
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blog Stats

I like taking a look at some blog stats every now and then...they give me a feel for who is checking us out, and they're just kinda fun to look at. This might not interest you at all, but here are some of the more interesting stats about the CFHusband blog...

(These stats are based on a different system than the hit counter over there on the right of the screen, using GoogleAnalytics)

> Less than 8% of visitors only check the blog out one time.

> 26% of visitors have checked the blog out 201+ times.

> The average visitor sticks around for 1 minute 10 seconds per visit.

> White Rose Blooming (2 Weeks) is the most viewed post with 10,601 hits.

> have sent more hits (19,496) than any other site/blog.

> 128 countries have visited the blog, including Malta, Maldives, and Mauritius (yeah, I had to look that last one up...looks like a nice vacation spot) with 1 hit each.

> Other than the US with unique 669,595 hits, Canada with 30,222 and the United Kingdom with 10,555 have had the most number of hits.


  1. I religiously check your blog along with some others using Google Reader. Any idea if those hits show up as well? We love you guys and are silently watching and cheering from the sidelines!

  2. One possible reason for the high hits on the 2 week White Rose Blooming is I think many like to look back at that post after viewing subsequent posts and remember how small she once was.

    Interesting stats!

  3. Well, I KNOW that I am in the 26%!!! :):) What I find curious in those numbers, is that out of 4,202,266 hits only 669,595 are from the US. That means that more than 3,000,000 hits are from places other than the US, UK and Canada! Mind-boggling, the reaches of the internet, and how God is using you!
    Loved the family pics!! Such happy faces! :)

  4. Hey Nate :) How do you get blog statistics? Just a question from a very unsavvy tech girl!
    We are continuing to pray. Glad that you are gettting some time with family to share your joy. Love to all,
    Tricia and Clan :)

  5. And there are probably thousands more of us who read through an RSS reader which wouldn't register on your statcounter unless we click through to comment. You can use the free Google resource to monitor your subscribers and readers!

    Congrats Nate! :)

  6. Thanks for posting this, Nate. I found the stats interesting...

  7. That's pretty cool to know all those details. Have a great week, I will keep checking multiple times a day (like I usually do); however, today may be slower since we have a funeral this morning.

  8. I'm good for about 1,000 of those hits! I must say say your blog has become somewhat of an addiction to me.

    Crazy to think that a few months back, your blog was only getting around one hundred hits a day. The WORLD quickly fell in love with your family.

  9. Very interesting. I know I'm in the 200+ club! :)

  10. Hi Lawrenson Family, I agree with Blessings From Above, I found out about your blog from a friend of mine, and quickly became addicted to reading each day. I too, fell in love with the story of your family and the grace and love God has given to you !!!
    I love the new picture of the three of you for your face page.
    Lots of love, Lora

  11. I just started reading your blog, and have added it to my daily reading list. My son is in need of a bone marrow transplant, and although the stories are not the same, I still feel like I can relate to a lot of what I have read so far.

    I found your blog through the blogger awards site when I was referred there to browse around.

    I am going to have to check into getting some blog statistics like that! Not that I have many readers, but I do find stuff like that interesting... lol


  12. I too believe Mauritius would be a most excellent trip. The palm trees and crystal clear lagoon had me hooked soon as I looked.

    Interesting Mauritius fact:

    Culture -
    Mauritius is a blend of diverse cultures and religions. The population
    consists of Hindus, Creole, Chinese, Muslims and Europeans.

    Tipping is not option in Mauritius.

  13. That 201+ figure is all the people (myself, included) who hit refresh a million times the day Gwyneth was born and when Tricia had the tx. :)

  14. I too must say I have become somewhat addicted to you blog!! I check it daily, sometimes even two or three times a day!!! (blushing!!) The White Rose Blooming (2 Weeks) is the most amazing picture to me on your blog. It just goes to show that our God is real and that there are miracles in this world and Gwenyth is one of them!!! Also it is cool to look at her current picture and look back to see just how far she has come!!!!! Because she has come a LONG way!! The Lord has big things in store for you family, I just know it!!!!

  15. And you have 173 subscribers on Bloglines!!! (I'm one of those).

    I don't always get a chance to comment, but I'm always excited to hear how you and your girls are doing.

  16. that's so neat!! i need to investigate my blogger account more...i'm new to this...finally gave up xanga! that's neat that you can check all that....and what a testimony it is to the body of Christ and your witness to the world...praise God!!

  17. I come here often...sometimes 2x's a day to check in! I think your family is truely a blessing from God and I love to be able to actually "see" God working in your lives. Thank you for letting us share in your lives!
    your sister in Christ,

  18. I love stats!

    as for the 2 weeks blooming...I like to compare that week with the current pics w/pug to see the growth. It's easy to not notice week to week.

    does it give a stat for those of us that check your site (still) several times a day?) LOL...don't feel like you have to answer that question!

    still praying for continued health for all three of you!

  19. What a great post for us Nate! So incredible to think of the impact that this blog has had on soooo many lives.
    And as for being addicted to checking your blog multiple times... hmmm yep, that would be me :)

  20. wow, that's crazy!! But so cool!!! Yeah, I look at the blog a lot. To be honest, it gives me encouragement, and reminds me of God's faithfulness...this blog is truly a blessing for me to read, thank you for being such an encouragement, and for being a faithful follower of Christ Jesus, Lord and Savior!

  21. I love the blog and check daily...Sometimes a couple times a day!

  22. I'm de-lurking to admit to being one of the Canadians checking you out pretty regularly:)

    I love hearing what God is doing in your life. I'm excited for you both as you get this second chance and get to raise your beautiful daughter!

    ....that and I'm just a teeny bit nosy;-)

  23. I love your blog and read it as many times as Google Reader says you've made a post! I too love the stats and have tried to get Google Analytics to work, could you help me a little? I am confused with the code and where to put it, do I put it on each individual post that I do? Please Help!

  24. Okay I admit I was checking many times. I am hooked I admit it.
    But it is interesting how many hits and to be able to see that. Interesting.
    Thanks for all sharing all the pictures hear and on your photo blog as well.

  25. I guess I'm part of the 26%. :)

    Cool stats!

  26. I think it is safe to say that your desire to let the world in on this journey and teach us all more about CF and organ donation is a reality. These stats are amazing. You and Tricia make it into at least one or more conversations I share with friends and family every week. Your story has touched SO many lives...thanks for sharing!!!

  27. Wow! The Lawrenson Family is showing God's glory to many nations! You all ROCK! Keep up the good work.

    Hugs from El Paso,

  28. I have a blog realted question that I cannot figure out how to do and you certainly can do on your do you type a word and have it highlighted so that upon clicking it, you are redirected to a new place? I have tried to figure this out and although I feel I am tech savvy, I cannot do it! Thanks! Sara Cohen

  29. CVS has a new commercial using the song that you have played to show pictures of Gwyenth-Ordinary Miracle.I wasn't familiar with the song until I read your blog.

  30. That is so AMAZING how many people have been touched by your story.

    I would say I am good for about... 500 hits? Minimum? Oh well. What can I say, I'm hooked!

  31. cool stats - i enjoyed them! :) i check your blog daily - sometimes several times a day and now my daughters ask how tricia and gwyn are doing! they have a pug the same as hers, so they find her growth absolutely amazing! :)

  32. Yes,
    I check in with Google Reader several times a day too!
    You and your family are ever in our prayers.
    When we are down in Corolla next week we will be thinking about how nearby you are!

  33. Yep, my family is from Maurtius but we live in the US. Awesome vacation spot!!

    Continuously in my prayers, Nate. Oh, how God has blessed you.


  34. WOW...never heard of Mauritius until hubs got scheduled to go over there in the very near future with Benny Hinn. :) Cool that you have visitors from there!
    I think it's awesome how God has used your family to touch so many all over the world. I am excited to think about what we'll be reading in ten years' time....and longer!
    God bless you,
    ~ becky b

  35. Isn't the internet amazing?

  36. I would be curious to know how many time the "average" blogger hit your blog on transplant night.

  37. Like Mindy asked first... do you blog stats show us folks subscribed through Google Reader? 'Cause I get and read *every* entry.

    Unrelated... a few friends of mine ported in Mauritius during their Semester at Sea. They said it was beautiful and that the national bird is extinct.

  38. The maldives is from my boyfriend!!! =) He's working on a yacht and has been there for way too long if you ask me haha happily he's back in francewith that boat now. But i told him about your website when he still was in the maldives and he checked it out. Cool to read that back hehe


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