oh my goodness, gotta love them piggy toes! It is the BEST when they start talking to their toys. I love this age when they are fun and playful, but you can walk away for a few minutes and still find them where you left them. Revel in it!

    Took me a minute on the new header--at first I thought that you were thinking that you were actually experiencing hair loss, and that made me think you were losing something else. DUH. ;-)


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