
Monday, May 26, 2008

Family Time!

Grandma K
PopPop K
Great Uncle Scott
Aunt Rachel
Uncle Ramon
Grandmommy L
Aunt Misha

PS. I've also added lots of new Gwyneth Rose pics on my Photo Blog!


  1. AW! Looks like a wonderful time with family. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself- a true inspiration.

  2. That's one hot Grandmommy L!
    I know she's eating up the time there with Gwyneth.

    Me? I'm getting scratched by the demon cat at home.

  3. Building a heritage for the new generation! Ah family...
    How did Rick get stuck home with the crazed cat?

  4. ok,I am weeping with joy, again. All so sweet. We are so blessed,I can hardly stand it.

  5. Aunt Misha is a babe!

    Rick - I have a 12 gauge (actually two of them)

    Great Uncle Andy

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Look at all of them enjoying time with the little princess. What a beautiful family you guys have!

    God Bless!!

  8. A good day to be with family, but ever day is!

  9. I love all the pictures!!! Looks like the perfect way to spend the weekend.

    Gwyneth is getting so big!

  10. Looks like Gwyneth is having lots of fun with all her relatives!
    Hope you guys had a great Memorial day together. The photo blog is looking extra cute these days too :)

  11. Yayyyy for all the family who finally get to hold her. :)

  12. Awwww, so sweet. I love the one of Pop-Pop:)

  13. See that hand injury isn't stopping a certain granny from holding a certain baby! So glad your mom is doing so well! she's been in our prayers for a quick uneventful recovery!

  14. Looks like Gwyneth got the okay to be around people now! That's so great that she can have all the different family members holding her! Grandma K looks tired! I hope she gets a break soon!

  15. Great pics! It is awesome Gwyneth has so much love around her! Hope you all had a nice weekend. We are praying.

  16. beautiful photos. I like the new header on your blog. You have a beautiful family.

  17. There's nothing like holding a little baby!

    In the picture with one of those aunts it looks like Gwyneth is trying to hold her head up!! Strong baby!

    Thanks for sharing :)

  18. What a beautiful family. Prayers that Tricia and Gwenyth continue to do well.
    Elaine from MT

  19. Great family photos. Looks like you've been getting lots of company. Going to check out the photo blog...


  20. I do apologize that in my last comment I mispelled baby Gwyneth's name incorrectly. For some, it may not be a big deal, but to me it is. Again, you have a very beautiful and loving family. Tricia and Gwyneth sure have a lot of love surrounding them to help them get stronger every day.
    Elaine from MT

  21. Is it funny to anyone else but me that Great Uncle Scott makes me think of Back To the Future??
    "Great Scott!"

  22. Looks like GMommy L is getting along with the sling just fine :>)

  23. I haven't checked in with you for a while... but this is my favorite post as of late. This is one of the beauties of life - sharing these little loved ones with all the rest of your loved ones. When we adopted our children the first thing my husband and I wanted to do was show them off. How fun that you get and Tricia get to do that now - in person!

  24. That is cool that Gwyneth has an Aunt Rachel! Me and my sisters have an Aunt Rachel too! I like the pics you've been taking of her. She is just precious. Regards, Joshua


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