
Friday, May 2, 2008

April Beach 104 Interview (Part 3)

Listen to Part 1 & Part 2!



  1. Great end to the interview! Thanks for sharing with us, as always!
    God bless!

  2. Great job Nate. Tricia is looking beautiful and so healthy. You are doing a great job. Prayers for all 3 of you!

  3. Looks like all of us are late nighters....

    It was great to hear you acknowlege everyone. You speak and write very well. Thank you for sharing and being so humble, and having a good sense that things are never really up to us. You're so thankful, and it shows.

  4. I couldn't get it to play, must be my computer! Praying for you guys!

  5. What a great way to share God's handiwork!

  6. The whole interview was great!
    Praying that you, Tricia and Gwyneth have many beach days this summer.
    Thanks again for sharing the interview.

  7. Hey Nate - did you know that May 2008 was just officially recognized as the Senate as National Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Day?

  8. Uh... National CF Awareness MONTH. Sorry about that. :)

  9. I sure hope it works out that you get to spend some time on the beach with your family soon. It is a great visual . . . the thought of your family walking along the beach. God is good.

  10. May is a whole slew of awareness months. :)

    Stroke Month
    Asthma & Allergy Month
    Better Sleep Month
    Clean Air Month
    Healthy Vision Month
    Hepatitis Month
    Lupus Month
    Lyme Awareness (My personal fight)
    Skin Cancer Prevention
    Mental Health
    Celiac Disease
    High Blood Pressure

    There are a whole slew. Though CF wasn't mentioned. So I'm guessing either it was just added or just missed. IF it was just added, way to go. If it was missed... someone should get in touch with them and say ... "HEY IT'S CF AWARENESS MONTH TOO."


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