
Monday, May 19, 2008

Daddy Time!

Not that there's anything wrong with Mommy...

These next few should answer the questions about her eye color and eyelashes...

Even I can see the resemblance in this picture.

I tried to tell her that I do a good job of picking my own nose...


PS. My email is back up and running, and I've responded to everyone who had emailed me over the past week...if you haven't heard back from me, try again. Thanks!


  1. What a beauty (Gwyneth, of course!!) You guys just brighten my day every day!! Still praying for you in Memphis.

  2. She is so darn cute ... you two did GOOD ...


  3. The older she gets, the more I see her mommy in her...especially in these last pics! She is a beauty! Of our 11 children, only 3 look anything like's okay though cuz my hubby is so handsome :)
    We will be praying for you in a little bit at family devotions.
    The Lockwoods

  4. Ahhhh... Daddy's girls are such fun, not to mention a blessing for Mommy!

  5. Awww i wanna hold her too! :)

  6. She has beautiful eyes, Nate!!! Y'all do look ALOT alike. Except for that beard part! :) (lucky for her!! ;)

    (((((HUGS))))) to the miracle baby.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  7. What a beautiful baby!
    My blessings and prayers from NY

  8. She is beautiful, and you can definiately see the resemblance. Complete bliss,isn't it? :)

  9. She is absolutely precious and definitely looks like her Daddy...

  10. Just in time for Father's Day!!

    How beautiful she is NATE!!! Congrats on having your two girls at your temporary home. It won't be long--you will be home for good!! Praying for you guys daily,
    Cindy O from NC

  11. She is SO incredibly beautiful and alert. She is truly a treasure.

  12. What a beauty she is - and such a talent at nose picking. Wait until she's two - she'll be a pro with her just the right moment...and will then announce, "look, a booger" so that all within a couple of miles can hear. Ah, how proud you'll be then!

  13. SO cute!! :D Thank you very much for sharing them with us! :) Praying daily for you guys!

    I always love looking at pictures. :)

    I hope that you will continue to update this blog when you guys are back home. :)

  14. I thought of you today while using I just found them last week from another blogger. Anyways, they have free photo editing and cool special effects etc. Check them out if you ever have time. Awesome pics btw!

  15. Look and Daddy and his little girl!! Sooo Cute!!!


  16. Oh My Sweetness! This is so wonderful to see! No hooks, tubes, wires, monitors, just Daddy n Me!
    Thanks for the joyful moment brought to us by Gwyneth Rose!
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  17. What a bright-eyed little beauty! She is just amazing. I love the pics of you and your wife interacting with her! What a switch from the tubes and wires!

  18. I've always thought she looked like her daddy, but now I think she looks more like her mommy - she certainly has her mother's mouth! BEAUTIFUL!

  19. She's a beautiful girl! Love those pics! You certainly have earned lots of bragging rights after all you've been through. Keep those cute pics coming...

    Hugs from El Paso,

  20. She is sooo sweet, and obviously very much in love with her Daddy!

  21. I love her tongue out picture!

  22. I have always thought she favored your looks. She is adorable for sure!! Good job guys! :)

  23. Awww...beautiful blue eyes!

    Thanks for sharing!

  24. Ahhh...

    So cute...

    As is the baby.

    (KIDDING. You know what I mean.)


  25. I don't think I ever love my hubby more than when I watch him with our girls - daddy time is precious!!!!

  26. She's beautiful! I am so happy that you are a complete family now! How does she like the keiki cloths? Have fun with her...the time will fly!

  27. I wonder which one of you three are having more fun?

    I also bet Gwyneth is wondering where the normal people went who have taken care of her up til now. hee hee

    Looks like you're having a blast! I hope she gets to feel the warm OBX sun on her face soon!

  28. You sure know how to capture your girl's eyes in pictures!! WOW! Just beautiful..

  29. What a beautiful little girl!!!
    Looking at her now it's hard to believe she was ever as premature as she was!

  30. Praise God for how much she has grown! I am still praying for you and passing on the word about your story. Lots of people around here are praying for you and your two ladies.

  31. i see she has your reddish hair. she is soo beautiful. still praying that your girls health continues to get better

  32. kodak is so lamenting the invention of digital. i'm thinkin you would have emptyied the warehouses of film, dude!! absolutely amazing photos . . . of course your model is pretty adorable! i particularly like the pffft looking tongue photo.
    yeah. adorable.

  33. Isn't she just the CUTEST????

    She's getting so big...I can't believe it! Cherish these moments, they are over all too soon...

  34. She is looking so great! I'm glad you guys are having so much fun!
    I'll be praying that you can stay out of the hospital! We had our preemie back in for a few days about 3 weeks after we had her home.
    Do you have to set an alarm at all at night (I gave up on that way before I was really supposed to)? Or do your ad lib feedings mean you just get to go with when and how much she lets you know?

  35. just to let you know that I was homeschooled as well, and I think in the same biology class by Mrs.D, although maybe a year or two after you? That's what I heard from my sister anyway.
    Glad to have found your story of God's grace to you and Tricia.

  36. Just precious. She looks so much older now that she's out of the hosptial. You can tell she is growing every day and gaining weight too. I hope Momma Tricia is feeling well and keeping her weight up too. You must feel so blessed and thankful to have your two girls with you and no nurses or doctors around like you have been used to. I'm thinking and praying for you. thanks for sharing those precious photos of Daddy time.

  37. She is so incredibly beautiful, what amazing pictures. Blessings from Florida.

  38. Nate,
    I don't know you, never seen you in person, nor I have seen Gwyneth but boy does she look like you from the pictures! You have some strong genes.

    Montgomery, Al

  39. I'm loving these. I see both of you guys in her so easily - and yet she is more and more her own self. She is just adorable - love how she fixes her eyes on yours!

  40. What a beautiful girl you have. Look how responsive she is to you. This is what being a parent is all about.

    God Bless You

  41. Oh, Nate! She's so beautiful!!!

  42. how cute! Most of the time I see more of you in her, but in these pics I see alot of Tricia! Such a beautiful little girl you have been blessed with!

  43. Adorable Daddy and baby pictures! Just wait until she can pose with a smooch on your cheek for a picture. Those days will be here before you know it. AND HOLY COW, over 4,000,000 hits... perhaps 50 percent are me checking in. :) Take care of yourself and your girls!

  44. Oh, she is BEAUTIFUL! What a sweet angel. Thanks for sharing!

  45. Gwyneth has the Lawrenson no upper lip.

  46. Bless you Daddy!

    Great photos. Thanks for sharing. My favorite in the B/W.

  47. How sweet! My little one loves Daddy time too... sometimes Mommy gets a little green around the edges because she loves her Daddy so much!! :) You two are adorable together. Your family is so amazing!

  48. Oh she is just the sweetest thing. She looks like she's having a blast being with her mom & dad 24/7.

  49. As always, beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing all these precious blessings with the rest of us. Continuing to pray for you three and for the future of all affected by cystic fibrosis. God's love and peace!

  50. She is just changing everyday! I wish I could reach through my laptop and Love her sweet face~ She is just so Happy!

  51. CUTE!!!!!! she is already getting so big!! She's a doll! You're cute too of course!

  52. too cute!!! you look like your having fun.... you'll have to check out my new blog!! :)

  53. I'm so happy for you guys. My Micro- preemie Anthony had/has CLD. He was on oxygen for a few months after he left the NICU but he is amazing now. The lung dr say his lungs sound fantastic. Amazing what a difference a few months can make. Have the drs warned you about RSV season? As November we will be going under "house arrest" as we call it till April. But that will be our last season of RSV that we have to be super careful. Anyway just wanted to let you know if you have any questions about CLD with a preemie you can look at our blog or send me a comment.

  54. Beautiful baby!! I bet she is as happy to be home as you are to have her home!

  55. She is beautiful! And, she looks like she might be a Daddy's girl. :-)

  56. She's getting better and better at making faces and can even stick her tongue out now! It looks like she's gonna skip the newborn acne period which is a VERY good thing to be able to skip! She gets cuter day by day.

  57. Too cute! Thanks for opening up your lives to us, and sharing so many awesome pics with the world :-)

  58. These are great! What a doll baby!
    (And gifted picker).

  59. Each time you post pictures of you and your girls I am overwhelmed that you have allowed us into this incredible love story and I feel so very grateful to you for doing so. These posts have become something that I treasure and look forward to as an opportunity to be reminded of how good and powerful our God is.

  60. Aww such pretty blue eyes, but will her eyelashes grow back after the surgery? I bet you are just loving having her home with you fulltime! You must be exhausted though, I know how new babies deprive our sleep! hehe

  61. Hi Nate!
    Love the photos! I see Gywneth has such a resemblance to you! Would you mind posting one of your baby pics side by side with hers? I bet they would be identical!

  62. The Pic where Gwyneth has her mouth open looks like some of your pics Nate! What a wonderful gift, enjoy each moment they fly by so quickly. It was just yesterday you and Trisha were babies!

  63. There is nothing more precious (and attractive) to a wife/mom than moments like these.
    In His Love,

  64. She is getting so "Big" and filling out so nicely...its amazing how far she and mama have come in the last few months.

  65. It does look like she is going to get her Daddy's hair color, lol. Cute pics.

  66. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Her features are stunning and you are so good at capturing them on the camera. She is the perfect combination of both of her parents. Thanks for the smile to start my day at work!

  67. Nate I saw this article and thought of you - I remember you saying at one point that you didn't think they did lung transplantation on babies...

  68. She is so stinkin' cute!! Her eyes are gorgeous! You guys should be proud! (I'm sure you are!:) )

  69. You guys have an amazing story of God's graciousness and blessing. It's just been a spiritual wonderland of watching God at work through your story. Gwyneth is beautiful!!!

  70. She looks so big, yet so small in those pictures. Absolutely precious!!

  71. Looks like Gwyneth Rose likes being at home with her mommy and daddy!

    Hope things continue to go well!

  72. Awww Nate! I am so happy for you guys!! Gwyneth is so CUTE and such precious time you get to spend together as a family now...Congratulations and keep the updates coming (When you get a chance)...but don't feel bad if you have to SLEEP once in a while:)

  73. Perfect in every way! She is one amazing little miracle.

  74. she is so beautiful! i love being able to watch her grow!

  75. She's SO precious!
    How did you guys finish out at the massive garage sale? I don't know if I missed that in a past update or not!

  76. What a sweet little angel! Those eyes are so big & I can only imagine how much she is loving getting to spend all this time with you! I know you both are loving every minute....She really looks like a sweet, content little girl & I know she's very loved, even by people she'll never meet this side of Heaven!

  77. She is just simply beautiful.

  78. She is beautiful, she is a child of God !! He truely knew her life will be a blessing to all !! We never know His plan for our lives, but she will definately have a testimony in her future to share with others !! Great is thy Faithfullness !! Jesus is sooooo awesome !!

  79. She is just the sweetest!!!! We continue to keep you all in our thuoghts and prayers!!

    ~ Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  80. stunning! God Bless you!!!!

  81. Okay so I see "DADDY TIME!" and I hear the M.C. Hammer bass line running..
    dunt duh duh dunt...Daddy Time!

    so happy for you brother, so happy.

  82. Ok, she looks like her daddy, but those are definitely her mommy's lips!

  83. Totally blissed out! That's what I see from all of you. What a beautiful blessing ! Truly God IS in Control!

  84. I don't even know any of you, but these pictures brought tears to my eyes. She is so beautiful. I saw a resemblance to mommy in a couple of those photos as well.

    I can tell how much pride you have in her and how much you love her. She is a very blessed little girl to have such a wonderful daddy.

    I was never too close to my dad because he was into drugs and all that...despite my prayers, he never found God. So I think that's why I got so teary eyed.

    God Bless and have a wonderful evening.

  85. It's so fun to look back and see how much G has grown! Continuing to pray for you three in this new life you are living.
    Jason, Adrienne, and Emily in CO xoxox

  86. Gwyneth is ssssoooo beautiful!

  87. Your baby takes my breath away! And yes, there is clearly just a slight resemblance!

    I still can't believe the way everything has worked out perfectly. I am so happy for and for Tricia! Praise God for the several thousand tiny miracles all wrapped up in the biggest miracle I will ever have the privilege of witnessing.

    And thank YOU for sharing it all with us!

    Love from WV,

  88. Incredibly beautiful, dear little brave baby, shes like a little pixie... everytime you put more pics of her, I cry, she is so adorable and so are her parents! And yes, Nate, she does look like you!

  89. Such a cute lil girlie! Her eye color looks just like my baby boys eye color right now.

    If only I knew how to capture them like you have.

  90. Sooooo sweet! I see both of you in her....a great combination!

  91. She's gorgeous and looks so big and healthy now!

  92. I'm SO happy for you & your family! I bet it's great all being "home" together! I'll continue to pray for your family. God bless!
    ~Kim in Ohio


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