
Sunday, May 18, 2008


I know that lots of people have questions for us...I haven't done a good Q&A in a while, so here's your chance to ask.

I'll answer any question about the stuff on our blog that I am able and willing to answer and that I haven't already answered before like 47 times. I'd recommend that you first use the "labels" feature over on the right of your screen, or look at all of the previous Q&A's.




  1. Congradulations on bringing Gwyneth home!!! Do you have a home video of the event that you would be willing to share???

  2. Nate, I'm wondering how you took all those pics of you and Trish with your 1st day home...I could see both of your hands in some of them, so I know it wasn't a self-portrait (arms extended).

    I have to say that video was one of my brought back so many memories of bringing home our NICU grads, laying them on our bed "wireless", and just taking in the moment.

    Soak it in!

    Jen and The Crew

  3. Have you heard how the yard sale fund raiser ended up doing?

  4. Are you going to continue the White Rose Blooming monthly videos...or is that a thing of the past? Because you are very good at putting them together, and I did so enjoy them.

  5. Congrats on bringing your daughter home. God Bless your family!!
    Are you going to continue the story of us?

  6. No questions just well wishes. Your blog, your family brings a smile to my face each day. I continue to pray for smooth sailing in the coming weeks.

    Enjoy these early days with your daughter at home. They go so quickly and in the fog of no sleep they tend to run together.

    Hugs for all,
    Pope AFB, NC (just down the road)

  7. OK, being a medical junkie (I went to Paramedic school, I can't help it) I'm curious what meds Tricia and Gwyneth are currently taking.

    If you'd rather not give those details though, I totally understand.

    God's timing throughout your familys ordeal has just been amazing - although we really shouldn't be that amazed (this is God, after all)

    What gift you have given us, by giving us a peek into your daily lives.

  8. I asked this the other day, but I'm curious so I'll ask again...have you and Tricia looked into or considered babywearing with Gwyneth? I am talking beyond the baby bjorn (because those things are the devil)...there are SO many options out there!

  9. I have spent hours in the past 3 days reading your blog and I have mentioned it on mine but I need to send you an invite to do that. Let me know if you want one. I had a 35 weeker in February. Nothing compared to what you have gone through but I am feeling a preemie bond lately.
    Question: What do you do for a living? How have you been able to take so much time off? Are you guys well taken care of?

  10. any response from the three that you asked prayer for? The ones who were being ugly to you?

  11. I thought you mentioned the other day (unless I dreamed it) that you were homeschooled. Is that an option for Gwyneth? I know that seems a ways off. I can see that you all will be using everything to teach her anyway. I think you have already started. 2nd part - How is Meka? Has she had the pleasure of meeting her Gwyneth?
    Christy in KY

  12. Just continued prayers from Michigan. And much joy for your family. And an even stronger belief in God if that's possible for a strong believer in the first place.

  13. I just hope that you will continue to let us know how things are going in your world. I know that your 'free' time will be less and less, but I hope that you will still have time to share how things are going.

    I really enjoy reading how all three of you are doing.

    I will second the request for the growth updates on Miss. Gwyneth.

    Prayers from Georgia

  14. God is so Good
    give God all the Glory
    what a blessing he has given you
    i was wondering
    how is your mom..still praying for all of you
    God bless

  15. Oooo! I have one! I didn't want to ask, but since you said it was OK ;)

    What kind of car seat are you using for Gwyneth? I know from experience that most infant car seats have a 5 lb. minimum. Do you need to use a special one for the time being?

    Thanks :)

  16. Hi - I'm wondering if you will continue to blog when you go home to the OBX or if you will end the blog when you all go home? I hope the answer is that you will keep bloging!

  17. what was it you said that convinced Tricia to date you?

  18. I am wondering about Tricia's new lungs will she need another transplant in the future? Will these lungs start to fail her over time? I know that sounds crazy I just don’t understand as much as I would like to.

  19. btw that was something I didn't catch from the posts you wrote about when you guys started dating..(didn't want you to think it was a random stalkerish

  20. What color are Gwyneth's eyes?

  21. "what was it you said that convinced Tricia to date you?"

    I can answer that one. "Tricia, take a look at my dad. That's what I'll look like one day."

  22. (I checked past blogs but didn't seem to find the answer to this. I apologize if I missed it and understand if you don't answer. haha not that you need my understanding of that, it's your blog :D)

    Through the trials He has given you, have you doubted God for one millisecond? Have you wondered if you weren't strong enough at all, even though we're tuaght that God will never give us more than we can handle?

  23. Why is Megan your favorite sister-in-law, in 100 words or less?

  24. Not really a question here. I just wanted to stop by and say hi and am glad that you finally got to bring Gwyneth home. My hubby and i would love to meet all three of you someday as our stories are similar. We are also Patricia and Nate, I have CF, had a double lung and liver transplant, and had to hold off the transplants while I was pregnant for Brady. He was also preemie but not as much as Gwyneth....he was 33 weeks and weighed 3lbs 5oz. Our little miracle babies also are close to having the same birthday (different years). Brady was born on January 10, 2006. It is great that the three of you are doing so well and I hope you all continue to. We are great too! Transplants do miracles!

  25. I promise I tried to read all of the Q&A's before posting this question, and I did not see the question I am about to ask. My eyes were getting too wigged out staring at the screen to process it all!!

    My question is:

    How long after having a transplant is the patient "in the clear" from the chance that their body will reject the donated organ(s)?

    I know that you keep saying Tricia is free of infection/rejection so far, and I was just curious if there was ever a time when the patient doesn't have to worry about their body rejecting the new organ.

    I apologize if you've mentioned this. Like I said, I honestly tried to read all of your posts and lables about it, my eyes were just going bonkers on me!

  26. LOL Rick!! You crack me up!

    I have asked this before, and forgive me if you have answered and I have missed it...

    Are the docs still planning on giving Tricia a stomach wrap? If so, when are they planning that??

    Thanks so much for all the updates Nate. I'm so happy Gwyneth is home with her mommy and daddy where she belongs.

  27. **1st time poster long time viewer!

    Nate,Tricia and Gwyneth,
    You all are a great inspiration to me and my family. I can't help but to think of casting crowns/Praise ou in the storm and how many clouds your family has had and yet you haven't given in. WOW!! God is so amazing and He definitly Blesses us ALL, we just have to stop and recognize and receive them. My question is this... How in the world do you have time to post everything, this takes an incredible amount of time and talent? Thanks and God Bless!!

    The Miller Fam

  28. Don't you know any hot Christian guys that you can set Gwyneth's nurse (my sister Susannah) up with???? :) She is an awesome woman who would make a wonderful wife!

    And, I still want to hear more about yours and Tricia's "story of us."

  29. What font specifically do you use. I DID go to both of your font sites but I couldn't find it and I would love to use it for a fathers day video for my husband.

    Also, what does the next few months look like for you guys? Will tricia be a SAHM? When do you expect to go back to work? How are you guys doing all this with so much time off work? (NOT questioning you, just curious!

    This one you can answer on either blog since its photo related (if you so chose/ have time, I know how it is to have a little one!) Any tips on video making? I'm making a slideshow/video for fathers day and I really want it to be good!!

    Thanks and God bless! SO glad you guys are all home!

  30. Okay, a silly question...does your ring still fit on her arm? She still looks tiny to me.

  31. No questions here but i did want to extend a hearty thank you for doing a Q & A! you are so very gracious to answer questions! looking forward to reading it. praying,,,jen in al

  32. I was also wondering if you and Tricia use a baby carrier, like Renee asked. :) We got a Moby wrap for our 6 week old baby and we LOVE it!!! :)

    I would love to know how your first night home with baby Gwenyth went? How did she sleep?

    Amy in Oregon

  33. Please forgive me for the question about your first night home with Gwyneth. I JUST saw your update and don't know how I missed that post. I am so sorry. :)

    I'm so glad to read how well things are going. :) Thanks for sharing so much with us. It brings joy to my heart to know that you and Tricia are able to enjoy snuggling with your precious, little one at home. :)

    Amy in Oregon

  34. Hello...I was wondering what you were told as far as taking your baby out in public? I also have a 24 weeker and we were kept inside for the past 4 months because of RSV season. I know that is now over, but what did they tell you as far as visitors and being out and about with her?

    Thanks for all your continued blogging......a daily ritual for me to check in on you all.

  35. My question is a selfish one. Are you going to finish the story of us? I loved reading about how you started since I know how it is going.

  36. I did check through the links but didn't see the answer to my question, so here there always at least a little bit of rejection in a transplant recipient? Congratulations on bringing Gwyneth home. She's absolutely beautiful! I'm so happy for you all!

  37. Where did you get your blog template? Gwyneth is beatiful!

  38. Congrats on bringing Gwyneth home!!! Yayy!! Was wondering, do you have a list of "must-haves" to get through a tx and being in the hospital for an extended amount of time? For instance, needing a fan in ICU.. totally makes sense and not something I would have thought about!! We have a list of things we "think" we'll need to bring once we get the call, but since you guys have "lived" it, just thought if you'd be wiling to share with those of us waiting for a tx, to keep in our "to-go" bag, that would be awesome!... Continued happiness and health!

    PS... Loved the necklace Tricia was wearing in the photos Jessica took!! What kind of stone is it?

  39. I have been reading your blog for awhile and have never left a comment. Wanted to say that I have been and will continue to pray for you guys. I so enjoy reading about the love you have for your girls. What a beautiful family you have!! Praise God that You finally got to bring Gwyneth home! :)

    Also, I too would love to hear the rest of the "story of us". Not to bug you or anything! :)

    Thanks for opening yourself up and allowing so many to be a part of your family.


  40. did you ever finish your love story???????

  41. I realize that I am not the only person to ask this, but I figure the more people who ask, the more likely you will be to post it. I would really love to hear the rest of your love story. We know the beginning and the end, but not the stuff in the middle!

    Also, is Gwyneth on an apnea monitor? I didn't see one in the photos and you mention her going "wireless" but I thought w/ her lung problems she might be. Just wondering.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. First, I am cracking up at your Dad's comment!!!

    My question...Have you considered writing a book about your journey?

  44. I'm so happy to hear that your NICU journey is over!! How wonderful. I remember how amazed (and overwhelmed) we were when we brought our 3 triplet boys home last September (they were born at 33 weeks).

    My question is whether you were given any restrictions for Gwyneth in terms of taking her out in public, keeping her away from kids, etc. because of the Chronic Lung Disease. With our boys, we were told to basically stay at home from September until April! It was difficult but we lived through that period!

  45. does Gwyneth have eyelashes? so many of the photos show her eyes swollen or sleeping and I can't tell? they may be very light too.My kids had no hair at birth except one red tuft on the top and no eyebrows for months. Just curious and maybe a really dumb question too.

  46. I'm sure you will have lots of questions about the baby and Tricia so i'm going to ask a different one that may or may not have been asked, how did your mom surgery go? Will her hand be ok?

    Lots of love and hugs.

  47. Are you guys going to continue "The Story of Us" chronicles? I know you guys are WAY busy, but I enjoyed them a lot and as I recall, I don't think there was a continuation of the story.

    I pray for your family all the time. :)

    Jen in Illinois

  48. Seconding Renee's question about babywearing... it's great for full-term babies, even BETTER for preemies! Nothing's better than snuggling up a teeny baby in a moby wrap.

  49. Ha Ha-your dad's comment is funny

  50. What kind of carseat and stroller did you get!?

  51. Congrats on bringing home your beautiful little girl! I'm so glad to hear that everyone is doing well! I've read through the comments and saw that many good ones were already asked, but I had a random question I thought I would throw out there: What is the decorating theme of Gwyneth's nursery? I figured it might still be a "thought of" theme while still in the hotel, and something you would do once you were home, but I was just curious. Thanks!

  52. Did the 3 of you go to church anywhere yesterday? I thought about you all. I know you're excited about the day you can walk back into Nags Head church as a family.


  53. Hey Nate! So glad things are going so well! You inspire so many, DAILY!

    Will you continue to blog, not only about Tric and Gwyn, but about faith and life and how the two are 'one'? I really respect your style of ministry. It's a "take it for what it is and I'm not going to shove it down your throat" approach. I also enjoy reading your dad and uncle's blogs, but somehow I've been able to relate to your style of writing best. Of course, I too, would love to hear the next chapter of "the story of us" and beg and plead for continued "white rose blooming" updates as often as you're able!

    I could see the relief in your eyes of the "we're home" post! Thank you for the update!

    Still praying and...

    refreshing in ohio

  54. I've had a question for a while, ever since the post with the ring on Gwyneth's arm. What size wedding ring do you wear? Trying to gain perspective here!! :-)

    Also loved your Dad's post! Your family seems so funny. I read his blog and Uncle Andy's. Smart men. I bet family reunions are great! Or better yet, working together with them.

    Take good care of your girls Nate!! You're their fearless leader!!!! They are blessed!

  55. I was just wondering last night as I was reading the updates, does Gwyneth have an apnea monitor due to premature lungs?

  56. Nate, Trish, Gwyneth Rose. Your family has been a blessing to me and my family. I have also shared your blog with many friends and family. What an awesome God we serve. It is faith building to see how your family has been provided for by our God. I have a daughter born 29 years ago at 8 weeks early. She came home at 4lb
    5oz. Seeing Gwyneth reminds me of her she had some learning disabilites through school but was able to graduate cum laude with a degree teaching special education.
    I would like to offer to draw a picture to Gwenyth's room using her name in the picture. I did one for my granddaughter. The name is done length wise in a flowing script and around the name is a tree, flowers, bugs, frogs , pond etc. It is hanging over the crib of my granddaughters. Please e-mail me if you would like me to do this for Gwyneth. Love to your family. Louise "Nana" Muir

  57. I hope this isn't a redundant question, and I somehow missed the update -- how are Gywynth's eyes? Last I remember, the results were still unclear as to if the treatments were effective.

  58. I think the book is a Great idea!!! I have even thought to myself that your story (including your faith) would make one incredible movie! I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to get it to the film makers, but maybe somebody else does...if you're interested. I think it would be an awesome testimony to many, as is your blog.

  59. Will you write a book of your journey? A book with devotions perhaps? I think it would be a wonderful testimony as you have already been doing. Also...doesn't this much blogging make a boy tired? I imagine it will have to slow down at some point? I hope you are all getting some sleep!! Loved the last video!

  60. Thank you for doing this. :)

    I'm excited too about the talk of babywearing. I found that it helped settle my NICU baby the most, although I did it with all of my boys. When a baby is held close, (like in a sling or mei tai or moby) then, when you are in a loud crowded place like church--they often stay very calm and observe from up on the parents'chest. I highly recommend it!

  61. So great to hear that you are all home together! I was just wondering how yur mom made out with her surgery the other day??

  62. How much longer till you go home-home?

    Have you given her her first unhospital supervised bath?

    Where will your first official fun outing be once you are home-home?

    I'm not sure what kind of formula Gweynth is drinking, but make sure you sign up on Similac and Enfamil website and mailing list. They send HUGE coupons every month (like $5 off) and samples for the first few months. Even if she is drinking special formula now it will be good to stock up!

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Ok so I read the ?'s above and I don't think the question could have possibly been asked before.....

    What has been the thing that has most suprised you since having both Tricia and Gwyneth at "home"?

    and your dad is TOO funny!!

  65. I don't really have a specific question about anything.

    However, i did giggle a lot at your dad's comment.

    Also, I am hoping you continue this blog because I would love to see how you all get on.

    Also (I'm greedy hehe) I hope Tricia gets on well too. I also have CF and my 'baby' is now 10. Like Gwyneth, he does not have Cf and we have the most amazing fun together. My son Adam has watched Gywneth's progress closely and he is genuinely over the moon that Gwyneth looks so healthy and strong.

    Thanks for letting me ramble.


  66. Now that Tricia has new lungs, would any subsequent pregnancy be less risky? I know the fertility issues don't go away, but I'm wondering if new, healthy lungs would mean less risk for a sibling someday for Gwyneth :).

  67. I hate to even ask because I know that you are so busy but since you asked. What color are Gwyneth's eyes? They still appear to be blue but sometimes you can't tell. Is there an address that you'd be willing to give for cards and gifts at this time? And are you planning to finish the story of us? You did such a nice job with the story and I was just so curious to how Tricia went from on the edge of like to the woman we see in all the pictures who is so head over heels in love with you. Please don't feel obligated to answer all of those. Thank you for taking this time to share. As usual, you are extremely generous with your time and family. Thank you for allowing us to share in your miracles.

  68. Does Tricia have any new food cravings? I've heard that sometimes a transplant recipient can inherit the cravings of their organ/blood donor.

    Thanks for sharing your story!

  69. Ps: can we hear Tricia's voice sometime? I know she spoke some in the ABC video, but can we hear her again? :-)

  70. I am so happy at how wonderful everything is going!
    Will you now use the real pug for the size pics instead of the stuffed one?


  71. Hi Nate!
    I was wondering if you would be able to put your videos that you make onto Youtube as well. Because of where I live (China), I cannot watch the blogger videos (and sometimes even the slideshows) but I can watch Youtube videos. I know you are a busy man, but if you ever have some "free time" I would love to be able to see all the beautiful pictures of your family =]]

    I have loved following the amazing journey your family has been on and I hope there is much more to come =]]

    -Andrea in China

  72. Have you ever been without a beard?? besides in high school when you couldn't probably grow facial hair!!

  73. Chinatravelers, I can answer one for nate and give him one less question to answer. :) (if he doeesn't mind of course)

    Here are some of his youtubes and you can subscribe to them and whenever he adds a new one you can see it.

  74. Does Tricia ever blog? I know she's busy and all, I just sometimes feel funny because I know so much about her and she hasn't told it to me. Sometimes I feel like I've snuck in and read her diary!

  75. Congrats on bringing Gwyneth home!!!! This is a random question though... I LOVE Tricia's ring in the photos that Jessica Claire took. Did you buy it for her and if so, where is it from?

  76. Well Nate, you asked for questions, you got em! haha
    Just wanted to say thanks for sharing. I am beyond thrilled that everything has been going so well for your "girls". Enjoy your nights with Gwyneth. As tiring as they can be sometimes, the late night chats with my daughter during the early months are some of my most precious memories.
    Again, thanks for all these months of sharing.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  77. Okay..I want to know...from both of you..What is your favorite "mundane" thing you are back to getting to do?
    YOu know..the everyday stuff of life...what's the one thing you just love doing again? now that you are kinda back to normal.

  78. Just wanted to say that the moby wrap is a great idea! My 5 pound baby loved being in it as a newborn and still does now at 10 mo. Moby's even come in cool 'daddy' colors:)

  79. congrats on the new baby and the transplant!!! I know what an undertaking all that must be. A friend just sent me the link to your blog and I have been reading and reading about your "adventures." My 3 year old son (will be 4 this Saturday) just received a kidney transplant, luckily his father was able to donate, we also have a 1 year old daughter.
    May blessings continue to shine down on you and your family as they have on our's.

  80. Thank you for all of your sharing!! I'm just curious how well Gwyneth sleeps. I know that her adjusted age has her as pretty much a newborn now, but she's been "sleep trained" in a NICU. I'm wondering if she sleeps better than a newborn (my newborn was up every few hours initially and then would decide to stay up for a few hours and "flail" while my husband watched a movie - apparently she'd inherited his late night tendencies) or is on a schedule that they "taught" her.

  81. Can Tricia carry another baby after her transplant? (I read an article in a Ladies Home Journal recently about a woman who gave birth to twins after receiving a heart transplant.) I was curious if that was possible for her. Thanks!

  82. He's answered the "how can you take that much time off work" question many times.

    my question is one that aparently is touchy with parents of preemies. Will you use her real age, or her gestational age? I guess some parents get real touchy when they say the age, and the other person says "but she's so small". I would guess though that you would embrace that question as a way to share your story, but you could suprise me :-0

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Hi Nate, Trish and Gwyneth!

    Congrats to being home!!! You're family is such a blessing to everyone who has come in any form of contact with you.

    I stumbled across your website a few months ago and check it at least 5-10 times a day.

    I love you family and the faith that you have shown through each and every situation you have faced.

    God is amazing and their is no doubt that He will continue to use you and your family as an example of how great He is.

    On a side note, I do a lot of custom invitations, stationary, party planning on the side.

    I would be honored, if you haven't already done so, to make your bith announcements for you sweet Gwyneth Rose.

    I could email you a few ideas and see if you'd like to go along with it.

    This would be my gift to you and your family if you're interested.

    Thanks for sharing your stories and incredible adventures of a CF husband!

    Monica Pedigo

  85. I know several others have requested but wanted to add another plug for you to continue the "White Rose Blooming" updates. I LOVE those.

    I also hope you continue blogging so we can follow your progress at home and know how to specifically pray for your family. It's so funny how many of us feel that we "know" you even though we really don't!

    Thanks for doing Q&A as you answer all the questions I always have. We continue to follow your family and pray for you guys.

    Shana from Greensboro

  86. I can't believe your blog counter, you will hit the 4,000,000 mark between 12 and 1 central time today. I know you have mentioned it before, it is just so amazing how many people have read your blog, and I know that the majority of them have been praying for you.

  87. What is it like for Tricia to have new lungs? How does it feel? Does she feel better than she did before her transplant?

  88. I just read one comment about how it's crazy that we all feel like we know you. I was driving to GA from MD and in NC we passed a sign for Duke hospital, I got all excited and was like "that's where Nate and Tricia are!" It made you feel even more real, knowing we were only several miles away. But then again, it made me feel even more silly because really I don't know you at all...

  89. I want to be the like 40th person (or thereabouts) to ask if you are going to finish your love story? Please! :)
    Also, I saw this was asked and I want to ask does Tricia feel now with new lungs in comparison to her old ones? How does it affect her day to day life?
    And also, forgive me if you have already mentioned this...I faithfully read your blog every day, but with 11 children, sometimes I forget things :)...I was wondering if with Tricia's new lungs, if it is possible in the future for you to have another precious baby? I think I remember you mentioning something about adoption, so maybe that answers my question.
    We love you and pray for you each day.
    The Lockwoods`

  90. My question is: Does tricia plan to be a stay at home mom, or is her health well enough to allow her to do so?Once you are all home and settle in of coarse! so happy for you all.

  91. I also want to know what color Gwen's eyes are..they look green in some of the pictures!

  92. Just stopping by to check out all the great questions.
    Look forward to seeing the post with some of the answers.
    Hope your having a wonderful Monday!
    God Bless

  93. I have a question... Will you ever finish your "Story of Us"?? You've kept us in suspense for so long!!!

    Gwyneth is beautiful. I'm so excited for you and Tricia!

  94. One more. Will Tricia ever do a guest blog post on here. I would love to just hear what is on her heart.
    Christy in KY

  95. Aww so happy you are all safe and sound at home now. I have a few questions...

    I would like to know how you plan to keep all the visitors away from Gwyneth when you get home to OBX? I know the docs told us to keep our former preemie away from visitors and it was hard because all of our families wanted to love on our baby! I bet tons of people back home want to see her!!

    Also, does Gywneth have any lasting effects from being born so early, besides her vision problems? I think she is quite the miracle baby!

    And, will Tricia ever be strong enough to ever care for Gywneth on her own,(be alone with her), or will you need to get a daycare or nanny?

    And, will you have to ever go back to work or will the both of you get to stay home and raise Gwyneth together? :-)

    Oh, and is having Gwyneth at home now, caring for her on your own easier than you expected or harder? :-)

    I do hope you continue the blog if/when you have to go back to work. However, I know your time will be much more limited then.

    Thanks for doing the Q&A! You guys are awesome!

  96. Have you considered applying to Extreme Home Makeover? It would be good for awareness of CF, micropreemies and organ transplants. Also, Tricia and Gwyneth would have a new, clean environment. Who wouldn't love your story?

    God bless the Lawrenson family!

  97. I am so happy for you and the family. It is good you have time to become a functioning threesome before you head home to the daily routine.

    I think most of the questions I have have been asked..just one. how is your mom doing??

    And one comment--isn't it wonderful to have a loving and supportive family!!

    Shari NC

  98. Congratulations on taking Gwyneth home, she's beautiful. Now that Gwyneth is home and Tricia is recovering do you intend to work? I'm sure your family and friends will gladly support you indefinitely so that you can be with Tricia and watch your baby grow up:) Maybe you could start a home business and advertise on your blog? Photography maybe?

  99. I would love to hear from Tricia and see how she is doing from her own perspective! Will she ever continue posting on her own blog?
    Also, how is her trust fund doing, is there still enough there to allow Tricia to stay at home with the baby or will she have to go right back to work? Will the trust fund be closed now that the transplant is done or kept open for Miss Gywneth? (we made a donation a while back)
    I only ask because I know how hard it is to afford to be a stay at home mom these days and to live on only one income. It is surely rough! And, I myself, am dreading having to go back to work!
    I hope all is well at home now with Gwyneth! I wonder if she is sleeping well for you? Well, thanks for answering all my questions, and I hope you all are getting enough sleep over there!!

  100. 4,000,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!! I went to lunch and came back and you had hit 4 MIL. That's so cool!

    -Lisa Collinsworth

  101. Has Gwyneth had a "real" smile yet?

  102. The Outer Banks of North Carolina.

  103. ~~~~ hlsst7 ~~~
    OBX is a short,nick name for Outer Banks, North Carolina

    Hey Nate, I am SAHM that has a little time today to help you answer some questions. I know you are super busy with your two girls at home (hotel). !

  104. Oops, sorry to repeat myself that someone answered it just above me. LOL

  105. You've mentioned before that Tricia's new lungs will (should) last a few years. Is a second transplant an option?

  106. I guess along the same lines as everyone else...but it's really NOMB (or anyone else's) - but I've wondered it many can you all not work for so long (not sure if you have plans to have jobs or not)? Many preemie parents I have known have had the added stresses of not only all the health concerns of themselves and/or their child/ren, but have had jobs to continue at, bills to pay, many other responsibilities that simply could not be neglected for months on end, etc. But they also did not have a trust fund or a blog read by 4,000,000 people! Amazing!

  107. welcome home, family. how amazing is our God??!! rejoicing with everyone! oh, and rick, ur hilarious. . .

    loved the question about the ring (i had been wondering, too), and wondered if having future children would be precluded by being on so many drugs (i know you're hardly even used to having one child, but i was wondering. . . )
    would love an agnes update, and did i miss gwenyth's fourth month blooming video?
    i love hearing how you're doing and i really hope you'll continue to blog. the kingdom is a richer place because of you!

  108. Wow! 4 Million hits! Look at that! Have a great day!

  109. I am so glad you all made it home! LOve loVE LOVE the pic from JC. I am such a fan of hers. Congrats on 4million hits!!!

  110. Before Tricia got pregnant, were you tested to see if you were a carrier of CF? I just found out this morning that I am a carrier and so my husband is going to be tested to see if he is carrier.

  111. I work for the State of NC and wanted you to know that the state is considering testing newborns for CF in the near future. Future testing will help others overcome the huge obstacles that Tricia has had to overcome. I am also a member of C3 church and have been following your blog. Hopefully soon you all will be seeing that beautiful Atlantic Coast at home!

  112. I love your outlook on life, and the ability you have to thank God for all of His blessings. I know it is hard to believe, but kids grow up so quickly, just try to soak up every moment you can. Because, before you know it she will be attending her first school dance, like my eleven year old. Where did the time go, lol.

  113. Hi there!
    I was wondering if you had to get tested first to see if you were a CF carrier before planning a baby with Tricia? And if you were a carrier would you still have tried for a baby? Or was that not an issue?

    How is Tricia doing these days?? The new lungs must feel amazing and wonderful for her. Would love to hear her input on things. Will she ever blog on her thoughts?

    Also, do the docs say that she will ever need new lungs again? How long do lung transplants last anyway? I have no clue about this stuff!
    Now that she has new lungs, will she be able to have more kids? or are the meds she is on now, not healthy for a pregnancy?

    You are so very lucky that you are able to be at the hospital full time with your girls! When we had our preemie, my husband and I both had no choice but to go back to work to pay our expenses. :-( Nate, let me tell you, it was so devastating not to be able to be with our preemie all the time! Thank god for the wonderful nurses that reassured me that the other parents were in same boat and had to go back to work too. But, still my heart ached all the time until my baby was finally sent home with me! So , I can totally relate to you bringing a preemie home for the first time!! It's the best feeling EVER!

    I saw someone mention a trust fund, and was wondering if that was what was helping to pay for your hotel bill all these months at Duke or does the hospital provide the hotel for free for you? (I hope so!!)

    And,also you are sooo lucky it's not RSV season too! We had to keep our baby stuck at home for months to avoid that RSV virus!
    Sorry for all the questions Nate! But you are so kind to offer to answer all our questions! We love your blog!!

    Hugs to your beautiful family!!! Must be wonderful for you all to be reunited together again!

  114. Just wondering if Tricia will be updating her blog. No pressure, as I realize she has a lot on her plate right now, I have enjoyed reading it as well as yours.

    So happy for you now that everyone is home!

  115. So excited to hear the three of you are home together and praising God for the continued perfect timing of everything.

    As Gwyneth grows and develops will the doctors be tracking her progress (for things like laughing, crawling, walking, talking etc.) from her actual birth date or from the original due date? Just curious as you've noted this some of the posts. So amazing to watch her grow, develop and exceed earthly epectations!

  116. I think everyone covered my questions about you guys. You'll be busy if you answer them all! I'm glad to know what OBX stands for...though why North Carolina should be shortened to X is beyond me.

    Have you heard the song 'Wires' by Athlete? It's about the singer's premature baby and always has me sobbing!

    Thanks for blogging your has been sure a pleasure to get to 'know' your little family and to pray for you all. You are an inspiration and an education to many.

  117. I lied, I do have (another) question. Do you plan on using any nicknames for Gwyneth?

  118. We are truly blessed... which I know you know. It hit me once again today when I took our daughter to the school where my husband and I teach, and one of the students approached me and asked me to pray for her youth leader and his wife. They had a baby over the weekend after a healthy, full-term pregnancy, and the baby died in his mother's arms from internal bleeding that they had no way of knowing about. His mother got to hold him for 45 minutes. The story made my hair stand up on end and I cried on the way home. It makes me want to hold our daughter that much tighter... babies are such a gift from God, and not a moment should be taken for granted.

  119. When are you going to be on Oprah??

    And since you dig Mia Hamm, do you follow any soccer worldwide? If so, be sure to watch for the Dutch teams(all ORANGE) on the European Championships and Olympics this year! Don't spit at the TV, Gwyneth ;o)

  120. Meg,
    The X isn't for North Carolina. It's the tail end of an abbreviation for Banks, as though it was spelled banx.

  121. Just really stopping by to say hi! You do such a great job answering all of the questions I can normally think of before I get a chance to ask. So since it has been a while since I had a chance to comment and tell you that I am still praying for you all, and to thank you for what you have given to me, I thought I would do that now. :)

  122. Nate:
    My question - how is Gwyneth's eyes? You haven't given us an update in awhile.
    I hope you continue to update us once you go home.
    I am addicted to checking and praying for your family.

  123. Let me help with some answers. BTW, MOST of the questions you're all asking have already been answered. It just takes a little time to go through Nate's older Q&A posts to find them.

    For example:
    Q: I am wondering about Tricia's new lungs will she need another transplant in the future? Will these lungs start to fail her over time?

    Q: Before Tricia got pregnant, were you tested to see if you were a carrier of CF?


    Q: Trust Fund? And Nathan's job?


    It literally took me a few minutes to skim through his previous Q&A's to find those answers.

    And let me be honestly frank here: some questions just get too personal (IMO) to be answered on a blog. Please think "Would I appreciate being asked that kind of question?" before asking.

    Now, I feel better.

    And the answer to the question about Gwyneth having a real smile is, "Every time she sees her grandfathers."

  124. Hello Nate, First Congrats on having both your girls home with you!!! I read your blog everyday, but have only posted once before to congratulate you on having Trish home. Reading you blog allot of times leaves me in tears, the good kind of tears! :)
    SO I have a question...
    Its about CF....I have heard that even with a double lung transplant, that you are still not CF free. What does this mean? Are there still effects that the CF will have on a person after the transplant?
    God Bless ;)

  125. Nate: I couldn't find if you answered this before, but if Tricia needs a different set of lungs in the future for any reason, is that a possibility for her?

  126. Hey Nate,
    I'm just wondering how Gwyneth's eyes are doing? Was her ROP controlled by the laser? I'm praying her eyes healed on their own after her laser. My preemie twins have had a time with ROP and praying Gwyneth doesn't have to go through the same...if she does, we have the name of the best ROP specialist in the US for you.

  127. You mentioned that Gywneth is no longer on donated breast milk and is now on formula instead.

    Did the doctors inform you about the WIC program so that you can get FREE formula for Miss Gwyneth? :-)

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. I'm so very happy for your family! God has blessed you so very much! Our family continues to pray for yours.

    OK, so here is my question...Was there a particular reason Tricia had to have lungs from some one who has passed away? I have a dear friend with CF who had a double lung transplant from living donors. He actually had people from our church come forward to donate part of their lung to him. Was that even an option for Tricia? If not, what what are the differences in being eligible for one form of transplant and not the other?

    Thank you so much for caring enough about those who read your blog to answer some of our questions. It is something that you do not have to do, but the fact that you want to says a lot about who you are. Lots of prayers and love to your family from ours!

    Beth and The Kidds
    (NE Ohio)

  130. My Questions...
    1) I still can't figure out the link between Tricia's name and Gwyneth's name. You said there was a link and people should be able to figure it out. I guess I'm not too bright!
    2) Do you and Tricia have any favourite children's books that you can't wait to share with Gwyneth.

    Congrats on being 'home' and together.

  131. Hey Nate! I have been so impressed with all the pictures you take with your camera. I am about to start a photojournalism class and was looking for a camera with manual exposure settings among other things and I had to dig to find what you use, but I found it - I bought a Canon Rebel XT. I'm not sure if that's your exact model, but I'm looking forward to playing around with it!

    Enjoy "home" time!

  132. I'd like to know what editing techniques you use on your photos.

  133. OKAY.Ive only commented once before but here goes... for the Q&A.... I went back and read so I wouldnt ask you a repeat- and discovered we have the same camera -so- why are my pictures not as good?! lol. thats not the question. I was wondering what you use for Photo editing software ?? And by the way. your family is beautiful- God was smiling down on you with this plan in mind the day you met Tricia... Enjoy every minute now that your girls are both at home with you :)

  134. ok i want to ask where you and trisha (and gwyneth!) are going to eat when you get home to nags head-
    any cravings???? ;)
