
Friday, May 2, 2008

CF Walk in Cary, NC Tomorrow!

Unless something crazy is going on, Tricia and I plan on being at the Great Strides Walk for CF in Cary, NC tomorrow (May 3)!

This will be Tricia's first venture out in a public place (minus a few shopping events)! If you have some time to hang out, the walk begins at noon and continues through the afternoon! Again, even if you can't walk (Tricia won't be walking), that's cool because it's just as important to simply come and hang out!

There are some terrific raffle prizes, including Carolina Hurricanes memorabilia, an autographed Rachel Ray cookbook, restaurant gift cards, golf gift certificates, some electronic equipment and much more....raffle tickets will be available to purchase at the walk, so bring some money. All moneys raised for the walk go directly to the CFF.

Here is some exciting news about the future of CF...

There is so much promising research on the horizon and drugs in the pipeline, specifically VX-770 by Vertex Pharmaceuticals, that have shown dramatic results in drastically improving lung function...all they need is the funding to ensure that they are brought to market and made available to all those with cystic fibrosis as soon as possible - this is the most exciting news since the discovery of the CF gene in 1989!

If you can't come to the walk, but still want to participate and make a difference in the lives of thousands, consider Donating Online Today! Every penny helps!

Click Here if you need directions to Ritter Park.

Hope to see you there!



  1. That's so wonderful that Tricia is well enough to be there, even if she is not walking. Congratulations to both of you!

    Sara in WA

  2. Very Cool! If I could walk there from here, I would! Praying for a HUGE turnout!

  3. I am thrilled that Tricia is going to be able to attend this.

    The news about the future of CF sounds so promising and exciting.

    Have a wonderful time at the Great Strides for CF.
    Hope you take lots of photos.

  4. Just wanted to let you know that testing of newborns for CF is under consideration in North Carolina. Early detection could be very benificial for treatment. Have been following your blog for about 2 months now. God Bless you and Tricia and the "ROSE"

  5. I will try and make it tomorrow.

    Do you know if you will also be attending the one in Raleigh on March 17th ?

  6. Good news. I will be praying that VX-770 by Vertex Pharmaceuticals becomes a miracle drug for CF'ers...and is readily available to anyone who would benefit.

  7. I hope to be there with another blog reader too. :)


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