
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bone Marrow

Beyond organ and tissue donation, another huge need is bone marrow donors. Fortunately, you don't have to be dead to donate bone marrow, but you do need to be registered and tested. Over 6000 people are currently searching for a bone marrow match.

Over the next two weeks, the normal fees for registering are being waved by the National Marrow Donor Program in honor of Mother's Day.

Because we have a family member who may need a bone marrow donor at some point, this is becoming something that we are very passionate about. Please, consider Registering Today!




  1. Thanks so much for giving a "shout out" to this program! It's one that's near and dear to my heart and one that is widely overlooked!

  2. THNK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I was so excited to pop on this morning and see this. We are so lucky our baby girl didn't need a BMT, she will be starting round 6 of chemo (her last round!!!) this afternoon. I just posted about the Thanks Mom Campaign on my blog and linked people to it last night! I signed up for my free kit. Thank you so much Nate!!!

  3. I registered to be a bone marrow donor 8 years ago. For 8 years I didn't get a single call. Then this spring, I was given the opportunity to go to the next level for a woman in need in MPLS. I turned out to be a possible match, but she ended up being removed from the bone marrow transplant list for a reason in which the program could not communicate. Thankfully though now that I have had the 2nd level bone marrow testing completed, hopefully it will be more helpful. Anyway, I love your heart for these things!

  4. Thank you so much for posting about this. My father passed away from mylodisplasia and had to have a bone marrow transplant a couple years before. It gave us some more precious time with him and I could never thank that person enough for their gift of life to him.

  5. Thanks for bringing attention to this very worthwhile cause. You rock!

  6. I've been thinking about joining for awhile, but the tissue typing fee has been prohibitive. Thanks for letting me know about this!

  7. Yup. Did that several years ago! Thanks for providing the info!!

  8. Thanks so much for posting the link for BMT. This is something I've wanted to do for some time now and I just took the time to sign up.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. And please also remember the humble blood donation. As the ads in my country say: "Do something wonderful: give blood!" It is one of my great sadnesses that I have had an illness that precludes my ever doing so, but my husband and daughter do it regularly.

    It really does save lives. Please do it if you can.

  11. great information. I have been regsitered for years without getting a call, though I am kept updated.

  12. I never registered before, mainly because I was uninformed and scared. I thought the process would hurt, I didn't know you could register like this, etc.

    My mom had leukemia, and thank God never had to get a BMT. I would have been tested in a hearbeat if she had.

    Thanks for this post. Because of it, I am now registered. =)

  13. Thank You for posting this!
    I've learned a lot about organ donation from your blog. Just this past month we have learned my dad has cancer and in the near future will be having a BMT. Thanks for bringing awareness to this particular organ donation.
    Your blog is such a blessing for me to read....daily. Thank you so much!

  14. Thanks Nate..Campaign very dear to my heart.
    Still praying for your family.

  15. Yay! Thanks for posting about this. My best friend's Dad has just received a bone marrow transplant and is recovering supremely well. I had the info in my inbox for a few months, so that I could register. However, it wasn't until I started reading your blog back in January that I took action.

    I hope everyone who has been impacted by your blog, and is physically/emotionally able, will register TODAY to be a bone marrow donor. Still praying for you all.

  16. i went to register and i'm not eligible b/c of a medical issue! grrrr.... i tried :)

  17. I just registered. Thanks for letting me know. I will encourage others as well.

  18. just finished my application. Thanks for the link~

  19. Nate, I love to donate, but I've heard that bone marrow transplant donors are required to take a medicine and endure a procedure that can make the donor sick and require as much as a week of bedrest. Is this an urban legend?

  20. Thanks for posting this! We are praying for a 3 month old little boy with leukemia on the list for transplant. I just ordered my kit!

  21. YES!!! I had cancer in 1990. I got blessed in that I didn't have to have a bone marrow transplant. The cancer that I had often goes into the bone marrow. It would be awesome for people to go and register. Thank God for people that are willing to give of themselves.

  22. Nate....thank you so much for sharing this need!!
    I have been on the National Bone Marrow Registry for sixteen years, and just two weeks ago, got the call that I match a man with Leukemia. I did some additional testing, and am now waiting to hear if I will be the one to donate to him.
    Seven years ago, my three year old cousin was diagnosed with Leukemia, and a stranger donated bone marrow, and blood cells to him three times!

    I am in the process of setting up a Bone Marrow drive at our church.
    Again, thank you for shedding light on Bone Marrow Donation!

    We are praying for your family. God is good and faithful!

  23. Thank you!!!!!!
    My dad just received a transplant an is on a great road to complete recovery from MDS. It has been a wonderful gift from God. I did not know about the free registration and have been trying to spread the word!
    Thank you!!!!!!!!

  24. Nath I have linked you to my blog.
    As well as posting a link to, the Thanks Mom Campaign. Its here with my story:
    Thanks so much for bring attention to the need.
    Always always Hope

  25. Well, Nate, I tried...but I'm over the age limit. Many of your blog readers aren't though. I hope a bunch of them sign up!!

  26. I think it's wonderful that you are including this appeal on your blog as I have donated in the past. Thank you for bringing this awareness to others! I was wondering if you were planning on registering to donate your marrow too?

  27. Thank you, Nate, for helping spread the word! I signed up yesterday and am looking forward to receiving the free cheek swab kit. Hopefully, after testing, I'll be added to the registry list! It would be wonderful if my bone marrow will match someone and help them sometime in the future! :-)

  28. Thanks Nate for spreading the word. My sister passed away last year post BMT at the age of 21. All of my siblings (4 of us) were tested but weren't a match. They found a match as soon as they could but it was simply too late! Thanks again for spreading the word, this can help so many people out.

  29. Thank you so much for being an advocate for bone marrow transplant! I sent this information onto everyone I know! Hopefully, their promotion will be successful!

  30. how wonderful that they're waving the fees. it's so great to do something that important for someone else.

  31. Thank you so much for posting this. I have wanted to do it for awhile to but hadn't because of the cost. I just registered and am now waiting for my tissue type kit.

  32. I have missed our hospital's marrow registry drive for the last 2 years due to scheduling conflicts. Thanks to you, Nate, I have FINALLY been able to sign up today; my kit is coming soon!

  33. Sorry tried to resister but do to health concerns I was denied.:( But anyone reading this please try this is truly a gift that is worth giving.

  34. This is so great! As a transplant recipient of course they won't let me sign up, but my husband jumped at the chance and we've gotten him registered. I've also forwarded it onto family and friends! Thanks!

  35. Thanks for posting this. I went and registered today. I seriously considered it last year and your post pushed me to do it. My father's business parter had leukemia 15 years ago. He had a transplant but unfortunatly he did not make it. So I signed up in memory of Buster.

  36. I signed up today! My kit is in the mail. As an African American, the need is great for marrow donors, so thanks for opening my eyes! Thanks for the link as well!

  37. Thanks Nate!! Something I have ALWAYS wanted to do and just now completed the online registration form. My kit is on the way!!

  38. Thanks for posting this information. After reading I went straight to the website and registered. I am one of those that has the "golden" O- blood, so they like it when I show up to donate, hopefully I will be a match for someone waiting on the list. Thanks again for sharing this information!
    Kelly , Wake Forest NC

  39. wanted to let you know that because of this post, I went ahead and registered on-line. I also put a post together on my blog.

    My dad was a bone marrow donor about 10 years ago and I think it really was a defining moment for him to be able to give like that.

    great post, thanks so much!

  40. Long time reader finally posting a comment...

    I registered to be a bone marrow donor in 1991 as part of a drive at my college, and in 1993 matched with a woman with leukemia who lived in Texas. Donating bone marrow was definitely a defining moment for me.

    For anyone who is considering registering but is afraid of what the donation process is like - don't hesitate for a second; it really was not bad at all. It was an outpatient procedure for me. I chose to have an epidural (although I could have done general anesthesia) - I wanted to feel "back to normal" as quickly as possible. The procedure itself was pretty quick. I was a bit loopy (I guess they gave me some Valium or something?), so it was actually over before I really realized it had begun. I was a bit sore for a few days afterwards, but nothing horrible; I was able to get back to all my normal activities. There were no stitches or anything - just two small steri-strips where they went in to get the marrow.

    My recipient and I communicated anonymously through the Red Cross for a year (this is required by the Red Cross), but were able to meet after that. I got together with she and her family in the mountains of North Carolina (I'm originally from Ahoskie, NC - not far from Nags Head :). It was awesome. She's still doing well 15 years later. Having the opportunity to do this was such an incredible gift - I'd do it again tomorrow if I could.

    Nate - I've been reading your blog for several months and keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. Take care :)

  41. Thanks for showing the link to the BMT site. My son had Leukemia 9 years ago this month and our only other child was a perfect match for a BMT. He is doing wonderfully now. But there are alot of other people out there not so lucky.

  42. In Pittsburgh they are starting the Dan Berger Cord Blood Bank, in which every baby born in one of UPMC's hospitals will have their cord blood collected with three options; 1) the blood can be banked for future private use (ie family) at cost of the family. 2)the blood can be put into a public cord blood bank at no cost. 3) It can be donated to the UPMC research facilities to hopefully come up with cures for disease without having to use stem cells.

  43. In Pittsburgh they are starting the Dan Berger Cord Blood Bank. It is a program in which every baby born in the UPMC hospitals will have it's cord blood collected. There will be three options for the families to choose from, 1) Banking for future private use, which will be paid for by the family. 2) Donating the blood to a public bank which is a no cost option. 3) Donating the blood for use in the UPMC research facilities to help find cures for several conditions without out using embryonic stem cells.

  44. In Pittsburgh they are starting the Dan Berger Cord Blood Bank. It is a program in which every baby born in the UPMC hospitals will have it's cord blood collected. There will be three options for the families to choose from, 1) Banking for future private use, which will be paid for by the family. 2) Donating the blood to a public bank which is a no cost option. 3) Donating the blood for use in the UPMC research facilities to help find cures for several conditions without out using embryonic stem cells.

  45. In Pittsburgh they are starting the Dan Berger Cord Blood Bank. It is a program in which every baby born in the UPMC hospitals will have it's cord blood collected. There will be three options for the families to choose from, 1) Banking for future private use, which will be paid for by the family. 2) Donating the blood to a public bank which is a no cost option. 3) Donating the blood for use in the UPMC research facilities to help find cures for several conditions without out using embryonic stem cells.

  46. In reply to the last post. I think that is a wonderful idea. I wish I had chose to have my childrens cords frozen, but 28 years ago you didn't hear much about it.

  47. Thanks so much for the info! I am a nurse working with pediatric BMT patients, so I know how important it is to register! We always have kids looking for a potential match, and unfortunately also have families that aren't able to find one. Thanks for making so many aware of how important it is!

  48. We did it! Thanks for providing that link. My hubby & I just registered!

  49. I also posted a link to it on and and my blogsite.


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